Devilish Research - Part 3

"Looks like the subject is dying as expected, with the right arm this time developing red scales on its body. This means that the dragon aspect I noticed in the Stray Devil corpse has taken a liking to this particular body.

However looking over it, I could tell the rest of it was having a hard time as various malformed arms sprung out of it. I had of course separated the arm from the rest, taking the time to study it. It seemed as though my experiment was a success as it contained the aspect of a Dragon or more specifically the ones mentioned in the bible as creatures of chaos. 

Such an interesting concoction of dragon and devil magic fused oh so almost perfectly together to form this magnificent arm. This also gave me a new idea of what either the left leg or right leg would represent, the concept of Sin. Imagine it a being that could use seven unique abilities each one represented by a different animal, perhaps a bit cliche but classic nonetheless. 

Lion for Pride.

Snake for Envy.

Bear for Sloth.

Goats for Lust.

Pig for Gluttony.

Fox for Greed.

Dragon for Wrath.

Based on the anime of the same name I believe, well I thought I'd steal their idea and just modify it a bit perhaps. Dragon DNA would be pretty easy based on the fact the separated arm bled all over the floor while I held it. That alongside the separated bits of animals I held in a separate freezer, I mean this was a big lab after all only the surface house was small the rest of the place was built to be an extremely large basement/laboratory. 

I bought a lot of things over the years, in fact now that I think about it was probably time to gather a bit more funding. Perhaps the classic turning a substance to gold, I knew quite a few mortal black markets that would happily accept not-so-legally acquired gold. 

I'll do that afterward after I create all the body parts necessary to form the soon-to-be-born Samael. A creature who takes on the concepts of what Satan is associated with, under the watchful eye of Mars as well as the planet often associated with the one mentioned in the bible, well if Google was anything to go by.

Can't know everything after all and even then I only knew how to inject certain magics into a body, alongside concept thanks to the Leyline I was stationed over. If I was anywhere else I'd probably fail in my experiments and it all would have blown my body to smithereens. 

Well, no need to think of it now as I picked up the arm and gently put it in one of the empty tubes, attaching the tubes and making sure it would be taken care of. Once that was done I went to work modifying the magic circles, this time towards the other half of the body hoping it would create either a left leg or right leg of sin. 

Alongside DNA from the necessary animals, I began scribbling down my plans, getting things ready for the newest part of my very own Frankenstein Monster to be born. 


It took about a week to get the proper items together alongside the magic circles drawn, well not really they required testing but not extensive testing just enough to be certain about the process. Wanna know how I tested it, an axolotl, a simple small little animal with a powerful regenerative ability, something I gave to my guard dog Doug.

One of the first things I had tested with during my early chimera-making days which weren't all that long ago now that I think about it. After chipping off my arm and having to replace it I bought one and used its DNA to give Doug regenerative capabilities as a test subject but well it didn't work as well on me. 

So I used this new mana circle that would combine the various pieces of DNA into one being on me. I used it to further improve the connection between my body's natural state and the foreign axolotl and seeing as it was a success, I went ahead with the experiment. 

I created a truly chimeric homunculus for the first and probably last time as it had used up a lot of ingredients. Stuff I wanted to use for the chest and head if enough was leftover which there wasn't meaning I had to place a special order, probably exchange it with gold or something. 

Anyway, I spent a few more days on it as Issei went around probably with the now infamous pervert trio or something like that, I was busy creating a facsimile of life. Well the closest to it anyway and the body was formed, now being injected with the proper mana, and if I did the mana circles right the sin concept embedded in devil/bibical lore should come out in full swing. 

As the top half of the body formed, seven heads were formed each one made from the DNA of the creatures I put in it. Their faces contorted in horror and pain, before dying immediately afterward alongside a human face that stared at me in horror for the briefest moment uttering one word.


No idea where that came from but it didn't matter I studied the lore half of it, waiting to see which leg the sin concept would be embedded in which leg. However something unexpected happened, the lower half instead of mutating like the rest they were fine and I put my goggles on seeing that while not as heavily concentrated as the arms, it still had the same amount.

So I cut it off and stuffed it in the tube almost immediately and I took the chance to admire my work, my first homunculus, and the two arms I had created as well. If my past self could see me he would think I was insane for doing all this, for consorting with demonic power quite literally in this case.

Honestly speaking I had no idea when I began to change perhaps after the second tie I died or with my growing frustrations in the homunculus experiments. Perhaps even in my past life the moment I began to walk the path of a Magus. Honestly speaking it all felt like one long fever dream, one I didn't want to wake up from.

I mean who wouldn't enjoy some devilish research like this?