Chapter 2: Fallen angel

Tomoya is suddenly being lifted up and into a bright light in his mind, he's back as when he was 13.

Tomoya was just sitting in his chair talking with friends. His friend asked, "Did you hear about the murders of students in Fukuoka and Yoshino? Apparently there is only one guy behind all the murders" Tomoya as a teen had some worries, he replied. "Imagine if he came to our school." His friends laughed, "Oh come on! Our school is not even that popular! He wont come at all, he'd be disappointed if he came!" Class ended that day. Tomoya headed towards the sports field, and headed on a hill. Suddenly a 20 year old man is just sitting on the hill in the school grounds. How did he get here? Tomoya asked the man, "Who are you? Where did you come from?" The man replied, "Oh! Hey, I'm a security guard at the school." Tomoya inspected the man further. Is he legit? Tomoya looked closer, it seemed like he's an guard. Tomoya and him watched the kids play around in the field, Tomoya asks the man a more personal question. "What's your name? You seem very kind sir." The man replied back with, "My name is Yura Nikkomori. Yours?" Tomoya responded back kindly with a smile. "Tomoya Masaki, nice to meet you." The man responded. In a more serious tone "Nice name, Tomoya. What do you do out of school?" Tomoya replied while chuckling a little bit. "I don't really do anything out of school. Maybe play games or study" Yura, who is perfect at hiding his wicked plans, says. "I draw in my free time sometimes. Hey! You should try drawing!" Both chuckled. Tomoya replied with some hesitancy "I have to go home now, It's time." Yura smiled "See you later! Be safe!" Tomoya looked back at him, and said. "Hey! Let's meet on the hill again." Yura chuckled, he replied. "Sure! Goodbye!" Tomoya smiles and walks back home. The innocent tomoya thinks the guy who's name is yura is just a charming guy who loves doing things not really fitting for his age. On the way, Tomoya saw a girl standing in the forest alone. It looked like a classmate Tomoya had. Tomoya hesitates to help her or not. Tomoya walks away, like nothing ever happened. But still why was the girl like that? Devoid of emotion and staring into nothing. A year later, Tomoya was not as perfect anymore. He was only above average in his studies. Not the perfect A student he was. He really doesn't talk with his friends that much either. His friends were talking about this one girl who was always absent. "Hey! Hinamori never comes to school at all. What's happening?" Something flickered in Tomoya's mind. He finally noticed something odd about the man.

9 months ago

Tomoya was walking to the hill to meet him. He wanted to apologize that he was busy with school work and more. But Yura, He wasn't there at all. It's like he's trying to hide some dark truth. This really made Tomoya's young mind spin and think.

Back to the present day, Tomoya saw a kid getting beat up by a group of bullies. Tomoya can hear the group say. "Fucking nerd! You didn't repay me back!" "Let me get a hit in too!" Tomoya can't do anything because if he intervened he'd get caught in unnecessary drama. Now they are gone and Tomoya approaches the kid. Tomoya lended his hand out and said, "Hey, Let's head to a hospital." The kid looked up at him. And sighed, but said. "I'm good, Thanks though." Tomoya's smile falters a bit. Was this moment the reason for his inevitable fate? Instead of helping the kid. He accepted the kid's independence. "Okay then, take care." Tomoya walks past Yura's house. He noticed it's super run down almost unrecognizable last year. He knocked on the door and said, "Hello yura? It's me, Tomoya." No one replied. So Tomoya goes in and shockingly the door is unlocked. Tomoya notices a foul smell. "What!? There must be some gas leak or rotten fish." He went further in and saw pornographic manga on the floor. This was, Yura? Was this his true self? Next year he is now 15 and walks past the house again. He sees police around the area. What happened? Tomoya finally realized. Yura was behind the murders. He saw a place for witnesses to come and explain their side, or to grieve for the loss. Tomoya looked around further, That girl. Who was staring into the forest, Got murdered by Yura. Tomoya, unable to hold back the emotions, he teared up.

Why didn't I talk to her?

Tomoya looked at her photo before she got missing, and this was the last time he ever cried.

I'm a failure.

I'll meet you in hell, Yura.

A year later, Tomoya's mental health starts declining. He's usually in his room playing games. From a kid with a promised future to a teenager that has hatred for society. One day his mom knocks on his door. "Tomoya,You should go outside now. I dont get why you care about others so much." Tomoya replied with pure anger, He never wants to hear her voice. "You don't know anything about me mom!You don't understand how important she was." Tomoya is beyond hatred. His desire is more twisted and his goals are just a faint memory. Tomoya looks around and sees a knife he tried using to kill himself once. He broke down the door and realized. No one was in the house at all only him and his mother. He pins his mom to the ground "Tomoya!? What are you doing?"

Tomoya with sweating dripping from his forehead said. "The voice in my head told me to do this. I hate you mom! I need to kill everyone around me." Tomoya's mother is in shock. "What's happening to you Tomoya? Tell me, Are you really Tomoya?" Tomoya replied back, still in a furious state. "I'll kill you mom" Tomoya stabs his mother in the chest and more violently. His mother looks at him while taking the stabs and says. "Tomoya, Please be saved." She cried further. "You're father, Hurt me more than you Tomoya. In my eyes you're still my son." She smiled, then peacefully passed away. Tomoya notices the aftermath he created, he holds his mothers corpse. While crying "Mom, i'm so sorry." He cried further, showing his true self more and more. "Mom! Wake up." He cried while screaming in true horror. "I-i am a bad son. I never deserved your love, Mom." He cries further. He decides to run away from his house.

Where did it all go wrong?

Was my fate sealed since birth?

I'm already a monster, I may not look like one but I am one.

Everything about me is wrong. My face, My arms, My mind, And myself.

Tomoya wakes up, And Realizes his true self now.