Vol. 1 Chapter 11 - ‘Uhtred’s Past (1)

/As soon as Uhtred fell, into his slumbers, the evening before the 'Y-T-E, on planet Bentheim. Uhtred entered a strange 'dream-like movie-theater, as soon as Uhtred sat in a chair, facing the large projection-screen. Memories, almost as if flashbacks of his life, started to be 'projected onto the screen, in the theater that is currently playing Uhtred's past life. The first scene, starts when Uhtred was only 'fourteen-years of age. Before he ever left for the 'Friday-Coalition, to study as a mech-pilot, because he was born with a more than 'excellent neural-aptitude./

/Flashback: Four-years ago/

/Location: Larkinson Residence on planet 'Cloudy-Curtain/


"Ves, you gotta study hard, I'm going to be depending on you, for all my mech-related needs. You handle the designing, I will handle the piloting, because we are a team, when I return, we will bring our entire clan immense glory. No one will remember our New-Rubarthan ancestor, they will only remember the brothers, Ves and Uhtred, of the 'house Larkinson. We will be who is written into the history books, elders will use our stories, to educate the younger-generation of their clans, of how to be true-warriors. How to bring true glory and renown, to their entire families, how warriors are meant to do." I told my brother, as he and my father, Ryncol Larkinson, were saying their goodbyes to me, before I left for mech-university.

"You will do our family's name, proud, more-than proud my son. You and Ves are going to be the rebirth and revival, of our 'martial-clan, you must make the most of these four-years, Uhtred." My father said, whilst clasping his war-like large weathered-hands on my shoulder, and looking me in my eyes.

In present-time, Ryncol is one of seven siblings, of the Larkinson Family, whose father is Benjamin Larkinson, and Ark is one of his younger brothers. Ryncol has been described as the most reticent of the bunch and loves his sons like treasures. Ark reported that he was digging into his brother's movements a year before he disappeared and found that there was a couple of times he went off the grid and probably went incognito during that time to visit a conflict zone. 

Though Ark didn't know which conflict zone he frequented, it matched the couple of times Ryncol went off the grid. Benjamin Larkinson grimaced, when he assumed his son made dealing with pirates, but couldn't follow up as the trail had ended there. 

When Ark enquired, if he would help Ves with some capital, Benjamin refused even if Ves's plans fell through, as he believed Ryncol took so much trouble procuring those loans and see those plans through to the end. He also believes that Ryncol hasn't abandoned Ves and Uhtred despite being indisposed. 

To support Ves' career as a mech designer, Ryncol built a workshop. It was a one-man mech-boutique, capable of printing its own parts, so Ves could assemble mechs from scratch.

Ryncol planned to then refer Ves, to his buddies in the military service, for cheap jobs and let Ves dip his toes into the world of customization, one step at a time. Then, once Ves acquired a reputation, he'd be able to design his own variants.

In present time, Ryncol disappeared without a trace, after leaving Ves, a mountain of debt. Ves initially assumed, he was called back to duty, but he was dismayed to learn from his father's friends, that Ryncol was MIA . 

Ves' workshop, was bought with a loan of 330 million bright credits, from 'Cloudy-Curtain's Planetary-bank. The bank stated, that the whole debt, was in Ves' name. He would have to hand over the workshop and all of its machinery, if he missed a single annual interest payment.

Ves, would have to come up with 5 million credits, by the end of three months. The bank had already written Ves off. They wanted to get their claws on the workshop, before Ves screwed something up and depreciated its value.

The Insurance company and government, weren't of any help either as they considered Ryncol, Missing In Action(MIA) . Until the insurance company recieved proof of his death, Ves wouldn't receive a single penny and any missing person's report, the money would be released only after five years.

"Yea brother, you gotta soak up all the second-rate stater-knowledge, for the both of us. With your neural-aptitude, you should be well-sought after, by the 'masters searching for disciples." Ves said with much seriousness.

"Don't worry brother, I will go show those 'Fridayman, how us, 'Brighters do battle. They shall soon learn to fear, the name Larkinson, and what it represents. The mere thought, of meeting a Larkinson, across the 'field of battle, will make many men quake in fear." I say, as I give my 'spiel about my plans, to make the Larkinson name, feared by our enemies once again, like it was in the past.

"Always remember, you will have our support, stay true to your beliefs, life in a second-tier state will be a whole different world, than our 'Bright-Republic. Between my savings and your grandfather's help, plus your scholarship for the exchange-program on Leemar, you should be able to provide a stable-living for yourself. You will still have to work hard and make your own means to survive, you will also be alone, but you are a Larkinson, you will survive and then go on to thrive, even in the worst of situations. Always remember our words, and all of the teachings of our ancestors, you will be missed sorely, my son." Our father, a hard-man, said whilst having moisture start build in his eyes.

"It is only four-years, I will be back before you know it, it is known… Father, goodbye… Ves, stay strong my brother! Goodbye!" I told them, as I walked away and entered the 'Torch-Of-The-Vanguard, a humongous passenger-spaceship, built and operated by 'Townsends-Spacelines. The monster of a passenger-ship, plies it's trade through the 'sea-spaces of all the 'third-rater countries, that surround and make up the vassal, or coalition-backed forces, that surround the second-rater behemoth of the star-system, the 'Friday-Coalition.