Chapter 6 - Mount Lady and Kashiko Sekigai


"Kyaaaaa!" The girl wearing glasses, a school uniform, and possessing silver hair screeched out in frightened panic remaining frozen in place as Mount Lady's giant foot was coming down upon her.

'I've got to move! Time to finally test out this Quirk…..I just hope it doesn't break my bones if I use it!' Izuku thought to himself clenching his teeth, taking a dashing stance and channeling the power he inherited from Nana Shimura.

'One for All! Dash!' He quickly thought to himself channeling his Quirk instantly and feeling the raw power surging through his body creating sparkling vein-like marks over his entire body. His muscles clenched and a sparking aura masked his frame as he sped out of sight racing towards the panicked girl up ahead.

Izuku felt like time slowed down as he speedily made his way over to her, once he arrived he quickly took her into his arms holding her bridal style and carrying her away just before the large foot stomped down creating a dust cloud impact!

"Ggah! Wow! What a rush!" Izuku said to himself when he slowed to a halt holding the girl in his arms still.

"Huh? Wha…? Where….waa!" The girl confusedly stuttered just now noticing she was in the arms of a rather muscular and handsome boy her age. She had a blush on her cheeks when she stared at his profile, Izuku then looked to see Mount Lady regain her footing and carefully stepped into the empty road to launch a billowing right hook into the giant creature's jawline!

A loud pop could be heard and the large monster seemed to tumbling down, Mount Lady smirked in victory until a sudden flash of energy came out of it's mouth blinding her as she barely avoided it! It missed her and hit the air but she was off balance and falling down.

"Oh no! I-I….I got to do something!" Izuku said to himself before quickly looking to the flustered bespectacled girl and setting her down to the side flashing her a confident smile before speeding out of sight once again!

"Amazing!~ He's just like Gal Might!" The girl squeed in surprise as she watched with starstruck eyes the sight of Izuku charging up his legs again and leaping high up above in an attempt to push Mount Lady up into balance!

"I got you!" He cried out with the wind rushing past his face making Mount Lady flash a confused look at him as he pushed his hands up into the crook of her butt.


"Kyaaaahhh!" She shrieked out with a fierce blush on her cheeks and felt the force of Izuku's thrust-powered push cause her to regain equilibrium making her stand right up. "Y-You….you little hentai!"

She called out turning her face down at her rear seeing a beet red Izuku clutch the rear end of her costume for dear life. The girl felt her jaw drop at the sight of the middle school boy hanging off of Mount Lady's expanded ass desperately clutching to the fabric of her costume, it was a hilarious sight to see and fortunately for Izuku, no photographers were around to snap pictures like they usually do.

'I wasn't aiming for this part, but her body was falling so fast I wound up here!' He explained in panic as he faced the glare of the giant woman from above. To Izuku's fright he felt his member become fully erect and press up into the large cleft of her gigantic butt furthering his embarrassment. Mount Lady's baleful glare at him didn't make it any easier.He flashed her a toothy grin and chuckled nervously as she began to shrink down making him struggle to keep his grip on before landing safely.

With a stamp of his shoes he landed onto the pavement safely using the power of OFA again, he turned it off quickly because the rush he felt was dangerous and didn't want to injure his body without training with it. The girl from earlier quickly arrived nearest to where Izuku landed next and saw a clearly peeved Mount Lady crossing her arms and glaring critically at him.

"I...I...can explain." Izuku stammered as she stomped her way closer to him ready to let him have her two cents, the girl saw this and intervened by stepping between with sharp focused eyes sternly glaring at Mount Lady.

"Yes, he can, when you nearly stepped on me this young man here used his Quirk to come save me in a split second!" She protested halting Mount Lady in her tracks making her look guilty and embarrassed. "On top of that you almost fell onto a city block when that creature blinded you, if anything you should be thanking him."

Izuku stepped forth and put a hand on her shoulder making her blush again as she turned her face to see his innocent boyish grin up close.

"That's alright, I can handle this. I appreciate you defending me….." Izuku trailed expecting her name and she was more than happy to give it.

"S-Sekigai! Kashiko Sekigai! Thank you very much for saving me!" She blurted out bowing her head immediately making Izuku bluster as he was shown genuine respect.

"Y-you don't;t have to do that, I was glad to s-save you, Sekigai-san." He refuted humbly until they both heard someone clearing their voice, they noticed an embarrassed Mount Lady looking at them with hands at her knees and bowing her head.

"Look, I'm… sorry!" She said hastily bowing her head and making Izuku reach over to lift her up, once she did he saw her lovely violet eyes sparkling as she held her hands up to her chin in a pleading manner. "Please don't tell my superiors about what I almost did. I'll get fired for sure and I'm already in hot water for leveling a city block a second time today."

'Oh….huh, well it wasn't her fault exactly, but still….' Izuku felt unsure of what to say to her and rubbed the back of his neck until he heard her next choice words trigger 'that' feeling inside his body.

"I'll do anything to keep your silence! Anything!" Mount Lady blurted out as Izuku felt the dark impulse of the Quirk inside of him began to throb with excitability.

'No! I-I can't let it trigger! Need to get somewhere else quickly or else….!' Izuku thought until they all heard the sounds of sirens coming near with plenty of Pro heroes and police officers focusing on the shrinking form of the giant 'monster' changing back into a man. It was a perplexing sight to be sure and it made Izuku wonder what kind of Quirk did he have, but then he saw Mount Lady's face turn back to him keeping up with the puppy dog expression she was giving.

"Pleeeeease?" She cooed cutely making Izuku want to clutch his chest in pain as his heart hammered within his chest.

'Gagh! I can't resist that, well I can, but I'm running the risk of letting that Quirk go out of control. I need to do something!' He thought before clearing his throat to speak. "Look, how about you treat us to dinner right now and I promise we'll keep it a secret?" Deku offered making Mount Lady's face light up and nod feverishly.

'Really?' Sekigai thought when looking at him from the side. The three of them suddenly tensed up when the sirens came closer making Mount Lady look nervous as can be for endangering an entire city block.

"Say, how about we go and have that dinner right now? Heheheh, I know a great steak shop nearby." She said hastily suddenly rushing along with Izuku and Sekigai, who Izuku took the hand of in their hurried walk, leaving the area quickly to go to dinner.

The girl wouldn't stop blushing at Izuku as she felt his strong gentle hand clutch hers, Mount Lady had a similar expression on her face, but that was largely due to feeling him hang off of her ass when she was in Giant mode. Izuku, on the other hand, felt awkward about helping a pro hero escape responsibility from her recklessness, but he was having fun doing something out of the ordinary with two beautiful women. Little did he know the pressure of holding back 'Absolute Devotion' was beginning to build up,meaning there'd be a 'leak' in it's effects sometime very soon.


"Mmmh!~ Steak is so good after beating a bad guy down. Uuaah, it's orgasmic!" Mount Lady commented with a salivating voice as she knifed her food and ate vigorously.

Izuku and Sekigai simply sat there with the forks still in their food staring at her in wonder.

'Is she really a Pro hero?' They both wondered with Sekigai scooting closer to the boy feeling tempted to reach her right hand over his lap. Mount lady, despite stuffing her face, felt the strange urge to do the same except with one of her legs. Ever since she felt the boy's oddly strong hands grab onto her giant butt she's felt something strange stir up within her. Like a desire to see him more and do anything she can to please him, but it was subtle and she was too pigheaded to really understand it as anything other than a whim. Still, she felt gradually drawn to the oddly powerful youngster, her violet eyes looked over to the girl seeing her blushing whenever she looks at him and moving herself closer without him noticing.

She smirked and chuckled knowing it was a schoolgirl crush coming from her.

"So… about we get to know each other, kiddos? You all know me, I'm Mount lady." She began and struck a quick pose for any nearby men with cameras ogling at her. Both the kids sweatdropped and she turned back to face them with a friendly smile. "You already accepted my apology after nearly stepping on you and almost wrecking some of the city by eating. That means you've accepted and we will never discuss again."

Izuku's eyes went flat and Sekigai chuckled nervously wondering if this woman was truly professional.

"On to the point, tell me about you two supposed lovebirds, hm?"

At this Izuku sputtered a bit nervously and shook his hands side to side denying the accusation.

"G-gah! It's not like that, I was just nearby when I saw it and I knew I had to go rescue her." Izuku admitted still feeling squeamish himself over using the awesome power of OFA. The Quirk of AD began throbbing some more when he felt his heart string up at Mount Lady's accusation, it also pulsated when near Sekigai. As if it somehow knew she was feeling particularly attracted to it's bearer.


Sekigai simply blushed even brighter at her words and cleared her throat to speak up and avoid more awkwardness.

"Since we're getting to know each other better, I am Sekigai Kashiko, pleased to meet you. I was just on my way home from school when all of this happened, but you should have seen this incredible boy just sped out of sight and rescue me. It was amazing!" Sekigai gushed making Izuku blush a bit harder and avert his eyes.

Mount Lady's eyes zoomed over to him analyzing him seriously with a coy smile.

"So, want to be a hero, huh? What's your Quirk?" She asked whimsically feeling the dark pulses of AD seep into her gradually like it was doing to Sekigai.

"Well my name is Midoriya Izuku, I was saved by Gal-Might a little while ago from the Sludge monster. And my Quirk, you could say is speed and strength but only for a short time." Izuku explained without giving any information on OFA specifically. He felt he did a good job since Mount Lady nodded with interest alongside Sekigai, the Quirk of AD was still seeping into both of them little by little bringing the older woman to do something rather risky and lewd. Izuku was unaware of all of it until he felt the pro hero's right foot lift up onto his thighs. Sensually rubbing them under her smooth elegant sole.

"Mmp!" He yelped comically and looked down to see her costume-clad foot place itself onto his leg, he looked to her and saw a flirtatious wink back making him chuckle nervously in frightful realization. 'Oh no! I've been so distracted by the rush of using OFA that I haven't noticed my concentration drop on controlling that other one. I didn't even notice it, but now….'

He looked at his side and saw Sekigai -scoot closer to him and place her right hand into his lap flirtatiously with a bashful smile. Both women were getting really hands-on with him and Izuku suspected because he let some of that passively active Quirk seep out it's energies.

"Uh, I….need to head to the men's room to wash up." He excused himself quickly hopping out of his seat away from the alluring gazes of the two women. Once he was gone the women felt a little saddened he wasn't anywhere near them anymore.

"So….want some tips on getting to first,second, and third base with that boy you barely know?" Mount Lady offered to Sekigai making her fluster squeamishly behind her glasses fogging them up with a red face.


"It's pretty obvious, kiddo, I've seen the way you look at him.~" The hero answered wearing a sultry smile and leaned closer ready to whisper some dirty secrets in her ear. "Here's what you can do to really grab his attention, it should work because I plan to grab him too. Maybe we can share him together?"

Kashiko couldn't help but nod in agreement as Mount Lady spoke her so-called 'advice' into the schoolgirl's ear.


Izuku rushed into the men's room of the restaurant they were in, he placed himself in front of the mirror breathing panicky feeling rattled that the AD Quirk was turning up again.

'Shoot! Maybe the rush of using OFA at it's fullest nulled my concentration a bit? I haven't exactly owned that other Quirk yet, so it makes sense it'd go out of control if I didn't keep an eye on it, but still….' He looked up into the mirror remembering Nana's face and the mysterious dark man that bestowed the Quirk on him in the first place.

At first, Izuku considered it a blessing that the event led to him having sex with one of his idols, he was even super happy that Nana loved him back and gave him the Quirk to be a hero. Now this other one is throwing a monkey wrench into things with his negligence, he clutched his right fist readily and composed himself by slapping his face.

"Alright, I'm going to own this Quirk, both of them." Izuku said to himself with a determined look on his face. 'Both of them are already affected by the little bit of Quirk that seeped out from my lack of focus in controlling it, now I just need to 'feed' that Quirk so they don't go crazy trying to get me in case it's desire grows even stronger. I'd hate to have to do that to them though, but maybe with any luck it'll be like me and Kendou's relationship is when it comes to Sekigai-san. Mount Lady…..might just treat it as a fling and just have a liking for me like Mitsuki-chan. Alright, Izuku, go and do this. Vent the pressure.'

With that Izuku left the men's room and returned to the table where Mount Lady paid the check and stood up after seeing him. He saw an alluring smile on her face as she came close with Sekigai in tow, he steadied his nerves when he saw the obviously flirty smiles on each of their faces as they approached him. Sekigai was more bashful making Izuku admire her cuteness behind glasses and silver hair, she had a decently mature body to boot and was just lovely all around. The boy felt his heart thump in his chest the longer he looked at her meaning the Quirk AD was doing its job.

"Hi, Izuku-darling!~" Mount Lady greeted waving her hand in a flirty way making him choke up as cameramen all around took notice with jealousy. 'Gahk! She's not subtle at all! I could draw in a whole scandal surrounding our dinner date here. Doesn't this woman believe in secrecy!?'

Izuku felt his movements stiffen as he approached them, Mount Lady received her receipt from payment and suddenly hugged herself along Izuku's side with Sekigai occupying his other one, his jaw dropped and the color faded from his face as they did this so brazenly in public.

"W-what are you guys doing?" He whispered to each of them until he felt Mount Lady groove her front along his shoulder and arm with her body. Her breasts sandwiched the broad muscle of his right shoulder while her thighs rubbed themselves along his hand. She was unashamedly flirting with him in public and the AD Quirk had controlled her enough to enact it.

"Izu-kuun. Let's go somewhere else, for now, to…..get to know each other a little better. I know you're freaking out about people staring, but don't worry too much about it. I have made my debut flashing by ass after all, I like the danger." She said purring into his ear. Then, Sekigai spoke up.

"Midoriya-san, I would like to go with you as well to whatever she's inviting you to. We already talked about it together and decided to make this a 'Hero's Reward' for saving me and keeping her from destroying more property." Sekigai informed him while she rubbed herself along his left side the same way Mount Lady was doing.

Izuku was starting to feel a little more squeamish since Sekigai's natural cuteness and wholesome bespectacled beauty rung him in. She grooved her chest along his left shoulder with some top buttons of her blouse undone showing some cleavage. Izuku guped when seeing the skin of her breasts become partly exposed making the throbbing ache of his erect member intensify, soon he was sporting a tent through his shorts much to the pleased shocks of both girls when they saw it.

'Oh no! One For All!' He called out channeling his Quirk again and scooping his arms around both women to boost out of sight from the restaurant!

Everyone was staring dumbly in shock when a small puff cloud was left, the camera-wielding men in the group sighed hoping to see more flirty Mount Lady.


"Ggaah! Ha! We made it!" Izuku breathed out excitedly despite feeling a little panicked. They were a block outside of the restaurant with his arms still wrapped around both Sekigai's and Mount Lady's waists making them both blush vehemently.

'What a rush! I...I...must have him!' Mount Lady thought to herself before hiking up a leg along Izuku's front making his member twitch even more inside his own pants. His head jerked in her direction just in time to feel her hands cupping his face pulling him into a surprise kiss.

"Gagk! H-Hey!" Sekigai protested and pulled herself into the fold as well hoping to get her turn with the boy that saved her life. Unfortunately she had to wrestle Mount Lady's hungry lips from Izuku's face leaving her tongue to slowly pull out of his open mouth. Izuku was briefly dazed before Sekigai pulled him onto her lips next tasting his saliva with a very passionate open-mouthed kiss.

"Nnh!~" She hummed as she worked her lips along his in a feverish embrace. Mount Lady felt titillated beyond belief and gnashed her thighs together through her costume as the feeling AD had over her intensified. She was feeling ready to fuck and knew Izuku was packing something more than big enough to get the job done.

"Hhmmhh." Izuku moaned back giving in a little bit to the sensation of the cute glasses-wearing girl's lips. Sekigai tasted sweet and her passion in shoving her tongue down his throat had his heart racing a mile a minute. He knew this was bad, that the AD Quirk would begin surging even more as they did this, but it only reinforced that he had 'vent the pressure' before too much of it built up.

He reached his hands around sekigai's waist pulling her closer and meshing his mouth hungrily into hers matching her passion. She was taken aback at first yet melted at his touch and his kiss as she felt her heart thumping wildly in her chest. She knew she was in love.

"*Ahem*." Mount Lady cleared her throat distracting them enough to cause their lip=lock to end, Izuku and Sekigai both turned to look at her with curious faces and saw her lustful expression meet them.

"Let's go back to my place, kiddos. It's exactly pretty close by from here. There….." She leaned in closely roaming her hands along Izuku's back through his shorts cupping his firm buttocks with a tight squeeze of her fingers. ".....we can really reward our little hero. What do you say?"

Izuku whimpered a bit and nodded while Sekigai celebrated inside her head and clenched his left arm into her body again.


In no time at all they arrived at Mount Lady's personal suite somewhere a few blocks away from the restaurant. They kicked open the door with Izuku feeling the dreaded urges of AD compel him to carry both women in his arms using OFA. The girls giggled and squealed in delight feeling even hornier than they were to begin with. Once the door was closed and they were inside Izuku let them both down and deactivated OFA.

"Here's my home, by the way my actual name is Yuu Takeyama." She began and removed her mask to show her lovely youthful face unobscured, then she undid the zipper behind her neck peeling down her costume from her body. ".....nice to meet cha."

Izuku felt his erection furiously push into his shorts as he watched Mount Lady, or rather Yuu-chan, peel down her outfit revealing her amazing body before his eyes. She was every bit as sexy and fit as her costume made her out to be with the exception of having a firm taut ass bound by a thing blue thong. Her sports bra was also blue and holding her robust C cups together with her chest, but she peeled those off anyway releasing the sight of her amazing tits before Izuku's eyes.

"Nnngh!" He grunted feeling his erection grown even harder until Sekigai dropped to her knees and peeled down the zipper of his pants. Out sprung his thick girth fully erect and standing at a whopping foot length size with several inches of thick girth!

"Wowie!~ It's sooo big! Mmngh!" Yuu gushed holding her cheeks in her hands and staring at it with starstruck eyes. She pulled down her thong immediately revealing her clean-shaven mound for both students to see.

"Y-Yuu-chan…..!" Izuku stammered up until he felt moisture on his penis and looked down to see Sekigai with her uniform coat off and shirt unbuttoned working her wet lips around the head of his dick. The sensation of her spongy lips suckling his cockehead sent Izuku's mind reeling with sensitive pleasure, he moaned lightly and reached over to hold his hands over her head. This made Sekigai happy and prompted her to close her eyes and focus on sucking deeper.

"Hey now, I'm still right here.~ Let a Pro show you how it's done, greenhorn." Yuu cooed as she hastily bounced over to Izuku running her hands along his chest underneath his shirt. He started breathing hotly in growing arousal and felt Yuu's lips begin sucking along his neck seductively. His hands found their way to both cupping Yuu's taut supple ass and holding the back of Sekigai's head as she worked more of her mouth onto his penis.

She hummed wetly in growing arousal as she felt her lips wrapped tightly around a third of it, Izuku was big after all. Her head started bobbing back and forth with her tongue coiling around the surface of his meat, her hands stayed gripping the thicker parts of his shaft unable to relay wrap her fingers around them as she jerked his length feverishly. A series of wet sucks and moans started coming out of her while Izuku turned his face to Mount Lady's and began making out with her again.

The older woman hummed wetly into his mouth as she shoved her tongue down his throat a second time today. Her hands cupped his youthful cheeks into them while her lips suckled and meshed into his in undeterred favor.

"Mmmmm!~ Hmmmm,, you taste good, Izu-kuun." She breathed between kisses as they made out openly with tongues working about and Izuku cupping her buttocks tightly into his right hand. Feeling her mewl loudly into his lips made Izuku grow even harder inside of Sekigai's mouth.

The girl increased her efforts and started throating more of his length, she struggled and forced herself to swallow up at least half of his amazing meat. Her lips quivered as they clung wetly to his phallus, her tongue lathered Izuku's cockhead further exciting him. Sekigai took off her glasses and put them to the side so she could hug her arms around his nicely muscular thighs and push herself up to his waist!

"Mmnhh! Ooohhhhh! Seki-chan! Aaaahhh!~" Izuku grunted out doubling over with his hand still on the back of her head. He heard the girl whimper in sexual delight and begin pumping her face back and forth along his member, loud wet slurping sounds started coming out with the girl adapting quickly to growing skill. She had never done this with anyone else ever before,but she was glad to be doing it with the boy she fell hard for after saving her.

"Mmhhhm! Mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm!~" She hummed to herself keeping her best pace as she throated her crush's length. Yuu chortled a bit at seeing her struggle and reluctantly broke off from Izuku's lips to lower herself down to her knees next to Sekigai.

"Don't hurt yourself, honey. Here, let me help you out. I've been craving this boy's man-meat the moment I saw what he was packing, call it women's intuition but I think we're supposed to making his night extra special for what he did. Now, let me help." Yuu said in a seductive voice prompting Sekigai to slowly pull back trailing her wet lips along Izuku's length until they popped off with a wet bubble of saliva.

The raunchy Pro hero leaned in and ran her tongue along the young girl's face making her shiver as she felt the spongy appendage of her tongue soak up Izuku's taste.

'Hhoohhhh! That's hot! And so forbidden too!' Izuku thought as Mount Lady and Sekigai started making out with the former being dominant as she shoved her tongue down her throat. The girl closed her eyes and let her take the lead as he saw them meshing their tongues together openly in wet oral bliss.

"Mmhmm!~ Hhhhhhh, I taste Midoriya on you, girl.~" Yuu cooed after she left Sekigai's lips leaving her face dazed and flustered with a bubble of saliva popping out of her lips. Then they both turned to Izuku and reached up to push him down onto one of Yuu's chairs.

With a plop he sat himself down with his member sticking up large and tall readily erect for action.

"But first, we need to get you out of this uniform. Text your parents or whoever you live with and tell them you'll be out for a little while hanging out with friends. I think we're going to spend all night here with 'Manly Midoriya'. "Yuu cooed with a sultry voice and Sekigai, seeing reason in her suggestion, bolted up and hastily undressed the rest of her uniform outfit.

Izuku watched with amazement as she stripped herself fully in front of him, her shirt came fully unbuttoned leaving a light pink bra covering up her modest C-cup breasts, her skirt came off showing her matching panties and ankle socks. Sekigai noticed him staring at her blushed brightly before tossing a lock of her hair to the side glad that he was looking. She quickly reached back and undid her bra letting it fall to the floor exposing her pink nipples and delicious-looking tits, her panties pooled around her ankles leaving her only in socks. She quickly grabbed her phone and texted the cover story to her parents before placing it down next to her glasses and crawling up to Izuku's lap.

"Midoriya….." she cooed happily as she ran her hands along his waist feeling his muscled body until they came down to his balls. Sekigai saw that Yuu was lifting her head up in an attempt to wrap her warm lips around the head of Izuku's cock. She tossed a wink at her briefly then pushed her head down swallowing a good chunk of his meat.

"Mngh! Ooohh, Yuu-chan." Izuku groaned as he felt the warm envelope of Mount Lady's hungry mouth begin swallowing up half of his length. Sekigai didn't want to be outdone by her and instead lowered herself beneath her swaying tits.

Her mouth found Izuku's large bloated balls and began running her tongue around them like a common porno star. His legs shifted and spread wide open allowing them more room so they could comfortably blow him side by side. Sekigai loved the whimpering sounds Izuku was making as she wrapped her lips around one of his smooth testicles while fondling the one softly with her other hand. The combined ministrations had Izuku breathing loudly and sighing in pleasure, Mount Lady pumped her throat deeper around his length, she had her right hand wrapped around the base pumping it while she started furiously bobbing her head on it.

"Hhmm mh mh mh mh mh mhhhh! Hhmmmm!~" She hummed and moaned as thick splashes of saliva came out of her lips. The hero woman hungrily sucked Izuku's length like it were the most delicious treat she ever had in her life, her sense of lust and longing for the boy escalated the more she worked at it. The Quirk made sure of that.

"Uuggghhh! Hhhhhhh…..! You two…are driving me crazy, this feels so good!~" Izuku commented tossing back his head and enjoying the combined sensations of Sekigai's and Yuu Takeyama's mouths hungrily lapping his dick. They made plenty of wet slurping nosies together with Yuu taking in more of Izuku's length, she struggled a bit but managed to reach up to three-fourths of his. She hummed warmly in satisfaction as she squeezed her throat muscles around it pumping her head feverishly into his waist. Her beautiful light-colored hair tousled back and forth with her suctions continuing for another twenty minutes until Sekigai felt his balls begin to implode.

"Mmngh!?" She hummed out in surprise when she felt one of them expand inside her mouth causing her lips to plop off of it entirely. She watched as Izuku's length rose up even more within Yuu's gullet making her struggle to suck even more of it inside.

The sight of the pro hero throating his length so passionately was a turn on to the girl,she watched eager for Izuku to blow his load until Yuu suddenly removed herself from his throbbing length and beckoned Sekigai to come closer .

"Let's do it at the same time.~" She cooed excitedly and brought the girl up to where their faces rested on either side of Izuku's thick cock. In unison both girls opened their mouths and started running their hot wet tongues together along the sides of Izuku's penis. He groaned even louder and clenched the armrests of the chair he was sitting on as he felt them work his length like hunger-ridden animals.

"Mmnnghhh! Mmhhaaahhh!~ Delicious.~" Yuu commented running her tongue along the sides at a feverish pace while eying Izuku.

"Hhmmmh! Izukuun!~" Sekigai cooed cutely as she ran her tongue around the bottom of his base running it up slowly while also eyeing Izuku.

They worked in combination running their tongues along his length for another five minutes enjoying the sight of Izuku quietly wailing in pleasure. Sekigai noticed his balls were beginning to bloat thickly from underneath them, she felt alarm bells go off in her head and looked to Mount Lady for reassurance, she just nodded back to her and leaned back with mouth wide open ready to receive. Sekigai followed suit and knelt back as their hands gripped and pumped Izuku's length repeatedly until he came!

"Uuuggghh! Here it comes!" He cried out bucking his hips off the chair and sending thick ropes of creamy viscous semen into the air to land directly on both of their face!

Sekigai gasped in surprise as he continued to paint their bodies in his sperm, over and over again cum erupted out of his dick like a volcano panting both their tits and their faces in it. After Izuku came he felt his orgasm subside for now while leaving his erection standing firm and solid, much to the surprise of both girls.

"Ooohhh, there's so much of it. I wonder how it tastes." Yuu cooed in excitement and began lapping her tongue around her own face cleaning herself off and tasting his seed. She mewled in delight when swallowed some of it down and gestured to Sekigai to do the same. The bespectacled girl imitated the pro hero and started scoopin up the entrail of his seed and tasting it mewling in satisfaction like Yuu had done.

Little by little they cleaned themselves up leaving only some left in their mouths once they were finished, to everyone's surprise Yuu leaned into Sekigai's face and whistled for Izuku to look. Once his green eyes were upon them the immoral hero kissed Sekigai on the lips and pushed her sperm-coated tongue into the girl's mouth tasting her.

"Mmnh!~" Sekigai responded and closed her eyes letting herself get fed the boy's sperm in thick erotic movements of the tongue. She erotically made out with the younger girl exchanging his seed between their hungry lips for a full minute.

Izuku felt his member twitch angrily in arousal again after seeing it, he had never been with two girls at the same time before, but it was indeed the hottest experience he had ever seen.

"Mnnghhh...uuuaahh! Delicious, right?" Yuu crooned receiving a stupefied nod from Sekigai as they both stood up with hands on their hips eyeing Midoriya like a prime male specimen ready to fuck.

"I call dibs." Yuu immediately blurted out making Sekigai slump her head and nod in acceptance.

"Hai." She replied meekly as Yuu leaned over and pulled Izuku to his feet.


Planting her hands against the wall and wiggling her luscious rump enticingly at Izuku Yuu Takeyama eagerly awaited for his cock to go inside of her. She turned her face over her shoulder to smile seductively at him as she reached underneath herself with her right to spread open her pussy lips in invitation.

Izuku tensed up and felt the overwhelming urge for sexual discourse, he shed off all of his clothes quickly and guided his member up to her mewling slit. Placing the head around her wetness of her vulva Izuku grabbed her hips tightly and pushed himself on in.

"Mmnggh!" He grunted feeling the tight wet velvet muscle of Yuu's pussy cling tightly around his length. He felt the taller woman shiver in excitement and buck her legs inwardly as she felt him push up into her cervix.

"Kkyaaahhh!~ Oohhhh yess! Yess! This is the biggest thing I've ever seen! It's amazing! Fuck me to your heart's content, Midoriya!" Yuu cried out in ecstasy tossing up her head.

'Oh my!' Sekigai thought with growing excitement as she watched Izuku begin pumping his thick member into the moistness of Mount Lady's pussy! Her folds clenched and gushed as he started driving it into her body with intense force.

The older woman pressed herself up against the wall of her house moaning loudly in pleasure as she felt Izuku's length pushing deep into her core. The sausage of his pounded her cervix several times with hard fettered thrusts eventually making its way into her womb, at this she squealed loudly in ecstasy and came all over his waist!

"Uuuuhhhh!~" She cooed nearly incoherently as she shuddered and made a mess of her vaginal nectar all over his length. Izuku grinned and resumed his thrusting, fucking her deeply in every way possible and relishing the tight squeeze of her cervix around his length.

Her walls gushed suddenly and squelched tightly pulling Izuku's member in deeper as she climaxed. This surprised him and made him look inquisitively at her as she pressed herself against the wall moaning. Yuu shuddered with a lip-bitten smile and winked back at Izuku before humping her hips back against his waist telling him to fuck her. He obliged and resumed his thrusting into her wet quim making her body undulated against his pelvis. He was maintaining a gingerly pace of meeting his body with hers in a raucous sound of lovemaking, Yuu moaned and ground her tits into the wall surface involuntarily activating her Quirk and quickly modulating it so that she was only eight feet tall and as large as an amazoness.

"Whoah! I-I didn't know you could control it like that." Izuku stated astonished as Sekigai nodded in agreement before coming up to his side. He noticed her and placed an arm around her waist making her coo and giggle lovingly. Her hands came up around his neck as his hand traveled down her body to hook a thick finger underneath into her quim. Izuku inserted it into her pussy with a hard firm thrust making Sekigai mewl in barely stifled ecstasy.

"Oooohhhh, Izu-kuuun!~" She squealed as Yuu quickly explained.

"I can modulate it to bigger sizes like this when I want to, I only go giant when fighting bad guys, but for here I think I'll keep it as this length just for the spice of it. What do you think of fucking a big woman, Midoriya?" She panted with a sexually excited smile on her face as she turned on her side lifting her left leg up over his broad muscled shoulder.

"I love it." Izuku answered making her blush and leaning in closely pushing his engorged dick entirely inside of her tight giant-sized pussy. Mount Lady felt him push right past her cervix scraping up against a sweet spot inside of her making her head hang back loudly moaning.

"Hhhaaaaagghh!~ Ooohh you found my weakness! Shame on you,Midoriya!~" She purred loudly as Izuku pumped his cock feverishly into her taint fingering Sekigai's tight pussy while keeping his tempo.

All through the room the stench of sex hung off the walls as Izuku continued pounding Mount Lady's tight giant pussy for all his worth making her go crazy with euphoria. Her leg bounced and bobbed off of his shoulder as he pumped voraciously into her hips. Sekigai bucked her thighs inwardly as she felt his finger prod deep into her pussy, she quivered with a lip-bitten expression of growing ecstasy and felt ready to cum. The romp of Izuku's large OFA-enhanced dick plunged into Yuu's tight gigantic pussy for the hundred time before making her reach ecstasy with her climax!

She let go of the wall and pounced onto the boy's frame in the heat of lust making him pull his hand out of Sekigai hastily so he could channel his power of OFA!

"Uungh!" He yelped straining to keep the large amazoness of a pro hero, currently partially gigantified, being held up in his arms while she bounced her body voraciously onto him like a horny animal. 'Uunngh! Wow, did not expect her to do that. Good thing OFA enhances my strength greatly otherwise I'd be literally crushed under her giant-sized body.'

Izuku grunted and felt Yuu swing her bottom wildly into his waist sheathing her pussy on his large meat over and over again making sure he touched her deeply. Her face was a completely flustered expression of pure ecstasy, her eyes were half-lidded and lips constantly aired out hot gasps of elation. She hung her hands onto his shoulder blades making sure to swing her lower half onto his meat while her legs hanging out of his back. Izuku kept his grip on her thighs keeping her suspended, it was odd sight seeing a fifteen-year-old adonis carry a giantess bouncing wildly on his dick.

Yuu was about to reach ecstasy again and suddenly wrapped her hands around his face pulling him into a deep tonguing kiss with her tongue pushing aggressively into his mouth! He murmured in pleasure and kissed back channeling his power into dominating the giant woman by himself. His tongue rolled back on hers resulting in a feverish open-mouthed kiss. Sekigai was breathing raggedly as she ground herself on one of Yuu's tables, her wet mound ground furiously back and forth on a table corner watching the sight of him dominating her. Mount Lady's ass swung voraciously onto his hips for another several minutes she came hard on Izuku's length wrapping her legs tightly around his backside causing him to cum!

"Aaaaaahhh!~" She cried out tossing back her head with tongue rolling out and eyes rolling up into her eye sockets. Her large body quivered violently as her vaginal cavity squeezed his length over and over again desperate to milk her overly young boyfriend.

"Ggrrk! I'm gonna cum! Is it safe to do it inside?" He grunted staving off his explosion and received a sexy whisper from Yuu Takeyama as she licked along his ear.

"It's not, but that's the fun of it. Don't worry, just let it all out, sweetie.~" She purred exciting his nerves for the last time and causing him to buck his waist frenziedly into her pelvis unleashing a thick gushing torrent of sperm straight into her babymaker! Yuu came again as soon as she felt it, her legs shot out of his back twitching as she shivered intensely on top of Izuku's body.

"HhaaaaahhhH!~ Ahhh…..!~ ooohhhh yess!" She cried out reaching paradise as she felt pump after pump of his spunk pour into her cervix filling up her womb. Secretly Yuu was safe for this time around, she just loved the idea of danger and the arousal-inducing risk included in getting impregnated by such a young strapping hero. She was safe though, the woman had a career to think of after all, but after feeling Izuku's seed splash inside her body she was wondering if she can get closer to him later.

Izuku grunted humping his hips into Yuu's large body over and over again sending thick ropes of his seed into her womanly depths. The thought of impregnating her had him overly excited and after several more pumps he felt her relax in his arms and shrink back to normal size.

"Huff...huff..huff….Plus Ultra alright.~" She panted until Izuku gently set her down on the couch and turned his attention to Sekigai furiously rubbing her cooch along one of the pro hero's table corners. She stopped immediately when she sensed his eyes upon her and stood back up smiling at him.

"Here I come, Seki-chan." Izuku breathed making the girl admire the sight of his still-hard erection standing up aiming at her.

'Oh my! He's still hard?!' She thought covering her cheeks in surprise as he walked over to her, feeling his body close to hers ready to have sex sent shivers up her spine. In a good way. She pulled down her hands and pulled her arms up to hook around Izuku's neck and pull herself onto his lips leading to a steamy kiss Izuku gave back.

His eyes closed as their mouths meshed into one another romantically, Sekigai lifted up a leg for him to pick up using his left hand, she felt ready to guide his member into her mewling slit, but Izuku was one step ahead of her and picked her up off her feet making her squeak in surprise. He guided the girl over to one of Yuu's chairs and placed the schoolgirl down onto it letting her legs hang up in the air wide open. Sekigai giggled as she fled her legs apart with her hands, her mewling slit quivered with heavily-aroused excitement as Izuku remained on his feet showing Sekigai the full view of his muscular ripped body. He guided his member down into her folds from above and pushed the head into her wet pair of nether lips making her mewl loudly behind sealed lips.

He felt a bit of resistance like he did with Kendo; her maiden barrier, briefly looking to Sekigai and received a brief nod Izuku plunged himself down on into her body taking away her virginity for good!

"Nnngghh! Haaahh….Midoriya!~" She shrieked out tossing back her head moaning heavily. He wondered if was too rough as he felt the seeping of her virgin blood around his throbbing member, but Sekigai quickly bounced back and flashed him a wild sultry smile begging him to continue. She kept her legs high up with ankles held back by her hands and spread wide allowing Izuku to press his body down upon her.

With a slap of skin he placed himself on top of the school girl making her squeal in ecstasy as she felt him go very deep. Sekigai started breathing faster now that she was feeling Izuku's thick length push right up into her cervix hammering the entry into her womb steadily. He started raising and slamming his hips down onto her pelvis making loud raucous noises of skin slapping skin as she felt the chair shake.

"Uuaahh!~ Aaahhh~, please, have me, Midoriya!~" She cried out bringing her arms around his broad muscled back and attempting to wrap her legs around his waist. Izuku groaned pleasurably as he began hammering his pelvis down onto her frame below, the raucous noises of bodies hitting each other echoed throughout the living room while Yuu recuperated in a blissful daze on her couch having cum seep out of her gaping pussy.

Sekigai's body humped up and down against Izuku's thundering body and between the chair! She moaned and shrieked over and over again in growing ecstasy as her legs bobbed above his waist. Izuku was relentless in his movements yet still gentle in how rough he was to be with her body, he knew she was gentle and tender and made sure his thrusts weren't too savage. The feeling of his dick burrowing inside her pussy sent the girl's mind reeling with ecstasy as she hung off of him.

"Aaah ah ah aah ah ah aahhhh!~ Izukuuuu!~" She shrieked out with eyes closed and mouth agape in euphoria. Izuku then brought their rutting up into the air by picking Sekigai up out of the chair to suspend in the air like he had done with Mount Lady. The only difference being that he didn't need OFA to lift her up this time, he was plenty strong on his own now thanks to Nana Shimura.

Sekigai squealed internally at the change in positions and found it easier to lock her ankles around Izuku's broad muscled back. Her naked light-skinned form bounced and writhed on top of him shaking feverishly as he plunged his thick length deep into her quim! Her pussy gushed and her vaginal muscles repeatedly sucked hard on his member, Sekigai was in another world of bliss right now and completely in love with Izuku the same way Nana and Kendo were. Who's to say others like Inko and Mitsuki weren't? Even the reporter Yu Shimamura hoped to see the boy again after that raunchy romp in her news van.

The girl was currently enthusiastic and happy as can be. Sekigai was keeping her wide-open in moaning euphoria as she felt Izuku's dick drill deep into her core, she brought her hands around his face once again pulling his lips on his for a steamy tongue-rolling make out! Her body jiggled and grooved along his frame over and over again feeling his member blur into her quim. Her buttocks jiggled voraciously in up/down motion with her walls beginning to clench down on him ready for another climax. She already had at least four still starting with Izuku today, the feeling of his dick sawing out of her insides felt like pure heaven to her, she wanted him oh so very badly and yearned to follow him to school one day. She didn't care that he did this with Mount Lady, who has shown herself to be a lot less virtuous than heroes seem to be, and didn't care if he had others on the side. Just so long as she can be like this with him more often she'd be happy.

"Mmnnghh! Mhhhh! Aaahh…~ I'm cumming, Izuku! I'm….cummmiiing!~" She shrieked out after breaking off from his mouth and tossing back her head to wail in euphoria. Sekigai's body shivered up with orgasmic intensity with her walls clamping down hard on his thick turgid member squeezing it to her heart's content as she came.

"Grrghh! Me too, Seki-chan, me too! Wher-"

"Inside! I don't care! Just cum inside me, Izuku!~" She cried out as she shuddered violently in orgasm feeling Izuku plunge his hips directly into her waist pushing his thick engorged member up into her very teenage womb itself before letting out an abundance of semen!

"Aaah! Ahhh! Oohhh....Seki-chan. Hnnnggh." Izuku grunted loudly in a blissful mouth as his shaft throbbed and pumped viscous amounts of thick potent seed into her teenage babymaker. Fortunately for her, it was a safe time and she could have as many creampies as she wanted without getting pregnant, still, the fantasy titillated her just as did Mount Lady. Sekigai ground her snatch tightly onto his waist making her cunt milked his cock for everything he had to offer, and Izuku offered her a lot.

A plethora of thick throbbing pulsating noises occurred as he filled her insides full of his spunk. The girl mewled peacefully in unrivaled happiness as she felt Izuku's muscular body grind into her while they came. Humming to herself in happiness as she felt his seed flow into her she then held his face into her hands again and made out with him one last time before succumbing to fatigue.

Once she was fully spent and once Izuku was finished cumming he laid her out alongside the other couch Yuu had in her suite letting her recuperate as cum seeped out of her opening. Her face looked disheveled and exhausted, she was panting like crazy while retaining a wide peaceful smile on her face. Izuku knelt by her side looking down at her with a genuine smile until he noticed the time it was and worried that his mother Inko would be freaking out about him.

"I need to go home now, maybe you two do too, but before I go I must tell you something." He began. "I plan to go to Yuuei Academy and become a hero for justice, like my idol All-Might and my inspiration Gal-might! I promise I'll make it up there with the others of the hero world, but until then let's keep in contact with each other,okay? Here's my phone number I'm putting in the notepad over here. I just want to let you know that I'm going to training a lot for the entrance exam, but I hope to see you too again later. I...this…..was a lot of fun and we should do it again." Izuku said finishing putting his number down on the notepad by Yuu's kitchen then hastily getting his clothes on and head out the door, but before he did he quickly hopped over to place a kiss on each of Yuu's and Sekigai's lips making them blush happily as they rested.

With that he was out the door in his pants hastily rushing his way home without using OFA, there laying spent,naked, and reeking of Izuku's scent and semen were the girls thinking the same thing after his speech.

"So…...I think I'm going to take a page out of Midnight's book and pick up a job teaching at Yuuei. I'm hoping I can get to teach Izu-kuun, lord knows I'm going to be going predator on him anyway if I see him there. How about you?" Yuu breathed looking to Sekigai nodded.

"I'm considering a change in school selections, I was currently aiming for Isami Academy, but now I want to follow Izuku to Yuuei and be a hero there as well as his girlfriend. I don't care if I'm not the only one, I want to be with him." She answered and Yuu smiled widely in a coy smirk.

"Well then, let me cal in some favors and use some good old Pro hero connections, I think I can help us both out." Yuu mused with a coy smile.


Outside, channeling OFA again, but to a much smaller degree so as not to overload his body Izuku hopped along rooftops making his way home in a speedy pace. He had managed to get his shirt and shoes on as bounced from place to place like a force of nature.

He looked at his hands sparkling with OFA energy and smiling to himself feeling as if he managed a degree of control over both Quirks.

'I think the pressure is vented then, no more raunchy shenanigans for a while. Right now I need to focus on training for the entrance exam and keeping a focus on keeping that other Quirk under control so that whenever a beautiful woman touches me I won't go crazy. Really does feel like I have it under wraps, maybe my luck is turning around after all.' Izuku thought to himself hopping over another building with speed in his body and wind in his air.

Little did he know that the AD Quirk was only given an appetizer, the pressure was still building for something huge about to happen. Something that can be considered a 'Feast'.

End of Chapter

To be continue....