Devilish Research

Dragging the bags back to my house, whilst catching a few people staring at me before going about their day was pretty easy. I gently placed the ten seed bags on a small table inside my house, well inside the drawer for safekeeping and later experimentation. 

Right now I wanted to get my hands on the stray devil and see how their new biology function and hopefully get some mana readings as well. So once I got them down to the basement I saw subject #10060 and I smiled picturing a whole little group of them their mana fueling my experiments. Hopefully, improving the quality of the little Franksteins Monsters I'm creating. 

Oh well, that time would come as I dumped the Stray Devil body on one of my larger operating tables I got after one of the Homunculus started to resemble Hulk for some reason. Well, not really there was a whole thing behind that but I was not currently carving them up like a turkey. Slicing them open I saw a few organs that were pretty common in most organisms, a heart, lower/upper intestines, and a slightly larger stomach with any bits related to eating having been mutated to connect to the large mouth in the middle. 

A bit surprising to be honest mostly because I thought it'd be a more conceptual eater or mana eater or something interesting like that rather than physical. Oh well can't have everything and I was able to get a nice peak into their lungs one of the only uniquely mutated organs in the body, while there were still only two it now had an odd scale-like pattern on it. 

When I went in close with my scalpel to try and get a good slice off of it, I couldn't break into it. I tried to get a good angle on it, and at least get one of the scales off but the moment I tried the scalpel let out a loud "sheek" like sound. When I got it out to take a look I saw that instead of having a smooth share edge it was now bumpy and blunt. 

Well, I already had some extras on the side in case something like this happened, hopefully, though I can figure out a way to analyze this thing's lungs because whatever it was, was astounding to look at. I'm guessing whatever bloodline or ability this guy had whilst he was alive was the reason he got targeted by the devils. 

Based on the scales I'm thinking something draconic, at least a little bit enough that it got his lungs turned into this when he mutated. Probably a defense mechanism due to the body's rapid mutation but not enough to get the other organs. So if I could further analyze this thing's DNA I could probably eventually extract the Dragon gene, see what makes it tick, and all that.

Right now though I was analyzing the body, seeing how it all ticked and what I could do to implement the devilish bits into other chimeras, artificially creating devils. I still had the body from previous experiments and well they would make ideal test subjects before constructing the real deal, a true Satan so to speak for a project I like to call.


Just got the idea whilst taking a long look at the stray devil, not just physically but magically as well. The little bits of malevolent energy, well I was able to get a deeper dive into it after tweaking the goggles slightly. Sure they wouldn't be able to recognize mana sources that didn't go over a certain size or weren't close enough but it should get a deeper dive into the types of mana it had.

Although I didn't like wasting an hour of my time constructing the little alchemical ritual I devised alongside the special little symbols I came across in my research of whatever can be counted as the human magic system for this world. Well to the best of my ability without a teacher or access to a magical library. So I mostly looked into mythology which in this world was probably more...fact maybe depending probably on the myth. 

Although I just essentially turned the lower power microscope my goggles were based on into high-powered ones. Anyway as I got a closer look at the corpse's magic, I saw that the overall malevolent energy wasn't so cut and dry but rather two different sources. One side was almost completely black with a red outline and I could've sworn I saw a little devil laughing in it. 

The other was a bit more interesting, while not as powerful it felt like I was staring at a huge pile of gold coins. Not the physical substance but rather the greed you can just feel off such a thing as whoever collected so much probably just wanted it to have it. It was golden in color but still contained that same blackness the more devilish half had. 

Meaning that this thing was probably descended from a more traditional Western dragon, something that collected hoards of gold or perhaps something else. Well, I'd probably never find out without seeing what the ancestors looked like more specifically the dragon they came from. Oh well, questions for a later time as right now I was more curious about how I could incorporate such a thing into my hybrids. 

How could I separate the mana into the two types they originally came from and implement that into my hybrids? Could my artificially created devils look like anything generally humanoid and the same for the dragon part only a more draconic being? However, then the mana wouldn't be usable in human bodies, or was that because the lungs were already changed prior to its reincarnation, it's so interesting that I want to clone this creature over and over, tearing it apart to understand it. 

Unfortunately, I highly doubt the clones would turn out the exact same, and that is mostly due to the naturally mutative parts of the chess piece that were a part of this thing's soul. Well, I grabbed the more specialized pieces of medical equipment I got in case something like this ever came my way but I could tell this was going to be an interesting/fun time.