Chapter 7: Classroom Orgy Bonanza-Part One- (Nemuri Kayama I, Kendo II, Momo Yaoyorozu I)
Chapter Text
All Girls for One Deku
My Hero Academia
By Azure
Chapter Seven- Classroom Special Exam-Part One:
Nemuri Kayama- Midnight I
Momo Yaoyorozu I
Kendo Itsuka II
(Izuku Midoriya x 1-A girls, 1-B girls, Shouko T., Camie U., Saiko I., and Nemuri Kayama.)
"So you want me to add in this last-minute transfer student to the roster, Takeyama? A bit unorthodox, no? Doe she at least have the transcripts and a Quirk capable for Hero work?" Nemuri Kayama, AKA the R-rated Hero Midnight, said on her phone as she kicked back in her personal office at home. It was Sunday afternoon and here she was relaxing in her a simple overlong white shirt showing off her beautiful long legs to nobody around. On her face was a pair of glasses and a long bladed hair was tied back into a wolf-tail. In front of her desk was a slew of papers detailing all the records and transcripts for the current batch of students entering hero work.
"If it makes you feel any better I have her transcripts right here.~ I can fax them to you if you want." Yu Takeyama said over the phone dressed up in her hero outfit back at her suite grinding herself on a dulled table edge when thinking about the boy from the other day making her completely satisfied and wanting more. She bit her bottom lip when remembering how big and full of stamina he was, it was amazing enough in itself that he was fucking her in a quasi-gigantified form along with the other girl.
Yu sighed in happy nostalgia remembering what it was like to fall in love all over again,that boy Izuku Midoriya was someone to chase after. She didn't even mind that the girl fell hard for him too and wanted to go Yuuei now, as a Pro-hero with connections to teachers there she felt like doing that sweet girl a favor in making it happen.
"Yes, please send it." Nemuri replied and looked over to her fax machine seeing it buzz with Kashiko Sekigai's picture profile, transcripts, Quirk information, etc. "Why all of a sudden doing something like helping this random student out anyway? Could it have to do with this 'stud' you called me in the middle of the night to gush about?"
"Oh my yes! The boy….ooohh Nemuri...he is absolutely amazing! There is nothing to describe the way he makes you feel! It feels just that good! Mnnggh!" Yu gushed over the phone making even Kayama blush and listen raptly with attention.
"Tell me more. And you said his name is Izuku Midoriya, correct? Far be it for me to talk, but maybe you shouldn't be mingle with a school student that way?" Kayama asked feeling very interested now in hearing about the boy that had apparently rocked her colleague's world. She started gnashing her naked thighs together with growing excitement for the details.
"Well, I don't wanna kiss and tell, but he took me and that girl around the world. We went all over my place, the both of us with him, at least six times that night! I was left feeling so full of his cum that I thought I looked pregnant already. He was even able to take me in my partial giant form too! Not only is he strong but he is hung like a horse and knows how to use it like a professional. Oohh….just thinking about him makes me want to see the boy again already." Yu Takeyama finished recounting making Nemuri blush heatedly as her eyes sparkled with interest.
She licked her lips in growing excitement and intrigue then looked over the profiles on her desk until she found what she was looking for. She brought it when finding Izuku Midoriya's information and profile picture, she saw an innocent-looking smiling boy with wily dark green hair smiling back at her. She had to admit he was rather cute and noticed he looked a bit thick in terms of body muscle, this only made it better. A perfect combination of shonen youth, spirit, and masculine sexual prowess. All The things this cougar of a hero was looking for in a lover. Nemuri particularly liked that he had a bright look on his face with eyes looking full of optimism. Suddenly she was feeling as vested in this character the same way Yu had been. She wasn't sure that was a good thing, but the woman was feeling thirsty for the boy after hearing about him.
'Hmm, he's actually really cute, and according to his bio his Quirk is a power-up type. I wonder if he's the same person of interest Shimura-san mentioned having earlier? She did say something about a protege working under her and being 'close', not to mention she said something about the name 'Midoriya' when talking to me about him. I'm guessing this is that kid. Ooooh, I wonder what the rest of his body looks like underneath that uniform. A shame the profile picture doesn't show the rest of his body.' Nemuri thought to herself bringing her head back to the phone and listening to the loud rasping Yu Takeyama's breath heaving loudly for some reason. Her cheeks became tinged red when she realized what this had sounded like.
"Yu-san? Are you okay?" She asked warily and heard the woman let out a squeak of surprise in the background.
On the other hand the blonde-haired woman snapped out of her thoughts and brought her attention back to reality after hearing her name b e called. She looked down between her legs notitinc her right hand had been furiously stroking her mound through her costume clothing leaving a damp spot underneath nether region. Blushing brightly and clearing her throat she spoke back to Nemuri on the other line hoping she didn't hear her.
'I got so caught thinking about him I started doing that right in the middle of everything. Nnggh, going without his touch is agony, I need to find that boy and take him back here! I'll tie him to my bed if I have to!' She thought to herself biting down in her thumb and gnashing her legs together.
"Sorry about that, Nemuri-san. Just...uh...reminiscing about something and got a little excited. Anyway, you should really meet the boy when you have a chance. Since you're becoming a teacher in Aizawa's place, what with him simply ignoring the request you made for him, that boy should pop in the 1A Alpha class. I have a feeling he'll be there and believe me, if you do 'meet' him like I did you'll love every second of it." Yu added making Nemuri's glasses fog up and flush even hotter.
"My my, if has you all aflutter I guess he really is special, but I'll wait to see if he appeared in my class first. I don't know exactly how he would since I'm teaching girls for the Alpha side and Vlad King is teaching the boys for the 'Gamma' side of 1A. They decided to do gender splits for the first half of the semester this year just to see how it would work. But I am excited to meet him, and if Shimura-san vouches for him, I don't doubt that he'll make it into class 1A after completing the entrance Exam."
"Hmm mh, knowing how you are with young boys it would make sense you'd only be teaching the girls, plus I doubt a bunch of male teenagers would ever stop drooling at you. But Izuku, I should really hope, gets to meet you and takes you for a ride like he did me. It is so very worth the risk." Yu salivated with a dreamy expression making Nemuri blush even more and sigh at the photograph of Izuku's face smiling back at her.
She smirked coyly and thought back to the idea of including the one boy in a classroom full of girls. Such a thing wouldn't be possible unless he received a special permission from a high-ranking teacher or hero. Kicking back in her chair her thoughts drifted to how he would appear….naked before her eyes. She lewdly licked her lips and smiled to herself until she heard Yu speak up again into the phone.
"He's also got a fourteen-inch dick.~" she musically teased making Nemuri sputter as she fell back from her chair crashing in her office!
Where Izuku Midoriya was at…
Rushing downstairs wearing an excited look on his face the green-haired bearer of OFA arrived in his school uniform with backpack packed and ready. He saw his mother standing over the stove wearing her traditional long-sleeve pink sweater with tight-fitting hoop skirt around her uncovered legs. She had a smile on her face and turned to him with a ready-made plate of breakfast prepared for him. While normally she'd wear the naked apron ensemble in order to get him to fuck her, Inko knew today was a big day for Izuku and chose not to distract him. Although, she'll admit that the dry spell has been driving her crazy with need and hoped she can hold out just long enough for Izuku to complete his qualifier exam.
"Breakfast's ready, Izu-kun. Eat up, you're going to need all your energy for today." Inko called as she set the plate down on the table and returned to the stove preparing her own meal as Izuku came close.
"Thank you, Kaa-san." He replied feeling energetic and ready for today." Izuku was wearing his formal school uniform as he pulled out the chair and prepared to sit down and eat, but then he noticed something distant about his mother Inko.
He couldn't help but see that she was looking rather 'abandoned' by him ever since he put that temporary hold on their sexual relationship. This made him feel guilty because she had already been on a long agonizing dry spell for years up until he seduced her. That day was magical alright, all day they fucked wildly on her bed making a mess of things and leaving Inko Midoriya sore and full of sperm. She barely got up from that and Izuku felt guilty because she loved it, love him so very much that depriving her of sex must've saddened her. Walking up behind his mother he pressed his pelvis into her rump making her squeak in surprise, he put his arms around her waist making her turn her to meet him and see him looking deeply into her eyes.
"Kaa-san, I'm... I'm sorry I haven't been with you as of late. I know I've been training, working on controlling my Quirk and getting myself ready for today, but I've also been ignoring you. Ignoring everyone….really...and want to make it up to you right after I get selected for a class." He began and it made Inko's eyes sparkle as he pulled her closer to where their foreheads met and Izuku ground himself against her rump seductively making her whimper.
"If I really pass and get put into a Hero Course Class at UA I'll come back and give you the greatest night of your life the day before classes start." Izuku said with an impassioned flair making Inko blush and her heart stammer in her chest with excitement. She smiled at her son and twisted herself around so she could wrap her arms around his shoulders and pull him into a sweet loving kiss. Izuku obviously kissed right back and held his mother closely as he sucked open her waiting lips pushing his tongue into her mouth allowing it to mesh with hers.
"Mmmmhh!~" Inko happily purred into his face as they made out languidly in an incestuous embrace.
Their lips curled over each other's while their tongues openly swirled together making Inko so turned on she curled a leg up around his side pulling him deeper into her arms. It was so romantic and so heated that neither of them cared they were mother and son, they were lovers plain and simple with one having an extraordinarily high sex drive and a way with women. They made out like this romantically for several more minutes until Inko eventually pulled herself away and met her son with sparkling tearful eyes of utter happiness.
"Izu-kuun….! Yes, that is what we'll do then! Mmhh, I'm so happy, I'll be sure to give you an incredible night of happiness as well. I'll even ask Mitsuki-san to come over and join me in giving you your graduation gift. Maybe Nana-san too if she isn't busy, I know you and her have been a thing since day one and I want us all there to treat you properly for all your hard work." She finished leaving Izuku surprised that she knew all about Mitsuki Bakugou's romp with him. It probably wouldn't surprise him since they were close friends and basically sisters at that, plus Mitsuki loved to gossip sometimes. He just hoped she only gossiped to his mother.
"Y-you know? H-how?" Izuku questioned feeling his AD Quirk begin to sizzle up in reaction to the thought of both MIlfy women waiting in bed for him when he came home from UA.
Of course, he prepared for this by focusing his mind and body and clearing his thoughts. He was bringing the surging intensity of the AD Quirk down to a manageable level, for now, and reigning it in before he wound up fucking his mother over the kitchen counter. No matter how much he wanted to right now he had a very important qualifier exam to be getting to right now. He had learned some degree of control over it just before meeting Mount Lady and Sekigai, which later ironically spiraled out of control the moment he rocket propelled from the ground to stop Mount Lady for crash landing. Inadvertently touching her ass in the process, after that event the two women came onto him at the restaurant made him lose focus enough to feel the great urge well up again. Thus, this led to their fuckfest at Mount Lady's suite shortly after. He was admittedly pent-up alright, mainly from repressing his urges, but the pressure burst a bit making him take it out all over those two beautiful ladies that night leaving them satisfied. Now though, Izuku was worried since it was feeling more and more intense each time he even had a thought on boobs or women in general. If he didn't know any better he'd say his Quirk was like a ticking time bomb.
He saw his beautiful mother lean in closely cradling his face in warm loving affection, she pressed herself into his waist some more feeling his bulge begin to form within his pants and nudge her pubic area through her skirt.
"Nana-san told me, I….I already knew you had her as your lover,Izuku, then you had me and Mitsuki shortly afterward. She is an amazing woman, honey, and I can't believe that the famous hero Gal-might loves you so much that she is willing to share you with me. It's like a dream come true; having you manifest your Quirk then having me.~ I don't mind you being with other women either, Izuku, just so long as you make time for your 'Kaa-san' every now and then, hmm?" She purred making him blush and cradle her face back with a loving smile on his face.
They pressed their lips into each other once more making out again over the deactivated stove. Inko felt her buttocks push into the edged surface and brought both her legs up to wrap around Izuku's body feeling him push into her strongly as they swapped spit. The older woman was over the moon with happiness right now at once again feeling her son's lips mesh with her own, his tongue dove in passionately swirling around her mouth tasting her as they went. She ground herself up against his body feeling him push ever so tightly into her frame as they hungrily sucked face. This carried on for several minutes until Izuku noticed the time from out the corner of his eye and reluctantly pulled off of Inko's dazzled face.
"Huff...huff….that's right, hehehehe, you have to be going, Izuku." She remembered chuckling happily as he pulled himself back with an embarrassed blush on his face tidying his uniform up again.
"S-sorry, Kaa-san, I guess I gotta be going, huh?" Izuku excused himself and quickly grabbed a slice of toast into his mouth before rushing out towards the door leaving his mother standing in the kitchen smiling and waving at him.
"After the exam, after orientation, it's me and you….all night long. Unless Mitsuki-chan wants to join in as well, still I will 'Make it up' to you." He said with confidence and winked at the slim Milfy woman before running out the door leaving her to sigh happily as she gnashed her thighs together.
"I'll be waiting.~"
Izuku saw her blow a kiss his way as he rushed out the door heading to the building where the beginning lecture of the entrance ceremony was underway. He was registered and scheduled to participate in the entrance exam that was happening today this Monday morning. Most importantly of all, he was pumped and ready to prove himself. He just hoped Nana herself would be watching at the school, part of him wanted to show off how far he had come thanks entirely to her. Not only using her gym for the past so and so, but also for believing in him and bestowed upon him the greatest gift he could ever receive. To make sure he was worth the investment he had been going to that gym of hers constantly pushing his body to the limits and bringing himself to peak physical condition.
Where he was once a scrawny wimp often being bullied Izuku was now more filled out in muscle,tone, and shape. His stamina increased greatly in the process which worked well for the speed boost that came with OFA. After trying it out on Mt Lady's rump, something that still gave him goosebumps of the pleasant kind, he found there was a subtlety to control that required finesse and precision. He also found that it was so intense to control when it came to speed and power, so he needed to be very careful about how he'd go about using it.
'Maybe settling for twenty percent should be enough. I won't let you down, Nana-chan! You made this all possible for me, I owe you everything and more! But most of all…..' Izuku thought to himself bringing up his phone showing a 'Good Luck' picture from Nana Shimura. Clicking on the attachment his eyes bugged out of his sockets when seeing the muscled woman of prime beauty lay spread eagle on her bed naked with her pussy being spread before the camera perspective.
'I'll be waiting with your mom to congratulate you later, make me proud, Izu-kun.~' The text below the message said with Nana's face smiling lovingly at him while keeping her pussy spread open using her fingers.
"Hnnggh! Nana-chan!? You're going to…..get me too excited to concentrate!" Izuku said quietly to himself as he passed by Mitsuki's house.
He saw the Milfy blonde woman standing outside on her porch blowing a kiss to Izuku before tossing him a pair of her panties. He yelped again when catching them noticing they appeared to be a fluffy lace pink thong.
"For good luck, Midoriya! I'll also be waiting with Inko when you get accepted into the class! Sniff it as much as you like by the way, they're yours to keep." She called out to him making him blush redder than a tomato while flashing him an upskirt shot of her bare pussy from underneath her hoop skirt.
"Ngghh! T-thank you, Mitsuki-chan! I will!" Izuku called out stuffing the panties into his backpack and rushing towards the main building of the Yuuei academy to begin his journey as a hero.
He eventually arrived there, in front of the most prestigious Hero school in Japan
(7/1 to 7/7 is one chapter)