Oath of Defilement

With the new day comes with a new life. That was the phrase that everyone describes the forest.

The Forest of life: Aetherwood

Instantly trees become more Greener and alive, flowers bloomed, seeds sprout, water became clearer, grass grew taller, and the sunlight shine chasing away the night.

The herald of life has awoken, it flew high up in the sky letting everyone know. It's majestic body can be seen throughout the whole forest, it was like a star in the sky but much, much closer.

Actually... It's coming closer to him at a terrifying speed at that, as it gets nearer Russell eyes became slightly wider from surprised.

it's wings were beautiful it was like that of fire the base of the feather is like that of an orange and then gradually change into yellow on the tip. Each swing the air the was pushed were colored of yellow a little, with each swing of it's wings the air act like how on the fire's tip some of it will get broken and banish.

That happened everytime the wings flapped, it's body was covered in orange. From the head with it's bright orange and gradually change into darker tone of orange.

It was the Phoenix, the phoenix reside and was supposed to protect the forest. But somehow was gone through out the whole night, even the burning village didn't somehow woked the sleepy bird.

Finally the phoenix arrived. While hovering in the air the phoenix looked at the crimson dragon with hatred. Then it screech as if to tell the dragon to back off, then the dragon roars back as if to tell the phoenix to fight back.

And with those two exchange Russell died. His body became liquid, his body collapsed from the sound of the mythical creatures, his brain exploded and every organs in his body became mushed.

But before his soul left his body, flames suddenly hit his liquid of a body and repaired it.

Tte first it was nothing, the fine powder that his bone became was turned to bones again, the liquid skin became hard and wrapped itself again, same with his muscles. Then his brain was fixed and suddenly jolt of harrowing pain filled his brain, he can feel every second of his eyes repairing, every fiber of his fingernails coming back, his ears finally functioning again, everything that still healing he feel every feeling of it repairing into existence.

It was gory, agonizing, ugly, and disgusting experienced. He doesn't want to experienced it again, the arrival of the phoenix turn's out more pain for him.

Pain, Pain, Pain. Ever since he came here both of them Yue Min and Him felt nothing but pain. The crawling hatred suddenly sprung up from deep within his heart to his whole body.

Finally healing he's body is now perfect. The wounds was gone, pain, tiredness was gone. But the trauma was still buried in his body, it was forbidding him from moving even though he pretty much wanted to.

But it was for nothing, his body isn't listening to him, his body were unresponsive from Tre trauma of feeling every single fiber of his body slowly repairing his body.

But there was something he could do though, and that is speak so while the two mythical creatures was having a stare down. He laugh his laugh was loud, it was loud enough to distract the two mythical creatures from each other.

" I was dumb!!!! To think I have allies in this damn world!! Haaaa!!! And here I thought the law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest doesn't occur in the real world! But no!! In the it was still the same! The strong survive and the weak dies! I see now!!! This is what the real world looks like! Remember this you mythical fuc#s my name is Russell A. Liwanag and I'm the one the will gut the shit out of you guys!!!

After that he laugh hysterically, his chest went up and down. Adrenaline was taking over his body, at some point he was even able to move his hand and it shot upwards shocking the crimson dragon.

Seeing his hand shot upwards, towards the sky as if he's grappling it. The dragon thrown the flame inside it's mouth that has been flaming and burning inside the dragons mouth since earlier towards Russell's body.

Of course the phoenix saw it, and conjured a flame from the air and thrown it at Russell.

The flame of phoenix got to him first, but it didn't burn him. Instead he felt a jolt of energy from it, his strength doubled, his eye sight became clearer everything got upgraded.

Then the flame of the crimson dragon hit him. And he screamed, loud...it echoed through out the whole forest, it even shook the mythical creatures. They baffled at how loud his scream was.

That is because the crimson dragons flame is burning him, so thoroughly. The skin on his feet immediately melt, the bone became hot liquid, blood evaporated. It was agonizing the smell of his lower body burning and melting, was horrendous.

Worse yet most of his upper body didn't get affected because of the phoenix flame, it was also the reason why the crimson flames still hasn't spread on his body and why he is still alive.

The heat alone burned his mushy eyes just to be regenerate by the phoenix flame, the same is happening in his feet it kept burning melting and burning and healing.

The process continuesly repeat until something happened, the two flames fused. Now he still feel his body burning, but he's skin isn't burning. In fact viewed outside it's as if he's body is burning without feeling anything. Doesn't get burn, can't feel the heat, smoke coming out his body, in fact looking at him from outside perspective it looks like he can even control his fire even though he can't, at least at the moment.

However as amazing as it is to look at him from the outside perspective, on Russell perspective it's different. It's much...MUCH more harrowing, he can feel the heat, his sweat swelling up in an attempt to calm it down only to be evaporated in seconds. The smell of his body burning without it actually burning, that is because as it burns it also heals immediately.

His eyes constantly repaired itself, and also constantly getting turn to mushed and getting evaporated. The juice inside his brain constantly evaporate and filled again his brain right now was full of hot steam, torturing his brain more and more.