Looking at Yue Min Russell laugh in pain, " You haven't change huh? I'm glad then."
Yue Min meanwhile tilted her head in confusion, "wha..t?"
Russell smiled at her and replied back, " Nothing, hey... Yue Min it was scary isn't it?"
Yue Min then sat beside him while still looking at his face. " Ah, Yes. The pain, The anguish, The memories it was scary but you were alive."
Russell hearing it, frowned and replied to her, " wha- no- I meant meeting the mythical creatures they were powerful, majestic, scary. They were free. Ahh so beautiful I want it too, I want to become strong enough no one will be able to stop me."
Yue Min smiled, she put her hand on her cheeks while looking at him. " You will~~ No one will be able to stop you~~hmm not quite...~ I WONT ALLOW THEM TO~~"
A golden hair flew and danced with the wind she was ragged, her clothes was torn to pieces and her skin was showing through it. There standing across her was a man, it's bellies was fat and heavy, it has a long beard his face was full of darkness sorrounding into it.
Rose, was looking at the moon in front of him, " ahh, so that's how it is... I..was cursed with beauty."
He grabbed her by the chin, his tongue started to envelope rose cheeks she being harassed again. This has happened throughout the day, she has been broken and now actual rose sorround her. The man was surprised as Rose started to slowly sorround him, as the Rose started to wrap itself to the man he started to bleed. The sharp thorns it has were piercing the man skin. it was painful, " Rose cha- Wha..waht is this rose cha- Ahhhhh!!!!!" More and more from feet to his head slowly and slowly he bleed then his energy started to leave his body. It wrapped him whole and started to immediately crushed the man inside. The scream suddenly stopped, and so her suffering.
And just like that the man was gone, his fat body was left thin as if absorb by something. Then the rose grew and grew at first it just wrapped around the room as time passes it enveloped the castle and now the whole Kingdom..."
War is great they say, it was the pinaccle of masculinity they say, It was an honor to fight and protect they say. Takehiko is facing the most eye opening and traumatizing view he has ever seen, his sorrounding was full of dead bodies. As far as eye can see was nothing but a sea of dead bodies, some were big some were small. Some were adults of 90s some were children of 5 years, it was a disgusting view. Specially the reason of this massacre, it was nothing but vainglory. They wanted to proved themselves for nothing, they wanted to show they're strong. And nothing can stop them so they did and they were able to proved it, they were strong.
The caused of this whole massacre was caused by a dragon, a slumbing dragon that was disturbed by people who want to claim and proved their power. They succeeded but at the cost of their lives.
There stands Takehiko his body was full of armor, battered armor. His sword was broken in half, his shield was the same half of it is gone. His cape was burned all the way to his shoulders, the battle only took a single day but the deaths was crazy millions died and one protecter of the world died too.
And...only one person came out alive, he walked towards the dragon and extended his hand in to it.
Yue Min after looking at Russell, pulled out something in his pocket. A jewel came out of her hand, and a pendant with a design of half white with a center of black and a half black with a center of black. Then she pluck a hair from her head, this hair wasn't her's and mostly hidden inside her hair. That is because it wasn't a hair but a strand.
Putting it all inside her palm, now it was complete. Just as she was about to speak the system popped up a message.
[ Congratulations you have found a secret route to mythology, Recollection Route were activated resonating with the symbols of gods.
System error...
Bard is confused....]
After that the Bard window was gone, Yue Min was confused too. Suddenly a secret route activated only resulting in errors? It seemed as if the system or rather Bard was incomplete or rather new and can't solve simple bugs. Then after a while Bard popped up another message, this time it wasn't robotic but a question.
[ HOw DiD YoU GeT So MaNy G#Ds?! ]
Yue Min raised her eyebrows, and spoke " From my family, why? "!
Then the message faded and a new one popped up, [ ..... ]
It fades and another pop's up, [ Okay... ]
The same happened and it went back to having a robotic responsed.
[ Due to the conflicting fragments the user has, Recollection Route was cancelled.
Instead, you have gained a new ephitet!]
Yue Min was surprised, she was able to create an ephitet by holding her family's heirloom.
She looked at Russell only to find out his too, were surprised he's also looking at his own Bard window.
Then a new one popped up on all of them, the news of their returned has been delivered to them. That day was harrowing it was really exhausting. And the message was warmingly welcomed.
[ Congratulations You were able to create your ephitet!
Please be ready for your return to earth!
And that was that, short and informative, Russell and Yue Min nodded at each other as timer ran out. They didn't spoke of farewells because they weren't going anywhere, instead they were going home. So any farewell message will only awkward, instead their nods were a message of them steeling themselves on the question of the state of the earth.
That day the subjects that was delivered to another world died, and a new one rose up. They're pass self's were gone reduced to dust by the reality of what they were going to face. They never wanted it to, but they were left with no choice. They faced it with determination but was broken instead. They never underestimate it, it was just too traumatizing... The events destroyed the meticulous valiant heroes raised by humanity, and a new broken and might as well be very well villains were born in their stead.