Cruel Sacrifice

Confusion permeated from Takehiko's Question prompting both of them to ask, " What? "

Takehiko with a straight face ask the same question again, but this time he added his explanation for such question. " You see Yue Min-san it just seems strange, earlier you described me as if I'm some random NPC that appears only once kinda a thing. But I'm not, and it's not like you and I were that much of stranger to each other either. In fact I'll go as far to say that were friends but for you to describe that way…is it because of your sacrifice?"

Takehiko gave a convincing explanation, but the real reason why he asked and why he's trying to find Russell in the first place was because of Yue Min the soldier and other students who saw what happened in the classroom was scared of her. She's acting way too clingy on to him and considering her situation it feels off, and she's acting so cold to others too! not that it's a much of a surprise. But this time it came with bloodlust, and she even treats people like Takehiko who's like a friend to her differently… it's as if she forgot her memories…

Yue Min hearing Takehiko also noticed that there's a different message behind what he said. She shrugged her head and with a sigh, " Yes… my sacrifice is indeed the cause, to activate my blessing I have to erase some of my memories… it's not that bad in hindsight I can just forgot the memories I'm not fond off or just straight up me doing nothing and I can even make new ones! So compared to yours mine is atleast acceptible."

Russell widen his eye's in surprised on just how vile her sacrifice is, " Whaaaat! Then that means you're gonna erase your memory to heal Takehiko! Don't! I'll just heal him I'm confident on my control of the fire now! "

Takehiko and Yue Min looked at Russell, straight eye's, neutral lips, but the tone they spoke were friendly as if they want something badly but wanted to be kind and discreet about it. Takehiko then said with a friendly tone with flaring curiosity in his heart, " ohh! Is your sacrifice that easy to handle then Russell? Why don't you tell us what is your sacrifice first.~~"

Russell hearing it was stunned, he tried to evade it by saying it was just nothing but the two won't let it down. Both Takehiko and Yue Min realized that it seems like every sacrifice is ruthless, so they don't want to take any chances.

Russell looked at his side still trying to evade the question, but Yue Min was fed up. Her eyes went deep blue, her arms crossed out,"Russell~~ You're gonna answer or your sleeping again~~ "

Russell was still holding his ground, that is until Takehiko spoke. " You know you guys fight about me needing help, but never said I need it. And I definitely won't accept a help from someone who I can't TRUST Russ…"

Finally giving in to the pressure, Russell spoke to them his Sacrifice. He looked at the sky, and back down to them with weak tone, " F-fine… just promise me that you guys won't get mad okay…"

They nodded and Russell continued, " well my sacrifice is quite unique you see… everytime I use my blessing…I..well, basically vanish.."

Takehiko And Yue Min showed a nice expression on their faces. Takehiko's jaw opened wide as if it's gonna fall, his eye's opened wide too.

Meanwhile Yue Min was taken aback she encouraged him to activate his blessing earlier because she thought it was for the better, and also because she thought it was what he wanted. Unknowingly hurting the one he treasures.

Her eyes turned deep dark blue, her iris turned to that of a heart, the light on her face dimmed, her body dropped in temperature, the atmosphere beside her became a little foggy.

Seeing it, Russell reassured them. " Bu-but it...was not that bad compared to you guys! " He obviously twisted what he said, what he's sacrifice doesn't mean he's gonna vanish. What his sacrifice does is erasing his whole existence in the universe. He won't vanish physically as even when his forgotten he will not die, although he will be forgotten the name Russell and his nationality, his personality, even the poops he spat out will be changed into someone's poop. Anything that traces back to him will be changed or disintegrated.

Seeing as how the both of them still looking at him with empathy, Russell knew they weren't buying it so he added, " Just like Yu's Sacrifice I can just make a ton of friends or make my existence know throughout the whole world, then I'm good! "

This time both of them let out a sigh of relief, they nodded. And Takehiko was about to speak, but a soldier was approaching them taking their attention away.

Takehiko turned his head and with a friendly tone, " Hello sir! What can we do for you? "

The soldier straighten his body and saluted, " Yes! Uh... Your request for the commander has been delivered, he's actually calling for Ms. Yue Min right now and the rest of the available students..."

Takehiko looked at the both them and nodded at each other, they didn't even asked who put the request. They just went along...well it was a great opportunity to gather information for the time when they were gone.

They're still confused about what is happening, the chattering they did even though the topic is grim. Were comforting, to them being with they're companions, were relaxing enough.

They nodded to the soldier and followed him, Yue Min and Russell finally entered the interior of the ship.

It was full of metal. the walls were metal, the ceiling is full of metal, same with floor but a long rag at the middle.

While walking they weren't able to talk, they're too nervous reality is coming back to them. Blood, pain, and suffering is coming for them again.

On the way though they met rose... She seemed to be in a bad state, but she's able to think.

One look at her anyone will be able to tell that her mind is broken, the golden radiance her hair always exclude is gone, her cheery personality was replaced with despair, her innocence was replaced with defilement, even her eyes was full of eye bags and her eyes lost their radiance.

Anyone who looked at her, cannot help but feel immense sympathy for her.