/The next morning, after a good rest Uhtred rose alongside the sun, as it rose and opened the day's morning, shining it's rays, pouring down and spreading life and greeting this side of the planet, for the day./
/Location: Larkinson-Residence/
"Haha! You look like shit!" I say as I greet, my brother, Ves. Whom looks as if he has not rested, in the last forty-eight hours.
"Yea I stayed up late last night, working on my next variant, the 'Seraphim'." My brother told me, whilst yawning and stretching sleepily.
"Get some rest, I had ten-consecutive victories last night, bringing me into the Silver-Ranked league." I told Ves, while informing him, of my record for the evening, last night.
"Awesome! That will make the perfect advertisement for my mechs! Thank you, I'm going to sleep for a couple hours, then I will finish the 'Seraphim. See you later." Ves said before walking into his room and shutting the door.
"Looks like it is just me and you, Lucky, my 'robot-cat friend." I told the gem-cat, who was currently lounging on the sofa, acting exactly like a domestic-housecat.
"Meow?" Lucky meow'd, while cocking his head to the side, and looking at me almost questionably.
"I tell ya what, I will get on the galactic-net, and 'order you some exotics, I was planning on ordering a warhorse and all the cold-weaponry, I will need to practice my skills." I informed the robot-cat, I might have some tasty metal-snack, for him to feast on soon.
"Meow!" Lucky, made another cat-like noise, acting as if he were saying, "Fuck yea! You're alright human, I approve of your existence, now make'eth haste, procure'eth my vittles human-slave."
Then he just went back to lounging-out, on the sofa, just flicking and swishing his tail. Meanwhile, I pulled up the galactic-net on my personal-comms unit. I searched and purchased everything I needed, most would be shipped from other places on Cloudy-Curtain, including the 'warhorse. The exotic-metal snacks, for Lucky would have to be shipped from Planet Bentheim. The snacks alone, took a fifty-thousand 'Bright-Credit chunk out of my almost a million credits.
The cold-weaponry and the warhorse, only cost twenty-thousand 'Bright-Credits. In less than three-days, I would have everything I needed to train and grind, my system-skills.
/After five hours had passed, Uhtred spent the time grinding his boxing-skill, and after finding that stones could be used for training his throwing-skills. Uhtred decided he had exercised enough, for the day, then he entered the home to make something to eat./
"Hey you're awake, make sure to eat something, before returning to your work." I said, as I met Ves in the living-area of the home. Who had messy-hair and looked like he slept like a rock.
"Yea, will do. I should have the 'Seraphim uploaded on 'Iron-Spirit', in no-time at all. I've added a flight-pack to the 'Fantasia, making it a aerial-marksman. I purchased the virtual-production license, for the Harconix Light-DMR, a 'rifle more powerful than a standard-assault rifle, but not as powerful as a sniper-rifle." Ves told me about his new variant-mech.
"Sounds perfect, I will buy a metal-alloy one-handed sword and round-shield, and maybe a couple metal-alloy javelins and a shoulder-bag, to carry them in." I told Ves, what I would gear my 'Seraphim, with as far as weaponry.
"'Javelins? Why not a firearm?" Ves asked in 'confusion.
"I am what is called, a cold-weaponry supremacist, weird I know, but it is what I am." I informed Ves, of my fetish for cold-weaponry, while 'whipping up a turkey-sandwich and some rice and gravy, for me and Ves to eat.
"Wow! Where did you learn to cook?" Ves asked, as he watched me, go about 'preparing our meal.
"From the woman, whom taught me how to pleasure females, Velma. She taught me how to cook, amongst other things." I answered Ves.
"She sounds nice, the food smells so good, I am hungry now, for sure." He said.
I continued cooking away, wasn't anything special, but the simplest of meals can be the best, if prepared correctly and with the right care. After the dinner was served, we both wiped out a healthy-helping, then went to our respective gaming-pods.
/After logging-into 'Iron-Spirit'/
/Welcome 'Uhtred of BebbanBurg' back to 'Iron-Spirit'/
/Ranking: Silver-Ranked/
/Record: Wins/Losses/Draws (10/0/0)/
/Current Mech: 'Kezia-Armament's 'Fantasia 2R-E/
/Bank-Account: 1'000 (Gold-Coins) 913'000 (Bright-Credits)/
"Alright let's get a couple more matches in against these low-ranked, noobs, the Silver-ranks is only the real-beginning, of 'Iron-Spirit. The real opponents will not come until the Gold-ranks, at the soonest. Then I will buy the 'Seraphim, once Ves finishes publishing it on the mech-market." I say as I'm entering, the waiting-lobby for the silver-ranked matches, I will play whilst waiting for my second mech, to be fabricated and published for sale on 'Iron-Spirit'.
/Once Uhtred finished his sixth-victory, in the forty-minutes he waited, for the Seraphim to become available for purchase. After equipping the new mech at a cost of 88'000 Bright-Credits and the cold-weaponry, Uhtred selected and purchased to equip on the light-mech, that defaultly-wielded a firearm as a aerial-marksman, will now use metal-alloy javelins as its ranged-weaponry instead.|
"Alright one more match, before going to sleep. Gotta get atleast one run-in, with my 'Seraphim before calling it a night." I said after signing-up for a Silver-Ranked Five-Vs-Five, Capture-the-Flag match.
/Once the match loaded, the map, Scorcher's-Canyons, was drawn and selected for the match./
/Capture-the-Flag Match Starting Now../
"Time to get my advertisement on, will make a sweet-sight, a female-mech flying circles around her prey, picking and poking at her prey's weaknesses." I speak to myself, as I enter the field-of-battle, moving swiftly and gracefully.
Moving at max-efficiency, using the least-amount possible, of fuel, or energy, from power-supplies, like fuel-cell packs or battery-powered packs
/After Uhtred swept his competition, securing the victory for his team, and also obtaining a 'MVP award, for his performance as the most-valuable-player, of the capture-the-flag, five-versus-five. Uhtred decided to 'call-it a night, and he logged-off 'Iron-Spirit, after climbing-out of his gaming-cabin, Uhtred laid-down on his bed, then shortly-after he entered, his sleep for the evening./