Vol.1 Chapter 16 - ‘Seraphim

/A week passed quickly on the small, slow-paced agricultural-based planet. While Ves waited to hear back from Marcella, he went ahead and acquired the production-license to physically-fabricate, his 'Fantasia 2R variants hopefully to sell them and make a profit while doing so./

/Ves first focused on producing a 'Seraphim-Valkyrie, and he also created, a spear and javelin based equipment-set for his newest variant-mech. He planned for it to use the mech's javelins, as ranged-weaponry as an aerial-marksman mech, that can double as a melee-mech. The pilot can use the mech's metal-alloy spear for close-range damage-dealing, when and if some is ever needed dealing./

/Uhtred used the money from his savings and from his 'Iron-Spirit' live-streaming dividends, to pay for fabrication of the 'Seraphim-Valkyrie, and it's medieval-based weaponry./

/Uhtred planned to acquire one of the 'Nomad and 'Phantasm variants, of the 'Fantasia 2R, that Ves designed on 'Iron-Spirit'. Uhtred planned to use them as affordable, and easily-repairable mechs, he could change-out piloting the different mechs depending on what scenario or situation, he finds himself in at the time./

/With all the equipment, Ves acquired to fabricate his first 'Marc Antony, like the alloy-compressor and the chemical-treatment-equipment. The equipment Ves uses to create and fabricate the metal-alloy materials, he will use these new equipment pieces of machinery, to build mechs and create the parts, that make-up the mechs he will build./

/The 'Fantasia 2R, it's bare-model is over a hundred-years old, but Ves is now able to completely rebuild the armor-plating, with the same metal-alloy he had used for his 'Marc Antony. Giving the beyond-classic mech, a fighting-chance, of finding a niche-market and being profitable./

/Ves acquired the outdated and obsolete mech's physical-production license, very cheaply due to the fact he already owned a virtual-license for the mech. He was able to use the excess funds, from the acquisition, to upgrade and bring his newest-variant of the mech up to date./

/The day Ves, completed the first personal-custom mech for his twin brother, the 'Seraphim-Valkyrie. The variant-mech of the outdated-archaic 'Fantasia 2R, a light-mech that had a skinny female-torso. The company, Kezia-Armaments, actually had decent success in selling the mech, thanks to it's gimmick./

/Ves also decided to purchase the production-license for the flight-pack and the Harconix-made light DMR, which is more powerful than a standard assault rifle. The DMR, is also lighter and less powerful than, say a regular sniper-rifle./

/Ves decided to use a HRF metal-alloy solution, to update and upgrade the archaic-mech model. Ves used the same alloy to create a custom-made spear and custom-made javelins, for the custom-mech the 'Seraphim-Valkyrie to use, whilst adding a metal-alloy quiver, or shoulder-mounted ammunition-bag for the mech, to carry it's javelins./

/Ves then decided to take his original variant-mech, the 'Seraphim, from 'Iron-Spirit', and throw a HRF metal-alloy armor-set on the mech. The armor-set is designed as a life-like replica of a Viking shield-maiden's equipment, the kind that would be told of, in the stories told by the elders of the Larkinson clan, to him and his twin Uhtred. Growing up as young boys, on the Larkinson-Clan compound or residence, on planet Rittersberg./

/Uhtred, then asked Ves, to install one of Lucky's gems. The best gem Lucky has excreted so far, was the gem Ves installed on the Phoenix-Cry. So Uhtred settled for the second-best, in his opinion. A gem, that Ves' system said was capable of making the mech '0.05% more durable, Ves said there was no other explanation of description, from his system. As to what, that meant by more durable. Uhtred, explained to Ves, it did not matter. Uhtred's resonance or control of his will-power, as a Expert-Candidate, was already close enough to 'apotheosis. He could already, almost manipulate his will, and affect his very own surroundings./

/After Ves and Uhtred had the custom-mech certified, at the Cloudy-Curtain branch of the 'MTA, They had the mech, transported to the villa Uhtred rents. That has a metal warehouse, that the brothers retrofitted, into a mech-hangar, that doubles as a repair and maintenance-bay/

/Location: Larkinson Twin's Mech-Hangar/Mech-Maintenance Bay/


"Fucking gods! And their little Loki-like shriveled-cocks, if what you tell me about them all is true, Uhtred. This custom-mech is so amazing, I can not believe I myself, built and fabricated it. I should have charged you more…" I could not help but to shout, after seeing the Custom-Mech start-up, with my brother in the cock-pit.

It was completely different, than when the 'MTA test-pilot started the mech. Instantly there was a shift, in the air and surroundings inside the mech-hangar. It was almost as if, someone casted some sort of weak-tornado spell, inside the game Uhtred designed and created. To sell on the 'Galactic-Net, to earn some daily-income.

"Haha! Fuck yes! Do you feel that brother?" Uhtred said, as his voice was projected from inside the mech, to the outside of the mech's head-area, to spread throughout the mech-hangar. 

For Ves to hear, above the roaring wind, twisting and slicing through the air. Kicking up any dust on the floors, or loose papers around the mech-hangar, right up and round through the air, inside the hangar.

"Yea! You fuck! Make it stop!" I yelled out at my brother, to stop whatever was happening.

After I asked him to stop, the winds and air, that was just a moment ago, whipping and screaming around through the air inside the hangar, all fell at the same-time, and everything just dropped and hit the floor of the hangar. Like a puppet, whom's strings were cut, free from said puppet. Leaving the puppet falling, being dropped by gravity, to fall then settle on the floor or ground.

/After Uhtred, turned the mech's power-switch, to the off position. He climbed out of and exited his personal-custom mech, the 'Seraphim-Valkyrie SV-01. Uhtred smiled and walked towards his brother, who was waiting for a explanation, as to what just happened.


"Haha, that was just the Valkyrie, saying hello to the world, as she was just birthed into it. A glorious moment, the birth of a mech. It sure does make me hard, and I could care less what it makes others feel. She is my first, of many, she will be conquered and tamed just like the rest, that will follow her and me, in my future" I said, explaining to Ves, what he just made possible. By, him creating the 'SV-01, a custom-personal mech, for an Expert-Candidate as it's pilot. The mech, is also receiving a boost, from its gem provided by the first-rater technology-wielding gem-cat, Lucky.

"I believe you, nothing I designed on the mech, or fabricated for it. Should be capable of making a small mini-tornado, like the one I just witnessed being created right out of nothingness. The Valkyrie should not be capable of producing, anything like that…" Ves said, as he was thinking and going-over things, inside his head thinking to himself.