Chapter 26

Even before the alarm was set off at four, Sakura was already awake, sitting at the desk with the desk lamp on and a pencil in her hand, jotting down ideas for different tortures to bestow upon her new sister. She didn't even blink as the alarm went off and was turned off by her other sister, Ino.

Said blonde sat up, hair a complete mess, and looked at Sakura. "How long were you up?"

"Since two." She responded, not turning away from her notebook. "You better get up Ino. You have a lot of work to do and to wake master up."

Ino gulped at that. She hated waking Naruto up. It always ended badly for her. That's why it was always Sakura's job. Even though the girl gets bloody noses because of him, she was able to wake him up calmly and her nose was spared the vast majority of the time. Ino, despite months of practice, was never able to do it. "That's your job." She countered.

Sakura smiled but Ino could see evil in that sweet smile. "Not this time. Remember last night? He dumped all of my jobs on you, including waking him up."

Ino snuck a glance to her master and looked up, just as Sakura was getting into the shower. She gulped again and prayed for her poor nose. Gently moving the covers away from his head, she placed her hand on his shoulder, gently shaking it. "Master, it's time to get up." Naruto didn't respond. Gulping again, she lowered her head and shook him again. "Master, it's time to get up." She said, more sternly this time and louder. Nothing. "Master!"

That did it as Naruto snapped his eyes open and shot up, very fast I might add, his head hitting Ino's nose on the way up. "What...what...what's going on?" Naruto looked at Ino, whimpering and holding her bloody nose. "What's going on?"

"You wa-wanted to b-be wa-waken up at f-four ma-master."

Finally Naruto's mind caught up with him and he smiled. "Oh yeah...thanks Ino." He patted her head. "Take care of that nose darling."

Ino whimpered as Naruto got up from the bed, walking toward the occupied shower and turned her attention back to her nose. Grabbing her nose, she braced herself and set the nose with a painful cry and let her body heal the rest.

Standing up, she still held her nose to prevent the blood from dripping onto the floor. Entering the bathroom, she cleaned herself up, not noticing her sister step out of the shower and take position behind her. Ino closed her eyes as she felt Sakura's body lean against her own, feeling her hands roam. "I hate you."

From behind her, Sakura smirked. "A little pain now and then is a good thing."

Ino swerved around to face the girl. "I'm in pain...every single day and I enjoy it but this I can do without."

Sakura chuckled and straightened herself, turning and going out of the shower, leaving Ino with her nose. She went to the closet and looked through the clothes, thinking about what to wear when she took the dog out. Eventually she decided on her regular clothes but instead of the shoes, she would wear knee high boots.

The sun wasn't out yet and the grass was still wet with the morning dew and she didn't feel like getting her feet wet.

Exiting the bedroom, she went down the stairs and went to the kitchen. She already had breakfast but she needed to fix the dog's food. She gathered up a couple of cans of dog food and two bowls. She filled one bowl with water and the other with the dog food. When she finished, she looked around and, after making sure no one was looking, put a couple of fingers in the food and scooped up some of the wet canine food. " good."

Sakura had grown fond of the tasty treat, ever since Naruto forced her to eat the stuff, she loved it and eat it when she could. When Naruto forced Ino to eat the stuff, Sakura was able to help the girl enjoy the food.

And now it was her turn.

Grabbing the bowls, she went downstairs and into the room the new dog was. Entering the room, she smiled as she saw the pet was still asleep. She quickly placed the bowls inside of the cage and grabbed the hanging metal rode.

Cocking her hand back, she swung it and hit the cage, rousing the occupant from her slumber in one of the scariest ways possible. She quickly replaced the rod, crossed her arms and placed a smile on her face. "Good morning little doggy." She said when the girl in the cage recovered herself.

"Sakura? What's going on?"

"It's time for breakfast little doggy." She smirked when Tenten looked up at the name and looked at the bowls in the cage. "I expect you to eat all of it, with no hands, just your mouth, just like a little dog." Sakura silenced Tenten before she could speak. "I expect you to keep yourself silent. A dog can't talk and you are a dog." Sakura bent down and took the book out and opened it to the bookmark. "You finished chapter three. Impressive. Now eat."

Sakura walked away, leaving Tenten to her tasty doom, and went to one of the cabinets. She needed to get a couple of supplies for Tenten's walk outside. She gathered them up and went back to Tenten's cage and check on her. She was eating, slowly but surely.

When Tenten eventually finished, she was close to throwing up. She hated this dog food and she hated Sakura for forcing her to eat this shit. She looked up when Sakura opened the cage and she motioned her out. Sakura led Tenten to the bathroom and ordered her up. When she complied, she was given a toothbrush and the orders that when she was done, to report back to her cage. There will be some items that she needed to put on.

Tenten gulped but nodded.


Sakura gave Tenten about thirty minutes to get dressed. Part of her training is that she needed to be able to do what she is ordered to do, no matter what it is but Sakura has a couple parts of the outfit as she wanted to put them on herself and she knew Tenten would refuse to put them on. She entered the room and smiled as she saw that Tenten obeyed her orders. "So little doggy...did you have any problems?" She asked Tenten. The girl shook her head and Sakura chuckled. "That's good to hear. Now come out here, there's a couple more."

Tenten complied and crawled out of the cage, staying on her hands and knees as she awaited further orders. Sakura walked behind the girl and looked at the tail butt plug. She grabbed it and pulled it a little, smiling as she heard her moan, and making sure the plug was secured and took a look at the dog tail, remembering the times she used this toy.

Shaking her head, she got back to the present. Turning around, she sat on the girl's back, pulling out a bit gag out of her pocket. Grabbing both sides, she pulled it around and forced the gag into her mouth, ignoring Tenten's struggles as she strapped the straps around her head and locked it. After that, she pulled out a leash and connected it to Tenten's collar. She stood up and walked back in front of Tenten, still holding onto the leash, and crossed her arms.

"Alright doggy, listen up. We will be going for a walk outside and there are a few rules that you need to know. First of all, you are a dog. That means you must act like one. You will not speak at all. The only sounds you are allowed to make are grunts, whines, whimpers, and cries of pain when I kick you in the stomach or crop your ass." Sakura grabbed the crop that was attached to her clothes and showed it to her.

"Number two...dogs can't walk on two legs. You can only move while you are on your hands and feet. If I see you use your limbs in any manner other then that of a dog, you will be punished. The only reason why you aren't wearing ball gloves right now is safety. The chains that connect your wrists together have a safety mechanism so that if you need to, you can break the chains and run. Now while the collar restricts your chakra, it also monitors your fear. Fear has a chemical and emotional process in your head and the collar can read that. Once it reaches a certain point, the chakra seals stop and you'll be able to use your chakra. Once then all you have to do to get free of the chains is send a burst of chakra and the chains will shatter. Do you understand?

Tenten nodded and Sakura smiled, glad to know that she understood. She looked over Tenten once again. The arm high leather gloves and the thigh high leather boots will make sure her skin won't be damaged as she dragged them across the dirt road and the chains connected the limbs will make sure she can't run away from her. The tailed butt plug was just something she thought was nice and added to the illusion that she was a dog.

She tugged on the leash and walked toward the door, the girl reluctantly following behind her as they went up the stairs. They emerged from the stairway and went into the kitchen where two other people were there. The boy noticed her and he smiled, calling out to her.

Sakura nodded and tied Tenten off while Sakura went to talk with Naruto.

"You remember the rules sweetie?" Naruto asked Sakura.

"Of course I do. I've been though it myself you know."

"Just making sure. You got all the supplies in that backpack?" Sakura nodded and Naruto reached over and gave Sakura a kiss on the cheek. "Have fun. I'll see you later tonight."

Sakura nodded and turned around, walking back toward Tenten and retrieved her leash. Tugging on it once again, Tenten started crawling after Sakura to the front door but as they neared it, Tenten stopped, losing her nerve once again. Sakura stopped when she felt the leash loose its slack. She looked back and sighed. Opening the door, she walked back to Tenten and grabbed her collar, the girl crying out as she pulled her forward and tossed her outside. "I don't want any trouble out of you pet." She said, closing the door behind her. "Do what I say and you won't get hurt." She narrowed her eyes when Tenten shook her head, clearly afraid of being out like this. Cocking her foot back, she sent it flying toward Tenten's stomach and Tenten cried out in pain. "DO we understand each other?"

The doggy girl whimpered but nodded. "Good. Let's go." Tenten whimpered once again but complied and followed her mistress in the dark.


To Tenten's horror, Sakura led her throughout the streets of Konoha. She was worried that someone was going to see them and her reputation was going to be trashed. Sakura, perhaps sensing her thoughts, spoke to comfort her. "Let me tell you something about Konoha pet. The civilians know that we risk our lives daily for their safety and we die at such a young age. They understand, they really do understand. That's why sex during this age is acceptable and they understand that we have the urge to experience life at its fullest before we die."

"That's why there is a unspoken agreement between the civilians and ninjas that any `fun' can be had as long as we at least try and hide ourselves or, if we want to be in public, like this, do it at a time when the streets are deserted as well as everybody is sleeping and everybody will keep their mouths shut. Blackmail is a rarity here because we ninja look out for our own. Even rivals protect each other." Sakura chuckled as she heard a groan come from the girl.

They continued on their path for a while. It was too early for some of the shops to be opened early and they still had a least a couple of hours left but that was plenty of time and besides, the ANBU following them hadn't stopped them so they were okay. As they walked, Sakura continued talking to her doggy and they rounded a corner...only to be ran over by a pack of dogs.

Sakura looked up from her position on the ground and frowned when she saw the familiar look of Hatake Kakashi. "Control your mutts Kakashi." She said as she recovered herself.

"Sorry sorry." Kakashi said, that sheepish look on his face. "We were on our way to the butcher for some meat and we ran into you." It was then Kakashi noticed Tenten. He bent down at her and the girl backed up, whimpering in fear. "Nice dog." He commented, a smile on his face. "Housebroken?"

Sakura chuckled and ruffled Tenten's hair. "She's getting there. It would help her a lot if she actually followed my orders instead of whining about it." Kakashi chuckled and stood up, giving a goodbye as he left. "See ya...say hi to Kiba for me will ya?"

"I will. See you later."

Sakura watched Kakashi leave and when Kakashi rounded the corner, she turned to a horrified Tenten. "See what I'm talking about? The vets don't care what we do. They keep their mouths shuts on what they see. Now come on...the park is near."


Sakura and her pet eventually reached the park and it was deserted. Sakura led Tenten to a spot in the park that was near a river and he pulled out a stake and a long chain from her backpack. She pounded the stake into the ground and attached one end of the chain to it and the other end to Tenten's collar, removing the leash in the process.

When Sakura finished, Tenten looked up in confusion. "Play time little doggy." Sakura said with a smirk. Sakura pulled out a vibrator out of her pack and turned it on. Sakura stood up and kicked Tenten to her back, bending down and shoving the vibrator into her, an evil smile forming her face as she heard Tenten squeal. The last thing she did was remove the butt plug so the girl could go to the bathroom if she needed to. After that, she righted Tenten back onto her hands and knees but the girl kept on moaning from the vibrations in her.

Sakura reached into her backpack again and withdrew a water bowl and a couple of water bottles. Unscrewing them, she poured them into the bowl until it was full and set the bowl down. Reaching for Tenten's head, she unlocked her straps but before she took off the bit gag, she spoke. "Remember little can't speak. One word out of you and you will be punished."

Tenten nodded and Sakura removed the bit gag, waiting a couple of seconds to see if she would speak but she didn't and Sakura thanked her for that. Putting the gag in her backpack, she patted Tenten's head and sat down in the nearest bench.


Within the walls of the I/T division, a lone figured walked through the barely lighted hallways. The long, blonde hair was barely visible against his black trench coat. He made his way to one of the observation rooms where it was currently occupied by a scarred jounin. "I'm glad you made it."

"Glad to be here." Inoichi joined Ibiki. "What do you need?"

"That girl..." Ibiki referred to the current prisoner on the other side of the one-way mirror. "Her name is Tsuchi Kin, a genin of the newly formed Sound Village. During the second exam, Sakura interrogated her and managed to get some basic stuff." Ibiki handed him a notebook. "I need you to find out the rest."

"How come you can't do it?" Inoichi asked.

"I want you to do it. Break her completely."

"I see."

Inoichi nodded and turned around and walked away but as he got a couple of steps, Ibiki spoke to him. "So how's the family?"

The blonde jounin sighed. "Naruto won't let me see Ino. Me and Iris was hoping to see her after her exams but Naruto said they were busy and maybe today we can see her."

"So you don't know?" Inoichi turned around at that, wondering what he meant by that. Before he could ask, Ibiki answered his unspoken question. "Naruto got a new pet yesterday. Do you know a genin named Tenten?"

"Isn't she under Gai's tutelage?"

"The very same."

Inoichi sighed. "No wonder Sakura wouldn't let me in." He muttered. "I need some coffee."


`The girl staring back at me. Is she really me or is this a dream?' Tenten sighed as she stared at herself in the river. `Is it worth it, giving in to master and his pets?' She placed her hand on a welt that Sakura put on her face after she spoke when she wasn't supposed to. `Sakura is such a sadistic bitch. I saw that smile on her when she hit me. Just from that, I know I'm going to be in hell the next few days.'

Tenten sighed again and looked at her shackled hands. `These hands, this body...they are nothing but Naruto's toy. That said that I should think of myself as belonging to master, to become an extension of his will. (Sigh) I have a lot of learning to do.'

The brunette girl heard someone whistling and she turned around to see Sakura calling out to her, holding the stake and chain. Going down on her hands, she crawled back to Sakura and she sat down, meaning placed her butt on the ground. Sakura, seeing this, smiled and patted her head. "You're learning pet. Now then..." Sakura reached down and replaced the chain with the leash. The last thing was she replaced the bit gag in her mouth.

After that Sakura led Tenten out of the park and back on the path to their home.


"Ino! We're home!" Sakura announced as they entered the house. Tenten, for one, was glad to be inside and away from people's eyes. She sat down when she received the order to sit and she watched as Sakura went up to Ino and talked to her. After that, Sakura came back to her and picked up the leash and led her to a shower.

The first thing Sakura removed was the butt plug, but she wasn't gentle with that. Without warning, Sakura grabbed the tail and yanked it out Tenten, a squeal of pain coming out of Tenten's muffled mouth. Tenten stared at the pink haired girl and glared at her.

Sakura, noticing her glare, smirked and held up the poo-covered butt plug. "You want to eat this? Stop glaring at me and take it like a slave." Sakura chuckled as Tenten paled and quickly averted her eyes. Sakura went back to her job, taking Tenten's clothes off. She went for the chains that connected the two legs and two arms together and took them off.

Next were the arm gloves. With skilled hands, they were quickly taken off and it was the same for the boots. The last thing she took off was the bit gag and Tenten was most happy at that being taken off. She was about to speak but Sakura foresaw that, grabbing her chin. "Unless I say so, you are still a dog." That was all Tenten needed as she closed her mouth as Sakura went behind her. She knew not to argue because she knew it would be bad news for her. "Now then...before I clean you off, I need to clean your insides, both your anus and your pussy. First I'm going do the enema."

Tenten's eyes widened and she gasped as something was inserted into her rectum and a second later, hot water flowed into her and she groaned as it filled her up, near the point that she felt like it was going to burst. "Do not let it go until I tell you or there will be consequences."

After a few minutes, Sakura said that Tenten could let go and she did with a sigh but that sigh was short lived when Sakura filled her up again and again and again until she was fully cleaned. "Now then...time for the douche." Tenten looked up when she saw Sakura bend down, holding a bottle. "Since it's your first time with this, I'll explain. This chemical, aka douche, was given to us by our lovely doctor Azumi. It cleans and sterilizes the vaginal membrane but there's one little side effect." Tenten gulped at Sakura's sudden smirk. "As long as there's one drop in you, you will experience extreme pain. It's going to feel like acid in you and there's no way you can prepare for it."

Tenten let out a sudden yelp when Sakura pushed her onto her back and Sakura stood over her before kneeling down, holding a sprayer full of the douche.

"Now then darling..." Sakura said with a smirk. "Feel free to scream."


Sakura carried her crying sister to a chair, offering words of comfort to her as the pain from the douche started to die down. Even after the douche was removed, the pain doesn't just disappear, it slowly dies but for Tenten, who is a rookie, it is hell on Earth. Even as Sakura cleaned her, she was still crying.

She gently placed Tenten on the chair and stood up, but before Sakura could leave, Tenten reached out and grabbed her arm. Sakura looked back at the girl who managed to open her eyes and look at her. "Pl-please s-stay."

Sakura stared at the girl for a couple of seconds before she smiled and nodded, joining Tenten on the chair and the girl latched onto her the second she got on the chair. Sakura chuckled and wrapped her arms around Tenten. "It's alright darling...I'm here."

It took a while but Tenten finally calmed down with Sakura's help. Sakura knew that by now the pain is gone and Tenten can focus now. Carefully, she detached herself, much to Tenten's dismay, and sat down again in a couch occupied by Ino and she laid down, draping her legs over Ino's lap.

"So my sister..." Sakura started, drawing Tenten's attention to her. "We have some talking to do."

"What do you mean?" Tenten asked, a little worried. "What talking?"

"Whatever you want because the master has generously allowed you to ask questions that you might want to ask and we will do our best to answer them."

"Why?" Came a split second later. "Why torture? Why slavery?"

Sakura smiled and chuckled. "Now why did I know you were going to ask that first?" Sakura chuckled again. " the days before, Naruto-sama was lonely. He barely had any contact with anybody and he spent his life being bossed around and all that shit. He savored any kind of touch, any touch. Now rewind to two years's October tenth, master's birthday, the most hated day of his life. A group of sadden widows and people that had loved ones killed by Kyuubi's rampage came after him with the festival as a distraction."

Sakura sighed and put her hand on her forehead, willing herself not to cry. "They managed to get him alone under the guise of a birthday party. They then brought him close to death and was going to kill him was it not for Kyuubi. He forced his chakra out and took control of Naruto-sama. He killed everybody there and killed a few more until the Hokage and Jiraiya managed to calm him down and make a deal with him."

"Naruto-sama already told you the deal so I don't have to repeat it. After the deal was made, Kyuubi withdrew his control but some parts stayed behind. Sadism, the desire to be in control and torture, as well as other traits. His body changed as well. He has a much larger sperm reserve and an increase in production. His sex drive has been thrown into overdrive as well as an increase in his stamina."

"So..." Tenten started. "He's a complete sadist?"

"Ehh...not really." Sakura said but when she saw the confusion on Tenten's face, she sighed. "Let me put it like this. Before the imprinting, Naruto-sama had a caring and passionate soul. You would think that it would be replaced by his no mercy, loves to torture soul but it didn't, instead the first soul remained while the new soul took residence beside the first one. That, however, presents a problem. Those two souls are constantly in battle but the new soul is usually the dominant one. Did you understand that?"

"Yeah, I understood that."

"Good. Now back to what I was saying. After Kyuubi withdrew his control, Naruto-sama passed out and he was taken to the hospital and ANBU was sent to retrieve me. I was kidnapped from my home and kept in the I/T department until I was ready for him. Meanwhile, master awoke and he remembered the deal Kyuubi and the Hokage made and the next day, he met with Ibiki and he began his training as a slave master. He eventually decided for me to be a masochist sex slave. He loved the idea behind BDSM and went with it."

"Now because of our careers, we have not spent as much time as I would like to playing with each other. Out of everything, just the chance to boss us around is what he loves."

"Do you think he's going to retire anytime soon?" Tenten asked.

Sakura shrugged. "To be honest, I have no idea. He changes his mind a lot so I don't know. So anything else you would like to know?"

Tenten thought for a moment, trying to remember what she wanted to ask when she remembered one. "What about my teammates? Last I saw, they were out."

The pinkette chuckled. "Me and Ino took care of them. Because of you, they were disqualified for missing a third person. They're alive but Lee was freaking out when he realized you were missing."

"Oh...wait, the exams."

"Yeah you missed quite a fight between Ino and me. In the end though, I came out on top. My opponent for the last round is Ami."

Tenten blinked. "Ami? That girl you hate so much?"

Sakura nodded. "The very same." An evil grin appeared on her face. "I have some special plans for her."

"You're going to kill her aren't you?"

"Yep." Tenten sighed and looked away, looking at the fireplace and the numerous pictures lining the mantle. She stood up and walked toward them, picking one up and looking at it.

It was a picture of Naruto and Sakura, both wearing swimsuits and near a river, sitting on a blanket, having a picnic. They were smiling and they were posing for the camera. It was weird, seeing them so happy when she now knows just how they came to be.

She felt Sakura stand next to her but she didn't respond to her, just kept looking at the picture. "Tell you what..." She heard Sakura say. "Let me tell you of an experience back when I was starting to get into this slavery business. It may help you realize that no matter what he does to us, he takes care of us."


`3:50...ten minutes until the master gets home. I wonder what he has planned for me.' Sakura thought grimly as she sat on the floor, her arms hugging her legs. She had long since completed Naruto's orders and she waited...waited for Naruto to come home.

Today was one of the rare days where Naruto would order her to stay here. He gave her a list of chores to do and left but today was different. When Sakura saw the last item on the list, she asked him why was she supposed to keep a butt plug in her at all times only to replace it with a larger one every few hours, Naruto only responded that they were going to try something new when he got home.

Of course, that sadistic smirk he had on made her realize that it wasn't going to be good for her.

So after he left, Sakura enemaed herself and quickly inserted a small butt plug and started with her chores. It took her about four hours to finish and after that, she replaced the plug with a bigger one. After that, she started her physical training. It was a little difficult because of the plug but she was able to compensate for it.

She only spent a couple of hours on that as she needed to get to the next part of her training, which is her sexual training but before she started on that, she replaced the plug with an even larger one and then she spent the rest of the time down in the dungeon, playing with herself and all the toys down there.

Sakura sighed again as she looked at the clock. Ever since Naruto broke her, she wasn't the same. She was no longer the confident girl she usually was nor did she have the energy she usually does but Naruto was okay with that. He told her that this was only a phase, a break phase if you will, that is normal for broken slaves. He had told her that he intends to rebuild her, making Sakura the girl she once was but keeping the loyalty she has for him.

She looked up again and stood up. It was almost time for Naruto to come home and there was a standing order that she needed to follow. Walking to the front door, she got down on her knees and waited.

The standing order is that she must always be kneeling in front of the door every time Naruto comes home.

A couple minutes later, Sakura heard the sound of the lock being turned and she gulped, straightening herself up as the door opened and her smiling blonde master stepped in, his backpack over his shoulder and his hands holding a long white tube. "Good afternoon master. I hope you had a nice day."

Naruto nodded. "I did. Did you have a good day?"

"This slave did and she has completed all of her chores."

"All of them?" He questioned further. Seeing her nod, he chuckled. "What size are you up to?"


"Good good." Naruto placed the white tube down onto the ground. "Take this and put it downstairs on the bed. Afterwards come back up and make me a snack. After that, we'll get started."

"As you wish my master." Sakura took the tube and stood up, turning around and walking away while Naruto went to the living room and relaxed. Sakura went down the stairs and went to the middle room and set the tube down onto the bed.

She was tempted to look inside but she had no right to do that. Unless the master tells her to do something, she couldn't do anything besides what she was allowed to least for now.

A sigh escaped her lips as she went back to the stairs. `I really hope I get better. I don't like being depressed but it's hard to accept the fact that I'm not human anymore. I'm just a fucking sex toy that breathes.'

After Sakura made Naruto's snack, she was told to go back downstairs and remove the butt plug as well as give herself another enema and wait for him. She complied and did what she was told and sat on the bed, waiting.


"You-you have got to be kidding!" Sakura cried out as she wore a face of horror. "Please tell me you're kidding."

"Sakura..." Naruto said, taking her hand in his. "Do I sound like I'm kidding?"

"But-but-but..." Sakura stammered but was silenced by Naruto.

"Look Sakura...why do you think I told you to keep a butt plug in you and to increase its size after a while? It'll be easier for you to handle my hand."

"I know but still...fisting? Where did you learn about that?"

"Page 69 of the bizarre techniques section of the BDSM book. I thought you got that far already?"

"Not really." Sakura admitted. "This world is still new to me and I'm still trying to wrap my mind around some of the stuff."

"I see. Well, considering that you like anal, this shouldn't be a problem. Now turn around and I'll talk you through it." Sakura whimpered but she complied, turning around and getting on her hands and knees. She looked back and saw Naruto unscrew the top of the white tube and dipped his fingers in it. "This is lube." Naruto spoke, answering her unspoken question.

He placed his fingers on Sakura's rosebud and lubed the entrance as well as inside a little. He made sure there was plenty of lube on and in her. "Alright Sakura, since it's our first time, I won't go past my elbow."

"Are you sure this is safe?" Sakura asked.

"I'm sure. I talked with a couple of people that have been through it and got their advice. Now Sakura...all you have to do is relax. Don't try and tense up, just relax and it'll be over in no time."

Sakura nodded and turned around, burying her face in the sheets and grabbing them as well, trying to prepare herself for the massive intrusion to her ass. Naruto drove his arm into the tube of lube, making sure every part of it was lubed up. After Naruto was sure he was lubed up enough, he took a deep breath and placed his hand on her asshole.

Sakura squeaked and started shaking when she felt his hand on her. "Sakura darling, calm down. I haven't even started yet. Just get used to my touch." Sakura took deep breaths and tried to calm herself down, concentrating on Naruto's touch instead. She managed to calm herself down after a couple of minutes. "Alright we go."

Sakura's eyes widened as she felt Naruto push. She felt his fingers enter her and then his hand. She groaned and shut her eyes, her hands fisting the sheets as she felt herself being stretched once again. Thanks to the plugs, she knew how being stretched like this felt and gave Sakura the ability to help prepare herself.

She let out a squeal when Naruto pushed further in her. She was wrong. This was nothing like the plugs. " h-hurts."

"It's alright pet...just keep doing what you're doing. Think about this... after this I'll wrap you up from head to toe and bury you. You'll be in complete darkness, completely immobile with only a single toy set on random to keep you company." After Naruto finished, Sakura smiled and let out a small moan, despite Naruto's advances.

Sakura grunted as Naruto pushed forward, trying very hard to relax her butt muscles to help in Naruto's advances. She could feel his arm, extending her passages as he pushed forward. The lube was helping but it was hard for him, she could tell. "Just a couple more inches Saku, then we'll be done. How are you doing?"

"Ask me again later." Sakura grunted out. "You?"

"This is great. You should really learn how to do this." Sakura groaned and Naruto smiled. "Alright sweetie, I'm done." Naruto heard an audible sigh come from his pet, earning a chuckle from Naruto. "Alright, now help me get out." Sakura nodded and started pushing, combined with Naruto's pulling, it took no time at all for Naruto to remove his hand and arm.

The instant Naruto was out of her, Sakura collapsed onto the bed and curled up, her eyes leaking out tears. Naruto smiled and, with his other hand, caressed Sakura's hair. "Thank you Sakura. Stay here and rest. I'm done with your body for today so rest up. If I'm right, your healing will return your ass to its previous tightness."

Sakura whined and nodded. Naruto picked up the covers and put it over her. Standing up, he went into the bathroom. He needed to clean his arm and there was a lot of scrubbing that needed to be done.


Naruto sighed as he settled into bed. Fisting Sakura was fun and he was sure he was going to do it again and again and he was going to make sure Sakura learned it as well. Chuckling he shut off the light. The girl was ok and she was sleeping but he'll get up later to check up on her.

"Master?" Came a soft voice.

Naruto sat up and turned the light back on again, looking at the source of the sound and found Sakura, holding a pillow, in the doorway. "Saku? Is something wrong?"

"May I sleep with you?" She requested softly. She smiled when Naruto nodded and motioned for her to come. She crawled onto the bed and under the covers, snuggling against her master and wrapped her arms around him.

"Did you like the experience?" Naruto asked, smiling when he saw her nod. "That's good to hear. Good night pet. See you in the morning."


Tenten stared at Sakura as she finished her story. " were that depressed?"

Sakura let out a laugh. "I tell you a story about my first experience with being fisted and you ask me about my depression?" When Tenten shrugged, Sakura laughed again and put her arm around her. "It's funny you should ask about that because all recently broken pets go through that stage. Naruto-sama breaks us down until we are his pets. That phase afterwards is the broken phase. He then rebuilds us to what he wants us to be."

"How long did it take you to get out of your depression?"

"A month or so. Good thing too or else I would have never had made it through those two weeks."

"What two weeks?"

Sakura froze when she realized her slip-up. She looked at Tenten who had that all too familiar look of curiosity on her face. "I don't suppose you'll forget what I just said?" Sakura sighed when Tenten didn't relent. "Alright, but before I tell you this, there's something you need to know about master. Have a seat." The two girls returned to their previous spot. "Because of Kyuubi's influence, master's body chemistry has changed a little, or more specifically, his anger issues. Master has an extremely hard time getting rid of his anger. It builds up in him like water flowing into a cup."

"And when it overflows?"

"When it overflows, Kyuubi takes over BUT..." She quickly said, stopping Tenten. "Before that happens, quite a few things happen. Do you know how master gets rid of his anger?" Seeing Tenten shake her head, she chuckled. "Torture, pain and punishment, hearing me scream in pain. That's what calms him down, that's what causes the glass to be emptied."

"You got to be kidding." Tenten asked, absolutely shocked.

Sakura shook her head. "Trust me...I learned the hard way that this is the absolute truth. Now there is a good thing about this. Because of this new set-up, his body has created a fail-safe personality. A personality that is dedicated to doing whatever it takes to prevent Kyuubi from taking over him again. Once he surfaces, he seeks me or Ino nearby, but just one, and he tortures us."

"That's...that's horrible."

"Not really. The duty of a slave is to serve and protect her master. When he comes for us, we don't resist. He takes us to a private place, grabs a horse whip, or whatever he feels like, and just punishes and punishes until his body was fine." Tenten just stared at the girl. "Look're safe for now. Once you have been properly trained, then the next time he peaks, he'll go after you. You'll be able to handle it and survive his rage."


"You don't und...okay?"

Tenten nodded. "Yeah, I understand." Seeing their confused looks, she explained. "From the beginning, I always knew that there was something much much deeper between the three of you and I long since decided that I would be able to handle anything you would throw at me and what you just said, Naruto-sama is going to train me to be able to take his rage."

"Huh...and here I thought I had to argue with you."

"Surprising huh? So what about these two weeks? Did Kyuubi come out or something?"

"He did although I didn't realize it at first. It happened when he was by himself. I realized something was wrong when I saw his eyes. See...Naruto-sama's eyes are an indicator of his level of anger. It starts out blue but as he gets angrier and angrier, it starts to turn red."

"So are there rules in place in case something like that happens again?"

"There is..." Everybody swerved around when a new voice sounded out and they saw Naruto in the doorway. "And you will learn it all in time. Sakura come with me please."

Sakura nodded and stood up, going to Naruto and they both disappeared around the corner, leaving just Tenten and Ino. "I'm surprised." Ino spoke. "You're taking all this extremely well, even when you learned about Kyuubi."

Tenten shrugged. "I'm a smart girl. Master is never going to let me go, I realize that. So I need to make sure I can survive in this world of yours."

Ino chuckled. "You're doing a lot better then us that's for certain."

Tenten chuckled and they both went silent while Sakura talked to Naruto but her mind went back to that flashback Sakura shared with her. It provided some insight as what she was going to go through when Naruto breaks her. It was a little unnerving to see just how damaged she was going to be. She looked up when Sakura came back into the room.

"So what was that about?" Ino asked. "I thought he was busy today."

"Clone." She responded. "Me and Tenten got new orders." Sakura went back to the couch and laid on it, sighing as she settled.

"Hey Sakura." Said girl looked at Tenten. " you think you can share another story? Perhaps one when you weren't depressed anymore?"

Sakura smirked. "Why? Did that last one darken your mood?" When Tenten didn't respond but looked away, Sakura knew she was right. "Alright...let me think." Sakura thought for a few moments before her face lighted up. "I got one. This is a couple of months before Ino was taken."


In her room, moans came out of Sakura's mouth as she ran her hands over her sex, her sweaty, naked body thrashed about as she masturbated. She was lost in the pleasures of her body as the ecstasy rushed through her body. She was turned over on her stomach with her butt sticking up in the air.

But she was too involved with herself to notice a guest in her home. "My my forehead...had I known you were doing this, I would've brought my camera."

Sakura screamed in fright and grabbed the covers, bringing them up as she flew around, reaching for the kunai at her nightstand, stopping when she saw her smirking blonde friend.

"Damn it pig! What the hell are you doing here?"

That smirk never left her face as Ino straightened from her position leaning against the door frame as she walked to the bed and sat down. "It's six Sakura. An hour late from our dinner date."

Sakura paled and looked at the clock. "It's six already?" `Crap...master's going to kill me. I was supposed to meet with him before I went with Ino.' Sakura turned back to Ino. "I'm sorry Ino. I'll get dressed and..."

"Oh no no no no." Ino stopped Sakura. "Don't get up. Feel free to finish. I'll wait for you downstairs."

"No it's my fault. I can finish later and..." Sakura suddenly trailed off when she saw Naruto climb in through the window. Ino, noticing her pause, turned and looked directly at him but she didn't see him, just an open window.

In Sakura's eyes, Naruto climbed in and stood up. Sakura gulped when he leveled a hard glare at her. He didn't speak with his mouth but spoke with his hands. `Take Ino's offer so we can have a little talk my little tardy pet.'

Sakura sighed but internally she was shaking. "Alright Ino. I'll be down in twenty minutes." Ino chuckled and turned around. "I don't know what you saw but I look forward to our time out." She stood up, leaving the room and shutting the door. Sakura gulped and turned back to Naruto as he walked up to her.

He reached her and crossed his arms. "So...what excuse could you possibly have for missing both of your appointments?" Sakura started to stammer, trying to save herself but Naruto didn't have that. He held up her hand to silence her. "What is the number one rule that I gave you?"

Sakura bowed her head and whimpered. "Never let my lust get the better of me. Forgive me master."

She looked up when Naruto sat down onto the bed and cupped her cheek. "It's alright pet. As long as you remember from now on now...drop the sheets. Let me see `em." Sakura complied and let go of the sheets, letting them fall and allowing Naruto to see her perky breasts...and their additions. Naruto smiled and reached up, taking ahold of her left nipple ring. "I knew these designs would look good on you. Did you have any problem getting them on?"

The pinkette shook her head. "No, not really." She sighed and reached up, moving her hair behind her ear. "Master I'm really sorry. I didn't intend on masturbating this much. I was just caressing my silt, then I started imagining things and before I knew it, I'm on my bed masturbating and I lost track of time."

"(Sigh) Sakura...just be careful. How did Ino get in this house anyway?"

"I gave her a spare key a long time ago."

"I see. By the way Sakura..." Sakura gulped at Naruto's smirk. "Where's the third ring?" Sakura whimpered as Naruto tugged on the sheets, revealing a third ring placed upon her cilt. "That was the most painful to put on wasn't it?" She nodded and Naruto chuckled.

He reached forward and kissed Sakura on the lips. Sakura moaned into his mouth, her hands going and taking off his jacket and shirt and bringing him down onto the bed and started ravaging his mouth with her tongue, her hands going down his back and groping his butt, earning a growl from him and a tug on her cilt ring causing the girl to whimper.

It still hurt.

However, Naruto suddenly stopped, much to her displeasure, and sat up. He reached into his pocket and withdrew something. "Because you forgot, you need to be punished." Naruto took on end of the chain and attached one end to one of the nipple rings and the other to the other one and the last end to her cilt ring. "I had the Y-chain adjusted for just this kind of situation." Naruto said, smirking at her look, and got off the bed and stood up. "Stand up darling and try it out."

Sakura whimpered but complied, standing up but she soon realized why this was a punishment. "Master, the chain is too short. It's hurting everything."

"That's the idea." The blonde master said, giving the chain a tug. "You can take everything off when you get home but you'll have to suffer through this."

"But...I don't understand. I'm a masochist and I love this. How is this a punishment?"

Naruto frowned in confusion and put on a thinking pose. " is this a punishment? That's an interesting question. It's almost like I forgot something." Naruto tapped his chin, thinking but Sakura knew he was playing her. Finally Naruto snapped his fingers in fake realization. "Oh yeah! Now I remember." Naruto reached into his pocket and withdrew a tag, causing Sakura's eyes to widened when she saw the seals.

`Oh kami...not the electric tag. Not that.' Sakura withdrew in fear as Naruto looked at her and ended up backing against the wall.

"Did you really think I would forget that you're a masochist? I'm the one who trained you. Now spread your legs."

Sakura whimpered but complied opening her legs so Naruto can reach in and place the tag on her pussy. She closed her eyes and looked away as Naruto sealed it and activated it. "This has enough juice for your dinner. You can take it off at eight." Naruto covered her mouth just in time as the tag spiked and shocked her pussy, muffling her screams. "I trained you to keep your mouth shut when something like this happens. DON'T disappoint me." Sakura nodded and Naruto took his hand off her mouth. "Now get dressed and put the illusion on yourself. I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Yes master." Sakura reached forward and gave Naruto one last kiss before he broke it and covered himself, taking his jacket and jumping out of the window.

Sakura sighed after he left and made a hand seal and her body shimmered. It was going to be tough with that tag but she can handle it.


" sounded better then last time." Tenten commented.

Sakura chuckled. "Oh yeah...oh that reminds me. I need to tell you about the sex and the marking."

"You didn't tell her yet?" Ino finally spoke.

"No, I didn't." Sakura replied harshly. "Why don't you go get us some water and keep that tongue of your still?"

Ino didn't respond but she stood up, walking away past Sakura, who gave the blonde a hard slap on the butt as she passed. She yelped but kept on walking. When she disappeared into the kitchen, Sakura smiled and chuckled. "Ahh...I just love that girl."

"That was love?" Tenten remarked.

"Yep. Ino-chan prefers to remain a sub. Even though she wants to be the domme sometimes, she likes to be on bottom. You want to know about our family structure? At the top, there is Naruto-sama. He is our lord and god. On the next level down, there is me. I am the head slave/favorite/slave that keeps everybody's else's butts in line when he is not home. My job is to keep things running smoothly. I am also the only slave that can handle the money. If Ino needs extra money, she has to come to either me or master and request the money."

"And he trusts you with the money? You don't have to ask him for more money?" Tenten asked, a little amazed at the level of trust he gives her.

Sakura shook her head. "No, he trusts me to use it responsibly, although he checks the report and recounts it at the end of every month...just in case."

"Yeah, he really trusts you." Tenten said with a sarcastic tone.

Sakura chuckled. "Yeah, you got a good point. Anyway...Ino is a few steps below me. She has her responsibilities and such but she..." There was a sudden crashing sound that sounded like glass breaking. Sakura swerved toward the kitchen. "INO! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?"

There was silence for a few seconds before Ino responded. "I'm fine. I'm fine."

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU BREAK?!" Sakura repeated, with a hateful tone in her voice.

"Ehh...maybe one or two glasses?"


"Alright, make that five."

Sakura let out a frustrated scream. "Kami are so incompetent! Clean up your fucking mess and make sure you write up the report! And give us our water!" Sakura let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed her forehead and turned to Tenten. "Not to mention that blasted bitch is such a clumsy oaf."

Ino quickly came back holding two glasses of water and gave Sakura her water and Tenten last before running back to the kitchen but as she passed Sakura, the pinkette tripped the girl, sending her sprawling down to the ground but Sakura stood up, hovering over the blonde.

"You fucking oaf!" Sakura started to kick Ino. "You just a useless blonde, always dropping stuff and breaking stuff!" Ino screamed as Sakura kicked her, she tried to apologize but Sakura wasn't hear her. She preferred physical punishment. Finally Sakura stopped. "Get up, clean up your mess and write up the report."

Ino scrambled onto her feet and shot back into the kitchen. Sakura sighed after she disappeared and crashed back onto the couch and looked at the scared girl. "That's what you can expect being his slave. He doesn't tolerate mistakes." Sakura took the water and downed a big gulp of it. "Anyway, speaking of jobs...each of us has chores that we have to do, although now with you, he'll change some stuff around but there's one job that will always be with me."

"What's that?" Tenten asked, trying to forget what she just saw.

Sakura sighed as she drank again. "Waking up Naruto-sama. You see...Naruto-sama is not a morning person. Not at all. He loves to sleep, really loves it, as do us. It wasn't a problem before but after the imprint and marking, our bodies change and we have to adjust to it. It's sometimes hard to wake him up and he reacts violently to be waken up sometimes. For some reason, I am the only one that can wake him up calmly but most of the time, we end up with bloody noses when he wakes up."

"That doesn't sound good." Tenten remarked.

Sakura shrugged. "'s fine."

"So what about this marking you keep telling me?"

"Ahh...the sex. Master has the ability to change our bodies, to make them able to suit his needs and ours. We get increased stamina to keep up with him, an increase in our chakra reserves so we can use our illusions for quite a while, sterility so we can never get pregnant, the ability to use a different kind of henge, aka our illusions, so we can hide from our predators, increased senses, and a small amount of increased healing but that healing will grow every single day until you can heal as fast as us and master, as well as a number of smaller traits that you'll learn. Basically, you'll get a new body and you'll have to learn how to walk in your new shoes."

"During sex, the urges take over us and master will bite your neck. The instant he does, master's chakra will enter your system in waves and you'll feel like you're in euphoria, and start to change you. The final changes will take place when you are sleeping and the next time you wake up, you'll notice that something has changed and it'll take a while to get used to it."

"I'm...not sure I understand."

Sakura let out a laugh. "Don't worry. You'll figure it out."

"Alright so tell me something. Just how...freaky can he get?"

"Freaky?" Sakura repeated. "Oh I want to know just how scary he can be." Sakura thought for a moment. Oh...I have the perfect example. About a year ago, master got sunburned. His chakra didn't heal it as it wasn't an injury. However, when it started peeling, that's when he started to get strangely fascinated by it. I was a little worried about the looks he was wearing as he was peeling his skin. Eventually he peeled it all off and it returned to normal."

"However, one day he started staring at me. It wasn't the usual leering or admiring or the hungry look, but rather he was thinking. He didn't say anything when I asked but he still had that look on his face when I went to bed."

Sakura paused to drink some more and Tenten took that time to speak. "Why do I get the feeling there's more?"

A smile came on her face as she finished drinking. "The next day, I was woken up. I realized that it was still dark and the sun was just starting to come up. He ordered me to quickly wake myself up but to only drink a liquid breakfast. One little interesting fact about our backyard...there are several spots that will always be in the sunlight from dawn to dust. So after I was finished, Naruto-sama grabbed me and took me outside to the back where there was a table with straps. He tossed me onto the table and strapped me in, finishing by placing sunglasses on my face and inserting a catheter in me and then he left me to bake."

"So wait a minute..." Tenten interrupted. "If you're going where I think you're going with this, how were you going to hide the obvious signs of restraints?"

"Remember me telling you about our illusions? It's a simple task of adding sunburn to the areas I need to. Anyway, I was left roasting in the sun for the entire day. Master gave me water at regular intervals and by the time the sun vanished, I was bright red and my body was burning all over."

"Needless to say master was pleased with the result. When I asked him what he was doing, he merely replied `I'm going to have so much fun peeling you.' It was then I realized exactly what he was planning. The next day it was school and you can imagine the humiliation I felt when everybody started laughing at me."

"Wow...that is freaky."

Sakura smirked. "Trust me Tenten...that was just a taste of the things we do." Sakura looked at the clock and sighed. "Alright, time to go." Sakura stood up and walked over to Tenten. She reached down and grabbed her, lifting her up and leading her up the stairs. "We have an appointment with Ibiki today to get all of your seals on you."

"Seals?!" Tenten exclaimed as Sakura lead her to a room.

"Slaves are required to have several seals placed on their bodies and we are no exception. In addition to the required seals, there are several more that will be added."

"What kind of seals?!" Tenten asked, very afraid as Sakura threw her on the bed and went to the closet.

"Nothing much. Location seals, punishment seals, pleasure seals, chakra seals, all those beauties. You're my size right?" Sakura tossed Tenten a pair of black knee high boots and a pair of thigh high black stockings. "Put those on." Tenten quickly complied, putting them on in record time, while Sakura was getting dressed. When she was done, Sakura grabbed an arm and put on leather cuffs and repeated the process with the other arm.

She then turned Tenten around and locked the cuffs behind her, causing Tenten to worry slightly. The next thing Tenten saw in Sakura's hand when she was turned around as a leash. "Are we going out?" Tenten asked.

Sakura nodded. "Yes. Remember that illusion I was talking about? It gives us the ability to be naked in full view of the public. We'll be naked and they think we're wearing clothes. Now get up." Sakura tugged on the leash and the girl stood up, following Sakura as she walked out of the room and to the room next to it, Naruto's bedroom if she remembered correctly. "Stay." Sakura commanded.

When she was sure Tenten was going to stay, she dropped the leash and went to the closet and pulled out a section of the wall to reveal a powerful and large safe. She went through the process to open it, including a combination lock, chakra sensing seals, number pad, and all that stuff. Done with that, she finally opened the safe to reveal a large stack of money, several books, important papers, etc. Grabbing the hanging clipboard and signed her name along with the date, time, and how much money she was withdrawing.

This wasn't all of the money. Thanks to Naruto's paranoia, Naruto had opened several accounts, one under his name, some under a couple of alias, some under Sakura's name, and some under a few people he trusted and all of the money Naruto has collected over his life has been spread out evenly. The point is that Naruto will always have access to his money, no matter what happens. If he needs to run, he can quickly withdraw everything and get out.

Withdrawing several bills of varying amounts, she grabbed her wallet from her pocket and stashed the bills and coins in it before pocketing it. After making sure the information on the clipboard was correct and giving the contents of the safe a once over, she closed the door and locked it. After that, she replaced the `wall' and walked back to Tenten and grabbed her collar. In an instant, Tenten felt her chakra return to her. "Do you remember what master said about getting free of this stuff?" Seeing Tenten nod, she nodded as well. "Good, let's go."


"Are you sure they can't see me Sakura?" Tenten asked as she and Sakura walked through the busy street. It was scary to Tenten, she was naked, but people were looking at her weird.

"Oh they can see you sweetie, but a clothed version of you. Oh and they can see the leash as well." Sakura said that last part quickly but Tenten heard that loud and clear and she stopped, absolutely horrified. Sakura stopped when she realized that Tenten stopped and looked back and sighed. The girl walked back to her, grabbed her arm and led her to a store window so they could see her reflections.

It was her but at the same time it wasn't her.

Her naked body was clothed in some tight fabric and her arms were free and moving but the most disturbing part was her neck. It held a strap with a ring on it, it being connected with a leash and the leash being held by Sakura.

"Is this what everybody sees?"

Sakura nodded. "With practice, I'm able to control what everybody sees. A breeze flowing through the clothes, sweat marks, even breathing. At first, it was hard but as time passed, I began to learn it and now I'm an expert. I can control it even when he's fucking me."

"What about torture?"

"That too."

"Isn't there some kind of law against this?"

Sakura laughed. "No, no law. Considering the life expectancy of ninja, the laws are kinda lax about this kind of thing. Ninja can get away with a lot of stuff here. Almost everyone here has seen a lot of weird things from ninja and they learned to keep their mouth shut and just ignore it. Even at night, there are quite a few people who takes walks in the village in their natural state." Sakura tugged on the leash and they got to walking again. "As long as there's no genitals uncovered, we can do whatever we want. In fact...let me tell you something about Anko-sensei when she was a teenager."


"Ahh...Miss Uzumaki. Ibiki's expecting you. Same room as last time." The receptionist said as Sakura signed both of them in. After that was done, they were given passes and Sakura led Tenten to the elevator and went up to the floor. They exited the elevator and Sakura led the girl to a room at the far end of the hallway, but as Tenten passed a window, something caught her eye and she looked, only for her eyes to realize that she was naked again.

Tenten tried to talk to Sakura but the girl kept silent as she started to drag the girl near the room. They approached it and Sakura opened it, nearly throwing the girl in as she yanked on the leash. "Here she is Ibiki-sensei. One slave ready for sealing." Sakura pushed the girl toward Ibiki who caught her. When Tenten saw who caught her, her eyes widened and she tried to back away but Ibiki's grip on her prevented that. "So is the clone here yet?"

"He's in the next room playing with Hinata."

"Alright, take care of her. Oh...don't knock her out or anything. I want her to feel the pain when the seals activate. I'll go get master."


Tenten awoke with a start. Immediately she found herself, naked, in a cell, one of the I/T's, but something was wrong. A long time ago, when she was just an academy student, her class had a field trip here and they locked all of them in their own cells for a couple of days, to see what being a prisoner would feel like.

She remembered that experience clear as day but something was wrong. There was a different kind of...aura in here. There seemed to be an unnatural saturation of fear and despair in here and it was only increasing.

However, Tenten was getting hysterical and paranoid. This wasn't like the previous time. She could feel eyes boring into her and somebody was watching her, laughing at her, judging her. She got off the ground and bolted to the door. It was locked and she started banging on it, screaming to be let out, however, after a couple minutes of doing that, she stopped and collapsed on the ground, whimpering.

On the outside of the door, Sakura broke her hands apart and dispelled the B-rank genjutsu.

Suddenly, all at once, the fear, the paranoia...they all vanished and Tenten found herself safe and alone. `What's...what's going on? The last thing I remember are the seals spreading into my body and the pain I felt before I finally passed out and then suddenly, I wake up here and I feel like I'm in some horror story and now this...what the fuck is going on?'

Suddenly Tenten yelped as she fell backwards as the door opened and found herself staring up at a smirking Sakura. "Hey there, enjoy the experience?"

Tenten frowned. "That was you?"

The pinkette smirked. "It's amazing what you can do with a mind walker torturer and a genjutsu teacher." Sakura held out a hand and Tenten took it, Sakura helping the girl up, facing the cell. She sighed as she leaned against the metal frame. "I neglected to tell you something about master and his punishments. Sometimes, master does not trust himself to handle giving us our punishments. After the incident with the bullwhip, he made an agreement with the I/T division to let them handle our punishments when he feels that he can't trust himself."

"So whose cell is this?"

"Yours." Tenten snapped her head toward Sakura when she said that. "This level is the minimum security level. Those two cells besides this one?" Tenten looked at the cells. "The farthest one is mine and the other one is Ino's and this one is yours. These are our cells and they even have our names on them instead of numbers."

"How many times were you here?"

Sakura sighed and stepped back, shutting the door. "Too many to count." Sakura grabbed Tenten and led her down the hall. "Come on. Let's get you dressed. I want real clothes on you from here on out. We got shopping to do."

"Yes ma'am."

Sakura led her newest sister to the locker room and went to a locked locker. Unlocking it, Sakura pulled out an extra set of clothes that she keeps here just in case. Tenten quickly put them on and Sakura led her outside.


"This is where we're shopping?" Tenten asked, looking at the familiar sex shop.

"Of course." Sakura replied. "Most of our supplies break or get worn out and we have to replace them, especially the batteries."

"But why are we here?"

Sakura let out a frustrated sigh. "We are regular customers here, but there are rules for this." She started to explain as they walked to the door. "There's a certain amount of times we can come here before we need his permission. This is one of those times." The bell rang as they opened the door, stepping into the shop and they walked toward the counter. "Morning Ishiya."

"Morning Sakura. Tenten...congratulations on becoming Naruto's pet. You got something for me Sakura?"

As Sakura handed her a folded piece of paper, Tenten was confused. "How did you know I was his? It was only yesterday."

Sakura, not Ishiya, answered. "News gets around pretty fast. The people that know of us are a pretty tight knit group. For example, if I was dismissed from his service at this exact moment, by the end of the day, everyone will know. So what do you got for me Ishiya?"

"Alright...Sakura, two new books has come out. You know which authors and pick up the new edition of BDSM monthly. He also wants you to pick up a couple of catheter sets and more enema soaps. Lastly, you can pick out up to three items of your choice. As for you can pick up to five items. These items will belong to you but make sure Sakura sees these items before you buy them. I don't want to throw it away or return it because we already have plenty of them. You once told Sakura that you hated not having enough money. Well, you won't have to worry about that anymore. Tomorrow, I'll have an account created in your name and deposit some money."

"What's he talking about? I already have an account." The brunette said.

"Not anymore." Sakura answered. "The moment your file was altered, everything that belongs to you, including money and house, got transferred to Naruto. He owns your house, money, and anything else you own."

"So I'm broke?"

"Yep. You are now completely dependant on Naruto-sama for money." Tenten groaned and rubbed her forehead. She looked at Sakura when she patted her back. "It's alright. You'll adjust. Now, go ahead and look around. Grab a basket and pick out some items that you like and I'll tell you what you can buy."


For the next thirty minutes, the two girls roamed the store. For Sakura, she got the items that she needed to get first quickly before Sakura slowed down and let her eyes wander over the various items and thinking hard before choosing. Believe it or not, most of the items here is not in the possession of the family, mostly because Naruto believed in going slow and getting only what is needed so there was quite a few items that they wanted but was forced to wait for his approval.

For Tenten, she wanted to take her time. Quite a number of dreams were spent roaming the store and picking out stuff that she wanted but then she woke up and cried out in frustration because it was a dream. One thing she learned from her dreams is that she needed to take her time and ended up placing a lot more then five items in her basket.

When Sakura was finished, she met Tenten at the counter but when she saw the number of items in her basket, she frowned. "Sweetie...isn't that a bit too much?"

"Err...maybe? Sorry, I got a little carried away." Tenten replied, a sheepish look on her face.

Sakura sighed. "It's alright. Just...put the basket down and I'll look through it."

Tenten complied and Sakura started to dig through it. She automatically took out the ones that she couldn't afford (a lot actually) and eventually settled on nine items. After that, she gave Tenten to chance to pick out five of the ones she wanted the most. It was difficult for Tenten to decide as they all looked good and as usual, those that can't make up their mind always provided frustrations for the other person.

Sakura was really tempted to choose for her but she told herself that it's her choice.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Tenten finally settled on five items. Tenten was then ordered to put the rest back while Sakura checked the items out. Of course, Tenten saw that look of anger on Sakura's face for making her wait so long so she quickly complied.

By the time Tenten got back, Sakura was finished and they left the shop together. Tenten apologized and Sakura accepted her apology. "So where are we going?"

"We're going to make a quick stop at Ichiraku for a late lunch and we're going to eat at the park and stay there for a while. By the time we get home, it'll be supper."

So the girls made their way to the small stand known as Ichiraku Ramen. Sakura ordered some food to go. While the old man started the order, the daughter came up to Tenten and whispered `good luck with Naruto' in her ear before helping her father make the order. After Ayame left, Tenten turned to Sakura and pointed to the daughter in question. Sakura nodded in response, knowing what she was asking.

After they were given their order, they gathered their bags and made their way to the park where they found a bench and sat down and eat.


"Sakura, can you tell me how forgiving Naruto-sama is?" Tenten suddenly asked after about an hour of silence. The past hour, they just sat there, feeling the breeze flow around them. They didn't need to speak, they didn't feel like speak until now.

"Why do you want to know?" The pinkette asked.

"I just want to know." She responded, both her and Sakura not looking at each other, just keeping their eyes forward.

"Well...for a newbie, like you, there's a certain amount of tolerance he gives you. He understands that you will make mistakes but after a while, that tolerance shrinks considerably."

"I see."

Tenten quieted down and sighed, looking up at the sky. She wondered what her life would be like now being Naruto's pet. For a long time, she wanted somebody to trust her heart to and for a while, she thought Naruto is a potential candidate.

Now she has three.

She looked down when Sakura suddenly straddled her and cupped her cheeks, whispering in her ear. "Listen little pet...master may not have a strong sense of forgiveness but he has a heart of gold. As long as you remain faithful, he'll love you with all his heart. It's a fault of his. He's loves and trust too easily but it hasn't hurt him yet and we make sure his big heart never breaks."

Tenten whimpered at the effects she was feeling because of Sakura. "That's what I'm worried about. I'm not worthy of his love. I haven't earned it yet."

Sakura smiled. "Now that's where you're wrong. He already loves you. From the moment you promised him your loyalty, you had his heart."

Tenten was about to speak again but was silenced by Sakura capturing her lips with hers. That was all it took for Tenten to immediately respond to the kiss. Sakura ran her hands down Tenten's body and held her hands in hers and brought both hands up and set it down on top of the bench.

Sakura let go of her and ran her hands across Tenten's, going back to her body and grabbing her breasts. Tenten moaned into the kiss as she felt Sakura grope her breast. She wasn't one to be bested so she put her hands on Sakura's back and went down, tightly grabbing onto Sakura's ass, earning a happy squeak from the pink haired girl.

"Umm...excuse me?" A woman's voice called out to the kissing pair and Sakura felt a hesitant finger tap her.

Angry, Sakura broke the kiss but didn't turn around. "WHAT?!" She said, going right back to kissing the girl.

Sakura heard the woman get startled by her anger and she could tell she jumped a little. " really shouldn't do that. There are kids here and you are setting a bad example."

The girl could sense the woman fixing to tap her again but Sakura wouldn't have that so she broke the kiss again and turned her face around, wearing an extremely mad look and saw the woman gulp in fear. "You touch me again and I'll rip out your heart and feed it to your children and leave your body to the hounds. If they want to watch, let them watch and get a free lesson in sexuality. Now GIT!"

The woman yelped and ran away, grabbing her children in the process, and running like the devil himself was after her. Sakura chuckled as she watched the family run and turned back to Tenten. "That'll teach her."

"Rather harsh wasn't it?" Tenten asked, giving Sakura a few more kisses on the cheek.

"You know me girl...I always like to be sadistic."

Tenten chuckled as Sakura kissed down to her neck. "That I do girl...that I do."

"Oh, before I forget...if anybody asks, you're Naruto-sama's girlfriend."

Tenten chuckled again. "As you wish mistress."


`Master should be getting home soon. If I know him, he'll want to play with his new pet, that's why I sent her to the bed downstairs.' A sudden touch brought Sakura out of her thoughts and she turned around to see an exhausted Naruto standing behind her. "Welcome back master."

"'ve been a bad girl today."

"Mmm?" Sakura asked in confusion as she stirred her ramen.

Naruto chuckled and stole Sakura's ramen. "Remember that woman you nearly bit the head off in the park? She filed a compliant against you."

Sakura scoffed. "Please...that was nothing. What's she going to do? Sue me?"

Sakura giggled as Naruto patted her hair. "Don't worry about it. The old man took care of it. So where is our darling Tenten? I've been aching for her all day."

"She's downstairs, chained to the bed. She's ready for you."

"Thanks Saku. Oh, Tenten's sleeping with me tonight."

Naruto finished the last of the ramen and gave Sakura the empty bowl, who whined at the emptiness, and went to the stairs for the basement. He stripped off his clothes on the way and dumped them in the basket outside of the room. There was an open door and Naruto could see a bare back on the bed. He smiled and walked toward it, reaching it and sitting down, placing a hand on Tenten's side and ran his hand over her curvy body. "So my pet...did you have a nice day?"

The girl turned around and Naruto could see she was waiting for him, if the sudden smile was any indication. "It was good, although I was wondering why you weren't training me yourself?"

Naruto chuckled. "My opponent for the exam is a girl named Temari. She's a genius with an IQ of the same level of Shikamaru."

"I heard of him, a Nara kid that's lazy?"

Naruto nodded. "Yeah, that's him. I need a strategy for her and I'm trying out different scenarios, but now..." Naruto reached up and cupped her chin. "Now it's time for play."

Tenten chuckled as she laid on her back, Naruto climbing onto the bed and hovering over her, lowering himself so he could kiss her. While they were kissing, Tenten, with her free hand, reached down and gently took ahold of Naruto's growing member, earning a smile out of the boy.

"You want me?" He asked, breaking this kiss so he could see her nod and he chuckled. "Time to pop your anal cherry." He said with an evil tone in his voice but Tenten wasn't fazed by that, instead she gave him one last kiss before she turned around and raising herself so he could take her but Naruto wouldn't have that. Instead, he grabbed her and forced her up and around, his hard member sticking up and Tenten sitting on his legs. "Tell you what, since you've been so good, I'll let you go down on your own."

The brown haired girl smiled. "Why thank you." Tenten stabilized herself so that she can easily control her decent. Naruto, when Tenten righted herself, spit on his hand and coated his meat stick with his salvia so that Tenten could go down easy. After that, he placed his hands on Tenten's side to adjust her.

"You ready pet?" He asked but he could sense hesitation. He heard her reply with the addition of a whimper. Yep, she was having doubts now. "It's alright. I'll help you." Naruto gently started pushing down with one hand and his other hand was on his dick to adjust it if needed.

Tenten whimpered but she went down. Despite what Naruto thinks, she wasn't hesitating because of her first anal, it was because of his size. From that first grip, she knew he was big, really big and she was worried that she wouldn't be able to handle it but as she went down, her hesitation was disappearing. By the time her rosebud hit the tip of his dick, she was confidant so she leaned forward and slipped out of Naruto's hands, her hands going down and shooing away Naruto's, the boy smiling and leaned back a little, glad at what she was doing.

Taking a deep breath, she lowered herself, the entire tip going into her. The instant it entered her, her eyes widened and she let out a sharp gasp. `Kami, it's bigger then I thought and it's just the tip.' Too late to stop, she continued down, her moans started to come out as her passage started expanding like it never did.

From behind her, Naruto closed his eyes in bliss. She was tight, really tight and he loves that. He had loose women before and he didn't like them. They didn't provide the kind of pleasure tight girls were. He moaned in frustration. She was going too slow the further she came down so he placed his hands on her legs and pushed, forcing the girl all the way down and causing her to scream at the sudden expansion.

"Master!" She complained, only to yelp when she landed on the bed, stomach first.

Her eyes widened in fear when she heard him growl and felt his breath on her ear. "You're going too slow."

"I'm sorry." She quickly said but she had an inkling he just ignored her and she had a feeling what was going to happen next. She closed her eyes and fisted the sheets as she felt Naruto pull back and with one quick motion, slammed right back into her, the girl screaming as Naruto assaulted her ass but strangely, she thought it was going to be painful, but it wasn't, it was...pleasurable.

Naruto smirked as he heard the screams stopped and moaning took its place. He closed his eyes and let the pleasure take over him. He let out a shaky moan as he slammed into her once again, his body tensed up and he shot his seed into her rectum but as he was orgasming, he noticed Tenten's ass tightening and he knew that she was coming as well.

As their orgasms died down, Tenten collapsed onto the bed, taking Naruto with her. He chuckled as he landed, moving Tenten's hair aside and looking at her flushed face. Tenten moved her arms up and Naruto could see her fingers wet. "Th-thank you." She said.

Naruto chuckled. "Oh darling, I'm not done with you yet. I may have spent the day beating myself up but I still have energy for...a...few more...rounds."

Tenten looked up when Naruto trailed off and looked behind her, but her eyes widened in shock when she found Naruto sleeping. `Is he? Oh you have got to be frakking me! Well, he was pretty exhausted, even I could tell he was trying to hide it. Well, now what? Actually, if I remember correctly, that book said that if the master was unable to take care of himself, then I should take care of him.' It was then Tenten smacked herself on the forehead. `I'm such an idiot! Of course I'm supposed to take care of him. I'm a fucking slave for fucking out loud. God, if Sakura heard my thoughts, she would beat the shit out of me. Alright, let's see if I can do this without waking him up.'

Tenten slowly pushed herself up, taking Naruto with her. Getting a good hold with her knee, she took her hand and tried to slide Naruto off while moving the opposite direction. It worked but Naruto almost fell on the floor but Tenten caught him in time but she then realized that he was still in her so she slid herself forward and his dick came out of her.

Turning around, she gently grabbed him and lifted him up, manerving him around her body until she got a good grip on him. `Alright, if I remember Sakura correctly, the bathroom should be in this room. Ah, there it is.' Locating the bathroom, she carried Naruto to it. She knew that they needed to take a shower before they go to bed and she was the one that had to take care of it.

Reaching the bathroom, she gently set him down onto the shower floor and looked for the soap. Finding the soap, she turned on the water but she turned on the water for the overhead sprayers and not the one with the detachable head. Quickly turning it off, she turned the other set of knobs and finally the water came out of the one she wanted.

Grabbing the head and the soaped up washcloth, she began washing Naruto. It was a little difficult because his body kept wanting to fall down but she managed to clean him and his hair since it was dirty. After she was done with him, she cleaned herself in no time.

Now that they were both clean and dry, Tenten now had to pick him back up and take him upstairs to his bed. It was easier this time because he wasn't laying on top of her. `I hope the girls don't kill me. I know how much Sakura is protective of him and if she thinks I did something to him...' Tenten gulped. `I saw the wooden horse and she knows just how much I hate it.'

Tenten reached the top of the stairs and went to the other set of stairs and walked up them, reaching the top and stopping at the closed door of the master bedroom. Adjusting her grip, she opened the door and the first thing she saw was Ino, sleeping, in the cage attached to the bed. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Sakura still asleep on the bed.

She may get out of this yet.

Being very quiet, she tiptoed into the room. She didn't want to wake Sakura up and she didn't want to answer her questions that were bound to be asked. She reached the bed and moved the covers away, being very slow as not to disturb Sakura. Once the covers were removed, she gently placed him onto the bed. However, she made the mistake of looking up once she touched the sheets and froze.

A green eye was looking straight at her.

She stared at Sakura for a couple minutes, waiting for the girl to start screaming at her but when it never came, she continued putting Naruto to bed, adjusting his arms and legs before putting the covers over him. After she was done, she stood up and said good night to both of them and left.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Tenten froze mid-step and turned back around to face Sakura sitting up in bed. "I'm going back to my cage."

"Did master say you were to sleep in there for tonight?"

"No, I just assumed..."

"You just assumed..." Sakura mocked. "A slave doesn't assume. She asks. You may have a different bed every night, you never know. You ask, either me or him, where you will sleep."

"Umm...okay. Where am I sleeping tonight?"

"You are sleeping with the master tonight."

Tenten did a double take at that. "Wha..."

Sakura smiled. "You have earned the right for tonight."

Tenten was flabbergasted. She didn't think she would be sleeping with him this early. She watched as Sakura removed the covers and beckoned her to them. Tenten hesitated but she started walking toward the bed, reaching it and slowly climbing onto it, adjusting herself so that her back was to Naruto's chest, however, the instant her back touched his chest, Naruto's arms wrapped around her causing her to squeak.

"Even though the master is asleep, his body still reacts to a female touch." Tenten heard Sakura say as she felt Sakura lay back down. Tenten sighed as she settled down, moving the covers over herself, closing her eyes, feeling the warmth of the body behind her lull her to a deep sleep.