/The Whalers, expressed their admiration for the mech and it's creator, Ves Larkinson. They made promises to inform, the duo, how the mech performed over the next week. Then they would decide how many mechs, they would invest in./
/Once Ves informed Uhtred of the open-design competition, on planet Leemar-II, Uhtred expressed his excitement in returning to the planet, he spent four years of his youth, training and learning what it takes to be an excellent mech-pilot./
/Uhtred also expressed the need for more income, and the need to diversify their businesses. Which, now brings us to the, 'Cloudy-Bedding', the most-popular, and most-lucrative night-club in Freslin-City/
/Location: Freslin-City, the 'Cloudy-Bedding'/
"Look, females are some of the best investments, available to us Ves. This is the way of the world, If we do not guide and pimp these hoes, someone else will. Just follow my lead." I told Ves as we entered, the bar.
I planned to start making some money off the sex-trade at, I scanned the establishment, as my brother and I enter the club.
"Excuse me doll, I wish to speak with the owner of this establishment, are they available?" I asked a waitress, plying her trade at the busy night-club.
"Samantha, is over there at the main-bar, the tall blonde." The younger university-age looking woman replied, while sending me in the direction of the owner.
"Thank you dear, here. For your help. You have yourself a good evening, don't let them work you too hard." I told the brunette, whilst giving her a tip, for giving me the directions.
"Thank you!" The beautiful young woman said, as I made my way towards her boss, sitting at the bar having herself a drink.
It is a rather large building, the 'Cloudy-Bedding is located in, filled with young people, dancing and socializing. I near the bar, that the tall sexy, blonde-haired woman is sitting.
"Hello madam, my name is Uhtred Larkinson, this is my brother Ves Larkinson. I would like to speak to you, I have a business proposition for you. Could I have just a moment of your time?" I said hello, to the bar-owner lady, then I introduced my brother and myself, and asked her if we could take a moment of her time, to explain my business opportunity to her.
"Larkinsons huh?… Ok, let's take our conversation to my office, shall we?" Samantha replied, granting us the opportunity, to discuss business with her.
"Sounds great, it will not be a waste of your time, I give you my word." I said, replying to the woman, as Ves and I followed her to an office-study like room, in the back of the establishment.
"Alright, so tell me, what is this business opportunity?" Samantha asked as she sat behind her desk, in the office or study looking room.
"A Gentleman's club, I want to find the most beautiful and most talented young women, on this planet. To train them to be exotic-dancers, you and all your girls, stand to become the richest class of working women on this planet, and there will always be opportunities for them, if they dance for the right wealthy clients." I said to Samantha, informing her of my idea.
"You would provide protection? I am assuming, this sort of business always comes with certain risks and danger." Samantha asked.
"You assume correctly, I am a high-ranking member of the Whalers. Ves here, is a up and coming mech-designer, between the both of us, we can protect and pay your girls, giving them a chance to become something greater." I told the woman, who was getting interested, in the idea that is starting to sound like what could be a very lucrative operation.
"Ok, I'm willing to atleast try this idea out, I look forward to working with Larkinsons, such as yourselves." Samantha said, taking the bait.
"You will not regret it, here, look at these floor-plans and building designed by Ves. I plan to buy the lot adjacent, to your bar. We will renovate and build a brand-new strip-club. Make sure you pick only your best and most trustworthy girls, we will need only the best, if we want to make this place truly popular and profitable." I told the woman, whilst handing her the blue-print, to the future 'Cloudy-Paradise.
"Ok, so you will have the girls, perform and dance on these stages, with the metal-poles? This looks exciting, this will be the first venue of it's kind. Atleast I haven't heard of anything like this." Samantha asked, while looking over the building-plans.
"That is the plan, and the hope for our unique business, to put us on the map. There is much to plan and discuss, I will stay in touch. You can send me a call, anytime you need anything." I said to Samantha, who nodded her head.
Then Ves and I made our exit, and went about finishing up our plans for the day. I went ahead and informed Dietrich, of my plans to enter the sex-trade, to which he expressed his excitement and wish to join the business-venture.
Dietrich was also informed, of the Leemar open-design competition, that the Larkinson brothers would be attending. Dietrich asked to tag-along for the trip, to which Uhtred and Ves both agreed.
It would not hurt, having another mech-pilot and his mech on-board, and with them on this trip.
/After another two weeks of being busy, Ves, Lucky, Dietrich, and Uhtred, boarded the 'Torch of the Vanguard. A humongous, giant passenger-ship, owned, built, and operated by 'Townsends-Spacelines. To make the space-voyage, to the planet Leemar-II, where the open-design competition is scheduled to be located on. The ship was attacked by space-pirates, during it's voyage. Lucky protected Ves, by killing all invaders on the ship who tried to attack Ves. Meanwhile outside the ship, Dietrich and Uhtred worked as a team, piloting the 'Harrier and the 'Seraphim-Valkyrie. Picking off and dismantling the space-scum, attacking the passenger-ship./
/All four, Ves, Lucky, Dietrich, and Uhtred received commendations, for their efforts in protecting the passenger-ship and it's passengers. After all that, the rest of the space-voyage went smoothly and uninterrupted again, all the way till they landed on planet Leemar-II./