
2 days later they both finnaly outside the forest with daroi killing the enemy they encounter and yoruzu eating the soul core they both talking about their life experince they both daroi was 400 years old meanwhile yoruzu was 600+ years old, all the time yoruzu would anoy daroi thinking him still a kid.

"finally outside the forest... im full eating soul core"

"like you do anything to kill them"

"im stil at my weak state here be patient till i reach 50% of my power"


walking to pultar with yoruzu stil on his head daroi reach something in the dimentional storage, while reaching for something yoruzu jump out of his head and start to walk, daroi rub his head because now its full of her fur, getting a stick out of the sotrage yoruzu ask.

"what was that stick even do"

"hm? oh this"

swinging it the stick now in the air adapting with the world now the stick become a compas grabing it daroi shake it checking if it was normal then trowh it to yoruzu she grab it with her mouth and place it on the ground.

"the compas press it"

she press it, now a screen showing it was like her status"


Name : yoruzu

age : 672

race : 9 Tailed fox

tail : 1

power state : 10,5%

skill :

soul devouring

moon state

Lunar Pounce (only on fox mode)


daroi burst a laught, after eating 20 soul core the only percent she got is 0.5%, yoruzu began to silent before hitting him with her paw.

"alright... alright il stop HHAHHAHHA"


"i feel bad for you losing your skill"

after that daroi gave the compas to her, putting it in her own dimentional pocket, continue walking the sun shine bright sky was clear, the grass was green, yoruzu start running to pultar while daroi follow her there.

ariving at the gate, daroi relized that he need identity card to get there, yoruzu still on his head. creating the card by magic its name fake age is there, entering the city it was a big city the first step there he already look many shop on there therse a mansion in the other edge a big guilds is there.

"hmm its getting bigger than 120 years ago"

"of course it was 120 years of evolution"

finding some lodge on the city and pay for 1 room, yoruzu jumping from daroi head to a pillow on the bed.

"this is my space now"

"huh.... didnt i pay for the room"

opening his dimentional space he takes a pillow and place it on the table

"this is your place"

"ehh i need a bigger one"

after hearing one word from daroi she quickly goes to the pillow on the table, resting on the bed now daroi explaning their job.

"alright so i have a thing that give me job, right now it dosent give me nothing to do... so wanna get money and back your power at the same time?"

"i dont mind if it returning my power"

daroi began to nod blinking once he said again

"hey do you think my hair looks better short?"

"eh... hmm"

yoruzu looking at daroi again his long hair maybe staright but it dosent fit hi style at all

"hm cut it till your shoulder that be great and tie it"


cutting his hair imediatly with his tachi, ties it to the back.

"like this?"

"hm quite better but its better than having a very long hair"

both of them go to the guild, looking around the guild is big even the recepcionist is 100meter away going there daroi signing his name now he is a now an adventurer.

"hm? why adventurer hunter is way more better"

"heh.. you joking right being adventurer is 10x better you could go to restirected place if your grade bigger ands also mean that we are independent and no need to do work to keep our title as adventurer"


later that night around 7om

looking at the mission board both of them look at something intersting, mountain ghost their mission is too purify the ghost that roaming the temple in the mountain both of them look into each other and nods, and then began to them to the mountain its not far but stil far for normal human but they both arent human.

"aegjiseg... i wanna trowh up..."

"yoruzu you stil havent adapted to my speed come here im gonna feed you much much soul core"

entering the mountain they jump to the temple, righ infront of the tample daroi stop while yoruzu keep walking.

"huh? you didnt in"

"why its litterly your aspect to do that"

yoruzu became to confuse

"you go take on your own maybe that can do something for yourself"


going inside the temple yoruzu dash to rock and toa nother rock till she can go to the roof of a pagoda, using her skill moon state she began to scan the area. moon state is aa skill like scanning but but she can only use it at night.

"aghh where are you ghostt.."

looking around the temple all she can see just a trace of the ghost. the reason why they pick this job is 9 tailed fox main food is a ghost rather than soul core, thinking again this trace is not a normal trace its making a sign maybe a devil sign or something

"what ever i need to eat the ghost quickly"

roaming around she found another trace, it was not like the other trace that create a sign this more like normal trace following it she relize the trace was following her path. looking back she can see a ghost that ready to cut her anytime with its sythe.


dashing back she start using her skill lunar punce, it attack the ghost through magic that she created but its targated on the ghost soul, cutting the attack the ghost began to do a step then gone, she cant fell the ghost its like he was gone, she felt it again on her back.

swing, she dodge it again and began hit the ghost with a enchanted fire magic the enchant was purify, dodgin the purifying fire the ghost began to trowh his sythe at her, dodging the sythe the ghost teleported where the sythe posisition grabing it again and stab her, dodgin it again but this time her leg having a scar.

"chk what an anoying ghost"

she began to use her mana to create a fire spear with puryfiying enchant, aiming at the ghost the ghost started to muliply and began to attack all of her side, killing the ghost clone with the spear she began to aim it at him, the ghost cut the spear with its sythe, began to dash and stop and gone looking back the ghost is there again, she began to cut the ghost hand and entering her mana thorugh his soul.

the ghost began to backaway while she rust at him again, the ghost suddently gone again.

"i wont fall for it"

looking back the ghost wasnt there, she was outplayed looking up the ghost was there start to attack her back and then her legs, healing herself again the ghost start cutting her again multiplying himself again and cutting her form far.


yoruzu began to close her eyes focusing while all of her body having a new cut by time, opening her eyes again it was bright yellow her tail start becoming two but its yellow bright while the other one is normal

"moon slide cut"

all of the ghsot clone getting destroyed one by one before the ghost became scared trembling his hand but stil trying to cut her. she began to eat his existance.


looking at her tail now its becoming 2 now 1 of the bright yellow tail turns normal, looking at the sign again she trying to remember it quickly. relizing quickly it was a sign to call nue a yokai that have tiger legs monkey body and a snake tail.

"ahh! not that thing"

an pressing existence has been there, looking up yoruzu can see nue on top of the pagoda looking down at her, the night sky not showing face of him.

"yoruzue.. so you have come back after 120 year"

"what? looking for defeat again? cmon i already beat you multiple time"

"i know it but right now you were weak"

nue began to jump rushing to her, she began to dash away, nue was not an ordinary yokai one of it attack can destroy a mountain, but it was his stronger attack. began to use her new skill fox shards both of her tail glow and now shooting crystal from hr mouth shooting it at nue, he dodge while creating and 3 slash from his tiger paw, dodging it she began to use a new skill again.


a fire is around nue creating a spear of fire with power enchant, nue laugh and destroy the fire nue become very fast and hit her till she hit the rock, gettin up she can see nue infront of her began to slash her, she block the slash with a magic barrier and shot a shard again, dashing again to an open space she began to enchant a wind magic combining it with earth magic, the ground around nue start shaking and making a cell on and it was crushing him tight with the wind.

"no way you died that easily?"


yoruzu back start getting slashed, she dash away and began to shoot nue it was destroyed by his preasure, start to slowly walking to her his presure start hitting her, didnt know what else she wanna do she start finding a way to kill him.

"haha.. HAHAHA 9 tailed fox.. IS DEFEATED BY ME HAHHAHA"

"you.. no i dont wann lose to you!"

began to shine nue start getting his legs and tail cut, confused he looks around yoruzu not there, his head got cut.

somewhere near the gate 

"that fox it just a ghost and a ape why she taking it so long?.. wait huh her soul core is now 3"

began to dash there he see half of the tample has been destroyed and a girl was there a long yellow hair, with the ears down the tail is 3.

"huh yoruzu is that you"

"wait im stil eating the soul core"

jumping down from the one of the building daroi look at her, right now she was naked, standing up she face him her face was beutifull with bright yellow eye. but his eye looking at somewehere else

"thats a big one"


after equipting her normal clothes right now, both of them walk back to pultar.

"so you not gonna turn to fox again?"

"why should i fox forms is boringgg, this form is much much better to activity beside that form limit my mana usage making my magic weak in there"

her tail swing with happynes, after reaching the lodge they remember that the room only have one bed.

"im a lady so im taking the bed!"

"huh what you can turn to fox again then sleeping the pillow right"

"no.. i dont wanna turn to fox again sleeping in that form is hard! you know"

"huff.. only this time"


yoruzu quickly jump to the bed, while daroi take the pillow on the bed anbd take a sleeping bag in his storage. both of them began to sleep. tomorow both of them walk to the guild again to report the task, after getting the reward yoruzu sign as an adventurer too.

"hm? tough it will be a hunter"

"shut up"

going outside pultar after getting an job as adventure both of them decide where to go, daroi think they go to mountain of dragon but yoruzu think they should go to the capital city of baltigu, they decide to do it on a fair rock paper scrissor

and of course daroi won easily, mountain dragon some said it was full of dragons and ancient dragon, dragiing yoruzu to the mountain dragon it will take 2 days to walk from there and start the journey to the mountain dragons