Gabriel stared at the girl slightly confused and he whispered quietly still quivering from the shock "What do you mean by that? What I actually know about the world?" The girl just scoffed and laughed at him "Hmm humans always the weakest and most vulnerable creation of God alright kid what do you know about angels?"
Gabriel just stared at her in wonder "What a what now? Is that supposed to be a beauty product?" She must be on something his mind whispered softly. The girl just stared at him in mock horror. "Seriously nothing at all?" She sighed softly "Alright listen up Gabriel I'm going to say this once and only once, your world is doomed"
Gabriel just stared at her in pure confusion his mind racing with so many thoughts and imaged of the world ending, the dreams, the nightmares he had could they have been a foreshadow of what would come of thiss univserse? "Is it the darkness?" Gabriel's whispered softly looking at the girl. She looked back at him a bit surprised then masked her face into a cold stern expression. "How do you know this?"
Gabriel looked at her slightly alarmed "It was my nightmares tendrils of darkness began taking root at the center of the universe and then everything went dark" She sighed softly and put her hand gently on his shoulder "You have to come with me it's not safe to talk about these 'things' here" She takes his hand and quickly pulls him into an open window of the academy.
Gabriel looked at her and pulled away "Why should I follow you? You clearly are a threat and…. And you killed… whatever those things were" She looks at him her mouth gaping open slightly "Seriously? Well its either you follow me willingly or ill just have to force you. Those disgusting things I killed were killed for a reason Gabriel, they were evil pure evil"
Gabriel nodded softly clearly not wanting to anger the dangerous girl "Alright ill cooperate just promise you'll explain everything" Her expression softens softly and gently took his hand. "I promise Gabriel that all of your questions will be answered"
She gives him a soft smile and throws him out of the open window and Gabriel looks at her with a shocked and betrayed expression "What in the world…." As he falled down from the second floor of the school a void rips open underneath him and everything goes dark.
Moments later he wakes up with a start in an empty white void the space seems to expand infinitely and everrything seems to be paused in time. Gabriel looked around in amazement trying to comprehend everything. "Is this world a simulation?" Then he receives a hit on the head "No you dull minded human! Its my domain" She scoffed clearly offended, Gabriel rubs his head and turns around to see the girl behind him.
"Well Gabriel we didn't have time for introductions but its the right time now" She begins floating around in her domain "My name is Emily the Seraphim one of Gods hands" She floats down to him "Gabriel you must be confused about everything why there were the creepy looking demons? what is an angel? and what the hell is a Seraphim? Just know everything you will hear today is truthful and it may break you, are you willing to hear me out?"
Gabriel looks at her his mind wrapping around everything that happening the demons, Emily, and his nightmares. He whispers softly "Tell me…. I want to know about everything" Emily nods smiling softly as she gazes into his eyes "Let's begin from the era of darkness"
"In the beginning there was only Darkness and then God created the universe and the earth" Emily began speaking in a cryptic voice whispering around the empty white void. "Darkness was cast away because of the light and the creations God had created it was the beginning the era of prosperity and light" Gabriel cut her off as she was about to continue "What is the darkness you keep repeating about? I don't understand is it like a shadow? Or some entity of some sort?"
Emily nods in understanding "Gabriel have you heard of the saying where there is good there is evil? Where there is darkness there is light?" She continues "There is always a natural order that keeps things in place in order to balance things" Gabriel nods softly "So in this case good is God and evil is Darkness?" Emily nods in approval "That's right Gabriel and in this case Darkness broke the balance when it corrupted your ancestors with the gift of the seven deadly sins"
Gabriel looks at her confused "But the seven sins are good people they helped make the world much better" Emily's pale blue eyes began blazing with white flames as she looked at him "Don't you dare ever say that again in front of me human" She send a blast of blue flames into the empty white void the flames clearly frustrated "God what am I to do with this human" She sighed defeated.
"Tell me why the seven sins are good according to you?" Emily looked into his eyes expecting an answer. Gabriel looked at her a bit terrified after seeing the blast of flames "Uh they rose to power in like the last 300 years? Then they solved all of humanities greatest problems and the world entered an era of peace…"
Emily gently gripped Gabriels shoulders "Listen the Seven sins are pure concentrate of evil they are just as bad as the darkness" She looked at him intensely waiting for his response . Gabriel gulped softy trying to avoid eye contact "Evil…. Got it" His voice was still filled with scepticism.
Emily sat down in front of him "I guess its better showing you what I mean instead of telling you…"