Snow fell gently over the Malverne estate, covering the vast grounds in a pristine white layer. The grand manor, adorned with enchanted golden lights and festive decorations, stood as a beacon of warmth against the cold winter morning. Inside, the scent of cinnamon, fresh pastries, and burning firewood filled the air, a comforting contrast to the frost outside.
Ezekiel awoke to the sound of hurried footsteps in the hallway. He barely had time to blink before his bedroom door burst open, revealing Celes in her pajamas, her silver hair messy from sleep.
"Wake up, Ez!" she squealed, bouncing excitedly. "It's Christmas!"
Ezekiel groaned, rubbing his eyes. "I noticed."
"Come on! There are presents!" Celes tugged at his arm with surprising strength for someone her size.
With a chuckle, he let himself be pulled out of bed. After getting dressed in a warm wool sweater and trousers, he followed his younger sister downstairs.
The grand hall was a sight to behold. A massive Christmas tree stood tall in the center, its enchanted ornaments twinkling in multiple colors. Beneath it, dozens of wrapped gifts lay waiting.
Alys was already there, smirking as she sipped hot chocolate by the fireplace. Their parents, Thomas and Marissa Malverne, stood nearby, watching the scene with quiet amusement.
"Finally," Alys drawled. "I was beginning to think you were going to sleep through Christmas morning."
"I might have," Ezekiel said, eyeing the plush armchair near the fireplace.
Celes, ignoring them, rushed to the presents and began unwrapping hers with giddy enthusiasm. Ezekiel picked up a neatly wrapped package addressed to him and carefully removed the ribbon. Inside was a finely crafted, leather-bound book titled The Legacy of Ancient Magicks: A Compendium of Lost Spells.
His gaze flickered to his father, who gave him a knowing nod. "I thought you'd find that useful."
Ezekiel ran his fingers over the cover, feeling the faint pulse of old magic embedded within the pages. "Very useful," he admitted.
Alys had unwrapped a set of rare potions ingredients and was examining them with interest. "You always know what to get me, Mum."
Marissa smiled warmly. "Of course. A mother always knows."
Thomas cleared his throat, drawing their attention. "Breakfast is ready in the dining hall. You can finish unwrapping gifts afterward."
Celes groaned. "But I want to open everything now!"
Thomas raised an eyebrow. "Breakfast first, young lady."
With some reluctant grumbling from Celes, they all made their way to the dining hall, where an elaborate Christmas feast awaited. Warm pastries, roasted meats, and rich chocolate drinks filled the table. The meal was lively, filled with laughter and lighthearted teasing, a rare moment where politics and responsibilities took a backseat to family.
As he ate, Ezekiel thought of Fleur's last letter. She had returned to France now that her exchange term had ended, but he had promised to visit during the break to discuss the mysterious connection they felt. That meeting would be important, but for now, he let himself enjoy the warmth of home.
As night fell, the Malverne family gathered in the grand hall for their annual Christmas tradition—storytelling by the fire. It was something they had done since Ezekiel was a child, a way to keep the history of their ancestors alive.
This year, Thomas chose to recount the tale of an ancient Malverne ancestor who had wielded powerful elemental magic. Ezekiel listened intently, the story striking a chord with him. He was beginning to truly understand the depths of his own ice magic, and this tale made him wonder just how deep his heritage ran.
Celes, curled up beside him, listened with wide eyes. "Ez, do you think you'll have magic like that one day?"
Ezekiel smirked. "Maybe I already do."
Celes gasped dramatically. "Then you have to show me!"
"Maybe later," he chuckled, ruffling her hair.
Alys gave him a knowing look. "You're already making history, Ez. Whether you realize it or not."
He simply leaned back in his chair, watching the fire flicker, letting the warmth of family settle around him.
A few days after Christmas, it was time to return to Hogwarts. The holiday had been a much-needed break, but Ezekiel knew that the second half of the school year would be just as demanding as the first.
Standing at the train station, he turned to his parents. Thomas placed a firm hand on his shoulder. "Remember what we discussed. Your responsibilities will only grow, but you're prepared for them."
Ezekiel nodded. "I know."
Marissa embraced him gently. "Take care of yourself, love."
Alys smirked. "Try not to get into too much trouble without me there."
Celes, who had been clinging to his coat, pouted. "Write to me!"
Ezekiel knelt and ruffled her hair. "I will. Take care of Mum and Dad for me, alright?"
Celes nodded seriously as if taking on an important mission.
With one last glance at his family, Ezekiel boarded the Hogwarts Express, finding his usual compartment. Cedric, Elena, and Adrian were already there, discussing upcoming Quidditch matches and new lessons.
"How was your break?" Cedric asked as Ezekiel sat down.
"Eventful," Ezekiel replied with a small smirk.
As the train moved forward, carrying them back to Hogwarts, Ezekiel looked out the window, already preparing for the challenges ahead.