Master stood up, still holding his precious jewels, and left the room, walking up the stairs and disappearing from view. When he disappeared, the girl behind me tightened her grip on my neck. "" I struggled out.
"You keep your fucking mouth shut bitch!" My eyes shot forward when I heard Ino speak to find her getting up from the chair and walking toward me. I kept trying to move Sakura's arm from my neck but the girl is strong and I whimpered when Ino bent down to my level. "I'm going to give you one chance to explain. Just one. Sakura, let her go."
I gasped for air when Sakura let me go. I almost landed on the glass but the girl behind me grabbed me before that happened. "I wasn't (gasp) trying to bite him. I just (gasp) wanted to (gasp) try something (gasp) new." I tried to explain while trying to recover my lost air.
My eyes widened when Ino started making a string of seals. "I'll find that out myself." She reached out and touched my head, and suddenly I passed out.
I woke up with a start, my mind forcing itself awake because of a nightmare. I panted, feeling my face all sweaty. I heard someone speak and I looked around till I found Sakura sitting next to me. "What's going on?" I asked her. "Where's master?"
Sakura sighed. "After probing your mind, Ino came to the conclusion that you were speaking the truth. She's upstairs, right now, speaking with master, trying to calm him down."
"What happened?"
My sister looked at me and patted her lap, telling me to lay back down. I complied, laying back down onto Sakura's lap. The girl started petting my hair and she spoke. "When I gave master his first blowjob, we just had sex the previous night and I was angry." I looked up while she spoke. I remember this story. "When he ordered me to suck him off, I was angry at everything and I decided to take it out on him, so while I was doing him, I waited until the right moment and bit...hard and tried to bolt. Naturally I failed to escape and wound up on the wooden horse for my efforts."
"Because of that experience, he is always careful when someone new sucks him off. He makes sure that they understand the price of harming him, although, him failing to tell you that is something I don't understand. Maybe he trusted you too much, I don't know. The point is, even though you had something else in mind, when you started using your teeth, he remembered that moment, and all moments before, and he reacted accordingly."
"I'm sorry." I said softly. "I didn't realize he was that scared."
I heard a sigh. "It's alright. Hopefully Ino can calm him down enough so you two can try again."
"He's calmed down now..." We turned around when I heard Ino speak and saw her coming down the stairs. "And he's willing to try again, provided you keep your teeth off of him." Ino stepped to the side just as master was coming down. I stood up, walking toward him as he reached the bottom of the stairs.
A part of my mind noticed that he was still hard.
I finally reached him and I bowed my head. "Forgive me master. I had no idea that you were scared of being bit."
I looked up when master cupped my chin saw him smiling. "It's alright sweetie. I understand and you know what?" He leaned forward and whispered in my ear. "My body aches for you. You have quite a mouth and I love it." My mouth twitched into a smile as master led me back to the chair. I quickly knelt down as master sat down, his cock standing at attention. "Now, lets try this again."
That was all the permission I needed as I dove back in. I was hungry for him and I was determined not to mess this up. Suddenly master grabbed my head and I was starting to get scared but I heard a faint `I'm coming'.
When I heard that, I internally smiled and pumped my head faster. `Please cum in my mouth master. Let me taste your sweet essence.' I worked faster, trying to bring him over the edge until finally, master let out a loud moan and I felt his dick twitch before shooting massive amounts of his cum into my mouth. I gulped it down as my mouth was quickly being filled up and I was shocked at how much he was shooting into my mouth and I was having difficultly keeping it all in my mouth as some leaked out. I tried to move back but master kept me in his grip and I was forced to keep swallowing but I didn't mind.
I loved his taste, even if it was kinda bitter.
Finally, the flow stopped and I was able to gulp down the last of his cum and he finally let me go, but I didn't take him out immediately. I wanted to clean him so I sucked on him while slowly coming out and when I got to the head, I used my tongue to get rid of the excess cum and when I finally finished, I pulled out and risked looking up.
When I saw the smile on master's face, I was pleased with myself. The smile had to mean that what I did was good. Master opened his eyes and smiled at me, reaching down with his hand and wiping away the stray cum on my face. I took that hand and sucked on it, smiling as I licked the cum off of the thumb.
"I'm impressed by your skill pet." Master said while I was cleaning him. "If I hadn't know about your little practice sessions with your toys, I wouldn't have believed you when you told me this is your first time. Now after a quick break, we'll do it again but you'll be wearing a ring gag."
During my `break', the girls kept me company while master went off to do something or other. Of course, when I say keeping me company, I mean assaulting me by either molesting my body or taking the paddles to my butt, but I didn't mind. The girls made the experience pleasurable for me, even the spanking, and I had a smile on my face the entire time.
When the master finally came back, I was nearly passed out from the pleasure but a quick whiff of the smelling salts brought me back to the present and I saw the ring gag in his hands. It wasn't the simple one but rather the one where the straps was about two inches wide and went around the entire head.
He handed it to me and I knew he wanted me to put it on so I pulled the thing over my head and fitted the gag in my mouth. It was a little tight but I could handle it. I looked up when master started speaking. "Alright, now the purpose of this exercise is to know what it feels like servicing me with this in your mouth. Most of the time when I torture you, you'll be gagged but sometimes I leave it unobstructed as I want to hear your screams but most of the time, seeing you gagged heightens the pleasure for me."
I tried to speak but I forgot that I had a gag in my mouth and my speech came out as whines and grunts. I whined when I saw master chuckle and pat my cheek before calling someone behind me. A second later Sakura appeared and master whispered in her ear. Whatever he said to her cause her eyes to widen and gasp in shock. She turned to stare at master in shock and he only nodded. Sakura kept on staring at him before she nodded as well and left my sight, but I could feel her settle behind me.
I turned my attention back to master when he placed his hands on both my cheeks and adjusted my head. "Now pay attention. Servicing a male with a gag is different because you don't have your lips and it's harder to swallow and you have to use your nose. I also want you to keep your hands on your lap. Don't use them."
I whined in response and did what he ordered and he nodded, moving himself to the edge of the chair and with one hand, maneuvered my head, and the other, his cock. However, Sakura behind me, placed her arms on my stomach, slowly moving them up to my breasts. Master placed his dick in me at the same time Sakura took ahold of my breasts.
This sensation of having my mouth forced open while master raped my mouth was pretty unique. I couldn't do what my body wanted me to do but it felt good and in addition to Sakura fondling my breasts, I was having the time of my life.
Now only if I could use my hands to pleasure myself, it'll be even greater.
But for now, I concentrated on making sure I learn how to do this. I started to pump my head in time with master's thrusts, making sure I use my tongue and my suction. It was difficult but I even managed to suck in my cheeks to aid in the master's pleasure. It seemed to work as I heard an increase in his moans and grunts.
As for Sakura, she got bold with her hands. She kept one on my breast while the other disappeared from my touch. However, the next time I felt her touch, she was right at my clit, rubbing it harshly, causing me to scream at the sudden, almost painful, sensations.
But suddenly master took his dick out of me and I found myself whining in disappointment but that was short lived as my gag was pulled off and he twisted my head so he could slide his dick in between my lips. I closed my eyes as I felt him start to move once again and I parted my lips a little, letting more of him in my mouth and letting my tongue work what skin it had access to.
"Sweetie..." I suddenly heard Sakura's voice in my ear. "Do you remember what I said about punishment?" However, I was too high to think about what she said as master adjusted his position once again but this time, for some strange reason, master's meat stick went vertical. "Like I said before, master punishes for ALL of our mistakes."
The evil in Sakura's words is what brought me back to life, only to realize too late as master shoved the tip of his dick into my nose and a searing pain shot through me as he came in my nose. I screamed and tried to move but both master's and Sakura's grip kept me there as cum filled my nose and traveled down to my mouth and throat.
I struggled and struggled but they kept their grip on me, but when master finally stopped cumming, he let me go, so did Sakura, and I flew to the ground, my legs kicking and kicking as I backed myself up and eventually ended up in a corner, but I kept my hands stayed at my face, coughing and hacking as I felt pain in my nostrils.
"Tenten darling..." I looked up with teary eyes to face a smirking master and an equally smirking Sakura. I whimpered and tried to back away when he reached out to me, but he grabbed me and leaned forward. "Keep this in mind. The punishment for biting us with harmful intent is extremely harsh and when we're done with you, I'll hand you over to Ibiki. Do you understand?"
I quickly nodded. I knew this from the start and he didn't need to do this but I guess he felt that he needed to make sure. I yelped as he yanked on me, bringing me to my feet and him and Sakura dragged me to the kitchen and bent me over the sink. "Alright, just spit out what you got in your mouth right now. Spit it out." I didn't need to be told twice as I quickly spit out the cum. The pain in my nostrils was nothing like I ever experienced.
Actually, that wasn't true. Once upon a time, I was with my team having some water when Lee did something incredibly stupid that it caused me to laugh. However, the water went up and out my nose. This was similar.
"Alright, now take a deep breath and inhale through your nose. Suck it out." I complied and managed to get some back into my throat and spit it back out. This continued for quite a while but with the help of some water, my nose was cleaned out. The pain was still there but it wasn't that bad. I was then led to the couch and put down on it and a bottle of water was placed in my hands. Sakura entered my sight and caressed my cheek. "Stay here for a while. When the pain goes away, let master know. By then, I would have been warmed up for the horse ride and your next lesson starts."
Sakura leaned forward and gave a kiss on my cheek, placing covers on my naked body as she stood up, walking away and out of my sight. When she left, I sighed and turned around, wondering if master was going to put me on the horse.
With the thought of being put on the object number one on my hate list, naturally I tried to avoid it. I pretended to be asleep when Ino came to check up on me. I might as well been asleep as my mind kept on haunting me with the memories of that night.
I wasn't afraid to admit that I was scared and I tried to tell myself that I was safe with him but it didn't provide any comfort.
Suddenly, I felt a hand on my cheek and I turned around to face Ino. "Ino-chan?"
"Come on's time. How's your nose?"
I groaned as I sat up. "That was one of the worst experiences of all time."
I looked up when Ino laughed. "Trust me darling...this is only the start."
Ino forced me up, despite my attempts to stay on the couch, and kept a grip on my arm as she led me downstairs. Despite my protests, the blonde kept a deaf ear to me and started to get rough in her dragging. Eventually, we made it downstairs and she forced me into a room. However, my eyes immediately spotted master standing next to Sakura, gagged, restrained, and blindfolded, riding the wooden horse and it seems like he already got started with her judging by the fresh welts on her body.
"Ah pet, you made it. Come, have a seat." Master put down the whip that was in his hands and Ino dragged me forward, reaching master who placed a chair in front of the horse and my sister pushed me into it before strapping me into it, including strapping my neck. Master inspected Ino's work before nodded, satisfied and turned to her. "Shoo." I couldn't help but chuckle as he shooed away Ino.
That was another thing I liked about master. He's so funny.
Master entered my sight again and he cupped my cheek. "Alright, time for the first part of your two part lesson. The wooden horse. Now I understand you hate the horse. Why I have no idea but I intend on educating you. Now then..." Master walked away grabbing the whip he placed down previously. "The horse is an instrument of torture. It can be use on both male and female but it was designed for females. The strip here has been sharpened and dulled to the point where it causes pain for her but not enough to cut her, although you do have that option."
I whimpered as master delivered five more strikes to Sakura's body, the girl's screams muffled by the ball gag in her mouth and drool dripped onto her body. "Now, the wooden horse..." He spoke again, drawing my attention back to him. "It is my favorite tool to use and it became both of your sisters favorite toy. They love it and they beg me to use it on them."
My mind couldn't take it anymore and I looked away, refusing to watch anymore. Suddenly, someone grabbed my head and forced it back. Judging from the touch, it was Ino. "Open your eyes slave. OPEN THEM!" A whimper left my lips but I complied, opening my eyes to face master. "Don't you dare close your eyes again. You close them again and I'll replace Sakura with you. Do you understand?"
"Ye-yes s-sir." Master grunted and turned away, his hand cocking back and swinging the whip, hurting the girl ten more times. I wanted to look away but I couldn't. Tears filled my eyes as I watched my sister be tortured. After he was done, he put the whip down and grabbed something that resembled a remote.
"Now, I know you noticed the metal strip. The potential for the horse wasn't fully realized after a few years after it was invented and thus the metal strip was added." Master held up the remote and pushed a button. The instant he did that, Sakura let out a loud scream, even with the gag, and her body started convulsing.
Was she being electrocuted?
Master pushed another button and she stopped screaming, Sakura's body becoming slack. However, my eyes were wide with shock as I saw the state of the poor girl. "Can you venture a guess as to what she just went though?" Master asked me, my eyes still on Sakura.
"I...I...she..." I couldn't formulate a sentence. I was too scared. Suddenly master entered my sight as he went to the other side of the horse, bending down to pick something up. I gasped when he came back up and held three clamps in his hands. He put them on Sakura's nipples and put the third one on her cilt.
I started breathing heavily as I realized what he was about to do. I tried to speak but before I could, master pushed the button again. This time, Sakura was in even more pain as she screamed, her body convulsing violently as the electricity ran though her body. Fortunately, it didn't last long as he pushed another button and Sakura stopped screaming.
"Now then, do you need any more help?" He asked me once again. I started to stammer, trying to speak but it was hard, however, I started to panic when he frowned again, raising his hand with the remote, he moved his thumb to push the button and I tried to find the will to speak.
"WAIT!" I shouted, just in time as he was a centimeter away from pushing the button. "She's...she's being el-electrocuted."
That was the right answer as master smiled and moved his thumb away. "That's better and you're right. The metal strip allows one to use electricity in their torture." Master reached up and suddenly ripped the clamps off of her nipples, earning screams from the girl as he took off all of the clamps he put on. I whimpered as I saw a couple of blood drops fall.
I soon realized that this person...this is master's sadism. This is what he is capable of.
"Now then...because of my sadism, I trained my pets to be masochists, to love this pain. You may think that she doesn't like this, but you are dead wrong. She's loving this." Master smirked and walked around the horse, raising his hand and I could see his fingernails grow. He placed his fingers on her right shoulder and started dragging it diagonally down her back, the girl screaming as his nails dug into her back, leaving bloody trails.
He chuckled as he finished, lifting his hand and giving each finger a lick as he approached me. He motioned to behind me and I was released of my binds, only to be grabbed by both Ino and master and led to the horse. Despite my struggles, I ended up in front of the torture device. "Look and see how wet she is." Master whispered into my ear. He took my hand and forced it down and under Sakura's body to her, surprisingly, wet core.
I gasped in shock as I realized that the girl in front of me was indeed loving this. Master and Ino let go of me but I kept my hand there, slowly massaging it, earning muffled mewls our from the girl I was caressing. The girls always told me that they were masochists but hearing someone say and actually seeing it for myself is two completely different things. "She really loves this?" I asked, shock evident in my voice.
Master chuckled and gently took my hand. Slowly, he moved it up Sakura's stomach, to her breasts. My hand stayed there for a few moments, squeezing the soft mound, mesmerized by how soft it was. Master tugged on it again and my hand went to her shoulder and down her back. I could feel the welts, wounds caused by master's fingers and his whip. I stopped on the lower right of her back. "Now I want you to do the same thing I did. Drag your nails up her back and make an `X' on her back."
Master let go of me and took a step back, leaving me by myself, but I didn't have any thoughts to run. Strangely, I wanted to do this. I wanted to cause my lover pain. If I denied a masochist her pain, that was true torture. I took a deep breath and readied my nails and with one quick swipe, I ran my nails across her back as hard as I could and made a similar set of wounds that master made.
My mouth curved into a smile as Sakura screamed and I looked at my bloody fingernails and that smile turned a one eighty, the realization of what I just done. I jerked out of my thoughts when master hugged me. "That was great slave!" He said, apparently proud of me. "I'll make a domme out of you yet. Now, let's try something else." A minutes passed and a whip was placed in my hands. The same one master was using previously. "Use this on her."
As my eyes locked themselves on the whip, my mind started to refuse this. My head started shaking as my feet backed me up. "No no no no no...I can't do this. I can't!" I threw down the whip and ran as fast as I could. I didn't know where I was going; I just wanted to get out of here. I found myself running out the back door and running into the tool shed and found a small corner and buried myself in it, crying my eyes out.
I had no idea how long I was there. All I did was cry my eyes out. It was pathetic really. I call myself one of the strongest kuniochi genin but when faced with the wooden horse, I lost control of myself. It didn't matter that I wasn't on it. All I could see was the suffering she was being inflicted and the memories of that night. When master put my hand there, I forgot and I was able to enjoy it, even when I clawed Sakura-chan's back, I liked it but as the feeling passed, I couldn't take it.
I was too engrossed in my sorrow to notice the narrow band of sunlight appearing and disappearing and the sound of the door opening and closing. I let out a yelp as I felt a hand on my knee. My head quickly snapped up and found the face of my master from the low light in the shed.
"Hey there...are you alright?"
I sniffed and shook my head. "No." I wailed. "Please don't make me go back. Please..." My voice trailed off when master scooted closer to me.
"Tell your master what's wrong. You seemed to be doing fine earlier."
I whimpered as master sat next to me, the boy slinging his arm around my shoulder and drawing me in, petting my hair in a comforting manner. It took a while but with the help of master, I was able to be calmed down enough so I could speak. "I...I hate the wooden horse. Th-there was a m-mission a long t-time ago. We...we had to fi-find a mi-missing w-woman. We-we eventually f-found her. She...she was on a w-wooden horse, to-tortured, b-blood ev-everyw-where, an e-eye missing as w-well as a-a breast mi-missing. She w-was bl-bleeding a-all over the p-place, but the w-worst part w-was sh-she was still a-alive. She l-looked at m-me and I s-saw her e-eye. I saw t-tor-ment, s-suffer-ing, and r-relief and she died on the h-horse."
I broke down crying after that and I felt master tighten his grip on me. He tried to comfort me and I wasn't sure if I could recover. Suddenly, I heard him start singing and I felt a strange sensation on my body. I couldn't tell what it was but I was calming down. I found myself closing my eyes and immersing myself in his words. By the time he finished, my fear, all of it, was gone and I opened my eyes to look at master.
"I know how such experiences can affect you. There's nothing you can do about it. The only thing you can do is just remember, that when it is time for your horse ride, remember that as long as you are my slave, you will always be safe."
"I know but..." I sighed and rubbed my eye. "Every time I have that nightmare, I feel...something. I become paranoid, I strike out at every little thing, and much more. I even got into trouble a few times because of that accursed dream." I closed my eyes and buried my head. I always wished I could burn that dream, to erase it from my memories forever.
My head was forced up and turned to face master and his accursed smile. That smile always brought one to mine but I think that this time, I was immune to him. "They say that it takes more energy to frown then it takes to smile." He smiled again and I felt a tug on my lips but it was only for a second. I forced my head out of his grip and looked away.
Then...the tickling started.
I burst out laughing as master assaulted my sensitive spots. I laughed and laughed as my body trashed around while the master's hands sought out my tickle spots. I begged and begged him to stop only for him to tickle me harder. I swear I thought my guts were going to explode. Finally, he stopped and I collapsed onto the ground with him hovering over me.
"See?" Master spoke, smirking. "Laughter really is the best medicine."
I giggled, reached up and kissed him. "Thank you."
Master smiled and helped me up. "You are very welcome. I want to help you and I know how. We are going back down and you're going to whip Saku-chan." Master silenced me before I could speak. "Like I did with Ino, I want you to experience this in a friendly setting. Once you realize that this is not like that, you'll begin to enjoy it and besides, from what I saw earlier, you can embrace your sadistic side easily."
My mouth curved into a smile and I took his hand in mine. "Thank you. I'm lucky to have a master like you."
`Alright Tenten...just swing your arm around and whip Sakura.' Kami, this was hard. Master took me back down here and put the whip back in my hands and faced Sakura. I'm not sure she had a clue what was going on but I don't know. I never know what that girl is thinking.
I wasn't going anywhere with this so I decided to try and get used to the idea. I approached her and placed my hand on her. The girl twitched and moaned at my touch as I ran my hand down her leg, my fingers feeling the numerous welts. I turned around a little and saw the claw marks on her back and I traced them, a chuckle escaping my lips as I remembered the thrill I felt clawing her.
A smirk appeared on my face as I wanted to do it again. I placed my fingers at the top of her thigh and dug in as I clawed her. I chuckled as Sakura screamed. Master was right. This is fun. I took position behind Sakura and readied my whip. With a heavy swing, the whip made a cracking sound as it crashed into my sister's already wounded back. An evil grin appeared on my face as I started up a rhythm. Now I was getting payback for all the suffering she caused me.
But most of all, for lying to me when she tried to kidnap me.
I lost count of the number of strikes I gave her, of course I didn't bother to count. All I wanted was to see her suffer. It didn't matter if Sakura loved this. I needed this. I needed to vent my frustrations.
Finally, I stopped, although it was more that I had no more energy left. I put all of my anger into my strikes and it took a long time for me to tire out. I stood there, panting as I saw Sakura's bloody back. There wasn't any part of her skin that escaped my anger and I began to wonder if she was alright.
I walked forward and stopped at the side of the horse and dipped my hands in between her legs. I didn't even touch her flesh and I feel the wetness on the edge. I leaned forward and took a peek and saw her inner thighs, the metal edge under her, and her pussy sopping wet. `Huh, and here I thought otherwise.' I thought with a smile. I stood back up and coiled up the whip. If I remember correctly, master gave me this whip from that cabinet. I approached the cabinet, but I stopped, remembering something.
This was locked when I explored the dungeons.
Curious, I opened the cabinet and looked inside and my eyes widened as a result. The stuff in here...they looked dangerous, especially this one. I pulled out a strange looking vibrator. It had metals spikes all along it. `How the hell are you supposed to use this? How can you put it in you?'
A sudden touch on my shoulder startled me and I turned around to face master. Unfortunately, I forgot I had that spiked dildo in my hand and almost stabbed him but he caught it in time. I chuckled sheepishly and apologized while he looked at the item in my hands.
"Well well, out of all of the stuff in there, you pick out this? Very interesting." He said with a smirk. "You want to try it out?"
I gulped and quickly shook my head. "No no, I was just confused as to what it was."
If anything, that smirk grew. "Nonsense, let's try it out."
Master yanked the whip out of my hands and dropped it before grabbing the vibrator and started to push me. I tried to plead with him but he kept on responding with comments like `nonsense', `it'll be good for you'. I was led to a kind of frame or bench or something. Anyway, I was pushed on it and was on my hands and knees with my butt sticking up in the air. My limbs were strapped in and I felt him go behind me. "Now then, this was a present from Anko-chan. To soften the spikes for insertion, all you have to do is open a flow of your chakra into this. As long as this thing is receiving chakra, the spikes will be flexible. Now, if you can, you'll be able to soften the spikes by sending chakra to your core and it'll soak it up, but this takes a lot of practice."
My eyes widened as I felt him probe me for a little bit. `Please don't. I'm begging you. Please don't put that in me.' My prayers were unanswered as master placed the thing in me, turning it around for a little to get the spikes right. `Oh kami please please please please.'
Suddenly my body seized up and a loud wail erupted from my mouth as master simultaneously activated the vibrator and stopped the flow of his chakra, resulting in the spikes instantly hardening and causing massive amounts of pain.
I screamed and howled as I struggled. Any pain I felt previous to this was nothing. "PLEASE STOP! IT HURTS! IT'S KILLING ME. HELP ME PLE...MMPH!" I was suddenly muffled by master's dick, which he shoved into my mouth, and started pumping his dick in and out of my mouth. I suddenly squealed as there was another intrusion, this time in my ass, and that dick started raping me.
"The best part about spiky!" I heard one master say. "Is that he leaves welts inside you! For someone who doesn't have our healing, it's a bitch!"
My tears flowed freely as my mouth and ass was assaulted without mercy and `spiky' continued to tear apart my core. Time escaped my understanding as I was used over and over again. The pain I was feeling was hard to defend against and I was certain I was going to die when suddenly, the pain stopped. Well, it didn't stop but rather it was extremely lessened. The two dicks had long since came in me over and over again but they stopped as well when Spiky stopped and I was able to relax and cry my eyes out.
However, this only lasted for a couple of minutes as I was forced to my feet and saw a smiling master in front of me while my hands went to my hurting labia. He reached up and cupped my crying cheek. "That was a taste of what your life will become from now on. Be prepared for it."
I cried and nodded, the boy wrapping his arms around me for a minute before turning me around, his right arm around my shoulder, to face Sakura and he pointed to her. "Now, part of being a domme is taking care of your slaves at the end. After every session, you have the choice of leaving them to suffer, this is usually the most preferred choice since we can heal fast, or help them heal and comfort them. Now these two choices are made about 50/50 percent of the time. Now do you know what you need to do?"
A soft whimper came out of my mouth and I nodded. The pain was going away, slowly but surely. Master nodded and walked away, leaning against the wall to watch me...judge me.
A sigh left my lips and I walked toward the horse, grabbing a nearby knife and cut off the rope, the legs and arms falling slack. When I cut the ropes off, I saw Sakura look at me. I wasn't sure if she knew I was the one who did her back or what I'm doing right now. Gently, I grabbed her and pulled her off. I nearly lost my grip on her but was able to move her bridal style in my arms.
My eyes looked down when Sakura shifted. She turned and nuzzled herself to me and I couldn't help but smile. Even with her numerous wounds on her body, the blindfold over her eyes, and the ball gag in her drooling mouth, she looked so cute. At that moment, I forgot my pain and I just wanted to snuggle up to her and care for her and keep her safe.
I reached the bed and slowly crawled onto it. I didn't want to let go of Sakura. She needed my help and master depended on me to help her. Once she was settled, I reached up and took off her gag. The girl blinked a few times to let her eyes adjust to the light but when she did and her eyes saw me, they widened in shock as I reached behind her eyes and peeled off her gag.
"That was you?" She asked me with a hoarse voice. No wonder since she spent a long time screaming in pain and I wasn't sure of the last time she had water.
"Yeah, it was me." I replied, smiling, but that smiled turned south as the pain down under came back to me. I placed my hand on my core but, even though I know medical jutsu, I don't know how to heal this kind of injury.
I looked to my side when Sakura placed her hand on mind. "Are you alright?"
"Spiky." I answered, watching the girl as she wore a realized face.
"Let me help."
Sakura peeled my hand off and she adjusted her position and forced me down. I gasped as Sakura pushed and inserted her hand and arm in me. Groans escaped me as she pushed further and stopped when she touched the entrance to my womb. "I know master hasn't marked you yet. I learned this jutsu to help in the healing of the vaginal membrane. I'll be able to feel the welts on my arm and direct my chakra to heal your wounds. I can do the same thing with your ass if need be."
As Sakura spoke, I could feel warmth. Not like the warmth from the flesh but added warmth from chakra and I sighed in relief as I felt my pain go away. After a couple more minutes, I felt the added warmth go away and Sakura pulled out of me. After she pulled out, I sat up and took Sakura in my arms and pulled her down. "You need to rest sister." I whispered to her. "The damage I did to your back was severe and I want you to be healed before you move."
"I'm fine." Sakura moved to get up but I forced her back down.
"That wasn't a suggestion."
Sakura stared at me for a second before she smiled and nodded, settling back down on the bed. After I was sure she wasn't going to move, I looked up and tried to find the mini-fridge. Finding it, I stood up and went to it, opening it and pulled out a couple bottles of water.
I quickly walked back to the bed and handed Sakura a bottle. She took it and quickly took several gulps and I took the chance to look at Sakura's back. It was healing quickly. Already there were several spots that have completely healed.
A sigh left my lips as I drank some water. These past couple hours were intense and I had a feeling that it was only going to get worse as the days pass. I looked at the nightstand and saw the Rules and Etiquette book that Sakura instructed me to read. I wasn't finished with it so I picked up the book and picked up where I left off.
When master told me to get dressed, I was surprised. Reason being is that I expected to be given an order to do something with Tenten, but the way he said it made me realize that his order will have nothing to do with the girl.
Another reason I'm surprised is that fact that he told me to get dressed period.
So as I walked down the stairs, I wondered what he will tell me to do. Maybe he'll let me see my parents. I haven't seen them in such a long time and I know daddy and mama really wants to see me or maybe he'll send me to pick up some stuff.
For some reason, my thoughts turned to Tenten. I was watching her as she punished Sakura and I saw that smile on her face and it caused me to smile as well. Her training was coming along nicely and maybe, just maybe...master won't get hurt this time.
I reached the floor and walked to where master was sitting. He didn't notice me right away, he appeared to be deep in thought. After a few minutes, however, he still didn't notice me so I cleared my throat and he jerked out of his mind. "Are you alright?" I asked, concerned for him.
"I'm alright. Just thinking. You ready to go?" I nodded. "Good. I want you to go to the Hokage and ask for the mission reports for a specific mission from Team Gai. It's a missing person case that succeeded but the female died shortly after being found. She was found on a wooden horse and..."
"I know what you're talking about." I interrupted him. "Tenten told us about it one time and she gave us a date. I'll be able to get the reports." Master nodded and shooed me away. I bowed in respect before turning around, grabbing the keys before exiting the house.
It was getting dark out and I quickly made my way to the Hokage tower. If I remember the old man's schedule right, he's still there for a couple more hours. I reached the building and quickly made my way up to his office. I knocked on his door, very aware of the guards watching me. I heard Sarutobi give permission and I entered the room, spying the wrinkly old man at his chair.
"Ah good evening Ino." He greeted when he saw me. "How is Tenten doing?"
I bowed in respect before speaking. "She's doing fine. I think she's starting to regret becoming master's. She's going through her masochist training."
"I see. I see. Well then what can I do for you?"
"Master wants to see the mission reports from Team Gai of August 19. The missing person's case."
The Hokage's face straightened up after I made my request and he placed his head on his knuckles. "Did he tell you why?"
"Tenten recently shared an experience with master and it was pretty traumatic for her and master would like to know more about it. He's not going to ask her again considering how she felt when the memory surfaced so he's going for another source."
"I see. Actually, I remember the mission in question. It's the strange ones that stand out in your memory you know." Suddenly an ANBU appeared next to the Hokage and he whispered to him. The ANBU nodded and disappeared, leaving me and the Hokage. "So...have you seen your father yet?"
A sigh left my lips as I moved my hair. "No I haven't. We just been so busy lately with Tenten that I just don't have the time." I sighed again. "I miss my parents terribly and since the chunnin exam, I really want to see them but he won't allow me to."
"I see. Well, I just saw him in here not an hour ago. He also misses you."
I smiled, glad to hear that. "Thank you." The same ANBU from before reappeared and handed him a small file bag and disappeared. I walked forward and took the bad when he handed it to me. I took it and slung it over my shoulder, bowing once again and left the room.
By the time I got outside, it was dark and it was getting a little chilly so I picked up my pace a little. I wanted to cut through the market so I could get home faster. At master's urging, I learned the layout of Konoha, the different paths I can take to or from home and choose a path that'll take a certain amount of time if needed.
Master even let me do my own exploring of Konoha and I found a couple of hiding places that I could use if needed.
I looked at the bag at my waist. I was really curious on how that mission went. Tenten only shared a few details of it and she refused to go any further. On more then one occasion, I was tempted to go into her mind and take a look, but I never did. Even when I took over her mind in the first exam, I stayed out of her memories.
But I did stay in her body as long as I could, touching myself without drawing attention to myself.
I suddenly yelped when I crashed into something. I fell back and landed on my butt and snapped my head up to chew the person out when I suddenly stopped, spying the familiar form of my father. "Da-daddy?"
"Ino?" He replied, also shocked.
"DADDY!" My body quickly got up and crashed into my father's body as he bent down and we hugged each other tightly. "Kami I missed you daddy." I spoke, crying a little. This was the first time I've seen him in a couple months.
"I missed you too princess." He sniffed. "It's hard not seeing my daughter everyday."
I chuckled as we separated a little. "So how's mama? How's the flower shop doing?"
"She's misses you terribly. She wishes that she had a few more years with you but she's glad that you're making your way in this world. The shop is doing fine."
I sighed. "I'm sorry I haven't been able to visit. We've been really busy recently and I keep trying to get permission but..."
My father smiled and put his finger on my lips. "I understand princess. You got a new sister and she needs to be trained."
"How'd you know about Tenten?" I questioned after he took the finger off.
"Ibiki told me. He also told me how he took her. To be honest, I'm surprised he got to keep her."
I chuckled. "Actually, it was by Tenten's request that she be made his slave. She made a deal with him to train her in exchange for her loyalty and obedience." I frowned as I remembered something. "Aren't you part of the council? How could you not know?"
"I wasn't able to attend the meeting due to a previous commitment."
"Ahh...listen daddy, as much as I would love to stay and chat. I really need to get back. I have a delivery to make and I don't want to be late." I became sadden when my father put on a sad face. I really wanted to catch up with him but master comes first.
Daddy stood up and smiled, but I could see sadness in that smile. "I see. Well, I look forward to seeing you again."
Daddy gave me a kiss on the cheek and started to walk away, but I turned around to speak to him. "Wait daddy!" Daddy stopped and turned around. "I'm going to try to get master's permission again. I may have better luck tomorrow since he hasn't given me any orders so far."
That sad smile changed to an ecstatic expression. He seemed really happy at that. He nodded and waved at me before turning around and returning to his path. I smiled as well and continued on my way to master's home. Praying to whoever was listening that he'll let me go.
I finally reached my home and quickly entered the large house. My eyes immediately spotted blonde hair in a chair and walked toward him. My feet took me to the side of the chair. "Master, I'm back." I said, bringing his attention to me while holding out the files. Master quickly took it from my hands and opened the first one and started reading it.
I sighed as he started to ignore me. I wasn't feeling good on my plan. That frown on master's face told me that he was a little upset about something but if I didn't try now, I won't have a chance tomorrow. "Master?" I said, moving more to the right.
"I ran into daddy when I was coming back. I really miss them and they miss me and I was wondering..."
"Ino, stop." I stopped speaking when master told me to stop. He sighed and turned to me. "Ino, I know you want to see your parents, I really do, but (sigh) maybe tomorrow, but I don't know. Tenten's going to go through her first whipping session and she's going to need your help. (Sigh) Tell you what, I'll sleep on it and let you know in the morning."
"Thank you master." To be honest, that was the best I could hope for. In his words, I could hear a grouchy tone in his voice, but why was he grouchy? Did Tenten do something bad? Before I left, I wanted to know why he was this way. "Master, did my sisters do something bad?"
"No." I blinked at the sudden change of tone. He was...ashamed? "I was in the shed earlier looking for something and a brick dropped on my foot because of my clumsiness. Hurt like a bitch." I tried very hard to keep in my laughs. Even though I shouldn't be, I found the situation very amusing and add in the look he was wearing, it was getting very hard to keep a straight face. "Don't laugh Ino, it's not funny."
"I'm (snort) sorry." My restraints started to fail. "It's just that (snort) you keep telling us that you are (snort) that most balanced and now this..." That did it as I started laughing, very aware of master's mood. I bent down facing master's foot and saw the bandages. Master did this himself. We all have our own styles of wrapping bandages and I recognized his style.
I gently took his foot in my hands, letting a thin layer of healing chakra into my hands and slowly massaged it. "Poor master..." I started, kissing each of his toes in the process. "That brick did such a bad thing. Don't worry, I'll make you feel better." I continued my massages and from his `hmms' I knew he was feeling better.
After about twenty minutes, master told me to stop. I stood up, spying his pleased face and put a smile on my face as well. "Thank you Ino. Why don't you go check up on Sakura and Tenten? All of her wounds should be healed by now. After that, come back up here and get supper ready. I don't care what you make."
I bowed in respect for him. "As you command my master." As I turned to leave, I stopped, remembering something I wanted to ask him on the way back. "Master, after you're done with the files, could we take a look at them?
"Sure." Was his immediate answer. "I was going to let you anyway."
"Thank you. Oh there's one more thing. About Tenten, I'm not sure you know about this since the girl kept it a secret known only to a select few." Now that got master's attention as he dropped the file and turned his eyes toward me slowly like he sometimes does.
"Oh?" He said, the tone of his voice warning me to choose my next words carefully. "Please do tell."
"Well, she's..." I trailed off, trying to pick out the right words. "At the time, she was on her period and we thought she just ranting, but she made the comment that she hated Gai for putting a restriction on her. When we asked her about it, she spat out that she hated the fact that he wouldn't let her play with explosives like she wanted. We later learned that she was indeed restricted and that she's kinda a explosive freak."
"And you're telling me this NOW?"
"I...uh, to be honest, we thought you already knew." That was a weak excuse. The only reason I brought it up now is because I just remembered it and hoped that he wasn't going to shove me in the freezer.
He stared at me for a bit before he humped and pulled the file back up. "And you would be right. I already knew of her explosive fetish and to be honest, I think it's just a phase. Once she gets her fill of it instead of being restricted, she'll start to...ehh, how should I put it...control herself when it comes to things that go boom."
"I see. Well, are you going to let her have her own spot or something?"
Master smirked. "Oh, you'll see."
I groaned as I laid down, putting the finished book back on the night table. That...was an interesting read. Sakura said to me that every single one of those rules is what she and the rest follow, but some of those rules were weird.
I sighed and looked to my side. Sakura fell asleep a while ago and all of her wounds have healed and she was giving out soft snores as well, but (sigh) the girl is so precious to me. Even though she tried to kidnap me that time, I still consider her a lover. A smile graced my lips as I scooted closer to her, wanting to feel her naked body on my own.
I was never ashamed of my bisexuality, even when I was confused and frustrated, but with Sakura and her kits, I was able to keep sane...barely and what was best about those kits is that Sakura included pictures of the three of them in provocative poses to help me. Suddenly there was a shift in the bed and I turned around to find Ino sitting down, holding the finished book in her hands. "So you finished the book? Good girl." She looked at me. "Supper's ready. I'll leave you to wake her up on your own."
Ino stood up and walked away, leaving me with the snoring girl in my arms. It was too bad. I would have preferred staying here for a while but I had to follow her orders. I gently shook her, trying not to be too rough but that only caused the girl to wrap her arms around me while humming in content. I chuckled and rolled my eyes before trying again, this time harder.
That seemed to do it as Sakura's eyelids fluttered open. "Mmm? Tenten? What's going on?"
"Supper's ready sister."
Sakura turned a tired eye up to me. "Sister? You're finally calling us that?"
I chuckled. "Why wouldn't I? You are my sister and lover aren't you?"
The girl smiled and chuckled, reaching up with her hands and pulling me down so she could kiss me. I moaned into the kiss as Sakura invaded my mouth with her tongue, seeking mine out. We stayed that way for a while before we had to break for air. " good to hear." Suddenly my stomach growled and I blushed, embarrassed as Sakura laughed. "Come on." She said, sitting up. "Lets eat."
Sakura led me up back up the stairs and to the kitchen. When I entered the room, my eyes widened at the amount of food on the table. I asked Sakura if there was a special occasion but she only replied that this is the amount they usually eat and took the time to remind me of our bodies altered state (well, theirs anyway) and their need to eat more. This was further verified by master who just entered the kitchen.
I was then sat down by my sister and we began to gather food on our plates and I took the time to observe my new family. I've been invited to supper one time by Neji and to be honest, I never wanted to go back. It didn't have that feeling of family there. There was no chatter, no jokes, just a boring family dinner.
This family, however, was the exact opposite. It was a true family dinner. There was talking, laughing, and good atmosphere. For all of my life, I eat alone. True I had my teammates but they were just that...friends. They didn't fill the void in my life that I so desperately wanted.
As I ate, I was brought into the conversation and I started to have a good time. As I laughed and told stories, I began to realize. I began to realize that I could never go back to my previous life.
In such a short time, I had grown addicted to having a family.
By the time supper was finished, I was feeling really good. I had never had this much fun during dinner time. As the girls started to collect the dishes, I moved to join them but master held my arm, pulling me back down, saying that he wanted a word with me. I sat back down, wondering if I did anything wrong, when I suddenly saw master pull a sheet of paper out of his pocket.
"So I've been going over that list you gave me on what you want to do with your room." He unfolded the paper and handed it to me. "For the most part, the requests are reasonable but a few I can't allow. I blacked that out for you. A couple I altered a bit."
As I looked over the list, I whined at the blacked out ones. Those ones I really wanted to do but I couldn't, but I was happy to see that the request to hang weapons on all the walls in my room had been changed to only one wall or an amount that would be equal to a wall on all four walls.
"So what I'm going to do is after the girls get finished cleaning, they'll escort you to the hardware store and make sure you get what you are allowed. After that, they'll escort you to the other places to pick up the last of the stuff. Once you get back, I'll have everything out of the room so you can start painting." I smiled, fixing to thank him but shut my mouth when he held up his hand. "Don't thank me yet. You may not be able to get everything you want tonight so prioritize alright?"
I energetically nodded, a bright smile on my face. Finally, I can make my room what I always wanted to be. In my apartment, I was extremely limited but now...I have complete freedom. Master chuckled, seeing my face and he told me to take a quick shower and to meet the girls in the living room.
By the time I got out of the shower and dressed, my excitement reached its peak and a grin was plastered on my face. When the girls saw my face, they chuckled and took me by the hand and we went out to the hardware store. When we did get there, I nearly bolted but Sakura held me back, chastising me for being in such a rush. "We don't rush." She said. "We take things slow so we can fully enjoy the moment. Now look at your list and tell me what we should get first. Remember, I only have a limited amount of money so we won't be able to get everything that you want right now. Take a couple of deep breaths and calm yourself down."
That tone at the end, I knew it was an order. With Sakura holding my face with both hands, I did what she said, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths. Sure enough, my blood began to slow down and I began to calm down. "Good, now look at your list and tell me what you want to get first."
"Paint." I immediately answered. "Red for the walls and black for the ceiling with black trim on the door and windows."
"I see. Well then, lets go."
Sakura let me go and I soon realized that people were staring, but Sakura didn't react to them, instead pulled up a cart and motioning the two of us to follow. So we made our way to the paint section where we quickly found what I needed. After that, I started to list the items that I need the most. As we walked down the aisles, the cart kept filling up and we had to get another cart for the rest of the stuff.
To put it simply, by the time we got to the register, our two carts were filled to the brim.
When all the items were checked out, Sakura also rented a cart to carry all of our stuff to the house since it is impossible to carry all of that stuff with just the three of us. So as we loaded up the items, I asked Sakura if they were willing to help me do my bedroom. The girl stared at me like I was crazy before she started laughing.
"What's so funny?" I asked, feeling a twitch start to develop.
" little minx...master gave you authority over us for tonight. The both of us will help you if you command." I froze for a second, realizing what she just said. I asked her to confirm that and she did, shock appearing on my face. However, before I could speak again, Sakura's expression turned into a curious one like she just thought of something. " little minx...that sounds nice." Sakura turned to look at me, that expression still on her face. "With her body and skills at sexual performance, she'll earn that name in no time. What do you think sister?"
I turned my attention to Ino who started circling me. "She doesn't resist with her training. With her curiosity and her devotion to her training as well as her loyalty to Naruto-sama, she'll become a fine wife and pet...that is, if you survive your training." My throat bobbed as Ino's face got closer as she finished the last part of the sentence. We stared at each other for a couple of minutes before the girl in front of me chuckled and moved back. "But other then that, the nickname is good. I think he'll love it."
My eyes went to Sakura when she chuckled. "I bet. Now come on, time is wasting and it's going to take us a while to finish painting and he forbade clones tonight. Now darling, is there anywhere else you want to go for tonight? I still have some money left."
"Well, now that you mention it..."
It took a while but we eventually made it home. The four additional shops we visited dwindled my wallet down to nothing. The cart we were pulling was getting full and I needed to get it back to the store in time so I don't have to pay late fees.
Late fees are such a bitch.
So we reached our home and I quickly ordered the girls to unload it. Even Tenten, who has gotten used to the idea of being in charge, quickly complied and unloaded everything. The instant the last thing was off, I took off for the store. It was close but I made it in time. After that, I went back home. When I entered master's humble abode, I didn't see him nor my sisters or the stuff they offloaded so I went upstairs to find said stuff near the door to Tenten's room.
I reached the room and peeked in, chuckling as I leaned against the doorway. "So you girls started without me?" Both Ino and Tenten both stopped what they were doing and turned around.
"We were just getting set up here. We weren't going to start without you." My blonde slut of a sister tried to explain.
I smirked as I straightened up. "I hope not because if you did, it's the freezer for you. I'll be back." I didn't need to see Ino's face to know that she had a look of horror on her face. The girl always hated the freezer and one mention of the freezer always brings her in order.
I went into my room and discarded my good clothes. If I get paint on these, I'm going to get an earful from master so after I deposited them in the hamper, I put on my `paint clothes'. Despite the name, I use these clothes when doing a variety of jobs that required clothes. However, while I was going back to my new sis room, I wondered where my master was. I didn't see him when I came in and I don't know if the girls saw him either.
Suddenly, my nose caught whiff of a scent and I stopped, turning around, my nose sniffing as I caught both master's and Jiraiya's scent. I retraced my steps and stopped in front of Jiraiya's door. Sure enough, both of their scents led to this room. I put my ear to the door and, although muffled even with my hearing, I could hear two separate voices in the room.
I let out a small moan of disappointment. As much as I wish, we can't summon master whenever we want to see him. That's one of the drawbacks of being a slave. We are nothing but an object and an object doesn't need constant attention. As much as I want, I can't be with him every second of the day like a slave should.
I sighed as I stood back up. I didn't want to keep the girls waiting and master would be disappointed if I did. When I reached the room, I found the paint all set up, the plastic over the carpet and the tape where it needed to be. I clapped my hands together. "Alright, let's get started."
I don't really know how long it's been. The fun I had painting Tenten's room and the laughter I shared with my sister's turned my attention away from master and Jiraiya and to the present. Of course, fun meant having paint splattered all over you, but I didn't mind.
It was fun though but in the back of my mind, I was worried about master.
Suddenly, amidst our laughter's, I heard the faint sound of master clearing his throat. Still laughing, I turned to the doorway to find master motioning to me. I placed the roller down and walked toward him, wiping the back of my hand on my cheek and ended up getting paint on my face.
When I reached him, he gently took me by the arm (that's not painted) and pulled me out of the room, away from the eyes and ears from his pets. "So..." He said, after my laughter's had died down. "You look like you're having fun."
"I am. I had forgotten how much fun painting is when you have help. So do you need anything?"
"I just wanted to know how your trip was."
"Oh it was good." I answered, still reeling from the fun my sisters and I just had. I wasn't really thinking, just answering his questions. "The girl behaved, although I had to smack some sense into her a couple of times."
"So how much money did you spend?"
"Almost all of it but Tenten stopped on her own. I didn't have to stop her." I chuckled as I starched the back on my head when I remembered about my nickname for the girl. "Oh, that reminds me. Have you thought of a nickname for the slave yet?" I saw master blink in surprise for a moment before he took up a thinking posture with his hand on his chin. "Actually, I haven't. Why?"
I smiled, thanking the gods that he hasn't thought up a nickname yet. "Well, me and the girls were talking when something just popped out of my mouth and I didn't realize what I said until after I said it." I paused, letting the suspense build up.
"Well?" He asked, quirking his eyebrow.
"My little minx."
Master's eyes widened a little and he thought. I was hoping that master liked the nickname. I could only watch as he thought about it, really hoping that he likes it. I always wanted to choose a nickname, at least once and now, hopefully, my wish will be fulfilled.
"You know what..." Master started speaking and I was hoping. "I actually like it. It suits her. Good job pet."
My face beamed and I bowed. "Thank you master. This slave is pleased that you like her offering." Indeed I was really happy. I always wanted master's approval. It is my job to make sure he is always happy with us. If the ones under me get into trouble, it looks bad on me. When I heard my master give me the command to rise, I complied, looking at my master who no longer wore his satisfied face, but rather a curious one.
Actually, now that I look at him, I'm not sure it was curious, but rather it was a neutral expression and I began to worry. Did I do something wrong? I stayed bolted to the spot as master reached up and touched the side of my face before pushing it to the side so his eyes was looking at the side of my face. "Does something about my appearance displease your eyes?"
His answer was not what I expected.
"You look good in black." I kept my face where it was even as master took his hands off and mess with my pink and black hair. "You should dye your hair and try it out."
"But master...don't you remember? I tried that before and I was punished for it...severely." My head was turned back to my master who wore a confused look on his face.
"What? When was this?"
"A month before Ino-chan was captured." I was surprised that he forgot about this. I had wanted to surprise master with a new style that involved partially dyed hair but when he saw me, he went into a rage and tortured me for the entire day, stopping only when he tired himself out and left me to fend for myself.
When I stumbled into the bathroom and fixed my shoulder and nose, I looked in the mirror and looked at my pink and yellow bloody hair and I cried, really cried. I stayed in that bathroom the entire next day, cleaned myself off including my hair. I didn't want him to see me and make him mad again.
The next time I saw master was the end of that day. I was close to dozing off so I didn't notice master come in and pick me up and take me to his bedroom where we stayed for kami knows how long. When I did recover, I didn't dare speak anything about it and it was soon was forgotten in the mind of my master.
"Sakura...I tortured you because I had a fight with Ibiki and tempers flared. Not dyed your hair?"
I nodded. "Yellow and pink. I thought you would like it."
Master sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Sakura, I'm so sorry. I..." My hand shut master up by muffling his mouth. I didn't need to be apologized to. I did my job then just as I'm doing my job now.
"Master, you don't need to apologize to me. Even if I didn't dyed my hair, you would've still tortured me. It's my job to help you in anyway I can."
I let master pry my hand away from his mouth. "Sakura...(sigh) I don't deserve you, you know that? You're too good to me even when I don't deserve it."
"No master, it's the opposite." I closed my hands around his. "So I really look good in black?" That seemed to do the trick as it drew master's attention away and to another topic. He looked up at me and smiled.
"Yeah, you might want to consider trying out different color combinations."
My mouth curved into a smile. "That's good. Later, I'll get the girls together and we'll come up with some ideas."
"Yeah, don't get the long lasting stuff. Get the stuff that you can wash away in the shower. If I don't like it, I don't want to be looking at it."
"I understand."
Naruto sighed and placed his hands on top of his head. "Good good. Well, I should let you get back. I keep you any longer, the girls are going to finish without you." I quickly nodded and bowed as master turned and started walking away. I turned myself and was about to step back into the room but I stopped when he called out to me. "By the way pet..." I turned back around. "Have you ever considered having a contract with an animal clan?"
"Well, to be honest, I barely thought of it." I answered honestly. "I mean, if I'm going to sign with someone, I want them to compliment my abilities, maybe someone who are healers or something. I know for a fact that Ino wants to sign with the snakes but for me...I don't know. I've been researching when I had time and so far, slugs are at the top due to their healing ability as well as their offensive."
"You know who holds the contract for the slugs?"
"Tsunade as far as I know."
"I see." I kept watching him as he thought for a bit before he turned around and started walking away but he stopped and turned back to me. "Jiraiya wants me to sign with the toads."
"Are you considering it?"
Master sighed. "I don't know. From what he tells me, the toads are like the mob and Gamabunta, the boss, he knows that I have slaves. I haven't actually met him yet but from what I heard, he's a tough one, so I don't know. Did you know that one time, I almost asked Anko if I could sign into the snake clan?"
"She has the scroll? I thought Orochimaru did?"
Master just shrugged. "I asked Jiraiya if you actually needed the scroll to sign with them and he said you did but the boss can create another scroll if he's persuaded enough so I don't know. I'm going to think about it some more tomorrow. When you're all finished in there, get Tenten cleaned up and put her in my bed."
I froze, my arms dropping to my side as I realized something. "Are you..."
"Make sure she has enough time to rest before we start. I want her strong enough for the change."
"Can we watch?" I asked, my voice starting to be begging-like.
He turned around, skepticism in his eyes. "Can the two of you behave until then? When I took Ino, you demanded to be included."
I quickly shook my head. "We'll behave."
"I'll hold you to that. Now hurry up before your sisters finish without you." I quickly saluted and master walked away. I need to be careful from now on. I didn't want a mistake costing us from a show that was bound to be good.
`I wonder how my team is doing. Lee seemed alright last I saw him but I haven't seen Neji nor Gai-sensei. Speaking of Gai-sensei, I wonder what he thinks of me choosing to be master's pet? Even though I was kidnapped, I still choose this life. Neji I know won't give a fuck about me. Actually, maybe that's not entirely true. He's been changing since Hinata became a slave. He's become more friendly since.'
I let out a long sigh as I turned myself over in the bed so that I was laying on my stomach. I had a lot of fun painting my room, more fun then I had in a long time. It felt nice having sisters and a master but strange at the same time. All of my life, I looked out for myself, taking care of myself and now...I have three people telling me what to do.
Suddenly the room turned dark and my head shot up and I was fixing to move when I heard master talk to me, told me to calm down as I felt the bed shift. I closed my eyes as I felt master's hands on my thighs and move up. "I stopped by your bedroom and I like what I see so far. Can't wait to see what it looks like when it's finished."
I let out a moan as master's hand traveled up to my ass, giving it good squeezes before going to my back and to my shoulders as he settled himself over me. Both of his hands gently moved from my shoulder and to my neck where he fiddled with my collar and took it off.
"Tell me pet." Master whispered in my ear as his face buried itself in my hair. "Have you ever thought about what your first night of sex would be like?"
I hummed in content as I moved one of my hands from under the pillow and grasped master's hair. "I thought about it. Masturbated to the thought of it. Been waiting for it for a long time."
"I see. Well, you won't have to dream anymore. Now, you can have all the sex you want and I assure you, once you been marked, your body will start to desire the pleasures of the flesh." A chuckle escaped my lips as master nipped at my earlobe when a new scent came by my nose. I opened my eyes to find the room bathed in candle light. As master continued to kiss his way on my body, I looked around and saw a lot of candles lit and I heard soft music being played. "You like it?" Master asked as he growled affectingly in my ear as his hands grabbed me hard, causing me to gasp and grin as I turned around.
I laid on the bed and reached up with my hands, letting my arms rest on the back on his neck. "Ahh, you're a good master you know? Doing all of this just to help me have a better experience."
Master smirked and dipped his head down, capturing my lips in a heated kiss, his tongue immediately ripping through my lips and seeking out my own. I was a little surprised by his roughness but I didn't mind. In fact, it felt good that he's this rough with me. I didn't let my hands stay idle as I let them roam his back and they ended up at his butt which earned a good hard squeeze.
As expected, master moaned when I did that and he smirked as he broke apart. Thank Saku-chan. She helped me pick out the scents."
I chuckled. "Where is that girl anyway? I would've thought that she would want to watch me lose my virginity."
"What makes you think she or her sister isn't here? For all you know, she could be sitting beside the bed, watching our every move."
I smiled. "I wouldn't put it past her."
Master chuckled and I lifted my body so I could kiss those sweet lips of his. He eagerly accepted me and kissed back, his hands started to muss up my hair as he ravished my mouth. We didn't stay in that spot, however, as I turned us so that master was on his back. I didn't sit idly as I scooted back, but as I scooted back, I felt master's extremely hard dick slid across my slit and a wave of pleasure washed through me and I let out a loud moan.
I wanted to feel that again so my body started rocking back and forth, letting the rough skin of his cock stimulate my core while my moans flowed unrestrained. I knew my master was enjoying the experience as his grip was tight on my thighs. I could feel the pleasure build up in me and I started going faster and faster when suddenly, my body seized up and I cried out as I orgasmed, spilling my juices over his tasty meat stick.
As the rush left my body, I took a minute to recover, looking down at master. His eyes was closed and his mouth was open, his breaths coming in and out. He hadn't orgasmed yet as far as I could tell but it looks like he was close. If that was the case, then I needed to go slow when I used my mouth. Slowly I moved back further, now free, master's cock sprang up. From this distance, I could see the blood vessels pound and pound.
Gently, I lowered myself down so my face was an inch from him. Kami, he smelled so sweet! With the addition of my scent as well as his, I was definitely growing an addiction to this but I didn't care.
All I wanted was him.
"You feel so good master." I whispered as my hands gently took him in my grasp. The instant I touched him, master's whole body jerked and I could've sworn that he grew more, but I didn't let that deter me. I just moved my face forward and caressed his member with my cheek. "You are truly kami's gift to females master."
After I said that, I kissed the tip of master's dick and took his entire tip into my mouth, letting my tongue do its job while my hands slowly moved up and down. At this master's body started bucking, "Ka-kami slave...I'm...I'm al-almost t-there. M-make it la-last."
`As you wish master.' I chuckled and knew I needed to go slow from now on. If I make any sudden movements, it'll be enough to send him over the edge. I slowly moved my head down, being very careful to control what I'm doing. I wanted to make this last for as long as possible before he came.
As I moved my head, I didn't stop until all of him was in me and my lips were touching the base and started to move up again. My idea was this, while my head was slowly moving up and down, I was going to use one finger, just one, and use that digit to stimulate the rest of him.
`Master's enjoying this.' I thought as I looked at the struggling boy. `I can taste myself on him and it tastes great, but I'm surprised at his size though. I've seen Lee's and Neji's sizes and they don't come close to him, but I'm not complaining. I'm going to enjoy every single inch of him when he's in me.'
In my hands, I could tell his release was getting close so I decided to give him one heck of an orgasm. Sakura once told me of a way to sensitize the skin using your chakra. You can do it gradually and the pleasure will slowly increase for your partner or you can flood his skin with it as fast as you can and the sudden and fast increase in pleasure will send him over the edge.
I just hope this won't hurt him.
I slowed down some more, for greater benefit for him and letting me prepare myself better. I quickly gathered chakra into my mouth and my hands and adjusted myself. I moved my head to the top and in one quickly motion, slammed my head down and back up, my hands going to the exposed skin and quickly rubbing it.
Sure enough, master let out a loud wail as his body arched and rope after rope of his essence shot into my mouth. From previous experience, I knew how much he was going to unload so I didn't let it gather in my mouth, instead I started swallowing as fast as I can but it was getting difficult as my mouth filled up faster then I thought.
Unfortunately I wasn't fast enough as his cum started dripping out of my mouth, dripping onto my still moving hands. Now I wasn't sure if he was ever going to stop as he was still filling up my mouth. This was probably due to the fact that I was still jerking him off with my hands so I stopped with them.
Finally, master's body started to relax and his ejaculation started slowing down until it finally stopped, letting me swallow the last of his seed. After I gulped down the last of the juices, I wiped and licked the cum that dripped onto my hands and chin and even wiped away a trail that was going down master's dick. However, there was one fact that became known.
He was still hard.
`Impossible. There's no way that he should still be hard after that. That would've killed the erection in a normal male after cumming so long. Just who is he?'
"Damn slave..." I looked up when master spoke and started to sit up and look at me with a satisfied grin. "You sure know how to give a blowjob. I knew you would make a good pet." He smirked as he got on his knees and crawled over to me and stopped, his head right in my face. "Kept his up pet and I'll let you have some time in the tentacle room."
"Tentacle room? Wha...mmph!" Master grabbed my neck and threw me back onto the bed and he pinned me down while going for my breasts.
"A room created by me and Jiraiya." He explained while playing with my breasts. "I won't go into details right now but to put it simply, that room is a reward for exceptional behavior. I guarantee'll do anything to get into that room once you experience it."
As master licked, nibbled, and groped my breasts, I tried to remember if my sisters said anything about it. To be honest, it was difficult due to the pleasure building up in me again. Suddenly, he stopped, earning a whine out of me, and he settled completely over me. "Master, did you forbid my sisters from telling me about that room?"
Suddenly, I saw a proud look in his eyes. I was confused as to why but I figure I would find out later. "I used to, but I redacted that rule a long time ago. They probably told you and you can't remember right now. Now then..." A serious look appeared in his eyes. "Are you ready to be marked?"
The time has come. I knew he meant that it was time to make me his and I wanted it. I wanted to be his. I knew that once this happened, there would be no going back. I didn't answer his question, but I only moved my head so master could easily do what he needed.
"Good'll hurt for only a second but then you'll start to feel good."
I closed my eyes as I saw master grin. My hands gripped the sheets in preparation for the marking. Sakura told me that after he bites me, Kyuubi's chakra will enter my body and change it and it'll feel like euphoria. I only hoped that master will be gentle with me now that I can't get pregnant. Slowly I could feel master's mouth get near me and I waited for it. "Master...thank you for kidnapping me."
Then...the pain came.