I am not a morning person.....

It's always a cycle of exhaustion and routine that left me feeling drained. My alarm blared before sunrise cutting through the heavy silence in my room. After silencing it with a groggy hand, I dragged myself out of bed.

Like always breakfast was a hurried affair, a bowl of cereal while I try to tie my shoes, multi purposing. Mom was still sleeping and that made me some how glad, finally she could take a nice rest waking her up right now would feel like a crime for sure.

My mind though lingered on the daunting thought of another day at the University that I felt more like a shadow than a person.

I grabbed my bag and double checking for my books because it would be so embarrassing if I forgot anything. The walk was both a relief and a weight, at least the crisp air helped to clear my mind but also meant stepping closer to the chaos they awaited me.

Like always that eerie part of this town is always welcoming me from home and from school and now I am starting to get used to the fact that I would be meeting this area every day. Standing just right In front of it makes me feel a buzz of energy for some reason, like am fully refreshed and nothing to worry about. Shaking my head to the silly thoughts I walk faster or else I would be late and I would be used as a bad example. How unfortunate.

I happened to be in the courtyard just as I approached the university building only to see a small crowd gathered and buzzing with uncomfortable laughter and whispers. I know I shouldn't pry or even get closer but I can't help it than walk closer to see what's the problem.

There in the center of the small crowd stood a student trembling, he was cornered clutching onto his bag as one of them snatched it away sneering at its contents.

I hesitated, my heart pounding it was as clear as day they were bullying him and I could just walk away pretend I didn't see anything just like everyone else "yes that would do" I tried to turn my body away but something about this boy's wide, fearful eyes stirred something in me.

"Leave him alone" my voice rang out even surprising myself, did I just-.

The crowd attention snapped to me as I trembled a bit but I wouldn't show it them, I don't know where this confidence is coming from.

The bully's expression twisted into a mocking grin and his face was familiar, I saw him my first time here makes loads of noises.

"Oh look who we've got here" he walked towards me not breaking the starring competition, "isn't it the new guy?" he spoke mockingly. "Pick on someone your own size" I swallowed hard but didn't back down. "Sure thing hero you will do just fine" the others were snickering behind him "oh and call me Sam" he shoved me back against the wall while they insulted me, nothing new but I was glad the boy ran off of here.

"Pick someone of my size, says the one who can't pick the size of their clothes" they laughed at my appearance while trying to snatch away my bag and I felt angry "what's wrong with baggy clothes, at least I don't wear clothes smaller than my size" I say looking at his ugly fitting jeans am sure it's so hard to walk in that and shows just how much a bad body he's got.

"You-" just before he could raise his fist and punch me there were some guards patrolling around "hey who's that?" that scared them and everyone scattering away like they weren't doing anything "it's not over" the guy named Sam spoke warningly and walking away as I sighed in relief, that was close.

It was just a minute before the professor was to start his lecture gladly I wasn't late and Hope like usual he was beaming with energy as I sat next to him and that's not all, he's either saving me a seat in lectures, waving to me in the cafeteria so we eat together or reminding me about assignments, he was fiercely protective stepping in whenever others try to push me around, we laugh freely and relaxing.

We bonded shared jokes and even forgot the unfortunate morning well I guess it was not a big deal or that's what I thought.

It started with cutting remarks in the hallway, or accidentally-on-purpose shoulder bumps and sarcastic taunts about my quite demeanor of course I don't react to the verbal jabs. It was Sam like I guessed with his smug look scanning me but I paid no mind and was glad Hope didn't notice all this the least I would do was make him part of this.

In the afternoon as we made it out the university compounds we walked a bit with Hope toward our junction where we split our ways but before that I felt a push unexpectedly throwing me off guard and the next thing we're the kicks directed to my ribs while I covered my face instinctively, I could hear Sam's voice above me of course it has to be him.

My confidence was like it washed off and I couldn't even fight back. I searched the crowd worriedly my eyes landing on hope who stood at the edge frozen in his place, his face was pale and fists clenched at his sides. My heart sank as I realized Hope wouldn't intervene. I could see fear in his eyes, a silent plea for me to understand. The betrayal stung more than the taunts.

"So Hope here is an old acquittance basically my servant right Hope" Sam threw his arm around him waiting for him to answer like he was proving me something "don't call him that" I spat while they stopped kicking me below "but am not lying isn't it?" he looked at Hope who nodded his head with teary eyes now and am left confused what was going on here, this isn't how Hope was awhile ago, he looked ready to fight for me and now...

"Now walk away" Sam ordered Hope who looked back at me on the ground "am....sorry" I couldn't even look at him, Hope's fear was understandable but it didn't ease the ache of being left to face it alone.

"See" Sam grinned while ordering his so called friends to head back "see you again sweet cheeks" and with that he walked away as I tried to bring myself sit up which was hurting a lot. All this was a reminder of how isolated I truly was.

Dragging my feet back I noticed a subtle glint thought the trees, a faint whisper of wind that felt unnatural, it's like waiting for me to notice it fully "I get bullied at school and then this, your not helping at all" I screamed at the woods "fuck this" I was done and so made my way back home without looking back.



"Guess what I got a job, I can feed us properly" mom says excitedly as she hugs the life out of me a groan immediately leaving my lips "are you okay was it really tight?" she asks worriedly as I smile to lighten the mood "of course not, am so happy for you" I congratulate hugging her back and she continues rambling about her new job as I listen to her.

Back to my room later I managed to hide it from mom I don't want to worry her. Putting on a few ointments that I still luckily had I head to sleep as my mind drifts to how the day had unexpectedly ended, well at least am not surprised at the turn of events, and now all I do is dread for the next day.....

