Vol. 2 Chapter 17 - Laying Foundations

/Flashback, to when Uhtred first entered the cock-pit, of the 'SV-01. He started-up the mech's power-supply, initiating the neural-interface, sinking and sending his consciousness, into the 'Seraphim-Valkyrie. Becoming one, with the variant-mech, feeling the energy and power coasting throughout the internals, of the mech./

/Location: Planet Cloudy-Curtain, Larkinson Villa/


"Ugh! Fuck! Gods, this must be what it feels like to be a god. Fuck, my senses have to be atleast close to the gods' senses, in ability and strength so to say. It's almost as if I can feel the mech's metallic-organs, as they power and give the mech, energy and it's ability to function." I said, out-loud to myself, inside the cock-pit of the mech.

Before hearing Ves' voice, shouting for me to stop the greeting, the custom-mech is currently giving, to it's birth-world.

I replied to him, as I killed the power-supply, fueling and powering the mech.

/Back to Present-Time/


"I believe you, the 'Fantasia 2R variants, was a solid-idea to purchase the production-license for. I'm excited, to update and upgrade, the 'Phantasm and the 'Nomad." I told Uhtred, whilst thinking of the possibilities, once I have more cash-flow and designer-points, coming in daily.

"Haha, let me call Dietrich over, the Whalers might be interested in purchasing some of your latest work." My brother said, as he started fiddling with his bracelet, to make the communications request to the young boss, of the local-mech based and backed crime-syndicate, and only one on their planet.

"Uhtred! What is up? My dude." Dietrich's voice said, coming from Uhtred's personal-communications , as he answered the call.

"Dietrich, come to my villa, got my custom-mech to show you." Uhtred told his friend, to come on over to the hangar, and take a gander at my newest creation.

"I'm on my way, give me, half an hour. I'll pick up Ricky, we will bring some samples, of pop's most fresh and best-tasting batch of 'Exlor-Crystal. He finished cooking it up, sometime early this morning. Trust me, my dude, it will burn your nostrils, some kind of fierce." Dietrich replied, over the comms-channel.

"Ten-Four, my friend, see you soon." Uhtred said, whilst ending the call.

"We will see how many units, we can sucker this fool into buying. They are good mechs, it's not like I'm ripping him off or anything. He will get a good bang, for his buck, don't look at me like that…" Uhtred said, as he turned to me, after ending the call with Dietrich.

"I'm just looking at you… I didn't even say anything…" I told Uhtred, for it was the truth.

"Yeah… you were thinking something though, no need to lie… I just know these things…" Uhtred replied to me, causing me to just look at him, whilst lost in confusion, truly perplexed at what he could be talking about.

"Whatever, I'm going back to the workshop, let me know what's up with the Whalers, and how many mech's they will buy… see you later weirdo…" I told my brother, as I decided, I have had enough of his antics for today, making my way to leave the hangar, and Villa. To make my return, to my mech-boutique, and check my designer-system. I have to find a 'Master-designer, to take me as their apprentice. Easier said, than done.

/Ves then returned to the workshop, and discovered the Leemar-Open design competition, on his designer-system software, installed on his personal-communications bracelet. A perfect opportunity, to find a master-designer, to apprentice to, whilst gaining some fame and glory, for himself and his family./

/Meanwhile Uhtred and Dietrich, made their plans, to penultimately take-over planet Cloudy-Curtain. They planned to sift through the planet's populace, to find the three and a half percent with the ability to interface with a neural-interface, on a mech in order to be able to pilot it. Without the need, to fry their brains, killing them./

/Uhtred planned to base his soldier's training and military tactics, from bits of the Roman-Legions, the Celtic-Tribes, Asian-Dynasties, and Danish-Vikings medieval-ways of warfare./

/Uhtred planned to use shield-wall tactics for his infantry, and he had ideas about taking pieces of cavalry-warfare, and transforming it to make it suitable, for mech-warfare./

/The plan so far, is for the officers of the Whalers, would pilot the more expensive 'Marc Antony. Meanwhile the peasantry-soldiers, would pilot the more affordable and recently upgraded 'Fantasia 2R variants./

/The crystal trade, has already started to produce, and pay for itself. Bringing in a fresh blood-supply of cash, for both the Larkinson Twins, and also at the same time for the local-mech crime-syndicate, Walter White's Whalers./

/The drug has already started paying, and increasing the livelihoods and wealth, of the peasantry living in and around, the slums of Freslin-City. The drug has not been invented, for long, and it has already spread like a wildfire, all across the little-known planet./

/The Whalers, have shifted their focus, to lining the pockets, of grassroots and local-officials. Entering into the political-sphere of the small-planet, expanding from their current standing in the underground crime-syndicate business./

/Uhtred has enjoyed, practicing and getting to know and understand, his first personal-custom mech. Over the last week or so, since the 'SV-01 has been built./

/Meanwhile at the mech-boutique, Ves has been busy, re-designing his 'Phantasm. Turning the light ambusher and scout-mech, into a sword and shield wield-light infantry-based variant-mech./

/The 'Phantasm, will be the first item for sale, to the Whalers. To add to their current, single-squadron of outdated currentgen-mechs. The 'Phantasm only cost Ves four-million, to produce or fabricate, while Ves planned to sell each unit at a price, of eight-million Bright-Credits./

/After the first 'Phantasm, was fabricated and transported to the local-branch of the 'MTA, then it received it's certification. The brothers, transported it to the buyer's mech-hangar personally, the Freslin-Hangout's mech-hangar, of Walter White's Whalers./

/Location: Freslin-City, Whaler's Freslin-Hangout/


I exited the transport-vehicle, and searched my surroundings, taking in the newly-cleaned looking, Whaler's Barracks. I turn and follow my brother, Uhtred as he strode towards a mech-hangar looking, metal-structure.

"Haha! There they are! The twin-stars of Cloudy-Curtain, come on in gentleman." A tall-leaner, older-man said, to Uhtred and I, as we entered the mech-hangar, of the local mech-gang.

"Walter! You're out of your lab! It is good to see you, my friend, we have brought the mech." My brother told the older man, whilst waving at one of the pilots, standing around. Who must have understood what Uhtred wanted, for he started to make his way towards the 'Phantasm.

" Eight-Million, is worth a Larkinson-made mech, no matter what. I can rub this, in the faces of the old-bosses, back on Bentheim. Haha! Cough, cough.." Walter replied, and started to laugh, until it caused him to start a coughing-fit.