Chapter- 7/2 part one


He eventually arrived there, in front of the most prestigious Hero school in Japan; Yuuei Academy. Izuku stood in awe of it gulping down his nervousness before taking the first steps into arriving inside of the building. He looked to his side and saw Bakugou Katsuki, Mitsuki's foul-tempered foul-mouthed son stepping his way over into the same place where he was going. He had that ever-present scowl on his face as he stomped towards his goal, the blonde boy paid Izuku no mind at all as they passed by each other.

'Oh man, this is so awkward! I mean, I know I sorta saved him during the Sludge Villain incident, but Kacchan hasn't said or done anything to me since that time. I wonder if he's different now.' Izuku thought turning his head toward his former friend from childhood.

Then, on reflex, Bakugou turned his face at him giving him that usual comically angry look in his eyes.

"What!? I'm not interested in talking, you damn nerd! I can see you staring at me like you want to!" He shouted out making Izuku chuckle nervously and put some distance between them. Bakugou clicked his tongue and turned his attention back to what's head of him leaving Izuku to sigh before focusing back on the building of Yuuei.

'Yeah, our friendship, if you can even call it that, was done a long time ago when his Quirk first manifested. I'm a different person now too, Kacchan, I won't be outdone nor humiliated by you anymore! Nana-chan put all her faith in me and gave me a gift that I am forever thankful for. I will become a hero, someone who brings a smile to people's faces. I'll show you that I'm not the same boy you bullied when we were still kids!' Izuku declared inside of his mind as he glared harshly at Bakugou from the back.

'You know, I probably should've just said all that out loud instead.' He wondered getting lost in thought until a pair of feminine hands grabbed his shoulders snapping him back to reality.

"Watch out." A girls voice called out to Izuku making him look back into the cat-like dark eyes of a beautifully mature girl his age wearing her dark hair back into a spikey wolf-tail. Izuku felt his heart beat a mile a minute the longer he looked into her face and then saw her smile as she spoke.

"You should pay more attention to your surroundings, you almost ran into that stone pillar right there." She pointed out gesturing to the large pillar that was inches from Izuku's face making him chuckle nervously again cursing his stupidity for not noticing.

"Oh. Thank you, I uh got lost in thought. I'm very excited for the entrance exam, are you? Oh, I'm Izuku Midoriya by the way." He introduced making the girl nod politely and shake his head with a sweet smile.

"Momo Yaoyorozu, pleased to meet you. See you at the entrance exam then, Midoriya.." She said with a smile and turned into the building with him leaving Izuku blushing madly as he talked with another beautiful girl.

'Ooohh! First it was Nana-chan, whom no one can compare to, then it was Mitsuki-chan, Mother, Itsuka, that reporter lady,Mount Lady, and Sekigai-chan. Is this second Quirk trying to build me a harem!?' He wondered grabbing his head puffing steam from his nostrils

He quickly settled down and composed himself before moving forward.

'No, no, can't think like that. I need to focus on what's in front of me, but sometimes it becomes too hard to do that when this second Quirk starts going crazy. Meeting someone as beautiful as Momo-san sparked it up even more, I...ungh...I need to focus.' He thought to himself not knowing that while he remained calm on the outside the Absolute Devotion Quirk was pulsating with energy within his body.

It was more or less tempered now, but it was currently biding it's time. Had been for a while now and when it would 'explode' it'll make up for all that lost time not tasting any women that would've otherwise fucked its master. With so many new women and girls around, it can finally have a feast and 'evolve' making it's owner Izuku into a true harem owner of women.

Izuku sat down in a seat somewhere listening to Present Mic begin the welcoming lecture.


The entrance exam came in the form of a gauntlet taking place in one of the destructive training zones Yuuei had at their disposal. Izuku wore a tracksuit for the workout exercise and stood stretching his arms and legs as he stood outside the main gate eager to flex his muscles and hit something. The power of OFA surged within him but he kept it's output at strictly twenty percent since he didn't want to overtax his body. When the gates opened up many students, tall and big, male and female, all rushed through readying their Quirks to dismantle and destroy the various droids UA deployed against them as part of the test.

Izuku rushed forward grinning with excitement as he felt the intense surge of his powered Quirk course through his ripped body! Clenching his right fist and rearing it back to deliver a 'Smash' punch Izuku launched himself at the first large Droid he sees and….

"Smaaaash!" He cried out punching the robot's top portion into pieces creating a small explosion of bits and metal! As Soon as he landed he held a triumphant smile on his face after feeling the rush of such power going through him. 'Wow! That is so cool! Okay, time to focus on the rest and make it to the end before the timer runs out. I'm ready to put some martial art skills Itsuka-chan taught me to good us, I hope I see her here later.'

With that in mind Izuku sped off in a boosted dash wowwing many of the other students around him as he launched himself at one robot after another smashing them apart with a glowing twenty percent powered fist!

Somewhere from afar after pulverizing a random robot using her giant right fist Kendo Itsuka stopped moving and felt her heart tighten upon seeing Izuku Midoriya in the distance. He was a current student of hers and ongoing fuckbuddy she wanted to make her boyfriend. She smiled proudly with a blushing smile when seeing him dispose of random droids using raw power and his learned fighting skills. He landed on the ground next and took up a battle stance to engage oncoming droids, sweeping his feet and expertly maneuvering his fists he swiftly dismantled each one of them leaving them headless and crumbling to the ground. Kendo sighed to herself with cheeks blushing brightly in happiness knowing Izuku took her lessons seriously. Her heart stammered as she saw him move to the next place ready to dismantle another random robot in his sights.

"I hope we meet up again in class, Midoriya-kun. Like we said we would. I also really need to owe you a beatdown for not giving me the usual loving when you stopped showing up for lessons. I know it was for this day, but still….can't leave a girl hanging." She said to himself watching as he Izuku continued his work for little while more.


Someone else observed his actions from afar, namely the entire body of Pro-Heroes that would operate as teachers for UA. All of them, from Mic to Nezu, to Midnight, sat in a box-office room observing all of the participants blitz through their robots on a large screen. One subject of interest was none other than Izuku Midoriya, the green-haired boy brimming with amazing speed and strength as he worked his way up the ladder to top scores among the others.

One particular teacher and Pro Hero stood in the back of the room with arms crossed and a proud smile on her face. She was wearing her hero outfit and watching Izuku make her proud as he thrashed another robot.

'Hehe, show off. But he has come far though, no longer is he wearing that sad sack frown when I saved him from that sludge villain a while back. Now he's confident, smiling, and being smart about using that immense power. Izuku…'re becoming a worthy successor alright, I hope your schedule is clear after orientation because I am going to give you the fucking of a lifetime at your house.' Nana Shimura said to herself in thought watching the display of combat skills being performed by the students.

That us until she heard Midnight gush out loudly in praise from within the front row of the seats.

"Wow! That boy is amazing! Takeyama was right on the money about him." She admitted making others look her way with curiosity and mild confusion. She was blushing adorably with little hearts floating out of her head while squeezing her cheeks. Nana smirked and felt the inkling on what to do with her after seeing that reaction, stealthily walking up she took an empty seat next to Midnight as they continued to watch.

"Hmm mhh, he certainly putting on a show alright. That power kinda reminds me of yours, Gal-Might." Principal Nezu commented turning his furry little head in her direction as he hung off of Present Mic's head.

"I guess he had a similar Quirk, I think the real takeaway here is how smart is being about using it. Now, call it a gut feeling but I think he might be the next symbol of peace like my predecessor All-Might was for his generation." She shrugged with a knowing smile and watched Izuku dodging various robots by flipping around using his enhanced agility to its fullest. Seeing his newly enhanced body, being taller and buffer than when he started, in action made her feel greatly aroused watching him move.

Nana bit down on the bottom lip of her mouth watching with excitement as thoughts of taking him to bed again entered her mind. She saw Midnight wiggle even more in her seat like a horny fangirl and thought up an idea that made her smirk. Something that involved the boys/girls divider coming into effect for the first semester.

'It really is a wonder why we do that this year of all years though, was it because of two Student entries perving on the girls locker rooms constantly?' She wondered.

The subtle control of AD was there enforcing her decision to include as many girls as possible into Izuku's growing harem circle. Nana knew he had trouble containing it if his past endeavors were anything to go by. She didn't mind one bit that he was wantonly satisfying other women including his own mother, she was too devoted to him to be bothered by that. She was,however, wondering if Izuku was letting the pressure build up too much by not engaging in sex. The boy had to focus on working out and training for this day , so he couldn't really be blamed for it, but that wretched Quirk inside of him had a mind of its own sometimes.

A mind that wanted him to indulge in sex everywhere he went. Looking over to Midnight and thinking up a rather bold idea Nana Shimura spoke up.

"So…..looking forward to teaching 1A? I'm pretty sure that boy is going to be in your classroom, assuming that first-semester division policy is going into immediate effect." Nana said making Midnight slump her head sighing.

"I know, it's such a shame, Vlad-King gets to teach the boys and I get the girls,I can accept that, but…..I want that one in my class." She whimpered like a child pointing at Izuku with a cute pout on her face and turned to see Gal-Might flash her a sly smile.

"I'm certain an exception can be made.~" She noted making Midnight look over into the Superstar's eyes with sparkling hope seeing her nod firmly as she explained the importance of placing Izuku as the sole male in class 1A 'Alpha'. She was unaware that despite her open-mindedness in sharing Izuku with many, her decision in this was partially affected by the AD Quirk's lust-based influence over her.

The Sex-starved beast was wet with appetite and hungry for youthful women.


The ending bell sounded and Izuku stood in the center of robot wreckage huffing tiredly as his workout clothes hung around his now exposed upper body. His well-muscled bare chest was exposed to all, including many girls. All of them were admiring his body as he stood drenched in sweat pumping a fist high into the air in 'Victory'

'I did it, I really did it. I made Nana's Quirk my own and worked my way up properly in the entrance exam. I'm finally….finally on my way to becoming a hero! After thinking for so long that I'd just be a Quirkless and unable to achieve that dream. Nana-chan...thank you.' He thought to himself until he saw a mature-woman, likely no older than his own mother, wearing a white lab coat, glass visor, and looking surprisingly sexy for a cougar walk up to him.

She had silver hair tied back into a loose-hanging ponytail draping down her neck, two curled bangs on the side of her face, wise blue eyes behind the visor and a supple pair of pink lips puckering up as she leaned down placing them onto Izuku's forehead.


Izuku yelped at the sudden kiss fearing his second Quirk would activate out of nowhere, luckily that wasn't the case as he felt those soft sweet pair of lips smooching his skin. The lady drew herself back with a smile and a gasp of breath as the recovery 'magic' started working on the boy.

"Whoa….what the….I'm feeling better!" Izuku said astonished as he felt his sore muscles were no longer sore, the bruises all over his upper body vanished making his skin smooth and unblemished. He even felt his stamina return in full force making him feel as good as new.

"That was amazing! Thanks!" He gushed out to the mature lovely lady admiring her voluptuous figure as she winked cutely at him.

"You're very welcome, cutie. Youthful heroine Recovery Girl is always on the job to heal the hurt. Now if you'll excuse me." She introduced herself in a flirtatious kindly manner before walking making her way around treating others.

Izuku was left blushing as he stood there in the middle of the clearing, he snapped out of his reverie when he heard the PA system make an announcement.

"Attention all participants. Congratulations on completing the Initiation exam, we will begin processing the results and filling you into the classes based on your results. Just note that A and B Hero courses will be gender divided as part of an experiment. You will all be filed appropriately in roughly an hour or so, please wait by and make your way to the homeroom to meet your fellow students and your homeroom teacher. Thank you all for your efforts."


"Alright, now to just wait,after I find my homeroom I'll inform Nana-chan of the good news and…..make it a special night for mother and Mitsuki-chan too." He said to himself pumping his fists up in the air mentally cheering himself on.

'I have finally did it!'

Eventually, Izuku made his way back to the locker room alongside many other male and female student heroes. He noticed plenty of the girls were checking him out as he went making him blush because many of them were beautiful. He felt a bit embarrassed with his shirt being off revealing his muscular physique to many, eventually he made his way into the building and arrived at the locker room ignoring the feeling of his erection throbbing inside his pants. Additionally the Dark Quirk inside of him also throbbed as though licking its's lips with excitement with what is to come.

'I wonder, if I did pass and make it into the hero course, hopefully the A rank, who'll my homeroom teacher be?' He wondered not knowing that one of the women that had been eyeballing Izuku from outside was a very eager and very aroused Midnight.

The older woman leaned against a wall somewhere watching Izuku's back as he left the training area. She smirked coyly eagerly awaiting to meet Izuku soon , after her talk with Nana Shimura a certain change in the roster was made that left her feeling giddy.

"I can't wait.~" She giggled to herself and hopped away heading into the main school building to await her class roster.