The Rise of the Keeplords
A World Reforged in War
The Siege of Karak Dran had shaken the foundation of dwarven pride. Though the humans had been repelled, the Titan's Teeth had been shattered, a wound in the heart of dwarvenkind that could not be ignored. The war had proven one bitter truth—the holds could no longer stand alone.
For centuries, dwarvenkind had been governed by tradition, by the will of their Keeplords, the chosen leaders of their great mountain fortresses. But the Second Great War had changed everything. The humans would return, and with them, new weapons, new magics, and new ambitions.
The dwarves had two choices: unite or fall.
And so, in the aftermath of the war, the Gathering of the Anvil was called once more—a summit that would decide the fate of their people.
The Gathering of the Anvil – The Call to Unity
For the first time in a thousand years, the Keeplords of every dwarven hold—from the gilded halls of Dol Khazir to the deep vaults of Karak Dran—gathered in Khazgrum, the First Hold.
The Hall of Kings, carved from obsidian and gold, had not seen such an assembly since the days of old.Thrain Gemforge, hero of Karak Dran, now stood among the elder lords, his war-worn armor a testament to the cost of isolation.Torgrin Duradin, High King of the Molten Throne, called for the unthinkable—a true dwarven alliance, one stronger than ever before.
A House Divided
But not all Keeplords agreed.
Borin Runeblade of Karak Varr argued that the humans would turn upon themselves, and the dwarves should remain hidden.Gorim Deepdelver of Ul'Zanar feared that a united dwarven kingdom would weaken the autonomy of individual holds.Yet others, like Belgrin Goldvein of Dol Khazir, saw the necessity of unity—not just in war, but in trade, in alliances, in forging a future where dwarves were not merely survivors, but rulers of their own fate.
For three weeks, the dwarves debated, shouted, and nearly came to blows. But in the end, it was Thrain Gemforge, bloodied but unbroken from the Siege of Karak Dran, who rose to speak.
"The humans will come again. And next time, we may not stand alone. We must rebuild, not as scattered holds, but as one people. Not as rulers, but as brothers. Let us raise not one banner, but a thousand banners together."
His words echoed like hammer upon steel, and at last, the decision was made.
The Pact of the Anvil – The United Holds of the Dwarves
In the Year of Ashen Oaths, the dwarves signed the Pact of the Anvil, a document that would reshape their world forever.
The Keeplords would remain, governing their holds, but a new position was created—the High Thane, chosen by the Gathering of the Anvil to lead all dwarves in times of war.A Council of Stone and Steel was established in Khazgrum, where all major decisions for dwarvenkind would be made.Trade routes were reopened between the holds, and the first true alliance with the elves was forged, ensuring a balance of power against the growing human kingdoms.The ruined gates of Karak Dran were reforged, now stronger than before, with runes of fire and stone never again to be broken.
For the first time in two millennia, the dwarves were not merely a collection of mountain holds, but a single, united people.
A New Age of Dwarvenkind
With unity came innovation.
The Runepriests of Ul'Zanar began crafting weapons of skyfire, harnessing lightning itself in their warforges.The Deep Roads, ancient tunnels connecting the great dwarven cities, were reopened and expanded, allowing armies and traders to move freely.The Skyforged Fleet, airships built from ironwood and powered by runestones, began patrolling the mountain borders, ensuring no enemy would surprise them again.
But as the dwarves strengthened their dominion over the mountains, new shadows stirred.
In the depths of the earth, the Deepborn began to awaken once more, their hunger undiminished.
And in the halls of men, a new emperor looked toward the mountains, his heart burning with conquest.
The war had ended.
But the true battle for the future of the dwarves was only beginning.