The morning sun bathed Ravenclaw Manor in golden light as an official Hogwarts owl arrived, dropping a neatly sealed envelope onto Ezekiel Cassian Malverne's desk.
Seated in his study, he set down his cup of tea, his sharp ice-blue eyes scanning the parchment as he unfolded it.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination Results
Astronomy – O
Charms – O
Defense Against the Dark Arts – O
Herbology – E
History of Magic – O
Potions – O
Transfiguration – O
Ancient Runes – O
Arithmancy – O
Total OWLs: 8 Outstanding, 1 Exceeds Expectations
A pair of slender arms wrapped around his shoulders as Daphne Greengrass, dressed in a silk nightgown, leaned over, resting her chin on his head.
"Let me guess—only one E, and it's in Herbology?" she teased.
"You know me too well."
Daphne chuckled, pressing a kiss to his temple. "A genius, a Quidditch star, and now officially one of the top students in Hogwarts. Could you get any more perfect?"
Ezekiel smirked. "Well, I did marry the most beautiful witch in the world, didn't I?"
Daphne rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her pleased expression. "Flattery will get you everywhere, husband."
She plopped onto his lap, running her fingers over the parchment. "You know, Alys will throw a fit if she doesn't beat your scores when she takes her OWLs in two years."
"Let her try," Ezekiel said, amused. "It'll be entertaining to watch."
The two shared a quiet moment before Daphne sighed. "You're going to be busy this summer, aren't you?"
"The Quidditch World Cup isn't going to win itself," Ezekiel replied with a smirk.
Daphne smirked back. "Well, I'll be cheering you on—along with Fleur, of course."
There was no jealousy in her tone, just quiet confidence. She had already accepted Fleur into their future. The Veela's relentless affection for Ezekiel was something Daphne had come to terms with long ago.
"She'll probably demand a front-row seat," Ezekiel mused.
"She already sent me a letter asking if I wanted to sit with her," Daphne said with a chuckle.
Ezekiel raised an eyebrow. "You two gossip about me behind my back?"
Daphne smirked. "Oh, absolutely. You're our favorite topic."
At the private training grounds of the England National Team, Ezekiel soared through the air, his broom slicing through the wind as he executed a flawless pass to his teammate—none other than Roger Davies.
"Nice one, Malverne!" Roger called, catching the Quaffle effortlessly before banking left to avoid a Bludger.
Ezekiel grinned as he dived past two defenders, snatching the Quaffle midair before sending it straight through the left hoop. The team's Captain, Jonathan Fawley, blew his whistle.
"That's enough for today. Good work, everyone."
As they landed, Roger clapped Ezekiel on the back. "Never thought I'd be playing alongside you again after Hogwarts, mate. You've got some insane skills—Falcons have been good to you."
"And you've improved since our Ravenclaw days," Ezekiel admitted.
Roger grinned. "Quidditch at this level is a different beast. The pressure is something else."
Ezekiel smirked. "Pressure makes diamonds, doesn't it?"
Jonathan Fawley approached, handing Ezekiel and Roger their official England robes, embroidered with silver and red detailing.
"Make sure you're all ready," Fawley said. "This is the Quidditch World Cup. There's no room for mistakes."
Ezekiel nodded firmly. He hadn't joined just to compete—he had come to win.
As August approached, the wizarding world buzzed with excitement over the upcoming Quidditch World Cup.
The British Ministry of Magic was finalizing preparations, setting up a grand stadium hidden within miles of enchanted wards.
Ezekiel found himself receiving numerous invitations—from influential politicians, business leaders, and team owners hoping to recruit him.
Among the letters was one from Fleur Delacour:
"Mon amour, I expect you to put on a good show. Do not disappoint me~."
Daphne, reading over his shoulder, snorted. "Typical Fleur. She always knows exactly how to get under your skin."
"I think she just enjoys teasing me," Ezekiel mused.
Daphne smirked. "Well, she's going to be there watching you. Don't embarrass us."
"Have I ever?"
"No," Daphne admitted, her arms wrapping around his waist. "And that's why I married you."
As the days counted down, the world's greatest teams began arriving. Bulgaria, Ireland, France, and several others—each preparing for the grandest event in the wizarding world.
Ezekiel had only one goal.