Vol. 1 Chapter 2 - ‘Iron-Spirit’

/In a galaxy, the same galaxy we all live in, the Milky-way, far-far away, on planet Cloudy-Curtain', a planet in the Bright-Republic known for its idyllic-environment and role as a major-agricultural center. Situated within the Bentheim-System, Cloudy-Curtain stands in stark contrast to its bustling neighbor, Planet Bentheim, a major-port system and commercial-hub.

Cloudy-Curtain is characterized by its peaceful atmosphere, temperate-climate, unpolluted-air, and picturesque-scenery. The planet's inhabitants often prioritize a slower pace of life compared to the more industrialized and densely-populated planets within the Bright-Republic. This tranquil setting attracts individuals seeking refuge from the stresses of a fast-paced society, as well as those who appreciate a more natural and serene environment.

The planet's favorable climate and unpolluted environment make it ideal for agriculture. Cloudy-Curtain is renowned for its high-quality agricultural products, particularly cloud-rice, a genetically-modified, highly-nutritious rice that is a staple-food across the Bright-Republic. The planet's agricultural sector dominates its economy and plays a vital role in supplying food to other planets within the star nation.

Cloudy-Curtain remains relatively underdeveloped in terms of industry and technology. This is partly due to the influence of the two dominant political factions, the White-Doves and the Greens, who prioritize preserving the planet's environment and traditional way of life. This focus on agriculture and resistance to heavy industrialization has contributed to the planet's reputation as a peaceful and idyllic, if somewhat sleepy, backwater.

Despite its focus on agriculture, Cloudy-Curtain features one mech-trade-association branch where Ves will certify his first mech and just like most places, it is not without its share of mech enthusiasts. Virtual mech games, particularly those hosted on the platform 'Iron-Spirit' enjoy significant popularity among the younger generation. The presence of Walter's-Whalers, a local mech-gang, further demonstrates the existence of a passionate, if limited, mech community on the planet.

Cloudy-Curtain's government is dominated by a coalition of two political parties: the Greens and the White-Doves. Both parties generally advocate for maintaining the status quo, preserving Cloudy Curtain's environment, and limiting industrial development. Their political dominance has effectively stifled efforts to promote industrialization and diversify the planet's economy.

Primarily composed of native-born Cloudy Curtainers, the Greens focus on environmental protection and oppose large-scale industrialization that could potentially harm the planet's natural beauty and resources.

Largely consisting of elderly migrants from Bentheim, the White Doves prioritize peace, tranquility, and a slower pace of life, often clashing with those seeking to modernize Cloudy-Curtain and bring it in line with the more developed planets of the Bright-Republic.

While the Greens and the White-Doves hold significant sway over Cloudy-Curtain's government, other political-groups advocate for different visions for the planet's future.

Representing those who favor progress and industrial development, the Pioneer's support policies aimed at raising Cloudy-Curtain's standard of living and promoting economic growth. They argue that industrialization can occur without compromising the planet's unique environment, advocating for sustainable development practices. However, despite their efforts, the Pioneers have struggled to gain widespread support, facing opposition from both the ruling coalition and some segments of the population who are content with the status quo.

The city of Freslin serves as the capital-city of Cloudy-Curtain. Situated near Freslin-University, the city boasts landmarks such as the Heritage Cafe, a popular hangout for students and young professionals. However, compared to the bustling cities of Bentheim, Freslin maintains a more relaxed and traditional-atmosphere, reflecting Cloudy-Curtain's overall cultural preference for a slower pace of life.

The city of Orinoco represents a contrasting aspect of Cloudy-Curtain. Located on the opposite side of the planet from Freslin, Orinoco embraces a more modern and trendy-atmosphere, attracting younger-generations and those seeking a more vibrant-lifestyle. The presence of Orinoco highlights the internal divisions within Cloudy-Curtain's society, as different cities and regions adopt distinct cultural-identities and embrace varying levels of technological-advancement.

The local mech gang of planet Cloudy-Curtain, is a mech-gang called the Walter's-Whalers', which is led by the enigmatic Walter, the gang holds a unique position within Cloudy-Curtain's social fabric. Despite their unconventional nature, the Whalers enjoy a surprising degree of popularity among the populace, particularly the youth, who are drawn to their flamboyant displays of mech prowess./

/Location: Uhtred's Gaming-Pod/


"Alright! let's fuck this game's cunny-hole!" I say to hype myself up, as I started the 'Iron-Spirit', Mech-Simulator, to play the Online-Massive-Multiplayer-Mech-Virtual-Reality-Game, or also know as a O-Triple-M-V-R-G, for short, bringing up the welcome to 'Iron-Spirit' message.

/Welcome User to the World of 'Iron-Spirit'/

/Loading information, please wait../

/Loading completed/

/UserID: 'UhtredOfBebbanBurg'/

/Ranking: Bronze-League/

/Record: Wins/Losses/Draws/ (0/0/0)/

/Current Mech: None/

/Current Bank-Account: 0 (GoldCoins) 1'000'000 (Bright-Credits)/

"Ok, so I was given a million 'Bright-Credits. I believe I will wait for Ves to upload his mech, I will buy whatever he makes as my first virtual-mech. I'm so excited." I spoke to myself, as I strolled through the interface, looking for the marketplace to buy mechs.

Once I found the mech-market, I searched 'Chasing-Clouds, the UserID that Ves uses, and the search-engine brought up only one option.

/'Kezia-Armament's 'Fantasia 2R-E, designed and fabricated by 'Chasing-Clouds'/

/Purchase Price: 1'700 (Gold-Coin) or 17'000 (Bright-Credits)/

"Ten 'Bright-Credits is equal in worth to only one 'Gold-Coin, or otherwise known as the ingame-currency of 'Iron-Spirit'. Well atleast I have a million 'Bright-Credits, I know from the novel, Ves only receives a hundred-thousand 'Bright-Credits to begin with." I say as I enter the waiting-lobby, for ranked-bronze solo-matches, after equipping the '2R-E.

I also bought a one-handed axe and a round-shield, I did not even purchase a ranged-weapon. I plan to utilize the slimness and agility of being a light-mech, also my 'A-level Neural-Aptitude will ensure I move as if I'm operating my own body.

The system-skills will give me all I need, to achieve eternal-glory in my profession. 'Iron-Spirit' is only my first-step, on my journey to become a 'God-Pilot. The match has finally loaded, after drawing my opponent, 'YourMom69'. My enemy is more than likely a student, on planet Cloudy-Curtain, since Bronze-Ranks does not have Cross-Star-Play. So I know my opponent is another player, who lives on planet Cloudy-Curtain.

/Map: Forley's Harbor/

/Match Mode: One-Vs-One/

/Opponent UserID: 'YourMom69'/

/Match Starting Now/

I see my surroundings, An medieval-looking port-city, of a settlement by the sea. I control my mech, walking towards the opposite direction of the map, from where I was loaded-into the match at.

"Gods! By Freja's majestic, golden, mesmerizing pussy-hole! This, is what wielding power, should feel like, walking around in a giant-metal form. Ready to smash in an enemy's skull, with a giant-metal axe or shield." I tell myself as I start to enter a jog-like pace, jogging-down the cobblestone-paths, towards my enemy.

I could hear my enemy far before, I could lay aight on him. Amateurish, not even bothering to hide the sounds of his steps, from the ears of your enemies. I get crouched and ready, for my unsuspecting opponent, to come around the corner of the building, I'm crouching beside.

"Fuck ya!" The moment I saw the gun-barrel, poking around the edge of the wall, I shoulder-charged. Pushing my opponent, back enough to create the distance required for a shield bash, to my enemy's metal-skull.

While my opponent tried to regain his balance, I caught him right dead-center of his mech's cock-pit, with my mech's one-handed metal-axe.

Killing my opponent. Ending my first 'Iron-Spirit' match, with a flawless-victory, it will not be my last match of the evening. I have all night to rank-up to Silver-ranks, before I call it a night.

/Uhtred continued to enter bronze-ranked matches, through the night until reaching Silver-ranks on 'Iron-Spirit', after reaching a ten-match winning-streak, before calling it a night and entering his slumber./