Chapter eight
Deborah's POV
I walked into the school compound and was heading to class when someone called my name. I turned around and found the new girl walking towards me.
Charlotte: hi
Deborah: hi( I looked around if anyone was watching)
Charlotte: it fine I'm not going to hit you or anything .you are not worth it
Deborah:( I scoffed) what do you mean?
Charlotte: he broke up with me...… because of youuu( she said with loathing . She glared at me , the she smiled) just so you know he doesn't love you . He would only end up dumping you like every other girls
Deborah: that not true( I replied) you are just angry he chose me over you
Charlotte:( she scoffed) believe it or not I don't care. I wish you the worst of a bad relationship ( she chuckled and walked away)
Deborah:( I stared at as she walked away . I finally went to class and found my friends waiting for me) hey ladies
Ay: Debby what happens to your hand?( she exclaimed)
Deborah: oh a little accident. I'm fine( I stared at my bandage hand. I looked around and noticed martins wasn't in class yet) what are we having first?
" Attention to all students. For those who are going for one post or another. Your first memos would be read on Wednesday. So if you haven't started preparing I want you to do that now"
Deborah: I better head to the library to start preparing my memo
Emmanuella: do you need us to come with you?
Deborah: not really. By the way girls( I giggled ) Kenneth and I are now a couple
Emmanuella: no kidding?( she stared shocked)
AY: when ? How?
Deborah: I am serious. Last Friday he asked if we could hang out during the weekends and I told him I would think about it . Long story cut short he asked me out and I said yes.( I laughed as the AY squealed)
AY:finally I'm happy for you
Deborah: thanks. Emma( I turned to look at her) are t you happy for me
Emmanuella:uhn... of course I am . Congrats( she smiled)
Deborah: hmmm.... Alright girls I heading to the library ( I stood up and walked out)
Immediately Debby walked out I turned to Emmanuella
Ay: okay what was that. Why did you react like that?
Emmanuella:( she scratched the nape of her neck)
It nothing
Ay: ( I glared at her)
Emmanuella: okay fine ( she sighed ) I will tell you
I was on the way to the library when I was suddenly cornered
Deborah: can I help you?( I glared at her after so many attempts to walk away)
Ella: my names Ella. I am in no need of your help
Deborah: well then Ella can you leave th...….
Ella: but someone else would like that offer( just then shindara and her friends came out of their hiding spot)
Shindara: so you did it. You finally got my cousin to ask you out and you said yes
Deborah: why can't you mind your business ?
Shindara: you aren't going to last long. You are just some play toy in case you don't know..... You are so right . Why am I wasting my time with you. Enjoy it while it lasts though.( she brought out a youghurt from her bag and unsealed it) but just in case(she pours it on Debby's body) cone on girls dig in( they also brought out theirs and began to unseal it . They were about to pour it all over her when someone stopped them.
Martins:six against one. Isn't that unfair ( he scoffed)
Shindara: fuck off sonofabitch
Martins: if I'm a sonofabitch I wouldn't mind beating you girls I'm going to give you girls a second to rethink this. Do you want this the hardway or...….( he glared at them)
Shindara:(she glared back for a few seconds and turned to look at me again) you got off easy this time ( she sneered and walked away throwing dumping the rest of the yourghurt on my body).
Deborah:( I tried to clean off the milk on my face)
Martins:(he hands me his handkerchief) use this( he said drily and cleaned some of the milk off my face )
Deborah:thank you( I murmured as I collect the handkerchief to clean the rest of the milk)
Martins: I thought you could stand up for yourself. Why did you allow them do that to you?
Deborah: because I have been more of a bully myself
Martins:( he made to leave)
Deborah: Martins I'm sorry about Saturday ( I raised my hand for a handshake) friends?( I pout)
Martins:( he stared at my hand for a while snd shook it)
Deborah:( I grinned)Your hanky?( I made to give it back )
Martins:( he stared at it with disgust) keep it filled with milkshakes (he walked away)
Deborah:( I smiled and walked to the library)
*Few minutes later *
Kenneth: hey babe( he kissed my cheek snd sat down beside me)
Deborah: hi( I replied drily)
Kenneth: what wrong?( he frowned)
Deborah: nothing
Kenneth: tell me , please.
Deborah:( i sighed) Shindara attacked me . She poured milkshakes on me. She and her friends bullied me
Kenneth: (he stared awed)I am sorry. I will talk to her okay?
Deborah:that it?
Kenneth: what?
Deborah: you said you will talk to her.and your sorry didn't even sound like one. Kenneth your cousin poured milkshakes on your girlfriend
Kenneth:look, Shindara is my cousin. My family... she was probably trying to protect me
Deborah:from what!( I reduced my voice to a whisper) me?
Kenneth : calm down okay. I will sort this out( he tried to kiss me)
Deborah: ( I shrugged away angrily)
Kenneth: what was that?( he asked a little sign of anger in his tone)
Debo: it too early for this
Kenneth: you didn't mind some days ago
Deborah: I was caught unawares. Wait till I'm ready
Kenneth: WTF( he cursed ) look I will see you later
Deborah: sure( i murmured a reply without looking at him . Few seconds later when his footsteps had died away I looked up and quickly cleaned the tear that came running down my cheek.. I stood up picked a textbook from the shelf and dropped it with a thump )