"Honey I have prepared your breakfast see you later love you" I heard mom downstairs shout to me and her words were delivered "see you later, love you" I reply back to her and somehow I'm glad she always leaves early and doesn't have to see my pathetic bruised face, or the limp in my legs. These days have been very unfortunate and it's starting to take a toll on me, it's another day to head to school but most times I would rather just sleep in my room and hide away from earth. I quickly put on foundation covering my bruises and try to stand straight I hope I look natural not someone who has been beat up a few hours ago.

Looking at the breakfast table it's very appetizing but again I don't have an appetite to eat, my diet has been getting messed up again everything feels like back to square one I feel bad for leaving the food but again I can't digest it, carefully I store it in the fridge for later and head out to school.



"And that's for today" the lecturer announces while he closes his books and I look beside my table and realize it's been empty until now making me wonder where Hope is, I look around and notice he's not here either "could he be sick or something" I mumble to myself but also remind it's none of my business to care and with a heavy heart I head to the cafeteria making sure i don't bump into any of Sam's friends at all.

What I didn't think was finding Hope carrying a tray of food and he looked like he was rushing somewhere but the cafeteria was on the other side, I was wondering where he was heading to that missing his lesson for the morning period.

I couldn't help but follow him behind because deep down I know I still cared even though he turned his back on me and I was surprised to see the same bullies having made Hope run errands here. They forced him to carry their bags, wipe down the food he had just brought only to pour it down, I watched silently as they tormented him.

He caught sight of me as I could see the shame there, the silent apology that never came. During these few days Hope had stopped speaking to me all together he avoided me in the hallway and sat in the farthest corner of the cafeteria he did try to explain and apologize but I couldn't erase the fact that he stood by while the bullies turned my life into a nightmare.

Later that evening I was already mentally drained and I was ready to call it a day and decide to go home already instead of usual late times I was just done with everything tomorrow is another day, somehow I managed to escape Sam and his pathetic little goons and I was glad I didn't cross paths with him, and with hurried steps I walked away but it was already too late when I was suddenly cornered in an alley.

"What did our bright student learn today?" Sam took my bag pack throwing everything down and taking my note books starting to tear it piece by piece "no...you can't do that" I try to snatch it away but a punch to my gut almost makes me lose my breath for a second as I fall down "yes I can and I will" he sneers while tearing it all down in tiny pieces it makes me angry.

"You see maybe if you were obedient like your friend here I wouldn't have to do all these" he smirks as I see Hope getting pushed to him and forced to watch me on the ground, I could clearly see how he was trembling his hands in a fist and knuckles white. I can tell he wasn't liking any of this he's being forced. How could I be so blind, he's no different from me he's just trying to protect himself, and now I feel like a fool.

"Who the hell are you glaring huh" he shouts at me but punches Hope instead "no stop what are you doing" I shout trying to stand up only to be brought to my knees and forced to see Hope get beat up because of me "don't you dare look at me with those eyes" for the sake of Hope I look down in defeat and he laughs at my hopelessness.

"Yes like that, very pathetic" he throws words at me, as their laughters echo in the hallway, I was no stranger to bullying, the jeers and laughter were painfully familiar.

"Stupid nerd"


"Worthless" the never ending insults become a loop in my mind as they easily say that to me and go ahead to break me emotionally while stomping on me and suddenly the pain...I wasn't feeling it only numbness.

Their laughters blurred around me, the hallway seeming to close in as dark memories from my past bubble to the surface. The last thing I could see from my blurred vision was Hope being dragged away so he wouldn't help me. Breathing heavily I closed my eyes being pulled back to my school days when I was an easy target, remembering the names, the hopeless nights and when I cried myself to sleep wondering what I had done to deserve it.




I don't know how long it was I had passed out in the alley but when I woke up I dragged my feet back home taking slower steps than the first one, at the moment I was on the verge of giving up with slumped shoulders.

In a moment of impulse I look to the other side where there was an overgrown path that I had never taken before but I walked in there anyway. The trees loomed taller here, branches clawing at the sky and the air grew colder as if the forest itself took a deep sigh, now that am closer I can feel everything but I don't care, the ache in my chest and the numbness in my limbs had made me indifferent to any danger.

My steps faltered as a strange sensation prickled at the back of my neck, it wasn't fear exactly but something deeper and unsettling familiarity that I couldn't explain. A faint silvery light seemed to pool in the center though the source was unclear "weird" even my voice sounded loud.

Something had caught my eye, a small glint of light. Kneeling down I brushed away the dirt only to reveal a ring. It was simple but elegant with a faint engraving that shimmered when the light hit them 'DL' there was something compelling about it though I couldn't pinpoint why.

"of all things to find" I say dryly with bitterness. I slipped it in my pocket without any second though glancing around to expect more but there was nothing, no treasure, no answers just a strange ring and creeping feeling.

"What a waste of time" I muttered and tuned to leave but I did notice the faintest shift in air, the temperature had dropped a soft breeze carrying the faint scent of rain.

Luckily for me the moment I reached home the rain finally started to fall, I shut the door and leaned against it letting out a long shaky breath. I could see light flicker in mom's room knowing she was around so i made it quick to my room so she wouldn't notice my new bruises which I know would be impossible to cover up. I collapsed on my bed and just wanted to forget the world existed.....


