If you asked me if I know what I know now, the truth about my master's situation, whether or not I would regret being involved with him, I would've said yes. I never liked forced slavery. I would rather die then be somebody's slave who abuses me and bosses me around without any concern for my well being.
But master, he's different. Even though he's a torturer and a sadist, he cares for his pets. He's actively makes sure that they are healthy and safe. He helps them when they need it. That's part of the reason why I made that deal with him. I know that he can take care of me. I've seen it first hand, the care he gives to them. When I offered to take Ino's punishment that one time, I was surprised when he rejected me but as he gave his reasons, I understood. I understood that he was looking out for me.
I felt a tug on my body but I ignored it, my body turning around in the bed. The tug came back, more harshly this time but I waved it away, not wanting to wake up, but I should've remembered that I was sleeping in master's bed and he doesn't take kindly to disobedience.
A second passed before I felt a sharp pain on my cheek and my eyes snapped open, my mind quickly waking up and my body reacting as well. I immediately sat up, holding the affected cheek in my hand. I look to the side to find my master, sitting on the bed, and found him with a slight frown on his face.
My face mirrored his as I realized that I was woken up by him when he tried to wake me but I didn't. "I'm sorry master. Please forgive me." I tried to apologize in hope that he'll forgive me, but I began to worry when that frown stayed on his face. His arm twitched and moved toward me and I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the strike that was bound to come. A whimper came out of my mouth as I felt his hand near me and I tensed up for the pain but it never came, but I felt a gentle touch instead on my cheek and my eyes opened to see a smile on his face.
"It's alright darling. I understand." I let out a deep sigh of relief as I realized that he wasn't going to hurt me. I whispered out a `thank you' and I heard him chuckle. He moved closer to me and took my hand in his and I heard him spoke. "Listen Tenten, I and your sisters are going to be out for a while and you have some work to do."
"Where are you going?" Why was he leaving? I needed to be trained but he keeps leaving.
"I need to figure out a way to beat Temari and I need the girls as practice dummies, but you need to learn some stuff today. There is a list of jobs on the kitchen table and I expect all of them to be done by the time I get home at lunch. It's six right now so you have six or seven hours to finish. There's also breakfast there so eat all of it." Naruto stood up and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you later." He turned around and walked away but before he went out, he turned back to me. "Before I forget, my houseguest, Jiraiya, sent me a letter telling me that he's coming back today but he doesn't know exactly when so be on the lookout for him. You don't have to worry about him though, he has no interest in young girls and he's fine with you naked in the house. You'll be safe around him."
I wasn't given a chance to ask anything as he left the room. I waited a few minutes until I moved, wanting to wait until they were out of the house before I got started with my work. Moving the covers off of me, my legs swung around and touched the floor. I stood up and stretched before walking out of the room and going down the stairs. I didn't bother putting on clothes. I knew that there was a no clothes rule in this household.
A sigh escaped my lips as I reached downstairs, my hands running through my hair. I wasn't exactly sure how I should feel, being trained by a sadist. I know what kind of training I would be going through but still, I wasn't afraid as I thought I would be. In fact, my body seemed to be happy with it.
The girls know this and now I suspect my master knows this but I love bondage. Loved it for a long time but I was never able to really get into it. It wasn't the lack of courage but rather the lack of opportunity. Gai-sensei makes us get up at ridiculously early hours and pushes us hard and by the time I get home, I don't feel like doing anything more. I try during the weekends but it's so rare and now, the mere thought of being able to do what I want and to learn a lot more about it really excites me and plus...I have partners, someone to help me.
My mind snapped itself out of its musings when my nose caught the smell of hot, delicious food and I found myself standing right beside the kitchen table, staring at the steaming food and a stack of papers next to it. Pulling the chair out, I sat down and grabbed the chopsticks and started to dig in. That was another thing about living alone and having Gai-sensei as a teacher. I rarely get to each such delicious food. I can only make some basic stuff. Even though I got a B in cooking class, I have neither the time nor the money to make anything fancy.
As I eat, my eyes went to the papers beside the food and picked up the first paper. It was a note from Naruto following a list.
`Dear Tenten...like I said before, you have some jobs to do. You may feel like I'm neglecting your training but I assure you, this is not the case. When I trained your sisters, I trained them on more then just pain tolerance. I taught them. I taught them how to hide, how to steal, how to be safe, and who to see if something goes extremely wrong and what to do if an emergency comes up. The following list is what I want you to do today. If I know you, it shouldn't take you long and when you finish, you may do what you wish. You may have not noticed but I gave you access to your chakra once again. This is more of a safety precaution rather then trust, so don't get those two confused.
Don't forget what I said about Jiraiya. He may be a pervert and ogles over women every single minute of the day but he considers us family. He may not have said it, but I know. He takes care of us like I take care of your sisters. Even though he lets his eyes wander over the bodies of my pets, I don't mind as I trained the girls to be exhibitionists and I trust the man. You should know that. The only ones I let do anything to my girls, even look at them, are the ones I trust the most and he is one of them.'
`Exhibitionist? Me? How can you train someone to be an exhibitionist? Just parade them in public until they get off on it?' I thought, extremely scared. `I have to ask master when he gets home. I really hope it's not what I think. I'm not sure I'll be able to handle that.' Not wanting to keep thinking about this, I kept reading.
`Anyway, the list below is what I want you to do. Make sure you follow the instructions to the letter.
Burn the house layout into your mind. I want you to know where everything is and go to each room. I want you to know what is inside each room. Do not try and go into the locked rooms. Those you'll find out later.
Look over the map of Konoha. The marked spots are places that you can run to if there are problems. Burn that into your mind.
Burn the list of names into your head. These people are the ones who know of the truth and can help if needed.
There is a book on the second shelf of the book case entitled `How to cook rice balls.' Get that and go downstairs. I want you to familiarize yourself with each room downstairs. Almost all of the items down there have a number on it. If you want to know what something is, look for that number in the book and you'll find the name and description of said item. Believe it or not, I was pretty messy when it came to storing stuff but Sakura taught, aka forced, me to clean up and now I got a pretty good system going.'
`How to cook rice balls? What is he talking about?' I was confused. I stood up and looked for the bookcase. I found it in a room, right beside the entrance to the dungeon. My feet took me to the bookcase and I looked down, spying the tiniest hints of signs of moving. `Huh, so the bookcase can move? That's how he hides the entrance. I always wondered how he managed to keep it a secret for long.' Turning my attention away from the tracks, I looked at the actual books and was surprised at what I found.
An entire two row of H-magna lined the top shelf and the next shelf down, I saw quite a few books that peaked my interest, including one that had the title of `History of the Uzumaki family.' on the spine. I reached forward and took it out, opening the book to the first page for the foreword.
`This book was made to serve as a reminder of how the Uzumaki clan came to be and the pain they suffered to reach this point.'
`Wow...this may help in my understanding of master. I'm definitely reading this.' Tucking the book under my arm, I went back to the second shelf. There were several guides on bondage and the different styles and my eyes stopped on a book that had the title `How to make rice balls.' A chuckle escaped my lips as I realized that the title was just to keep curious eyes away. I took the book off the shelf and tucked it with the other one. I turned around and walked back to the kitchen, depositing the books on the table before going back to the letter.
`That's about all for now. After we eat lunch, I'll be quizzing you my way. Be warned, if you make a wrong answer, you'll face the punishment until you get it right so...do your best pet.'
A sigh left my mouth as I finished reading. I just knew that master was just waiting for that chance. Standing up, I placed the dishes in the sink and rinsed them off. After that, I grabbed the papers and the books and went to the living room and sent them down on a table next to a chair. I decided on learning the house layout first as I think that's easiest one here.
I wanted to start upstairs first so I can make my way down. I already knew some of the rooms up there but there were a few that I had no idea. Once I reached the top of the stairs, my eyes went to the map in my hands. The three rooms to the left of me belonged to Naruto, Sakura and Ino in that order. I went to the fourth room and found it was a guest room. My eyes roamed the room and found it was bare. Only a bed and a dresser was in the room and the walls were white. If the guest room was like this, then were the others like it as well?
A quick investigation of the other guest rooms confirmed my thoughts. Nothing but a bed and dresser littered the guest rooms. A frown came onto my face. Did he know the importance of making a guest feel good while visiting? I need to talk to him about that. I looked at my map again and looked at the last room on the left and the frown came back. I remember that room. That was the same room I danced for Ino when my tongue slipped up.
With great reluctance, I went to that room and opened the door and found the familiar pole. Tearing my eyes away, I looked around the room to find a small bed tucked away in the corner and a stereo system and karaoke system in another part. `This must be the entertainment room. I wonder how much time Ino-chan spends in here, considering how much she loves to sing.'
I turned around and left the room. The room next to this was the bathroom and I've already been there, so all that was left was the room labeled `Collections.' I was curious. I remember asking Sakura bout this room but she didn't tell me anything, she just led me away. I was really curious about this room just by the name and wondered what he liked to collect.
Automatically, my mind started guessing and I was getting freaked out by the kind of stuff it was showing me. Body parts, torture instruments, heads of different girls. I shook my head, trying to assure myself that if master was going to collect body parts, he would keep those hidden and locked up. My hand started shaking as it reached for the door knob, my eyes closing as I twisted it, the door not locked, and pushed it open, whimpering as my eyes refused to open, thinking that I was going to see blood and heads everywhere.
Finally, my eye cracked open and little and through the limited vision I had, I saw no blood so I risked it and opened both eyes and was greeted to a sight that caused my jaw to drop. `Oh good lord.'
There were antiques and jewelry all around, vases and priceless items. Besides that, she saw dressers and cabinets all around and I had no doubt that they were stuffed with this stuff. My body moved on its own and I started myself of a tour of the room, my mouth still agape of the mere fact that Naruto had somehow acquired so much stuff. `There is no way he bought all this stuff. No fucking way. He must have stolen this stuff from the rich folks. I see stuff that belongs to Hyuuga, Uchiha, Sarutobi. Just how good of a thief is he? The Uchiha stuff was locked into a vault after the massacre.' As my eyes scan though the items here, I continue to be surprised by the amount of stuff here.
I just couldn't believe how he could get this many stuff. I mean, I know he's a ninja but still, to get this much without getting caught says a lot about the boy. I finished the tour of my room and quickly exited the room. I didn't want to stay there too long. I looked at the map again and found that I went into all the rooms up here and on the first level, there were quite a lot of rooms that I haven't seen yet but as I looked at the first level, there was one room that was confusing. It had a single letter, `N' and no details, just `N'.
I started walking while looking at the map, my eyes still fixed on that room., my mind wondering what the purpose of that room is. The scale of the room was noted on the paper and `N' was quite big which causes me to wonder exactly what he does in there. I kept my eyes glued to the paper as I walked down the stairs, my attention fully focused on the paper in front of me.
Because of this, I failed to pay attention to where I was going and I suddenly bumped into something. I looked up and suddenly gasped, backing up in fear.
Right there in front of me was Naruto's houseguest...Jiraiya.
"Umm...hi?" I greeted the large man in front of me, while trying to cover myself.
"Hi." He responded, holding out his hand to me, possibly trying to make himself as friendly as possible to me. I hesitated for a moment before I extended my hand, taking his hand into mine and shook it. "You must be Naruto's new pet."
"Yeah, that's me."
Jiraiya chuckled and ruffled my hair as he started walking past me up the stairs. "Nice to meet you. I'll be up in my room."
I stayed where I was, still a little afraid of this man, due to the fact that I was naked. Even though the master assured me he was okay, I was still worried. When I heard him reach his room and shut the door, did I allow myself to relax. I shook my head, trying to shake the worry out of my head and continued on my path on my tour of the house.
Looking at the map again and ignoring the `N' room, I looked at the other rooms on the map and saw labels like `vault', `bathroom', and `armory'. That last one peaked my interest and I decided that would be my first stop.
But as I found out when I reached the door, there was no door. There wasn't any indication that there was anything here. Was the map wrong? Was it mislabeled? I didn't know but I didn't want to waste time trying to find out. I had other stuff to do. Maybe when he comes back, I can ask him.
It didn't take me long to finish going through the rest of the rooms down here. Now all that was left was the dungeons. Now that was the scary part. I quickly retrieved the reference book and stood in front of the entrance, my hands slightly shaking. I didn't want to do this but I had no choice.
My lungs took a deep breath to calm myself down and I took a step forward and another and another until I finally came in front of the middle door, book clutched tightly in my hands. I reached forward with my hand and opened the door, stepping in and started to explore the room. To be honest, I was surprised at how clean and organized it was.
From my experience, dungeons were messy and bloody and not a pleasant place to be in but this...I could live here. I looked at the cage number and looked it up in the book. A couple of the cages were permanently installed, even plumbing was included as well and the cage was even wired to be electrocuted or heated.
But a con of this room is that there's no natural lighting. Just the artificial lights in the ceiling. It was too bad really but no windows made sense. Can't have any onlookers looking in while they were playing now can you? Besides that, I started looking around and examining some of the items here and looking them up when I couldn't figure out what they were.
I examined another room and found myself smiling, my mind imagining myself using these items. I could feel my body heat up and my sex lubricating itself and I felt a great urge to drop what I was doing and masturbate with myself right here and now.
But I couldn't. I had a job to do and it won't be long until he comes home, however, when I do finish my jobs, I can come back down here and try some of these things, but for now I...had...to... My body stopped, my eyes fixated on an object in front of me. This object was on the top of my hate and fear list, seconded only by rapists.
The wooden horse.
It was unfortunate but I developed this fear during one of my missions out of the village. I witnessed a sight that burned itself into my mind and never left. I shut my eyes and tore it away, my body doing an about face as the tears came down. I sigh and opened them, looking at the book in my hands. Maybe it had an index in the back so I could look the horse up, to see what he written about it without having to look at the damn thing.
I flipped the pages to the back but there was no index, just blank pages for additional entries. A groan left my lips and I turned around, trying to find a number on this cursed thing but I eventually found it, on the bottom of one of the legs. I looked the number up and found the entry and read the listing, but that didn't comfort me. I just ended up slamming the book shut and walking out of the room. I was done down there. Maybe after I complete my other assignments, I would feel better enough to come back down and have some fun.
`I wonder how she's doing?' I ask myself as I stood in front of the door to my home. It was nearing lunch and master sent me home to check on the girl while he continued trying out his strategy with Sakura who was changed into Temari. `Doesn't look like she did any damage to the house but I haven't seen inside yet.'
I moved my long hair out of my face as I dug into my pockets for the keys. I was also supposed to start lunch as well and I had gotten better over the months. A chuckle escaped my lips as I remembered the absolute failures I created and Sakura was forced to try them. I managed to find the keys and unlocked the door, pushing it open and entering the house, pleased to find the house in good shape so far. I closed the door behind me and went to find her. It didn't take me long as I found her in the living room, sitting in a chair and reading a book. The girl didn't notice me and I smiled, wanting to surprise her.
I cloaked myself and crept up to her, looking at the book and was surprised to find that it was our history book. Curious I looked closer and found that she was past the past and the imprinting and the kidnapping and was well into Sakura's two weeks of hell.
`She's taking it extremely well.' I assumed, taking a look at my sister's passive face but I could see an hint of fear in her eyes. She was scared but hiding it extremely well. An evil grin appeared on my face as an equally evil idea came to mind. I stood in front of Tenten, closing my eyes and focusing on my teeth and willed my fangs to grow and sure enough, I felt my teeth change and used my tongue to confirm that I had pointy teeth.
But it was only an illusion. It wasn't an actual change as much as I wanted it to be. The only times they actually grew is when I was stressed. It didn't matter if it was in battle or taking a test. If my adrenalin reaches a certain point, they will grow. As for my eyes, it was the same for them as the teeth. Long since I had imagined the possibilities of having real silted eyes, the scare I can bring but all I could was dream.
As for Tenten, this was mean but I couldn't resist. I had become quite the trickster since my marking and master only nurtured that since.
I took a few moments to prepare my face. I had to look scary, like I wanted to eat her and Tenten's fear will take care of the rest. Oh this was going to be great. Keeping my hungry look on my altered face, I reared back and, the instant I shot forward, I dispelled the cover over myself, and roared into Tenten's face, sharp claws and all.
The second after I finished, Tenten screamed to high heaven and fell out of the chair, backing up in fear until she hit the wall while I fell to the ground, laughing my ass off. I didn't see the girl as my eyes was forced shut by my insane laughter but after a while, I managed to calm myself down enough to open my eyes and look at the girl.
She was confused, trying to figure out what happened but it didn't take long for her to figure it out and her face twisted in rage. "Ino, you fucking BITCH!" I burst out laughing again. "I'M GOING TO STRANGLE YOU!" Still laughing, I managed to get up just as Tenten ran up to me and tried to wrap her hands around my neck but I moved her around, playing with her for a bit, before I threw her back into the chair. Quickly I straddled her and grabbed her hands before they could hit me and slammed them beside her head.
"Oh my darling..." I said, a big smile on my face as I neared her angry face. "Why so serious?" The instant I finished speaking, I crashed my lips with hers to muffle her outbursts. I kept my lips on her to calm her down and waited to move until her struggles ceased before I let go of her lips.
"God damn it Ino." Tenten whined, a defeated expression on her face. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."
I chuckled and looked down, spying the book on the ground. I reached down and picked it up and handed it back to Tenten. "I am surprised though. You managed to get to Saku-chan's two weeks of hell."
"I finished early." The girl responded, but I raised my eyebrow at that.
"You learned all those names? All those locations?"
"I'm a quick study."
"You sure?" I questioned. "Remember, master is going to quiz you on this."
"I'll be okay."
I shrugged. If she said she was going to be okay during her little test, then who am I to question that? "Alright. You can keep reading. Master is coming home in a little bit and I need to get lunch ready."
After Ino left, I tried to calm myself down but that image, that face, stayed with me. The fangs, the eyes, the claws. How did she do that? Those illusions that they keep talking about maybe? It had to be. It wasn't like she could actually grow fangs...could she? I didn't know but all I know is that girl nearly scared the life out of me.
She must have known how I was feeling at that point. I was scared, scared because I realized how much Naruto, or rather Kyuubi, was capable of. The torture Sakura went through, it didn't seem possible for her to survive that kind to pain but somehow she did. I opened the book and got back to the last page I reached before continuing.
I wanted to stop reading but I couldn't. The book, the story, was pulling me in and I couldn't resist.
Suddenly, something tapped me on the shoulder and, due to my fear...again, I screamed in surprised and the book flew out of my hands and I fell out of the chair, turning around and saw Sakura leaning on the chair, head resting on her hands, and a smirk on her lips while Naruto was standing beside her, a smirk also on his lips and his arms crossed.
"My my Tenten..." Sakura spoke, drawing my attention back to her. "What's with the jumpiness?"
I groaned and sat up, feeling embarrassed that they managed to sneak up on me. "Blame that bitch of yours. She scared me when I was reading the history book."
"Oh?" Sakura quirked her head. "Which parts were you on?"
"Hell." I responded, sighing in regret as I saw Sakura pale, knowing she knew what I was talking about.
"I...see. I'm going to see how Ino's doing." Sakura stood up and walked away, going to the kitchen and leaving Naruto with me.
"So..." Master said, after Sakura left, and walking up to me. "You managed to get that far?" He reached me and held out his hand to me. I took it and he pulled me up.
"Yeah. I'm a little scared about it though." Master chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist, leading me to the chair. He sat on it and pulled me down so I was sitting on him. As he wrapped his arms around me, I settled and laid back, knowing that what he wanted me to do. I was right as I heard him chuckle from behind him. "So how did the whole `strategy planning' go?"
"I'm working on it. How about you? Any problems today?"
I shook my head. "No, no problems."
"I see."
I let out a sudden gasp as master hand suddenly went in between my legs, his fingers caressing my virgin lips. My eyes closed as I moaned from his ministrations. I felt his other hand, not touching me, move up and grabbed my breast. I twitched at that but I think that was from the sudden intrusion of Naruto's finger into me.
I didn't hold back any reactions for his touches. I didn't want to nor did master. I started to arch a bit as Naruto's soft fingers started to roll my nipple around in his fingers. "Master." I breathed out as Naruto added another finger in his assault of my pussy.
"You like my touch don't you pet?"
"Mmm...oh yes. I love your touch." I responded as I squirmed in his hold. That was the truth. His hands, they were so soft, so skilled, but most of all, so caring. All my life, I longed for such hands, wanting to trust my body to hands that will protect me, no matter what. Imagine my delight when I realized that these hands can do that and so much more.
My eyes opened when Naruto reached up and turned my head. I found myself looking at master's deep blue eyes and I couldn't look away. They were so beautiful. I leaned forward and kissed him, my lips only giving him the barest of touch but it wasn't enough for him as he reached forward as well, increasing the kiss to something deeper and we started to use our tongues more.
"MASTER, TENTEN, LUNCH TIME!" Ino called out from the kitchen and I whined when master broke off from me.
"Please don't go." I pleaded, trying to go back but he held me back, a smile on his face.
"Don't worry pet. After we eat and after you pass your test, you'll start on your next stage of training. Learning how to give a blowjob."
I froze at that. Did I just hear him right? I was going to learn how to use my mouth on him? A smile came onto my face as I realized that I was finally going to experience my biggest fantasy. "Please tell me you're not kidding?" I whispered to him, cupping his cheek with my hand.
Naruto chuckled and took that hand and kissed it. "Do I look like I'm kidding? Just make sure you pass your test. Now get up and get ready for lunch."
"As you wish my master."
Despite the amount of food on the table, it didn't take long to eat and Sakura shared a fact with me that I was sure she was making up. The fact that I had to eat more, more calories, more proteins, more everything to keep up with my bodily changes.
Of course I'm still human but still...they practically shoved the food into my mouth.
But the single thought on my mind was the thought of finally tasting the master's cock. Before I even knew master, I wasn't as naïve for pleasure as one might think. I experimented with my body, teaching myself of the pleasures of the flesh. When I bought my first vibrator (even that was a feat considering the rules in place), I was ecstatic and ran home to try it out.
Needless to say, I wasn't disappointed.
However, getting back to the present, I realized that it was time for testing. It shouldn't be so bad, I mean it was just going to be Q & A right? Right?
I snapped out of my musings as I heard master burp in content as Ino collected the dishes and put them into the sink when I was suddenly grabbed by Naruto. I yelped as he forced me up and started dragging me, Sakura following behind us.
"Time for your testing pet. I hope you're prepared."
I didn't resist. How could I? Naruto's grip on my arm was really tight, almost to the point of pain, and Sakura was following, ready to make sure I get to where I'm supposed to be. I was dragged downstairs and to the right door. Being pushed inside, I was led to somewhere, not sure where since I just entered the room but as we walked forward, my eyes stopped on a strange object that I had no idea what the purpose of it was.
It was like the sybian but different. Instead of the plastic shell, it was rubber and in place of the dildo was a large, metal, studded dildo that I was sure I couldn't fit that in me. In addition, there were quite a few wires attached to it.
My fears being realized, I was led to this strange object and I was stopped over it. Master barked a sit order but I hesitated but apparently, my master didn't like that and he forced me down. I let out a short scream as the metal dildo penetrated me, expanding my passage like never before.
I wasn't given a chance to rest, however, as I felt my limbs being restrained. My arms going behind my back and my legs being strapped to something. "Now then..." I looked up when master started speaking while I could feel Sakura keep working. "You may have thought your testing was going to be a simple question and answer session." Master smirked and I was worried. "Now what kind of sadist would I be if I did something as boring as that?" Now I was really worried but my attention was turned away from that worry as I scream as something hurt my cilt. I looked down and saw Sakura attach something to my cilt. I couldn't exactly tell what it was but it did have a wire attached to it.
I looked up at Sakura and saw two objects in her hand and I realized they were clamps with wires running to the altered sybian. The girl in front of me took one of the clamps and set the other one down, her now free hand reaching for my tit and grabbing it, before putting the clamp on my nipple. I didn't scream as I gritted my teeth at the last second and it was the same for the other nipple. Sakura then stood up and patted my cheek before leaving my sight.
After I recovered my breath, I looked up at master who pulled up a chair and sat down in front of me. He was now a holding remote and a clipboard. "Now then pet, let me tell you the rules. The set-up you're now in is designed to electrocute you with the push of this button."
Naruto turned it around and pushed the button. However, the instant he pushed it, my pussy, my nipples and my cilt was electrocuted and I screamed, being very much in pain, but the pain stopped and I stopped screaming, my eyes wide with shock.
"See how painful it is? That is the price for a wrong answer, but if you answer right, you won't be shocked." I looked at Naruto's eyes, that calm blue replaced by a hard look and I had a feeling that I was going to get used to that look and maybe even love it when I am fully trained. "Now then..." He spoke. "First question..."
My mouth curved into a smile as Tenten collapsed into unconsciousness. I was proud of her, lasting this long besides being electrocuted removed any regret I may have in taking her. She is a strong girl and this only proves it. Despite getting several questions wrong on the first try and being shocked because of that, she never got it wrong on the second chance.
I motioned to Sakura and she moved to release Tenten. I watched her as she took off the clamps first before taking off her restraints and finally, she put her arms under her armpits and pulled her up.
"Take her and put her in the cage." I ordered, turning around after my pet nodded, and walking toward the refrigerator and I pulled out a water bottle. I knew when Tenten woke up, she was going to be thirsty. I reached the cage just as Sakura finished putting her in it and I placed the bottle in the cage before closing the door.
After that, I took my pet by the waist and led her out of the room, whispering into her ear. "I have a fever nurse. Please help me." I said, my tone playful.
Sakura chuckled. "Well, that sounds serious. I should give you a full exam." She responded in that same tone.
"Well..." Sakura squealed as I forced her around, slamming her against the wall. "Anything you want darling." I crashed my lips against her as the girl started taking off my clothes. My free hand went to door knob and I opened it, pushing Sakura out, the girl squealing as she landed on the floor, while I advanced toward her.
"Naughty boy. You want this?" Sakura motioned to her body. "Come and get it." With that, Sakura got up from the floor and bolted, starting a chase that I knew I was going to win.
If allowed, I was going to sleep for the entire day. After the...unique Q & A session I just went though, my body just didn't have the energy but as I felt someone slap my cheek trying to wake me up, I knew that I didn't have a choice anymore. All of my freedoms were taken away the instant I was captured and any...privileges I may have is just that...privileges.
"Hey Tenten, wake up." With great regret, I opened my eyes to face Sakura, who was still patting my cheek by the way. "Come on, we have a job to do." I was still half-asleep but suddenly I was pulled out of the cage. "Come on darling, wake up. Here, drink this. It'll help you get your energy back.
Through my half-lidded sight, I saw Sakura holding a bottle of water. She unscrewed it and put it to my lips, tipping it and letting the water flow into my mouth, but it tasted weird. What did she spike the drink with? Whatever it was, it was working as I could feel some of my strength return. Now I could fully open my eyes and look at the girl...and the wounds on her body.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
Sakura blinked and put on a confused face like she didn't know what I was talking about. Finally, she looked down. "Oh...that? That's just a warm up for the horse ride later today, but now we have orders to fulfill." I was picked up and was put on my feet.
"Can I have some more of that water?" I asked, letting the girl do what she wanted. Sakura nodded and gave me some more of that water and I felt a little more energy come back. Sakura helped me up the stairs and into the kitchen. She deposited me into a chair facing freshly made food.
"Try and eat this. I laced this food with something that'll help you and hopefully get your energy back. There's also OJ here as well so drink that as well."
"Thanks." Suddenly, my ears heard a hissing sound and I couldn't tell what it was as my mind was a little foggy. "What's that sound?"
"Oh that's just Kira-chan." Sakura looked around and, apparently finding what she was looking for, reached down at the chair opposite her and withdrew a purple snake and deposited her on the table. "Ino did mention she had a snake as a pet didn't she? Did wonders for her ophidiophobia. Feel free to get to know each other."
"Has she been fed?"
Sakura laughed. "Oh don't worry about that. She doesn't like human flesh, but if she starts going into your pussy, just let any of us know and we'll help you but I should warn you, she has a taste for the juices that we make." Sakura started walking away.
"Wait, don't go!"
"Have fun you two." Sakura waved back as she disappeared. I whimpered and turned back to the snake. She was looking at me with those silted eyes of hers. Suddenly, she moved and started slithering toward me. I jerked but I didn't do anything else. I was scared but stayed there, thinking that I needed to trust Sakura.
Kira reached me hand and started crawling up my arm, reaching my shoulders and going across it. I started breathing heavily when she started going around my neck, coiling itself, stopping before she started tightening, her head settling on my left shoulder.
I remained still for a while, just waiting for her body to tightened itself but it never came and I was able to relax and start eating.
By the time I was finished with my `snack', I was feeling much better. Whatever Sakura put in this food was definitely working and I was back to my normal self...well as normal as can be. Ino came by to check on me and her snake. To be honest, I was still a little off put by the fact there's a snake on me but she wasn't doing anything but sleeping.
After Ino collected the dishes, she gently took the snake off of me and ordered me to take a quick shower and get dressed. I quickly complied, being as quick as I could be. However, I realized that when I got out, I didn't have anything to wear. When I told Ino that, she looked me over a couple of times and said to dig in her closet for some clothes as I was about the same size but I was forbidden to wear bra and panties.
I rolled my eyes at that and went back upstairs toward Ino's room. Reaching it, I went into her closet and tried to find something to wear. Within seconds, I realized that there wasn't one simple piece of clothing here. Each piece seemed to have a purpose whether it was showing the slutty look, teasing, sexy, etc., so I decided to go for the sexy look.
When I finally got dressed after about half an hour, I looked at myself in the mirror and nodded, content with my choice. I went downstairs to find the family waiting for me. "Sorry I'm late." I apologize. "I lost track of time."
Naruto chuckled. "I see. Well, it's no problem. Now that you're here, we can get started." Naruto stood up and walked toward me, his hands going up and to my neck. I didn't move as I trusted him. I felt him grab my collar and, to my surprise, he took it off. "Wha..."
"What I want you to do..." Master interrupted me. "Is take your sisters and go to your house. Pack up your clothes, toiletries, and anything else you might need living here."
"My weapons?" I asked.
Naruto chuckled. "The girls have large scrolls sealed into them and they'll seal up all of your weapons. I know you don't want to leave them there and I'll put them in the armory."
"Oh yeah!" I suddenly remembered about the armory. "I couldn't find the armory. I think the map was mislabeled."
Naruto smiled and I wasn't sure why. "Oh don't worry about the armory. I'll show you how to get into it later, but for now..." Naruto patted my cheek. "Just go and get your stuff."
"Master, if I'm going to be moving here, then..."
Naruto shut me up by placing his hand on my mouth. "Tenten...I. Will. Take. Care. Of. It. You just get your stuff. When you get back, I'll have some stuff for you. Now go before I get the urge to spank your little bottom."
I eeped and quickly nodded. "Sorry sir. Yes sir." I quickly sprout out, rushing toward the front door, the girls following me as I rushed outside.
The girls and I eventually made our way to my home. It wasn't much, just an apartment, but it was home. When the door was shut, I saw the girls strip and do something with the others backs and suddenly, two large scrolls appeared off of Sakura's back and two more off of Ino's.
"Alright, show me your weapons." Ino said, walking up to me. I nodded and took her to the second largest room in the apartment where I keep my scrolled weapons, scrolls, weapons, and anything that I can use to draw blood. While Ino got to work, I went to get my suitcases so I could start packing, but when I got to my bedroom, I freaked.
Sakura was looking under my bed and she pulled out a box that held my toys. I rushed forward, intending on grabbing that box away from her, but in my haste, I ended up tripping onto the bed when Sakura moved to the side, but I wasn't given a chance to recover as my ears heard the pop of a clone being created and I was forced up, facing Sakura who had her arms crossed and a frown on her face.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Is there something in here you don't want me to see?" Sakura tapped the box and I jerked but the clone's hold on me didn't slacken. "Apparently so. Let's see what you're hiding here."
I could only watch as Sakura opened the top and look inside. My throat gulped as a evil smile came onto her face. "Well well well...look what we have here." Sakura turned back to me and showed me the contents of my `relief' box. Dildos, vibrators, as well as some other stuff. "I knew you had some stuff but I had no idea exactly what you had and what's this?" Sakura reached in and pulled out a ball gag. "A ball gag? Kinky girl."
"That's only to keep my moans muted!" I argued. "I'm not alone in this building and I would rather not have people banging on my door because I was too loud."
Sakura chuckled and replaced the gag. "True true...but what about this?" Sakura pulled out a collar and I gulped again, this time in fear. "If I remember correctly, you told me that you returned the collar that you got for the wedding. This is the same one. Care to explain mmm?"
"I...I..." I bowed my head in shame. "I liked it." I said with an almost whisper-like voice. "I liked how it felt on my neck and I didn't want to get rid of it."
I heard Sakura chuckle and I looked up. "Don't be ashamed of yourself. It's nice to know what you like. I wouldn't have been insulted if you took it back." Sakura replaced the collar in the box and closed it. "Go ahead and get your stuff. I'll start in the other rooms."
I was released as Sakura started walking away. I asked her if I could have the box back but she only smiled and said that it was staying with her until she showed it to master. I groaned but she just ignored me and left the room.
It didn't take too long to get everything packed up. I didn't have a lot but that was fine, but I did ask Sakura if we could take the bed with us. They looked at me weird but I said I really like that mattress. Sakura refused but told me that I could ask master later. It'll stay here for the time being as well as the rest of the stuff, so as I collected all the suitcases and bags and went to the front door, I turned around and looked at my home for the past eight years and sighed.
I never thought I would be moving out this early. I had seen myself living in this apartment for several more years before I saved up enough money to get a house of my own. Now it seems like it's already time to move out. I closed the door and locked it, perhaps this being the last time I even set foot in this house. The keys were taken out of my hands by Sakura and pocketed it and she motioned me to come and we started walking back to my new home.
I wonder what everybody would think when they find out I'm moving in with master?
"Master, we're home." Sakura called out as I was the last to enter the house. I dropped my things to the floor and I leaned against the door, my encounter with Lee still fresh in my mind. He snuck up on me and surprised me with a hug. I didn't mind the hug but it was such a bad time and when he started asking me questions, I couldn't give a straight answer and Sakura ended up answering for me.
I looked away in shame, mad at myself for getting my tongue tied and unable to look at my long time friend's face. I love Lee, I really do. That's why I tolerate his hugs all the time, but I just couldn't tell him I was moving to a new boyfriend's place. After that, Sakura put an arm around me in comfort and we continued walking again.
Anyway, back at the house, both Sakura and Ino removed my load and took them upstairs. I was about to follow when Sakura told me to stop and go to the kitchen. I complied and found master sitting at the kitchen table, looking over a bunch of papers. I called out to him and he motioned for me to come without even looking up.
I quickly sat down, brushing the long hair out of my face. I didn't speak, just waited until he spoke, but I did take the time to look at the numerous papers he was shifting through. I couldn't tell exactly what it was but I did catch words like `address', `bank', `medical'.
I was suddenly brought out of my musings by master who suddenly spoke. "So how was your trip? You alright with Lee?"
Wait a minute...how did he know about Lee? There's no way he knew Lee bumped into me today. The girls hadn't spoken to him since we got back. "How did you know about Lee? There's no way you should've known about him."
"Monitoring seal." Master answered promptly. "Did Sakura tell you exactly what seals Ibiki put on your body?"
"No, she didn't."
Master scoffed. "Figures." He sighed and handed me a stack of papers and a pen. "I need you to sign this."
"What is it?" I asked, looking over the stack.
"Change of address forms. Sign your name at each `X'." I quickly signed the papers, handing them back to Naruto who took them and set them aside. "Now then..." He said, grabbing some other papers. "The instant it was confirmed you were my slave. All of your possessions, your house, and anything else that belongs to you have been transferred to me. Your house is in my name as well as everything else. Now as for your bank, your account has been closed and all of your money has been put in my account. Coincidentally, the few debts you have have been wiped out as well. That's good neh?"
"Yeah, good." I replied with a flat tone earning a chuckle from master. I looked down when he placed a paper in front of me. Looking at the top left, I saw it was a bank statement from Konoha Bank.
"I opened an account in your name at the bank and put about ten grand of yen in there. In addition of you, both I and Sakura have control over your account. We can lock you out if need be. Now, you will be given an allowance each week and this money is yours to do with but I warn you, I will not give you any money if you spend it all so be careful. Now listen Tenten...my slaves have made it a practice to set aside money each week for damages. If you break something, you will pay for it."
"I understand."
"Good. Now I had a safe installed in your new bedroom. How to open it is on top of the safe so memorize it when you get up there. There's some money in there as well as a couple of other stuff. Another thing about the safe, you will NOT change the combination. All of us must be able to open it. I don't like secrets from my pets and neither does Sakura." Naruto took the papers from her and set them aside. "Now as for you medical needs, our regular doctor is a woman named Azumi. You met her before I believe."
"Yeah, she's the one I saw when I woke up from Sakura's accident with the drink."
"Accident, what are you...oh...you don't know?"
I blinked. What don't I know? "What are you talking about?"
Master smirked. "That accident wasn't an accident. She purposely spiked your drink so she could capture you."
My mouth dropped open. "Wha..."
"She's planned it for quite a while. She arranged to have you stored within Ibiki's cells while she and Ino trained you in time for my birthday."
`That bitch lied to me. I can't believe this. Thinking back now, I should've known she was planning something. She was insistent on the spot and she knew I couldn't resist those foods. She tricked me!' I clenched my fists in anger. How could I have been so blind? I looked up when master placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Don't be mad at her pet. She was only doing what she thought was best for me."
"I'm going to kill her." I growled.
"Anyway..." Master interrupted my thoughts, bringing my attention back to him. "You have an appointment with Azumi in a few days for a full examination. Don't forget it." I nodded and master placed a file in front of me. "Take a look at it."
I took the file in my hands and opened it, my eyes widened as I realized what it was. "My...my file? Why...?"
"Take another look. Pay close attention." Master advised me and I took another look.
As my eyes roamed my file, I noticed something disturbing. "My name. My...my last name is gone." I looked up in shock at master's evil smirk. He motioned me to keep going and I went back to my file and I soon realized that there were more changes. For one, there was a date of slavery and who my master was, but the most disturbing change was my status section. Instead of genin, it said `Property of Uzumaki Naruto.'
As the file was taken out of my hands, I began to sniff. Any doubt that I had was destroyed. Everybody who had access to this file knew I was a slave.
"There are only a few people who can look at these files." Master spoke. "Those few know the truth and the others know how to keep their mouth shut. A little fact about slavery, the paperwork is immense. I remember the first few days, paper after paper was shoved in front of us and a lot of things were signed. It took us all day to finish." I chuckled at that, my mood lightening some from master's humorous tone. "Now comes the legal issues. Because you are my slave, if you get in trouble, I have to answer to a lot of people. If you get arrested, you are automatically turned over to Ibiki and I have to post bail and posting bail for slaves costs quite a bit of money."
"I won't get in trouble." I said, hoping to assure him but he just shook his head.
"You'll get in trouble. They always do. It's a fact of life."
I reached forward and took Naruto's hand in my own, looking at those blue eyes I love so much. "I promise I'll be the best pet I can be."
I smiled when he smiled, his hand grabbing onto mine. "I'll hold you to it." That seemed to lighten his mood. "Now then, there are some perks to being a slave, my slave. First of all, you have been granted the ability to defend yourself at all cost. That means doing what it takes to ensure that the secret that you are a slave stays a secret. You can kill in cold blood if need be. You can kill both ninja and civilian as well."
"But wait, I don't understand. Why give us the ability to kill in cold blood?'
Naruto sighed. "Let me put it to you this way darling. Kyuubi is a nasty being. Everybody here still remembers the devastation that he caused. If they find out that he escaped once? It'll end up being a civil war. That's why we need to do what it takes to ensure that no one knows I have slaves. The instant they find out, they'll go to the right conclusion and call for my blood and we would be forced to run, start a new life somewhere. I rather like my life here you know?"
"I see. How many times have you killed?"
"(Sigh) Even though I would prefer we keep our hands free of blood, we have been forced to end lives. We haven't recently but we have at one point in time."
Master sighed after he finished speaking, turning his attention away from me and going back to the shrinking stack of papers. He grabbed the top one and handed it to me. "This is a list of a few of the seals that was placed upon your body. I'm not going to tell you all of them for right now but I will later."
As I looked at the list, I was surprised at some of the stuff here. I knew that slaves were required to have some seals etched onto their bodies but this amount of seals? I'm surprised that there wasn't a conflict with some of them. Suddenly the paper was yanked out of my hands by master and I whined, but he didn't react to it. "Now then, that's it for now." Master stood up, taking me with him. "Let's go see your new room."
I followed master as we went up the stairs, suddenly realizing that I haven't seen the girls in a while. We passed his bedroom, Sakura's bedroom, and Ino's bedroom, and finally stopped at an empty bedroom, or rather a little more filled empty bedroom. I found my bags and suitcases sitting on the side with a scroll that we packed misc. items in like bed sheets, and other stuff, but on the bed was a box.
I turned around when I felt master take my collar off. "Now then pet...even though you'll be sleeping with me every night, you will have a bedroom for your privacy."
"You let us have privacy?" I joked, smiling as he laughed.
"I want you to have a place you can go to when you want to be alone. You can be in here or find a place out there where you'll be alone, but I do want you to tell me where it is so I can find you if need be. The girls have orders to knock and have to be let in before entering another's room. This room is yours pet. You can do anything you want to in it. Remodel, paint, furnish, anything you want."
"Can I bring my bed here?"
"No." Was his immediate answer. "Reason being is that I will keep your apartment running for a while until I decide to cut you off from that. For example, a while ago, I stopped the utilities on Sakura's house and she moved everything else here and in storage, but I didn't put it on sale."
"What did you do with it?"
"Sakura demolished it." Master smirked as he saw my gaping mouth. "In her words, `This house only serves as a reminder of a painful past.' So she got rid of it."
"Wow, what about Ino-chan?"
His eyes swiveled to me when I called Ino `chan' and smiled. "She still lived with her parents at the time. I had no control over her house." Master started walking away and I looked at him. Before I spoke, he spoke first, his back facing me. "There's a present for you on the bed. When you're ready, come down and we can get started on your lessons."
Master disappeared into his bedroom, leaving me to myself. I entered my bedroom and went directly to my bed and the box. I took the box in my hands and sat down on the bed, my hands running over the cardboard. Finally, I took a deep breath and opened it. My breath caught in my throat as I saw master's present.
A collar. A beautifully crafted leather collar with a ring in front. If I had to guess, this was master's wedding ring. Sakura's collar was red and Ino's was black (black looked really great on her by the way. She should consider having a black outfit) and mine was black as well. I smiled at that. Black was my favorite color as it was the color of the metal of the weapons I love so much. I tilted the collar and I spotted writing on the inside.
`Tenten, my pet and sword, may your suffering and obedience sharpen your inner blade.'
A smile carved itself onto my lips as I read his words. That was beautiful, it really was. Master had such a way with words. I turned the collar back around and looked more closely at the outside of the collar and that's when I caught another dedication on the side.
`My darling Tenten, protect your sisters and love shall always be given.'
I smiled again as I traced the letters. These words meant more then just a simple dedication and I knew that my life would revolve around these two dedications. A chuckle escaped my lips.
What's the point in having a collar if I'm not going to wear it?
I quickly unbuckled it and slipped it around my neck, locking it around my neck. I stood up and dug into my bags for my mirror. I found it and brought it up to my face and I smiled. It looked really good on me and it wasn't too tight on me.
In the corner of the mirror, I saw the clock and my eyes widened, my head turning around, realizing that I spent a long time staring at the collar. I wanted to unpack some before I go back down stairs and make a list of materials I wanted to get for my new room, including a lot of paint.
It took longer then I thought but I finally finished. Holding the page long list in my hands, I stood in front of the stairs and my body was shaking a little, worried that he was mad at me. I was supposed to be learning how to suck him off but instead I was holed up in my room.
I was even more worried that when he sees my requests, I would be seeing smoke coming out of his ears.
Finally, my leg moved and then the other and they took me downstairs and to the living room. There I found my master snoring on top a gagged Ino while on the other side Sakura was reading a book. The very next step I took, I saw Sakura twitch and look at me, her lips curving into a smile and I heard a faint chuckle come from her. `Wake him up.' My sister mouthed to me, motioning to the boy.
My head nodded and I walked toward him. When I reached him, I gently shook him. The second I touched him, her jerked and woke up with a start, making the noise one would make when you're woken up by somebody. I quickly spoke, drawing his attention to me.
"You finally done?" He asked me, the boy yawning as he adjusted himself. I let out a weak yes as he looked back and smacked the back of Ino's head, waking her up.
"I, umm...I have the list you wanted."
I was started as master suddenly reached out and yanked the piece of paper from my hands. "This is a page long." He commented. "What do you...you want to extend the closet to accommodate your weapons?"
He looked at me, waiting for an answer. "Ye-yeah." I answered.
Master shook his head. "No. All weapons go into the armory." Naruto handed the list back to me as he yawned again and he stood up. "I'll be right back." My master reached down and grabbed Ino's hair, pulling on it and bringing Ino to her feet with a scream. He started dragging her down the hall and out of my sight.
Suddenly, I felt the paper yanked from my hands and I swerved around to find Sakura holding onto it. I lurched forward, trying to get it back but the girl held me back, taunting me. I felt like a child trying to get back a toy from a teenager.
Finally, Sakura gave the paper back to me after reading some of it. She told me to go into the kitchen and drink some water. I quickly complied, reaching the kitchen and putting the paper down and getting myself some water. I came back into the living room to find master sitting back down on the chair with Ino in her previous place but she was ungagged now.
Not turning around, master motioned me to kneel down in front of him. I gulped, my mouth suddenly going dry, it wasn't actually dry but it felt like it, my mind trying not to get it hopes up but failing. I reached him and knelt, facing his dick. My breaths started coming in short is I began to realize that finally, finally I'm going to learn how to do one of my favorite fantasies of all time.
I looked up when I felt master caress my cheek and found him smiling. "So do you like your new collar?"
I smiled. "I love it." I whispered out, my hands going to my neck. "I love what you wrote for the dedications as well."
Master chuckled. "I put a lot of work in creating the designs. I'm quite proud of it actually."
I let out a chuckle. "I'm proud to wear it."
Master smiled. "That is really good to hear. Now darling, time for your lessons."
I went silent, my face making one of one who is finally getting what she always wanted. It's alright darling. Go ahead."
I whimpered in delight and nodded, watching as master leaned back. When he settled, he motioned to me to start, but I was nervous. Nervous that I was going to mess this up, but I steeled myself, confident that I was going to do this. I willed my hands to move and they complied, reaching up and gently placing my hands on dick.
I gasped when he twitched and grew and grew and my eyes widened when I realized exactly how big he was. `Oh good lord. How the hell did he get to this size? I mean, he's only 13. Maybe it was because of the imprinting? The changes to his body also caused this? I mean, it's a reasonable size but I wonder as he grows, this will grow as well?' I thought to myself while stroking his member. Because of my ministrations, he came to full length and my ears detected small moans coming from the master's mouth.
I could feel my confidence grow as I looked up and saw the smile on his face. I looked back down and added my other hand. I knew I couldn't do this fast, I had to do this slow. I wanted to savor this moment. I adjusted my position so my face was right at his crotch, but I never took my eyes off of him.
I mean, how could I? He looked so delicious, especially since he's so close to me.
I slowly leaned forward, closing my eyes in the process, and placed a gentle kiss on the tip of his cock. I felt him twitch and smiled at his moan. Encouraged by this, I leaned forward a little, letting him slip further into my mouth.
This was nothing like I ever imagined. I could feel his veins pulsing in my hands and feel his rough tip in my mouth, my tongue twirling around his tip. I could feel the precum leak out. It was a little sour but the taste only drove me to do more. My body leaned forward more and I took his entire head into my mouth.
`Kami...he tastes...so good. I can't believe I was missing out on this the entire time. No wonder my sisters love to give head.' I looked up and saw master's face in ecstasy. And saw his hands gripping Ino's tightly. `And he's enjoying this as well. He once told me that he loves it when his pets suck him off. The feeling is like no other and with my desire to learn more about this, I believe I can make myself a very valuable pet to him.'
I started to stroke his length with my hands. He felt so good that I started to go deeper, taking his entire length into my mouth. I wanted to taste all of him so when he reached the back of my mouth, I didn't stop and let him go down my throat. It was a little difficult but I managed to get all of him in me. While my mouth was working him, my hands didn't stay idle. I ran my hands over his thighs, my touch not a hard one but rather a soft, almost ghostly touch. I knew that he would feel more pleasure doing it like this and I knew I was right as master's hips bucked and I nearly gagged but it passed.
My mouth didn't stay idle as well and my tongue was working like never before, trying to taste as much as it can before he comes. To aid in this, I started pumping my head back and forth. At first it was slow but I started to go faster and faster and faster, master's moans and grunts in my ears.
I don't know how fast I was going, all I could taste, feel, pleasure my master's delicious and warm cock.
Then I remembered one of my `practice' sessions with my toy. I had theorized that using my teeth during the height of the male pleasure would enhance the pleasure of the male. I had practiced till I thought I had a good style going but there's so much I could do with plastic. I need real, live flesh to try it out on and now was the perfect time.
I was suddenly kicked away harshly and I crashed into a glass coffee table. I cried out as I felt the sharp edges of the broken glass dig into my back, but I wasn't given a chance to recover as something wrapped itself around my neck and was pulled up, my airways closing as I was turned to face a horrified master, grabbing his balls in a protective manner. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING? WHY WERE YOU TRYING TO BITE ME?" He demanded of me.
But due to Sakura's grip on me, I could barely speak. "I...please...wasn't..."
Master held up his hand to silence me. "Shut up. Just...shut up."