Chapter 8: The Forbidden Archive

Sneaking into the library was easier the second time. Skully's newfound powers allowed him to disable the wards with a wave of his bony hand, and we slipped into the restricted section without incident.

The *Tome of Summoning Secrets* had been helpful, but it only scratched the surface. We needed something more—something that could explain the Mark and its origins. After some searching, we found a dusty, ancient scroll tucked away in a corner. Its title read: *"The Legacy of the Ancient One."*

"This has to be it," I whispered, unrolling the scroll. The text was written in an archaic language, but Skully's rune began to glow, and the words shifted into something I could understand.

The scroll told the story of the Ancient One, a being of immense power who had once ruled over the summoning realm. The Ancient One had chosen a select few summons to bear its Mark, granting them incredible abilities. But the Mark came with a price: it bound the summon to the Ancient One's will, and over time, it would consume them.

"Skully, this is bad," I said, my voice trembling. "The Mark isn't just a power boost—it's a trap. It's going to take over you."

Skully stared at the scroll, his eye sockets wide. *"So… I'm basically a ticking time bomb?"*

"Not if we can help it," I said firmly. "There has to be a way to remove the Mark or break its hold on you."

The scroll mentioned a ritual—a way to sever the connection between the Mark and the Ancient One. But it required three rare ingredients: a shard of the Void, a tear of a celestial being, and the heart of a phoenix.

"A phoenix heart?" Skully groaned. *"Why does it always have to be something impossible?"*

"We'll figure it out," I said, trying to sound confident. "We've come this far, haven't we?"

Skully nodded, but there was a flicker of doubt in his eye sockets. *"Master, what if we can't do it? What if the Mark takes over before we find the ingredients?"*

I placed a hand on his bony shoulder. "We're not giving up, Skully. Not now, not ever. You're my summon, and I'm not letting some ancient curse take you away."

For a moment, Skully was silent. Then he grinned, his usual mischievous self returning. *"Well, when you put it that way, how can I say no? Let's go save my bony butt!"*