Chapter 1: Intelligent life form

"Humans were a mistake, Born with desires to sin and only to sin. Humans are the true monsters that are ruthless and anarchic beings that think they are god. Pleasure is the reason why the world's roots are poisoned." Unknown entity said.

Tomoya Masaki slowly walks towards the edge of a rooftop, and debates whether to jump. He simply said.

"I hate myself." Suddenly a big flash of light appears, he takes a step back and does not commit suicide. He went back to his room in the apartment and went to sleep.

He got up from his bed and went out to buy something. He went and bought water and noodles for breakfast.

I don't know why I hesitated to jump last night.

He came back to the apartment and went to the 5th floor. He went to the kitchen to cook noodles. But when he looked at himself in the mirror,

His right eye—completely black. A swirling void where color should be. His body, dressed in a suit he didn't own, with writhing tentacles coiling and moving unnaturally around him. He tries opening his mouth to see if this was real, but his mouth in the mirror didn't move.

Why are the voices in my head louder and louder?

I knew I already had mental issues but. Why did it get worse? Was it my fault?

He sighed and went to check on his noodles. He watched a show about a boy taking revenge on his enemies. He really resonates with him but he can never have that type of braveness to face his own fears.

The staff walked past a security guard and said, "He is always lazy." A staff member looks back at him and throws a random box at him

The security guard was curious and said, "Thanks! May i ask what


That staff member was already gone. The security guard opened the box and saw a human arm which is currently rotting. "What is that!?" The foul smell was enough to cause the security guard to close the box in an instant.

Later, the security guard got complaints of loud banging noise from Room 329. The witnesses said, "Hey, can you check room 329? It's been acting very weird and has loud screams for a while" In the background, the security guard can hear the obnoxious noise coming from Room 329. He decides to check it himself, 

If the staff of this apartment won't check it, I'll do it. 

He walked up the stairs and headed to Room 329. He gently knocks on the door and says, "Hello? Anyone in there?" He noticed blood seeping from the door, Could this be a murder? He looked around and found a metal rod to defend himself in case this was an actual murder. He heard flesh being torn, he thinks differently.

Is this some sort of cannibalism or something more sinister? He hesitates to open the door, debating if he should call the cops or break in. He reaches for his phone and starts calling the nearest police station around Nagasaki, Japan. Before they even pick up the door next to him opens. To his horror, this thing wasn't certainly human. More Like a monster. It had a stretched out neck and pale skin, Its eyes were devoid of life. As it turns its head around like a machine. The security guard is startled. Unable to move or think, His heart is beating fast. He thinks this is the end. His arms and legs shook. He let out a gut wrenching scream, "Aaaaaaahh!!" He tried running but the monster with its long arms caught the security guard's leg and pulled it in further. The monster looks at the security guard with a horrific face and it points its tentacles at the security guard and in a grotesque voice and says, "You're just flesh, nothing more than flesh in my eyes. I was human before but I knew I had to embrace my true sinful self. I am a gluttonous monster. You'll turn into me if you sin." The security guard, unable to talk, accepts his fate right there. His flesh slowly get torn apart, the pain is unbearable. Desperate he pleads for help, "Someone help! Help!"

Tomoya heard knocking on his door and heard crying, he was confused. He looked through the peephole and saw a woman bleeding from her eyes. "S-sir, p-please help! Some monster walked down and just ate my c-child." The blood from her mouth came down like a stream, Tomoya who is paranoid and barely able to mutter words says, "Uh, Please calm down ma'am. I'll try and find a solution to this." She still cried while Tomoya tried to find an answer. Should he let her in or not? He closes his eyes.

That person could be anything, Tomoya. Human or not, will you let her in?

Is she worth saving?

Tomoya in his mind said, "Shut up! I know You're not real."

I am you Tomoya, Just a more evil and darker one than your soft and lighthearted side.

Tomoya, in his mind, went to the other side of him. He was furious and all of this bottled up emotions led to this saying, "I'll fucking kill you!"

Kill me right now then.

Tomoya runs towards it and tries to throw a punch. It phased through, "Ha! Tomoya did you forget? I'm literally you." Tomoya's other side proceeds to rip Tomoya apart in the mental state.

Tomoya felt himself disconnecting away from his mind. "Fuck you!!"

He snapped back to reality, he looked through the window and saw the woman speaking more disoriented and her jaw was extending. Her neck stretches and she says, "Too late, I killed my child already. I'm hungry for more human flesh. Let me in! Goddammit!" The woman banged on the door until her hands bled and her whole body kept twitching. Tomoya managed to silence a scream and ran into a corner, cowering away to face problems.

Tomoya~ Oh Tomoya, Go grab that knife and kill the woman, Isn't she a threat to your life? Don't you want to live? Tomoya replies "I-i cant, After killing my mother. I can't hurt her either."

The voice replied back, "Do it like last time."

Tomoya replies back, In hatred. "Do you even know the value of a human life? You're the sole reason I killed my mom! You ruined my life."

I'm not human, You know?

He cried, Why did this have to happen? Why can't I be normal?

I need to do something before I spoil rotten.

Tomoya, I'll turn you into that thing one day.

You will spoil rotten and face immense judgement.