Chapter 3: Jenna's POV: A new life



This Alpha's mansion was far bigger than the one belonging to the Alpha of Dark City pack, my former Alpha. I was led ahead by the third man into the house, with the other two men in tow.


The man by my side said not a word to me. He led me through a narrow staircase and stopped short as a lady in a uniform came running towards us.


"Take her to the room prepared for her." He instructed.


So he can actually talk, I thought.


Wasting no time, I mutely followed after the lady. We walked on for a while, past various doors and we still had not yet reached my own room.


"Is it so far?" I ventured to ask.


She pretended not to hear me.


Why? Was it a servant thing to not talk to house guests?


"Hey!" I walked faster till I was keeping pace with her. "If you won't answer that, then tell me about the tall man that stood beside the Alpha, who's he?"


She came to a sudden stop and I stopped too. She glared at me. "He's Jarvis, the Alpha's son and he's a big time flirt so you had better get him out of your mind."


"Why didn't you answer my first question then?"


She resumed walking. "It's not in our place to exchange words with you."


A few minutes later she stopped in front of a door. She pushed it open, leading us into a round circular room with high ceilings woven with strands of what looked like gold, real gold.


There was a queen sized bed at one end, and beside it was a very large dressing cupboard with a velvety mirror overhead. The room was decked in purple colour, from the bed covers, down to the drawers and the colour of the floorboards.


I sighed. I hated purple.


"This is your room." The lady informed me. "It's almost dawn so get ready for a bath. I'll be sending some girls down to help you with that shortly. Alpha Katov will likely want you to join him for breakfast."


I scoffed silently. I had never needed help to take my bath and it was not going to start now. Once she was gone, I ran my eyes across the room, taking it all in and checking out every section.


Everything was big, the bathroom, the wardrobe, in fact the entirety of my room was bigger than the small apartment that I lived in with my dad.


My dad. He… he had taken his life. How could I have forgotten?


I plopped down on the bed, tears beginning to gather in my eyes.


He had killed himself after everything. After all these wasted years and all the care I had shown him. After all the sacrifices I had made just to keep him alive and going.


It was very likely that he had had a moment of clarity sometime during my absence, and he decided that he couldn't take it anymore.


My tears turned into sobs which I muffled with my hands over my mouth. And these assholes had not even given me the chance to mourn properly, to check if perhaps he had left some sort of explanation to help me get by, instead I had been sold without my permission like a piece of junk.


The sun had risen when I was finally able to pull myself together. I ran to the bathroom at once, and I cleaned up as quickly as I could before the ladies assigned to such came.


They eventually came, and the one in charge took one look at me sitting on the bed and hissed loudly. "You're not clean."


"Huh? I just had my bath."


"Get in." She snapped, pointing her fingers to the bathroom.


Meekly, I obeyed, getting to my feet and shuffling towards the bathroom.


They gave me another round of scrubbing, and the dirty water that was rinsed from my body made me realise how matted by dirt I really was. I felt like a chicken being plucked clean and dressed as they peeled off every layer of hidden dirt in my body.


My fingers were cleaned and cut, inside my ears too, my hair was dried, combed and permed, and after that, they dabbed a sweet smelling ointment on my skin before finally leaving me to myself.


I dressed quickly and laid down, this time waiting in trepidation for when I would be summoned to join the Alpha. I laid down on my side to watch the sun through my window.


I felt utterly alone. And empty. My friends at my former pack would be so worried. I wondered what the Alpha wanted to see me for. Maybe to assign duties to me.


There was a knock, and the aroma of something nice wafted into my nostrils. My stomach grumbled in answer. I was famished. A lady was at the doorway with a tray of food. I accepted it from her gratefully.


"I thought I would have to dine with the Alpha this morning?" I asked, hoping she would answer.


"It was his instructions to get you your breakfast in bed." She said promptly. "I'll be back in half an hour for the empty dishes." She left.


I gobbled down everything in the plates, when I was finally done, I leaned back, feeling extremely tight in my stomach region.


True to her words, the serving lady soon came back for the tray. Five minutes later, there was another knock and the person burst into the room without waiting for my permission.


I sat up straight once I saw that it was Alpha Katov. I could see him properly now. His face was hard, etched with lines of aging and perhaps, incessant frowning. His long dark hair hung in a mane down his back and his dark eyes were filled with spite as they bored into mine.


I scrambled out of the bed and got to my feet. "Good morning, Alpha."


Alpha Katov didn't care for greetings. "In this house, there are rules. I bought you for a fucking huge amount and so you're mine to do as I please. Mess up, and you might have to pay with it, one chopped finger at a time."


I swallowed, not doubting anything he was saying. "Yes, Alpha. I'll - I'll do my best as a servant."


He barked a cold laugh. His voice was cruel when he spoke. "Servant? Have you been treated like a servant since you stepped foot here?"


He advanced towards me, invading my personal space. "I bought you to warm my bed, omega. I wanted someone clean and untainted and I was assured that you fit into those descriptions."


My hands began to shake. "W-warm your bed?"


"Yes." He whispered, his hand went up to caress my face and I shuddered at his touch. "You're going to be nothing more than a tool to satisfy my sexual desires. I hope that is clearer now. And I can't have my whore smelling like a fucking commoner."


He ran his hands down my arm, already fucking me with those empty eyes of his.


My voice was shaking. "But you don't need me. I - I'm sure you could get anyone from your pack."


"I do as I please. And this is your pack now.." He stepped away from me. "Your job starts today, I'll send for you tonight. Get ready."


He swept out of the room without another word. I slumped down on the bed and cried into my sheets.


From a servant to a sex slave. Could things get any worse?