/After completing the certification-process, with the 'Phoenix-Cry, passing all the tests with flying colors. The 'MTA test-pilot, was highly-impressed, by the rookie-designer's very first build, earning Ves much praise, from the local MTA officers and staff./
/Once the brothers left, the branch of the MTA, Ves informed Marcella, the mech had been officially certified, and is currently ready for shipment./
/Marcella was able to sell, the mech, for a little over thirty-million Bright-Credits. Earning Ves, his very first pot of gold, so to say. As Ves and Uhtred were riding, inside a hover-cab, traveling towards the mech-boutique./
/Location: Planet Cloudy-Curtain, outskirts of Freslin-City/
"I am telling you, two-million Bright-Credits worth of the raw-materials, needed to produce 'Exlor-Crystal, can earn us atleast a thousand-percent return. That is how sought-after and popular, the drug currently is, this is our chance for a jump-start, to you creating a behemoth mech-company." I said to my brother, as we travelled across the slow-paced planet, we call home, in a hover-cab.
"You're telling me, we can turn two-million, into twenty-million? Investing, in this drug?" Ves asked, in disbelief at my claims.
"More like eighteen-million to be exact, it will cost two more million, for labor and costs to distribute the drugs. Still, it is a hefty-sum, easily-attainable by us." I said, informing Ves, yes the drugs are as profitable, as I claim them to be.
"What if we invest ten-million, Bright-Credits? Would we be able to make that into, close to a hundred-million?" Ves asked me, getting a little too ahead of himself.
"There is demand, but not enough to move that kind of weight. We will start with two, once our business picks up, we can expand and invest higher-amounts, at a time. Improving our profit-margins." I replied to my twin, who nodded his head, in understanding.
"Marcella told us, it would take atleast a week, to hear back from the buyer, to hear how the 'Phoenix-Cry piloted. After we got the loan in your name, for the alloy-compresser, and the chemical-treatment-equipment, for the alloy-metal and armor-material for the mech-boutique's mechs, we can really start to make some cheddar." Ves told me as we, exited the hover-cab, at the mech-workshop.
"I told you not to sweat that five-million credit, annual-interest payment, that is almost due owed to the Cloudy-Curtain-Planetary-Banking-Institue, you will receive over thirty-million in three-days time. Don't you just love it? When a plan, actually works out?" I said, asking Ves, how he was feeling about the debt now.
"Yea the three-hundred million I still owe, seems less scary now, this 'Exlor-Crystal is a for-sure thing?" Ves replied to me, then asked me about the new drug, that is invented and the knowledge of the recipe for cooking it, Is known by only the man, Walter White. The father of Dietrich, the friend of Uhtred, and young-master of the local mech-gang.
Walter White, a former member of a notorious mech-gang, that operates in the Bentheim-Star-System, the Blood-Claws, was also a university chemistry-teacher, before he decided to change his career-path, and become a mech-pilot in a mech-based crime-syndicate.
After Walter and some of his close followers, decided to leave the Blood-Claws, they ended up moving to the obscure and little-known planet Cloudy-Curtain. They named their mech-gang, Walter White's Whalers, and took control of the small agricultural-based planet's security. Wresting, control of the planet, from the former local mech-gang. A small gang that controlled less than half a squadron of lastgen-mechs, the gang did not stand a chance. Against, the former Blood-Claw members, who arrived from out of the blue.
Recently, during celebrating, the great victories of the twin Larkinson brothers, at Bentheim's YTE this year. Since the brothers represented so well, Walter decided to create a new formula, for a highly-potent, unseen or heard of before, brand-new space-drug.
The drug is commonly known as 'Exlor-Crystal, a hallucination-producing, psychedelic and adrenaline-pumping, ice-shard looking drug. It is famous for, transporting it's users and victims, directly into a futuristic sci-fi, creepy-freaky alien-sex filled, universe. Containing all sorts of cat-girl, vampire-girl, dwarf-girl nerd-fantasy like females.
If you have a fetishes like I do, you would definitely be interested, in this perticular drug. Uhtred has already, struck a deal, with Dietrich to manufacture and distribute, Walter's newest creation across the cities and towns of the small planet, the gang calls home.
With Ves investing in the business, as well the profit the three stand to gain, make the venture stand to be very lucrative. There is plenty the brothers, can spend money on, they plan to make the Larkinson clan, the strongest and most feared clan in thier galaxy.
"What do you think about investing, in acquiring the physical-production license, for Kezia-Armament's 'Fantasia 2R? You could fabricate and sell your variants, you designed on 'Iron-Spirit'." I asked Ves, what he thought about my freshest idea.
"I might can get a discount, since I own a virtual-production license for the mech, on 'Iron-Spirit' already. I will contact, thier support-team, and find out." Ves replied, obviously agreeing with the idea.
"Alright brother, sounds like a plan. I guess, I'm gonna head to the Villa, don't stay up all night. Make sure, you get some rest, sleep is the most important thing, for our bodies." I told Ves, saying goodbye, as I left the mech-workshop.
After leaving the mech-boutique, I called Dietrich, using my personal-comms bracelet.
"Yo! What's up, my dude?" Dietrich said, as he answered my communication-request, bringing up a hologram of his face, that spoke his words as he said them, on the other side of the line, at the mech-hangar of the gang.
"Ves is in, inform your father, it's a green-light to start manufacturing the shit. We are going to be much wealthier men, very quickly and very soon, my friend" I replied to Dietrich, telling him, to get our newest business-venture under way.
"Good shit! Let us make this bread, I want to upgrade my 'Harrier. She could use a good maintenance, at this very moment, matter of fact." Dietrich told me, expressing his need, for a tune-up and a upgrade to his precious mech, the 'Harrier.
"With the credits, we stand to start earning daily, we can all afford some upgrades. Just wait, Ves has already sold his first mech, soon he will be selling them like flapjacks, my dude." I said to the young mech-pilot and small-time gangster.
"Alright, I'll let pops know the news, the gremlins will be put to the streets, moving the crystal starting first thing, tomorrow morning." Dietrich replied, telling me exactly what I wanted to hear.
"Sounds like music to my ears, keep me informed, make sure you send me fresh samples, of any of your father's new creations." I told Dietrich, demanding he inform if his father comes up with any new drugs, and reminding him to provide me with samples of any said Walter-cooked drugs.