Immediately the crying stopped, there was pin drop silence in the room. It seemed as if I was in a cemetery.
"My dread is too much.."
This was good actually…excellent even I wanted to follow the misjudged tyrant path. So, people won't question what I do.
And when they try to revolt, they would dig deeper about why I did what I did.
Then they would understand my good intentions. And follow me wholeheartedly, I could attain such a deep level of loyalty just by being a good guy.
But it would take a lot of time, and useless random muts would challenge my authority for no reason.
If I have a reputation of a tyrant, they would think a gazillion times before trying to instigate my authority.
The maids were curling into a ball even further now. I was getting annoyed, so I approached them.
Instantly their hair stood up, they started shivering and mumbling inaudible curses….I was sure they were cursing me!!!
When there was a metre distance between us, the mother maid stood up. She disgustingly looked me in the eyes, as if I was a…a..? Blobfish…yeah….blobfish.
"What do you want to now? What kind of pathetic excuse of schemes do you have now? Did your guilt of having killed those miners disappeared already?"
Ohh…So, that's how the original Einar died. Bitch committed suicide, that was what these maids assumed too.
That's why she said why I was alive. The original Einar had a conscience even if he was an incompetent brat.
"Unfortunately for these people, I severely lack that."
I was still angry at that demonic maid. Even though she was the only one helping me, her behaviour was utter trash. Her crying face was steadily increasing my anger.
"Yeah, kind of. Now, I want to look at their pathetic pitiful faces. And you will accompany me to visit those creatures."
"Yeah!!! 'creatures', hit a sore spot didn't I. Good job Einar."
I was speaking in a mocking tone, and it was showing its effect at full throttle. She was grinding her teeths, barely holding her will to beat me.
"You know you can't beat me. I'm stronger now."
Yeah, as if. It takes a lot of time to get stronger, not just a few months. If they ganged up on me, I would be toast.
To protect my hide, I had to act like I was strong. The demonic maid was intercepted pretty fast, she must have exaggerated the details too.
"They are scared deep down. They don't know, If I am strong or not. They can't take the risk of angering me without any reason."
The consequences could be fatal, otherwise.
Stammering, the mother maid spoke. "So, you have finally devoured the final bits of shamelessness you had."
I laughed heartily at her remarks, causing her to flinch. "I guess you could say that. Now lead the way, if you don't want your 'children' to face my wrath."
I made that generic lecherous guy face, the mother maid flinched again. I was sure that she was cursing my seven generations. Actually me alone, not my generation.
My current family was at the top of the food chain, people would be scared just thinking about them.
'Baldy' was useful, it was the one who provided me with such juicy and tasty info.
I followed the mother maid outside the castle. It was a hectic walk, I was low on stamina at the end. Luckily enough she didn't notice that.
The view outside was breathtaking...
I was momentarily stunned, and couldn't even speak. I might have looked like a dork if someone saw me at the moment.
"I have the high ground ana…..that was off topic.."
But I had the high ground, the castle was relatively above the ground. You could imagine it by visualising a bulge on a plain ground.
That bulge was where I was at. I could see a faint shimmering light at the last corner in front of me.
It seemed like I was in a dome. Maybe it was there to protect us before the calamity arrived or maybe it was one of the gimmicks of this world.
I will think about it later. For the moment, I was enjoying the feeling of sweet winds breezing past my body.
It was such an amazing experience that I couldn't explain, it was inherently different from the air on Earth.
Seeing me smile wholeheartedly, the mother maid's face crumbled even further. I couldn't care less about her, I was enjoying the moment.
After I had my fill, we entered the carriage to visit the town people. It was your usual carriage, with horses pulling it. The horses were slightly different, they were much bigger and they had crown like horns.
The town was literally in front, I had ignored its existence as It was emitting ominous vibes. I was focusing on the beautiful terrains instead.
It took a sweet time to reach the town. Arriving there, I was met with the intense gazes of the residents.
"They hate my guts…."
It worked in my favour. I was here to rub salt on their wounds.
The town..was not a town exactly. It was less than a village, the houses here were made up of soil and mud.
At least it resembled a concrete house, there was that.
"I need to do a lot of work….."