chapter seven

Chapter seven

 Martin's POV

I was finishing up with my drawings in the study at home when my Dad walked in 

Dad: hey kid( he pats my shoulder)you are drawing again. You seem to be doing that a lot lately

Martins:( I shrugged) it all I've got 

Dad: ( sighs and seats down)how's school?

Martins: it great( I lied)

Dad: and how are you getting along with Deborah? You guys getting along already?

Martins: she is cool( I replied drily)

Dad:( raises an eyebrow) you guys don't talk?

Martins: we do^ as a matter of fact , but we both wish to rip each other's head off^( I added to myself) in fact we were paired to do a project together

Akin: that good to hear. I'm glad you are moving on and forgetting about the past kid( he sighs and squeeze my shoulder in a reassuring manner)

Martins:( I stared at the drawing for a while) yeah me too( I replied)

 ^ there was a knock and we both turned to the door as the maid walked in^

Maid: sir the meal is ready( she informed and walked out)

Dad:let go have dinner kid

Matins: I will join you soon

Dad: ( he seemed to want to argue ) don't take too long( he finally said and walked out)

Matins: ( I was about to continue with my drawing when my phone beeped . I picked it up and clicked into the class group. Our topics had been pasted on the platform and we were to start a Peking on it ASAP. I dropped my phone and began to pack up when my phone began to vibrate again. I picked it up and realized it was a video call from an unknown number . With some hesitation I picked it up and was faced with Debby) how did you get my number?( I asked my voice cool although my heart did a little jolt)

Deborah: you are in the school group dummy

Martins: what do you want(I asked trying not to mind her last statement)

Deborah:( she picked her phone and walked to the her bed. She laid down ) where do we meet?

Martins? For what?(I asked trying not to get distracted)

Deborah: for our project stupid. Your house or mine?

Martins: school is fine(I replied)

Deborah: your place it is . I will see you tomorrow by eleven ( she cut the call)

Martins: WTF( I hissed and walked downstairs to join my dad)


 Deborah's POV

I cut the call and walked over to my study table. I picked up the parcel I had received from Kenneth today and smiled as I stared at the gold bracelet. I picked up my phone and sent him a text

Deborah: thanks for the bracelet (I waited for a while after sending the text message and when I didn't get a reply I sighed and decided to get some sleep.just them my phone beeped)

Kenneth:you got it. Do you like it?

Deborah:I love it. Thank you

Kenneth:it nothing. What plans do you have tomorrow?

Deborah: nothing much.just a project to work on

Kenneth: oh. Well I was thinking if we could meet up and hang out somewhere 

Deborah: oh .... Uhm maybe I could work something out, where exactly?

Kenneth: anywhere you want to go 

Deborah: I will text you if it would work out tomorrow 

Kenneth : okay . I will talk to you then?

Deborah: yeah sure, goodnight 

Kenneth :( love sticker)

Deborah :( I smiled snd switched my phone off before going to sleep). 

 *Next day*


Martins: (opens door) it twelve 

Deborah:I owe you no explanation ( I replied and walked in)

Martins:your dad called and I told him you were not here

Deborah:( I looked at him in horror) and you could not cover up for me ?

Martins: how was I supposed to know that.where were you?

Deborah: I went out( I sat down)

Martins: Kenneth? ( he asked)

Deborah:( I stared at him in shock ) how do you know? You didn't tell my dad that right?

Martins: ( rolls his eye) your dad don't call stupid. And besides we go to the same school

Deborah: wow. You pretend to be a saint whereas you are going through everybody's business 

Martins: can we just start this thing so you can go away?

Deborah:(scoffs) are t you going to offer me something... anything?

Martins: no

Deborah: fine( I opens my bag and brought out my phone and laptop)let get this over with( I mimicked)

 *An hour later*

Deborah: ( I press the save button and close my laptop) finally!

Martins: that just the start of the whole thing 

Deborah: nice way to kill my moral( i snickered)

Are you really not going to offer me anything 

Martins: it been almost two hours aren't you leaving ?

Deborah:you are so annoying. It the reason I hate you( I murmured)

Martins( he steed unblinking)

Deborah: don't stare at me like that you psycho( I pout and stood up)

Martins:don't call me a psycho , ever. ( he warned)

Deborah: why not isn't that what you are?( I taunted)

You addict( I added the last sentence with hate)

Martins:( he stared with so much anger and disgust. I could also notice him clenching his hands into a fist)

Get out( he said between gritted teeth)

Deborah: what!( I said getting more angry)

Martins : can you just leave? ( he yelled)

Deborah:(I flinched I fear )

Martins: never you insult me ever again. You don't know anything about me so don't judge me. You call me a bad person because i went to rehab but I am not . You are with your spoilt brat attitude . Just let me be okay 

Deborah:( I stared in disbelief)

Martins: God dammit you make me so angry( he cursed)just leave

Deborah: there's no way I'm leaving you like this ( I replied stubbornly)

Martins: I said leave( he yelled and threw a vase at my direction )

Deborah:(it flew past me and hit the wall agreeing into small pieces. I collapsed on the floor in shock and closed my eyes as one of the glasses pierced my skin)

Martins:( He clenched and unclenched my fist repeatedly) please leave I don't want to hurt you

Deborah: you already did( I screamed)

Martins:(he looked at me in shock and realized my bleeding hand) fuck( he murmured and marched into one of the rooms . He he came out soon with a first aid box and began to rest my injury) I am sorry( he murmured) I called your dad ....

Deborah: owwwwwww( I flinched)

Martins:( he murmured. He finished cleaning the wound and wrapped it up with some bandages) I am sorry( he said more calmly)

Deborah:( I sniffed and nod at the same time)

Martins: does it still hurt?

Deborah: just a little bit

Martins: do you need some painkillers?

Deborah: yeah ( I whimpered)

Martins:( he excused himself and soon came back few minutes later) I am sorry once again us into mean too( he handed the drug and a glass of water to me)

Deborah:( I shook my head) I caused it I'm sorry

Martins: (he stared at me and cleared his throat) I called your dad he Abe made him understand there was a little accident ( just then there was a knock on the door.martins opened it and my dad walked in)

Dad: what happened?

Martins: I was...

Deborah:the vase fell off my hand while admiring it. Martins was in the restroom at the time. It was a terrible mistake 

Dad: (he looked at martins and then at me) you Ned to be very careful next time

Deborah:I'm fine . Martins already help treat my wound( I faked a smile)

Dad: okay we should go home( he picked my bag) thank you for taking care of her martins

 Martins: uhm.... Yes sir

Deborah:( I stood up) we will continue our project on Monday( I said to Martins)

Martins: sure( he managed to say) I will see you in school

Deborah:( I stared at him for a few seconds and walked out with my dad).