/After the last memory was projected onto the screen, another flashback from Uhtred's past, started to play, as the memory was projected onto the screen, inside the 'flashback-theater./
/The tenth birthday of the brothers, Ves and Uhtred Larkinson./
/Location: Larkinson Clan-Residence, on planet Rittersberg/
"Ves, you can be more than a mech-pilot, I'm sure all your talent went into something like mech-designing. Just because your not able to pilot a mech, does not affect your greatness, trust me brother. We both are meant for greatness, I know it might be hard to understand right now. I know it to be true, that is all that matters." I told my brother, whom just discovered, he would never be a mech-pilot, he will still be great. Ves will be greater, than all Larkinsons, who came before us.
"I always believed, I would pilot mechs, all our family does, how come I can not?" Ves lamented, at his current situation, his words full of despair, as if the world is weighing and crushing down, on top of his shoulders.
"Uhtred Larkinson, has never told a lie, any who claim me to have done so, will have to make the square of branches, and fight me to the death, for their claims or renounce them. You, Ves Larkinson, are the son of Ryncol Larkinson, the brother of Uhtred Larkinson, you are destined for greatness. Just plain 'immortality, will not be enough for us brother, no… We will be something more, something beyond even immortals themselves. We will tame the powers, over life and death, their very selves. Mark my words, my less handsome and much less witty brother, we both are destined for many things, mark my words…" I said to Ves, declaring the truth and only the truth, 'for I know it to be true, trying to cheer his spirits.
"Uhtred, the 'Bright-Republic can not keep or protect you, even though the 'M-T-A claims complete-neutrality, news of your aptitude will inevitably spread. Our state's backer, the second-tier behemoth, the 'Friday-Coalition, will demand your education, to be undertaken on one of their planets. The major families and groups, will fight and possibly go to war with each over, to guarantee your studies and education, happen on their specific planets. A+ neural-aptitude, is unheard of in even second-rate states, like our backers and the other of the two behemoths of our 'Komodo-star-sector, the 'Hexadric-Hegemony. If our arch-enemy, the 'Vesia-Kingdom were to learn of your information. They would immediately sell it to their 'respective-second rate backer, the 'Hexers of the Hexadric-Hegemony, who would then demand a claim on you without a doubt." My grandfather, Benjamin Larkinson, said warning my father and me, to my inevitable 'kidnapping by a more powerful state, than our 'third-rate Bright-Republic.
"Nothing will stand between me and my glory, mark my words, there has never been anything or anyone like me, before my entrance upon this world, Uhtred, of the 'House-Larkinson. Soon, the name of our family, will spread and be known to be feared, all across the galaxies of our universe." I said to all of my surrounding family-members, giving them a 'spiel, about my impending-greatness.
/The 'MTA, do claim neutrality, and for the most part, they are neutral. Except for the fact, all the members who make-up the organization, all come from different backgrounds and civilization. So ofcourse, once an anomaly, like Uhtred Larkinson and his 'A+ neural-aptitude, shows up on their database. Of a 'Fridayman, were to just so happen, see this information. Ofcourse, they will take notice of it, and report the news to their families, it is a fucking A plus aptitude after all…/
/By the time Uhtred was fourteen-years old, the 'Carnagie-Group, turned-out to be the winner, of the right to provide education to a possible future 'God-Pilot, something that is normally unheard, or impossible to even think of happening, that happened with the birth of Uhtred Larkinson./
/Uhtred would then go on, to study and attend mech-school, on planet 'Leemar-II', a planet that is controlled and operated by the 'Carnegie-Group, one of the six major factions, of the 'Friday-Coalition. For the four years, from fourteen to eighteen-years of age./
/Uhtred quickly stood out, as a more than excellent mech-pilot, but what really made him attract attention, is the fact that he was born in a third-rate, backwater-civilization like the Bright-Republic, the birthplace of Uhtred./
/Uhtred garnered fans and support from different groups of people, who were visiting or whom live in the Friday-Coalition, due to his constant victories, in whatever tournaments that would take place during his school-years, on Leemar-II./
/One day, before Uhtred had entered his final school-year at his academy, Uhtred recieved a 'special-package, that had no name, for who sent it to him. Uhtred received a 'data-chip, for his personal-communication-bracelet. One Uhtred inserted the chip into his comms-bracelet, the chip melted into his bracelet, upgrading Uhtred's personal comms-bracelet and installing a mech-pilot system, on his communication-device./
/Uhtred's final-school year, was spent upgrading and training all his system-skills, impressing all who came, to watch any of his mech-battles. Uhtred Larkinson, became almost a house-hold name, among the families who live on Leemar-II and it's surrounding planets./
/Uhtred was offered a personal-customized 'nextgen-mech, by the 'Carnagie-Group, in hopes he would become their lackey, and join their forces. Uhtred is of course, far too vain and full of so much pride, it would be impossible for him to ever battle for glory in someone else's name. So Uhtred rejected all offers, of any kind of recruitment whatsoever./
/Uhtred had big plans, for himself and his twin-brother, whom Uhtred knew would be a revolutionary mech-designer. He knew Ves would also have a system, but his would be for designing and creating mechs, rather than the flying and piloting of mechs. Uhtred wanted to, regain and surpass the Larkinson family's past glory and strength, and he was willing to use all and any means, at his disposal to achieve his goals, each and every goal of his. Uhtred will handle the battling for the family, Ves will handle the outfitting and creation of the family's mechs, that is the plan, Uhtred has in-store for his family, and it's name….