On Yue Min's side, she was also wasn't looking good her body was better and she wasn't suffering as much as Russell.
But despair is taking over her, the thought of Russell being left along with the crimson dragon is creeping on her mind with each second. To add to that she just heard Russell scream loudly, so now she's trying her hardest to get to him.
At this point she's slowly getting her mind adjusted, she was able to flinch in the middle of pain. But she's also worried about Russell.
At first it was worry, then a tremble happened. Then the worry became a panic, in her panic she forcefully moved her hand.
It was not painful, because it was healed but she is still feeling the drawback. Then a series of trembles came, this time there's a flame that sprung up. It was a giant, towering flame. She was worried the direction of it was near the cave, her panic became desperation.
And with that desperation she was able to stand up, she stepped trying to come down from the top of the tree only to slipped and fall to the ground hitting her arm on it.
Then another series of trembling passed, this time sky was envelope with fire. It was a beautiful fire it's color was orange in the center and yellowish at the top. It was the fire of the phoenix, her face turned pale and even though her body was just hurt. She is already to trying to stand up, only to failed her brain and body still wasn't listening to her properly.
She was to concussed to think. After the sky turned into flames, a crimson flame towered to wards the sky and pierced the makeshift sky. She cannot see what was happening, but she was able to hear it. The crimson dragon was fighting something...maybe it was a bird considering the shrieking.
Then after the fire pierced the flaming sky, a shriek blasted the whole forest it it was ear piercing. Yue Min tried her hardest to cover her ears from it, even though she's already covering them she still can hear it and her ears was still getting damaged by it.
Covering her ears she started to scream too, blood started to appear on her ears...then suddenly she felt something popping in her ears, followed by a sharp pain and her ears starting to ring.
Then she was not able to hear anymore, worsed is after that she felt disoriented. She wasn't allowing herself to pass out but walking is a daunting task.
Heck on her state, constant pain, - sacrifice is still activated, same with Russell he was just overloaded with the pain of burning to feel the sacrifice. - her whole body is disoriented and her mind was dizzy standing alone is a daunting task for her.
Let alone standing upright, just when she thought she was standing she will found herself on the ground. It repeated and repeated, she stood up only to fall again. While this is happening she the shrieking stopped of course she doesn't know if it actually stopped, but to her it did after all her ear drums exploded and she wasn't able to hear anymore.
The only thing that is reminding her that the crimson dragon were still fighting were the trembles and the flaming sky on the top.
After falling again she noticed something, the flaming sky it was slowly and slowly falling to the ground.
Her eyes widen in surprise, she cannot believe it. If she wants to survive she have to hide, so hide is what she did.
Just hiding in some cave won't do, after all the flaming sky will probably enveloped the sky. So she dig, using her batted hand she desperately dig to safety.
It took her a while she dig and dig, she doesn't even know how many hours have past. All she know is that she has to survive, and with her fingers and bloody hands.
She was able to finally digged a sizable hole, after that she laid in it and she laid herself near the pile of dirt and started to bury herself.
The fire is really close now to the ground, she can even feel the heat. And she's been wondering what is happening, the trembles has stopped for quite a while now.
And since she cannot hear, she also cannot hear any screams or sounds of fighting.
Not that she has the luxury of thinking about those right now, first she gotta survive.
After a while and the fire being super closed to her, she was able to now fully buried herself. She buried her face the last.
Then she waited as long as she can hold her breath, seconds passed... minutes, hours she still hasn't come out. She took it an opportunity to rest...or maybe she actually went to rest for eternity now.
The sun has finally fall, the night greeted it's queen. The moon has risen up, and so does Yue Min.
Her hand rose from the ground, then her body. She sat and looked at the sky, the fiery sky was gone and so does the trees around.
Grass, trees, lakes and everything that once thrived in the forest was gone. Reduced to dust the forest has now turned to fine dust.
After looking around the depressing scenery of death and destruction, she grasped her hand and turned it into a fist. Pain was gone It seemed like the [Sacrifice] ended she still can't hear but it seemed like her body adjusted already.
She walk towards Russell, to be specific she was walking towards the single light source in the desert. It's light was bright, and as she came closer and closer groan of a man can be heard.
Finally reaching the light source, there she found a human continuesly burning for eternity. Standing beside it, she cannot believe it he was still alive, suffering but alive. Her eyes widen with concern, relief, and most of all with obsession...
She grasped her cheeks her iris started to change that akin to hearts and she asked, " Russ... Are..you..."
Russell moved his Burning head towards the direction of Yue Min he smiled, " I'm glad you were alive..."
Slowly and slowly the heart shaped iris is starting to form from Yue Min's eyes. Her hand began sweating as she grasped her face trying to control her emotions. Her emotions were running wild, relief and anger for the crimson dragon. the suffering he has to endure, and will endure Yue Min was slowly and slowly becoming unhinged,looking at Russell... She then smiled widely from ear to ear and spoke the last sane sentence that will come from her mouth, " Yes...I'm glad you too...ah! I'm sorry I meant to say, DoN't WoRry fRom noW oN You'rE GoNna bE OkaY..."
Half way through the sentence her voice changed from that of her melancholy calm and beautiful voice. To that of a obsessive and more emotive tone...