The angel

Gabriel quietly used his Iris implant to see better through the narrow window of the classroom and he saw two teachers bickering about something. The teachers one female and one male were arguing loudly. The male teacher grumbled angrily "They're coming back after all these years" The female one replied in annoyance "I thought they wouldn't come back after such a long time after all they wouldn't dare attack us after their pathetic God disappeared" Gabriel quietly listened into the conversation clearly invested. In his mind he was trying to make sense of the conversation. "God? Like what do they mean by that? What is even a God?"

While Gabriel was thinking about everything the teachers were talking about a soft and calm female voice rang from the other side of the classroom. A girl with white hair and pale blue eyes walked out from the shadows approaching the teachers. "Well it looks like our conversation here is over" Hissed the male teacher "Indeed so" The female teacher replied amused. The girl calmly walked over to the teachers and spoke in a calm gentle tone but her language was aggressive "Yes you filthy demons you had your fun in this world but my God will come back on the judgement day to finally kill every last one of your disgusting kind"

Gabriel watched and realized that it was the same girl who had bumped into him on the sonic train ride. His mind started racing "God? Filthy kind? Is she talking about the teachers?" Just as Gabriel was about to wrap his mind around the things they were talking about, his eyes widened in shock as the bodies of the teachers convulsed and horrifying looking demons with red skin black leathery wings and two black horns erupted from the teachers bodies in a bloody mess.

Gabriel threw up on the ground after taking a at the mess on the floor as he continued watching from the window as the demons laughter filled the air while the girl seemed compleatly unfazed by the sight. Gabriel quietly wipes the puke From his mouth, his stomach still doing flip flops while he watched the demons now unsheathing their demonic claws and barbed tail.

The girl clearly unimpressed watched and she made a face of disgust. Then white bird like wings erupted from her back six in total and a glowing halo floated above her head. Then rings of eyes circled her body, each were moving on its own as the girls remarked. "Do you really think you lowborn demons have a chance at defeating me an elder Seraphim?" The girl summoned a sword of blue flames as she weilded it confidently.

The demons were hissing and covering their eyes as they lunged at her with the intent to Kill. The now transformed girl looked at the demon and with a swift slash of her blazing sword, an explosion erupted and a flash of light and flames combusting all around the room destroying everything in its path. "In the name of the holy trinity return to the darkness you were created from Selah"

When the smoke and dust had settled down the girls form was returning back to its original state the ring of eyes the halo and the six wings disappearing like they never existed. Gabriel was hyperventilating he was gasping and breathing hard after witnessing the gruesome scene. "NO what is happening this can be real THIS CANT BE REAL!" Gabriel looked into the window again and then he lowered his head immediately.

The girl now being satisfied with the death of the demons stared at the door Gabriel was hiding behind. "well it looks like a little rat was watching… Curiousity really killed the cat hmm?" She approached the door slowly opening it to see Gabriel paralyzed in fear and she observed him staring into his soft brown eyes with her intense pale blue ones. She said with a soft amused tone "Not an apostle or a demon just an unlucky passer…"

Gabriel loooked at her still breathing heavily gasping out his word in desperation "P-Please don't kill me I don't want to die just yet My mother she couldn't live without me" The girl just ignored his words and reached out touching the white strand of hair on Gabriels head. "Did you dye your hair or was it originally like this?" Gabriel gulped the lump in his throat softly as he looked up at her fear and panic still running through his system as he looked at the girl "I what? I-I never dyed my hair before"

The girl looked at his sceptically "Intresting so you aren't ordinary but not extraordinary yet either" She let go of his hair and slapped him lightly "Hey kid pull yourself together and tell me your name" Gabriel managed to sputter out "My name is G-Gabriel" She looked down at him slightly amused and her tone lowered into a dangerous and warning tone "Well then Gabriel tell me how much you think you actually know about this world…"