Jenna's POV:
I wished the ground would open up and swallow me. I wished to disappear, to cease to exist rather than face the most embarrassing and horrible moment of my life. I prayed silently to the moon goddess to grant me this request at least, but nothing happened.
I was still the centre of attention, staring at my feet in shame, dreading the rest of Alpha Collin's words that would surely follow.
"I reject you omega. Your sight alone disgusts me." He turned away from me and addressed someone else in the room. "Get her out of my sight." He spat.
I did not wait for them. I turned on my heels and fled. The tears were pouring hard and fast before I exited the dreadful mansion. I ran, blinded by tears, navigating my way home based on just memory.
What did I do to deserve all this? Why had I even been born?
I screamed in pain, on and on, till my voice cracked and my throat hurt. I parted my lips and slowed my motion, trying to steady my breaths and my rapidly beating heart.
Somehow, the scream seemed to have helped ease me from the myriad of emotions I was going through. All I wanted now was to be home. I did not know what tomorrow would be like for me, after what had happened, I didn't know what the future would hold, after being publicly rejected by my mate. But I knew I wanted to curl up beside my father and sleep away my sorrows, come what may.
I opened the door to our tiny apartment as carefully as I had left it. The lights were out as I tiptoed in, knowing my way about from lots of practice.
Our apartment was just a single room with an attached bathroom and a tiny kitchen that could not hold more than two persons at once. Walking softly, I made my way to the direction of the bed, and crouched low, stretching out my hands to touch him.
I didn't feel him. Panic rose in my chest as I felt the rest of the bed, looking for him.
I scrambled away from the ground and sprang towards the wall, searching for the switch and clicking it on.
Orange lights flooded the apartment and instinctively, I looked up. And there he was, a rope to his neck tied on the fan, swaying like a pendulum bob.
"No!" I screamed. I could not bear the sight and rushed out in an instant, only for a group of werewolves to step out from the darkness, closing in on me.
I tried to talk but no words came out. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Wh-what do you want?"
They keep mute, advancing closer, their steps predator-like. I backed away till my back hit the hard wooden door and I was completely cornered.
Then the biggest among them stepped forward and swung his hand in my face, punching me squarely in the jaw. I was out cold immediately.
I was likely unconscious for longer but it only seemed like seconds before my eyes were stirring open underneath my eyelids. I tried to turn on my side but was stopped by something rough holding me bound.
They had tied me up.
My eyes sprang open and I found myself justled about in the boot of a moving vehicle. It was too dark inside the boot to make out anything.
"Hey!" I yelled, "let me go! What are you trying to do with me?"
"Quiet!" A voice snapped from the driver's seat. "We're acting on the Alpha's decision to get you out of his pack."
"What! He already banished me? Why the hell are you tying me up then? I'll leave by myself. Let me go!" I screamed again at them.
"He did not banish you." Another voice spoke. "You're being taken elsewhere."
"Dammit, Eric." The first speaker growled. "You should have fucking gagged her."
"She wasn't supposed to wake so early." The other growled back.
"I can hear you." I said loudly. "So tell me, where am I being taken? Who gives you the right to carry me about when he has rejected me?"
"You don't have a right any more, ma'am. You're being sold to an important buyer."
I gasped. "What do you mean?"
"We're here." He said in answer, pulling the car to a stop. I heard the car door open and bang shut and soon footsteps were heading in my direction, coming for the boot.
He lifted it and peered at me. Moonlight filtered in through the opening and I could finally see again.
"Please." I begged. "Don't sell me. Just let me go. You won't ever see me again, I swear."
Another open and banging of the door and the other called Eric had come to join him.
"What are you waiting for?" He snapped at his partner. "We don't have all day and the Alpha is waiting for a report back."
He leaned down and grabbed me by the nape of my neck, half pulling my tied body out. Eric's partner, the driver, pulled out a long blade from his pocket which he used to saw at the ropes binding me.
Once I was free from the rope's hold, I jumped unto the ground barefoot, and turned to them with pleading eyes once more.
There was a sound of shuffling footsteps coming closer and we turned as one to see three men already almost by our car. Beyond them was another looming mansion typical of an Alpha.
It dawned on me who my new master was. I had been sold to an Alpha.
"Is she the one?" One of the men called out when they were close enough. He stopped short a few paces from them. "She shows no resistance even when she's not held bound, that's a very docile girl you got."
"Yeah." Eric said. "Our Alpha said to tell you that he's offering nothing but the best. And your money had better be worth it."
"You can count on me." The man said in reply. He whispered something to the taller man beside him, and the taller man stepped forward, walking to where they stood, a thick envelope in hand.
Eric did not wait but went to meet him halfway, receiving the package. Eric peered into it for a moment before nodding his head in approval.
"Get the girl." The first speaker ordered. The taller one sidestepped Eric, coming to where I stood.
I remained rooted to the spot, watching the show play out like a dream. Was it really real, everything that had happened in the past how many hours? Was my father actually dead? Was I getting demoted from a servant to become a slave now? Or would I wake up and laugh over the ridiculous imagination I had?
I blinked, willing the scene to go away, but it remained as it was, and soon the man was standing in front of me.
He opened his mouth, stretching out his hand and his voice was rich and clear as he spoke. "Come with me."
His voice made me tingle inside, and I bit hard at my inner cheek, thinking myself mad for feeling this way when I was being sold.
Briefly, I stared around me. I knew trying to escape was pointless though. These werewolves all had their wolves. They were stronger, fiercer and faster and would get to me in less than thirty seconds.
Taking a deep breath, I placed my hand in his, feeling a jolt of electric current at the contact. He walked me back to where the other's stood, and despite the prospect of walking straight into an unknown future that spelled doom, I was strangely comforted by his solid presence beside me.
Then it hit me. This man here, must be my second chance mate.