An Itachi Problem

Sasuke's POV

An Itachi Problem

"Great, what was I missing, having wet dreams with my brother and his new girlfriend," I said out loud. And as soon as the word sprouts out of my mouth, I hear a voice from the door.

"What did you say?" Damn! It was Itachi, he heard everything I had just said. What is even wrong with me? Why must I be so careless? I thought to myself.

"What... I..." I tried to justify myself, but my wet underwear betrayed me mercilessly. I couldn't even hide it, it was obvious that I had a wet dream, and if he had seen this, then there is no way trying to lie about what I said, so, I just frowned my face, looking unapologetic about whatever he might have heard.

"Sasuke... Okay... I'll pretend I didn't hear anything. Sorry for catching up with you unannounced, I'll leave the room and I expect you to be ready in 20 minutes." He said giving me that annoying look of his. "I'll be back in 29 minutes, and do not forget, you'll accompany me to get her, and her name is Maya. Yes, Maya... Why are you staring at me? Move," he said, and left.

"Argh!" I screamed, frustrated after he left. What a disaster, I felt so embarrassed, I thought of what might be going through his mind. And on top of that, I have to go with him to get her, that girl who I know can be nothing less than a whore. What a day. What a great day!

I had no choice but to go to the bathroom and freshen up. I was wet, and of course, there was a throbbing problem between my legs. It was truly uncomfortable. Once inside, I turned on the cold water, trying to cool my mind. I was seriously hot and felt guilty for fucking my brother and his girlfriend... but, what can I do about it? It's just a dream and God! That dream was so pleasurable. I just couldn't help but conclude to myself that I need sex.

I slid my hand down my chest, slowly and gently touching my defined abs until I finally reached my throbbing crotch. I grabbed it firmly and shuddered. My blood was racing as my mind sent vivid pictures of that Maya girl and her white-looking bare skin, natural lubrication mixing with the water. I bit my lip, feeling the pleasure as my hand began to calm my excitement, moving vigorously along it. I closed my eyes and I could see her grinding her ass on my erect meat, making me feel so good.

"Sasuke! Are you going to hurry up? You know that..." It was Itachi, who fell silent upon seeing me there, the annoying brother of Min had opened my bathroom again unannounced and he had found me with one hand against the wall and the other moving up and down my erect crotch. How many times was he going to bother me today? Our eyes met; it was so embarrassing. "Seriously, Sasuke, do you have to do that right now?" Itachi said, averting his gaze like he had seen some disgusting thing. My cheeks flushed as he did this.

"Close the damn door, Itachi! I'll be out in a few minutes, don't be a pervert" I responded, trying to hide my crotch.

"A few minutes is too much. Come out now; it's five minutes to ten. Hurry up man, why are you even always horny?" he commanded, closing the door. That bastard. Not even a moment of pleasure could I have, he is always there to distract me. In no time, I finished my rushed shower and came out.

Itachi's POV

Getting Her

Just what I needed. First, I find him in wet boxers, and then he's touching himself. What is it with this guy? Why is he always horny? It was the last straw, especially today when I needed to pick her up. I knew she was waiting already, and I couldn't go because I wanted this calamity of a brother to join me at her place. I sat on Sasuke's bed, sinking myself into the soft mattress while feeling the pressure of getting him moving, otherwise, we wouldn't be going anywhere today.

"Sasuke! Hurry up, damn it!" I shouted from there, glancing at the clock. I was starting to stress out, checking the time every ten seconds. After exactly seven minutes, he emerged with that expressionless face of his.

"You're so annoying, Itachi, you know, right? Ever since you met that girl, you've been unbearable," my grumpy brother said, drying himself with a towel.

"It's not that, Sasuke. I just don't like being late, you of all people should have known that about me already," I replied, leaving the room. "Hurry up man, we need to leave together," I added as I closed the door behind me.

Soon after, he came out in his black suit, his hair slightly damp with the bangs falling on either side of his face. We went downstairs, and the mansion was all set up for the big party. We left quickly; I didn't want to run into Mom, she would definitely hold me down with her talks.

We got into my car and took off, speeding down the road with Sasuke making that face of his. I was already five minutes late at that very point. Throughout the drive, Sasuke didn't say a word, seeming lost in thought. I, on the other hand, was focused on driving and arriving at our destination. Meeting her was something I hadn't expected, as her beauty struck me deeply. But it wasn't just her looks; she had something the others didn't—something that caught my attention the moment I bumped into her. She seemed to hide many things, and she struck me as a great woman. I wanted to explore her mind to uncover her secrets. However, it was more than just a physical desire; I was inspired to possess her, to own her, to have her, and maybe, call her mine.

As the car sped along, I thought about all this until we finally arrived. I parked in front of the house where I had dropped her off before, and I honked the horn. Instantly, the door opened as she recognized it was me and then smiled.

"She's stunning," I thought. She was different, though she still believed it was all just about interest.

"Is she coming out today, or will she take forever while smiling at you?" my brother yelled.

"Sasuke... I hope you're not going to be rude to her again." I warned. He just rolled his eyes, sometimes he was truly unbearable.