Chapter 2

"然后呢?"陈力抬起沾满厚厚补丁的手臂,"倒霉,我被虫子踩到了."像你这样的活人怎么会被虫子踩到?"银发男子忍不住提高了声音."下次再带你看.""不,不."银发男子连连挥手."你天天来这儿喝酒,什么时候算账?"银发男子笑道:"我只是担心你..."""老板让你来了吗?""我发誓,这纯属自愿,我真的很担心你."银发男子一脸诚恳."好吧,我承认,我只是来喝酒的."陈立看了一眼银发男子,没有再多说什么.片刻之后,他站起身来,走到里面的酒柜前.他买了一整个冷库作为酒柜.他一走进来,寒冷刺骨.一排排的酒瓶就像列队的士兵.只用了一个月的时间,他们就全部 "死" 在了前线.——毕竟他的酒吧生意很不错.陈丽从第四排酒柜最深处拿出一瓶利口酒,擦去上面的霜,带着酒回来,放在银发男子面前."卖不出去,"陈丽说道,"既然你是来免费喝酒的,就帮我清理库存吧.银发男子一脸疑惑地拿起瓶子,转向前面的标签.他看到瓶子上画着一只高跟鞋,上面写着"Sexy Women's Beloved"的字样.他的嘴角无声地抽搐了几下.今天,直到打烊时间,它都安然无恙.它是如此安静,以至于人们感到不舒服.银发男子的车窗上还有两张电子罚单.他还是假装没看到他们.他向陈丽打了个招呼,然后开车离开了.陈丽站在路边,抽了一会儿清爽的香烟.突然,他想起自己走的时候没有看到 T.通常,T 会唱到打烊后才离开.梅师傅已经回来一个月了.T 说他们已经很久没见了.恐怕真的是很久了.普通抑制剂已过期,必须使用屏障抑制剂.看看 T 手臂上的针孔,恐怕屏障抑制剂已经用得太多了.他又吸了一口烟,被酸寒颗粒刺激,顿时咳嗽起来.他的肺萎缩,他感到酸涩和痛苦.他很少感到不安,他觉得有什么事情要发生.在往家走的路上,陈丽通过私人频道给 T 打了电话.麦克风里冰冷的机械声音提醒他,频道拖欠了.他充值了费用并再次致电,但还是无法接通.战场上过度培养的危机感,让陈立瞬间意识到不对劲,转身向吧台跑去.夜晚的街道上点缀着一些无家可归的人和酒鬼.我甚至看不清人的身影.我只是感觉到风从我的衣服角落吹来,这让我的脸很痛.酒吧的门是锁着的.陈老板懒得换锁,所以钥匙就在经理手里.于是他踩上垃圾桶的顶部,跳上了二楼的外部消防通道.他记得这个外通道是密码锁.令他没想到的是,二楼的密码控制门竟然被人换了.一种不祥的预感在他脑海中敲响了警钟,就像死刑宣判一样.他没有时间去想这件事.他拔出胁差,用两把刀割断了拇指粗的控制阀.门弹开了.街道上冰冷的霓虹灯倾泻而入黑暗的走廊.一个男人的诅咒来自内心,夹杂着外语或方言.陈力不明白,但他看得出来,这个人也是他的员工.里面的景象让陈立眼中瞬间冰冷.他把手放在插在肋骨上的刀柄上,深吸了一口气.那男人似乎没有意识到怒火,依旧面带微笑,"老大,我只是在玩.我终于明白了一点——"下一秒,他的声音戛然而止,变成了口中吐出血沫的奇异声音.男人的头从脖子上光滑的伤口上滑落,鲜血从他的脖子上喷出,溅在消防通道昏暗的墙壁上.与此同时,他的身体打在了T身上,T面无表情地睁开了眼睛,尽管鲜血溅满了脸,但他只是微微眨了眨眼.T 睁开眼睛,但他的眼睛没有聚焦.他以一种奇怪的姿势瘫倒在墙下,呼吸中充满了哭泣和嘶嘶声.陈立强忍住自己开始变得混乱的呼吸,擦了擦刀,入鞘,放回腰带里.他俯身抱起 T.男孩身上的性激素气味与血腥味混合在一起,形成了一种非常难闻的气味.这味道...陈立深吸一口气,他感觉血红开始从视野的四个角落溢出,他有种想吐的感觉.他不能抱着发情的 omega 公然走在街上——在市中心,发情的 omega 出现在街上是严重的违规行为.但是他今天没有开车,他觉得自己的这个问题很费时间.男孩在他的怀里不停地抽搐着,粘稠的液体弄脏了他的衣服.他的衣服是用某种黑科技的防水材料制成的,猩红色的液体沾染了它们,在夜晚反射着塑料的光芒.他把T抱进外套里,咬紧牙关,朝着地下城走去.进入地下城,陈丽打开了电子防护罩.电子防护罩用橙色和蓝色的警告灯亮起,防护罩壁上连接着微弱的电流.它是一种常见的防御武器,但它的警告功能远大于它的防御功能.地下城是一个极其危险的地方.因为长期缺乏正常的生命材料,幸存下来的人发生了不同程度的突变,到处都是奇兽和污染气体——这些都是他亲自调查的情报.但他需要立即带 T 回家.T 的体温已达到危险阈值.大量的失水和出血威胁着他的生命.Today's dungeon was very quiet, filled with a highly corrupt smell.Chen Li walked quickly along the wall. He could hear nothing except the occasional sound of water drops in the water pipe.The area he chose had fewer refugees, so it was so quiet. But extreme silence was not a good thing. It was probably because this area was ruled by some monsters, but he had no time to think about it at the moment. He could only gamble his life.The boy in his arms was terribly hot, but he resisted making a sound. His body was shaking and even twitching.He took T home in thirteen minutes and put the boy on his bed. He took out an old antipyretic from the medicine box, grabbed the boy's arm, and quickly finished the injection before T had time to twitch.Powerful antipyretic drugs will act on the heart, slowing down the heart rate and thus relieving the symptoms of high fever and rapid heartbeat. This kind of drug that paralyzes the myocardium will bring certain side effects.Chen Li cleaned and applied medicine to the wounds of all sizes on T. The wounds were not deep, but densely packed, like scars caused by metal scrapers.He did not see any metal scrapers at the scene... maybe it was a decoration on the clothes.T was severely dehydrated, with several bloody cuts on his lips. He closed his eyes and his body was tightly twisted.Chen Li could hear T making vague sounds constantly, but his physical strength could no longer support him to speak clearly.For young people, estrus is a very bad thing. If you use medicine to escape this time, it will definitely be doubled next time. Until the body is old and there is not enough physical strength to support this excitement and high fever.T lasted for four hours and finally went into shock. He sweated a lot and shed a lot of tears, which were either physiological or psychological. His face was pale. He bit his lips and arms until they bled. Chen Li wiped away the blood spots and applied medicine to him tirelessly.

Chen Li never thought he was a good person. The most common comments he received in the past were that he would not recognize his relatives when he went crazy and "killed embryos".

But when he saw T curled up, he felt that the boy was like a thin and pitiful kitten. There were scars on T's arms and legs from surgery. Chen Li knew that it was a kind of surgery - melting the sex hormone glands all over the body, so as to slowly change the physical signs of omega. This surgery was very painful and could easily lead to death.

Chen Li did not know T's past in detail, but it must not be a good one.

Unconsciously, he had walked to his workbench. He kept inhaling and exhaling smoke, and the sedative particles filled in it hovered in his mouth.

Finally, he turned on the machine, entered the population database of the department, and synthesized a simulated pheromone of Master Mei.

The pheromone tube lay quietly in his palm. He held it in his hand, but he couldn't measure its weight accurately. He knew that the glass tube was very light, but it felt very heavy.

This was T's life. His choice was linked to mistakes and risks on one end, and the life of this boy on the other, but he had made the best of it.It had been a while since I returned to the base, and I didn't know if the ventilation system in the confinement room had been repaired. Chen Li pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled without any smile.


When T woke up, it was still pitch black around him. After sitting up, he felt that his body hadn't been so relaxed for a long time, and the heavy pressure on his body for several months disappeared.After his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he vaguely saw his boss changing clothes.Chen Li didn't wear the more popular clothes he usually wore - such as a black hoodie with a dark light chain, or a designer windbreaker with waterproof leather. Instead, he changed into a fitted black shirt, a crisp black flight jacket with bright red lining, and a pair of new military boots, the metal buckles still gleaming in the dark.T knew that he was saved by Boss Chen. As for what kind of method, it must not be a simple and ordinary thing. Both he and Boss Chen may have to pay some price."Awake?" Chen Li heard the boy curled up in the bed move."Well, good morning, boss." T smiled."It's already evening." Chen Li reminded helplessly, "I just heated up dinner, you can eat it yourself after washing up, you have missed work... just sleep again."Chen Li paused and then said, "I may not go to the store recently, and Yanqiang will help me watch the store... that's the silver-haired one, you can just call him Lao Yan. Also, don't tear off the isolation film during this period, it will be infected... and the pot of flowers on the windowsill, you have to take care of it for me for a while."He had never heard Chen Li say such a long sentence, as if he had explained things for a long time in the future.

t couldn't help but feel a little worried, but he thought that since Chen Li didn't say it clearly, it was something he didn't need to know. So he nodded and asked some trivial questions.

Finally, Chen Li bent down and patted his head, with a little subtle tenderness in his cold voice, "Be careful."t sent Chen Li to the door. In the night, Chen Li's suspended Night Walker sports car was hovering outside the door, and the blue electromagnetic exchange layer supported this new sports car.He has a good figure, long legs wearing high-top military boots, and stepped into the car in one step, which made people feel excited.After getting along for a year, t still couldn't see through him as a boss. Chen Li didn't talk much and liked black. From clothes to objects, the base color was pure black, but he was not an old-fashioned man, and he was always at the forefront of fashion. t envied Chen Li's height and long legs, and he looked like a window model in everything he wore.Looking at his appearance, t felt that Chen Li should be A, or B at the very least, but the second gender is often not inferred by appearance.

Chen Li said that the silver-haired man was called "Yongqiang". This should be a pseudonym, but T felt vaguely familiar with it. The black-bottomed and red-lined flight jacket that Chen Li wore today also made him feel familiar, as if it had flashed in a certain link of the intelligence he collected.

However, these were not in the core circle, so he was not in a hurry to explore.He walked to the kitchen and opened the incubator. There was a dinner inside, which was a very traditional meal, rice porridge, boiled chicken slices, and vegetable cubes pickled in chili and black vinegar.This kind of pickled vegetables was obviously not the synthetic capsaicin sold on the market.Boss Chen would pickle vegetables at home? T imagined this scene and found it a bit interesting.