Chapter 4: The wedding

Days passed...!!!

Carl and edward are enjoying their college life. They are in their 3rd year . At night they both are in the pub. in the morning They sleep in the class.

At sunday ...

Chris invited them to his home for a treat

They are in his home now helping them cook. chris is making edward cook. Chris knows that edward cooks well

Chris and lilly are enjoying every moment. Carl and edward are very funny .

After sometime later.

lilly started asking them about their families. Carl answered everything. Then she asked edward about his family. Chris interfered and tells lilly about his parents death. After hearing that she immediately goes to hug him. Then she says im so sorry for what happened.

Then she started crying

"I can't imagine what you went through". She said hugging him and showed him care.

"you're not alone okay. You have us we're your family now. okay treat me as your big sister". She said to him.

Then she says to chris that she wanna adopt him .

Edward bacame very happy hearing all of this. They all can see it on his face .

After the lunch carl and chris cleaning the table. Edward and lilly are washing the dishes.

Then lilly asks Edward that he has any plans on monday .

Edward says no.

"Then came to the wedding of lisa tomorrow with me and chris" she said to him

"No! he's not coming he's not invited to the wedding" He replied

Soon after he finishes chris and carl enters saying yeah we all should go.

"No! I can't come". Edward said to them

But Lilly steps in and says

"When i say you should come. You will come did you hear".

"Yes ma'am". Edward replied

"that's my cute little one". she said pinching his cheeks.

"But I don't have any invitations". Edward said

"You don't need an invitation you are family" She said

"When someone asks tell them you're Lilly's younger brother" She said

"Edward are we really going". carl asked him

"You heard her we are going". He replied



At morning..

Edward point of view

Today is the day lisa is getting married.

After getting ready. I left my room and goes to the hall. In the hall i saw carl all dressed up standing outside. Then we both wait outside for chris to pick us up.

Few minutes later chris came

"Wow you both look good. Isn't that right babe". He said looking at us and then to lilly.

"Hey it's my sister's wedding not your" She said to us.

Then we both smiled and got in the car.

Then we all go to the wedding.

After sometime later

We reach the place.

all of us enter the hall and look for a place to sit. The boys find a seat and go to sit there.

"I will go and see how lisa is holding up" She said and left

Then she leaves and boys start their duty. Chris being a loyal partner not looking at anyone. Carl checks out every girl he sees. And I'm feeling broken that my first ever love is getting married today. Not to me though.

Lilly goes to lisa and congratulates her..

"Am i making a good decision". lisa asked lilly

"She don't know if she made the right decision". lisa tells lilly

Hearing confused lilly tells her to explain everything. Lisa explained everything and Lilly is a bit upset about Lisa's father doings

" Why didn't you say anything earlier if I did know anything I would've helped you" lilly said

"There's nothing to do. It's already been decided by my father" lisa replied

Lilly hugs lisa and says everything will be alright you will be happy trust me .

After saying that lilly leaves and goes to chris she explained everything to her husband and friends. Hearing it made them angry

"How can a father do this to his own daughter. Marrying his own daughter to a criminal so that his business will not go bankrupt. It's forced right..?" Chris said

"It's illegal right should we call the cops". carl said

"What are you talking about. Even if the police show up there's nothing they can't do. Lisa's fiance has a bad background and he can do anything he wants without concern". lilly tells them.

i was listening to everything they said and it only made very upset. Because i cant do anything to save her

After sometime the groom enters the hall.

He's looking like a gangster.

Soon after him lisa and her Father entered the hall and went to the groom

After they reach him she steps beside him and looks at him. Then the priest started his prayers and sometime later he asked the groom.

"Are you okay to take lisa as your partner and spend your rest of life together"

Everyone was waiting to hear yes from the groom but he didn't say anything. He's staying silent and didn't say any words . A few minutes later he said "NO"....!!