walking down to the forest daroi felt dirty after fighting too much the headless knight, streching his arm he can see a lake near the forest, scanning it with his eye.. it seems normal
[anomaly detected]
"yeah not normal"
looking down at the lake, it seems quite intersting he cannot see the bottom of the lake making it like an infinity water space, think again system called it anomaly, should have i been clean the anomaly or just ignore it.
"water seems fine"
entering his face inside the lake he scans again, he can see many water beast live in here, reminds me with god of water.. i forgot his name since he died the first time i swing my sword alright lets see how the water beast, taking off all of his clothes till naked he just grab his tachi and place his clothes beside the lake neatly.
"bathing time"
jumping to the lake, he swimm to the lake, he can already see a big water snake looking at him. a little bit red on the lake dosent make it ugly right he thinks, leashing the tachi he does a stance at water.
"water cut"
[quest kill sea serpent]
"oh its name is sea serpent"
the sea serpent rush to daroi looking at sea serpent rushing he just stab the sea serpent with tachi and let the rushing sea serpent do the rest. a long cut is beside the sea serpent, its organ can be seen.
[quest complete: unlocking your title]
looking at the systen, he began to confuse title? the only title he knew he had is, crazy demon , sword king, god killer , humaity best enemy , heaven breaker, the fallen one.
"none of it have a good name beside sword king.. beside why stil a king? didnt i kill the sword god"
[Sword king title has been unlocked : your true form is avaible, your stat when holding a sword grown 150%]
true form, daroi sigh his true form is nothing special he gain it after defeating the god of sword not changing anything on his body but a red cristal crown surounding his head like its a halo and its power.. he never use it he never knew what it does.
swimming up he reach the land again his white long hair blinding his view, a fire created by his right arm warming him and dry his body, after that he began to use his clothing and armor again, thinking about armor he dosent change his armor at all it more like a black cloack with no hood, it survive every attack he receive.
"you hold any attack dont you"
by limiting his power to 5% he can feel tired and hungry, his imortaliy still there even at 1% when he using his full power he never felt tired or hungry everything he does feels bland and its just power in his hand.
inside the forest he can see many tall tree with bird and monster on it, sect, flying beast, animal , ancient animal can be found in here thats what he read on the map that mora gave, going 5 meter deep on the woods an orc already showed up trying to him, before the mace hit daroi the orc arm already been cut, next is his head.
the orc died, usualy orc is group of beast, in his past world therse an orc that can talk always talking shit to him when they meet each other daroi kill him in a war with the orc last word is 'fuck you' daroi felt its funny, going more deep he can see an orc village, speaking of bored he is bored right now maybe destroying an 'green life' gonna make his mood better, start by destroying the wooden wall all the orc rush at him, daroi just walk past them fastly cutting them in half entering the cheif place daroi look that the orc already scared by his presence.
"what? you gonna join them dont worry"
the orc head fall to the ground, slowly he kill all the orc burning the village looking at the orc prisoner he see many race like elf, dwarf and others in corpse lookslike they died not because of the orc its like their soul getting sucked but by who.
"weird i sense a living soul, huh it has 2 soul core"
cheking everywehere he decided to use scanning again, therse a hidden door at the edge of the prison. destroying the wall he can see a thing getting sealed chained having talismen all over the seal chain was double magic scroll anywhere seems they was dealing with a damm creature are they.
"it would be funny if i release the beast right"
laugh a little daroi destroy the chain broking down the magic scroll with his mana and lastly open all talisment and unseal the seal waiting for what kind of beast he bet on it was a destroying beast he is exited that he will see something destroying and evil.
the seal broke down, and it was a yellow fox with its ears down.
"what kind of bullshit is this"
the fox quickly ran away with full speed, chasing it till outside the orc prison the fox already gone with the orc village stil burning he sigh and just go outside the village, he think of cutting his hair because it was too long but he gonna do it later.
"aaaaaa... im sleepy as fuck"
decide to find a place to sleep he goes to near big tree jump to one of the branch and sleep there, right now on his dimenstional storage he has 72 sword, infnite potion and anything that helps him so he insert his hand there grab something and a pilow is on his hand putting it on the branch he sleeps with comfort.
The fox view
"huff... hah"
finnaly after 120 year of sealing i was free damm beast they weakened me and seal me for that long time i barely doing anything there beside playing in my head, beside that white haired seems dumb enough to unseal me i am the 9 tailed fox such a dumb decicion to free me but whatever right now im free and tired.
looking at the tree therse an hole on it she jump to the hole looking at it clear she jump to it now she now just laying there.
"hmm my tail right now is just 1 guh they took all my power now i need to do it from zero again"
she think how right now he just as strong as normal orc getting the second tail would be hard to get alone right now all she can do is just asleep and do it tomorow.
opening his eye he relize he see the best sunrise from the branch, putting the pillow to the strorage he stand on the branch while looking around big forest is all can he can see, jumping down he already surounded by a big wolf who been waiting for him, cutting all the fox heads in second he began to walk again.
"alright forest give me something strong"
looking down he can see the the ground he stepping cracking backing away a big worm coming out attacking daroi, blocking it the worm began to spit its posion from the mouth dashing away daroi began to do a stance.
red fang, daroi began to use the tachi like a dagger and began do dash to the worm doing a spining attack that slice it neck, but the worm stil alive even without it head, rushing daroi again daroi sigh and began to destroy the worm soul core with his mana, the worm fall
walking again daroi start to cutting a tree that block it ways thinking to go to pultar, taking the pouch that the headless knight gave he maybe have 2 thing that grant him anything like his dimentional storage that have his 72 sword and everything he needs and the pouch that gave 1 thing that is usefull for the condition, he relize torturing the headless knight and making him hearing his story is a good thing till he gave him this pouch
"haha im loaded now"
its what he can say putting the pouch in his dimentional storage again he quickly cutting down the three 1 by 1 since he wanna make the way to there slow and fun rather destroying the forest and go there.
somewhere in the forest
the fox was already waking up and getting chased by 5 adult beast wolf, she run while hitting the wolf with her small paw and running moments later the fox is resting in a small rock cave while the wolf sniffing outside trying to find the fox.
"guh these anoying dogs"
trying to recover her scarr on the leg the fox barely cant move with its state thinking to heal her self with her power the fox do it and continue to run from the fox 1 hour in the fox already tired of running she surouned by pack of wolf with the biggest one in the middle talking
"9 tailed fox your power has make disaster to my ancestor from 120 years ago right now im here to avenge him"
"remind me again who is your ancestor?"
the big wolf began to mad and crushing the ground he step and howl.
"alzark.. alzark... OH the cry abby that always crying when encounter me is a wolf king"
the fox laugh while the wolf getting angrier an aura preasure come from the wolf pressing the fox
"you are not the same as 120 years ago your power is weak i can kill you easily now"
"haha try me damm dogs"
the wolf anger cannot be hold again and rush at the fox, the fox has regained 10% of her power hit the wolf to the ground with 1 paw and the rest of the fox, defeating all the wolf the fox began to walk again to defeat something to regain her full power, making a way to a small cave that belong to her 120 years ago she rush inside
"my home sweet home im back!!"
stepping 1 step inside she can feell a magic has been used in here not an ordinary magic an dark magic the fox quickly cheking inside who dares to go inside her precious cave without her permision, looking inside she see 10 dark magic is surounding 1 man in the middle.
the man in the middle look at the fox she beggan to felt scaed by the dark magic, in old time dark magic is uselesss to her but right now she cant even do anything beside using 10% of her power, began to run again till seeing a path that created by destroying a tree the fox quickly goes there while the man chasing her in the sky looking her.
the man use a dark magic to stop her.
"guh dark magic scum"
"eh best magic? didnt your strongest user got killed by a high priest?"
the man suddently silent and start to tighten the grab, the fox feel that all of her bone almost crushed, suddently
"wow a talking fox"
daroi is there behind the man looking at the fox, the man was shocked by the suddent aperance and began to spell a dark magic but his right hand getting cutted, the man scream in pain while daroi looking at the fox.
"this is the first time seeing a talking fox"
daroi free the magic that grab the fox, the man suddently heal himself with a potion and began to attack daroi, his head fall at the moment, the fox looking that began to eat the man soul core.
"eh you eat a soul core?"
"thats what i need to do to regain my power.. beside why are unseal me and start helping me im not gonna pay for that you know"
"no at the prison i see some living creature that so small, but it has 2 core it was you now i relize that your tail have its own core"
"HAH??... how you even know about it i didnt even tell that to many peapole AND HOW CAN YOU SEE SOUL CORE??"
"eh my vision was just great"
the fox know that daroi lying began to ask again.
"and what are you doing here?"
sitting and trying to remember pultar the fox began to think hard, while daroi just crushing the man magic core since it was gonna be a problem if someone knew it was here, checking again the man has many tattoo in his body reading it he knew it was to grant him a power a dark magic.
"ah! pultar thats the city that near this forest.. why would you go there nothing good is on there"
"something makes me wanna go there"
the fox began to silent, thinking that daroi is just a dumb person, she knows instantly that daroi is a demon by his pale skin with white hair and red eyes, something tell her that he is good and bad at the same time.
"ah.. my name is daroi who are you"
"me?.. yoruzu"
daroi nods, thinking it was a good name, yorozu then said
"alright since i got no problem here im gonna go away"
"where? didnt you just lack of power"
darou almost laugh by saying that, te fox began to bite daroi leg.
"alright how about you come with me.. i can help regain your power also im bored being alone"
yoruzu think again daroi seems true about her being lack of power he is strong to kill a dark magic user easily and she can suck the monster or peapole that he kill so she can regain her ful power began to think she hit a jackpot, so she began to climb to daroi head and rest there.
"alright il join you"
"huh since when you even on my head.."
then began their both way to pultar