Chapter 3

凌晨一点多,斯摩格回到了基地.他是组织里唯一一个常年住在基地看守的人.他向老板抗议,但一秒就被拒绝了,理由是"你是单身,如果你不做,谁会呢?基地里有一台巨大的计算机,它的算力水平属于"主脑"级别.即便在中心城区,"主脑"级别的计算机也不超过十台.他们的老板对命名机器非常抗拒.不知道是不是因为他看了太多科幻电影.所以"主脑"就叫"主脑",它存储着他们收集到的所有数据,其重要性不言而喻.这台巨大的计算机需要成员的虹膜数据,血液和声纹数据以及 68 位密码才能打开.他们的老大曾经为这台机器建立了极其复杂的防御系统,但最后他不得不添加基因锁.屈服于这种玄学让他们的老板非常沮丧,但又无奈.斯摩格打开主脑室的门后,他惊讶地发现,今晚在基地上夜班的不只有一个人是他.一个瘦弱的身影坐在一个巨大的屏幕前,屏幕上是一张平面地图,这个男人正在手绘细节."伤寒?"斯摩格有点惊讶."是的."瘦子挥舞着手中的电子笔."你怎么在这里?"斯摩格拖着一把扶手椅过来坐下."我几天前发现了一些东西.我只是使用了空间碰撞扫描仪,追踪了一些非常有趣的东西.Typhoid 的声音很干涩,没有任何额外的情绪,与其说是机器,不如说是一台机器.他指着屏幕上简单勾勒出的一个人影,"它看起来像一个祭坛吗?"别说,真的有点,"烟民眯起眼睛,仔细打量着那张草率抽象的素描,"可是这个祭坛...看起来有点老了.中心城区也有墓地和祭祀场所,但费用非常昂贵,而且对身份有限制.只有为国家做出巨大贡献且"无辜无瑕"的公民才能被埋葬,或制成蜂蜜兰花,或建造纪念碑.而普通人,可能连一页"个人电子墓碑"都买不起."我只是比较了数据.两千多年前,中心城区有十五座类似的祭坛,都是大型的活祭.尚瀚拿出一份文本文件,边看边继续画画.他的两只眼睛似乎是两个不同的工作端口,可以同时进行两个项目."地下城又要闹事了..."燕强不由得又有些恼怒,"你跟老板说了吗?"我有,他让我先做个唱片,然后找人下去看看.""师父今天不是出差吗?"燕强忍不住皱起了眉头."老大让赛走,"尚寒道,"除了师父,他对地下城最熟悉."他...""我知道,老板昨晚直接切断了后端数据库,今天早上让我覆盖.部门里应该没人看到,"尚瀚停顿了一下,说道,"cy很少做这种事情.人口数据库中的信息使用起来非常麻烦."我没有盯着他."燕强有些烦躁地捏了捏眉毛."我没有盯着他."燕强有些烦躁地捏了捏眉毛."别担心...我已经报道过了."我不担心他被老板罚,我就是想不通,值得吗?"因为一个和我没有关系的人会受到惩罚,我必须冒险."我刚回来的时候遇到了黑烨,他说没事."韩寒看了一眼烟枪,仿佛被他出乎意料的强烈情绪吓了一跳."啊?这么快就结束了?过去,光是被关起来就需要几天时间."急点,让他做点什么."韩寒将电子笔插回作面板."好,那我去医务室接他.这东西你画完了吗?"我只能粗略地画出来.我怀疑地下城有一定的反侦察膜.我的机器不是很稳定,但不会反转.韩寒说得非常快,语气几乎没有波动."赛之前跟我说过,地下城已经开始组织起来,很快就会组建一支新的反抗军,不再是以前难民孤军奋战的模式,"烟枪停顿了一下,说道,"但他们的身体不是很健康,所以威胁不大."老燕,为什么我们非要一直管好地下城的工作,"尚瀚抱怨道.说到钱,他的语气就变得活泼起来."到了年底,账里就只有几个瓜和枣子了,我们要整天为这些没用的人服务.""这是老板的决定.我们先来找出地下城存在的问题.谁能说那个时候是解决这个还是那个.烟枪笑了笑,左眼在黑暗中闪过一道亮光,像狼的眼睛,右眼却昏暗."你去接赛,"尚瀚说,"让他过来看看这幅素描.我完全依赖机器和大脑补充剂,所以肯定有一些错误.尚汉说完,弯下腰,从手术台下捡起了一个纸杯.当他打开门时,一股浓郁的甜味弥漫在空间里."可可茶?你在哪里买的?斯摩格的眼睛亮了起来."第五街.""Well, you are a gourmet expert. I'll go pick up CY. You hurry up and sort out the materials."Shang Han nodded, his fingers moved quickly on the operation panel, and he compared and screened all the data images he could find so far. He was the only one in RC who had studied sacrificial studies, because when he was in college, there was a familiar teacher who was a master of sacrificial studies, but he died very early.This scale of sacrifice should be used for the funeral of the king. After reading a lot of literature, Shang Han still felt that this kind of sacrifice was absurd and useless.Will there be a king in the underground city? Even if it is a leader, I'm afraid he will only be a snack for others after death.He has never been to the underground city, he always fails in close combat, and his physical fitness is getting worse and worse due to years of technical work."Good evening." Someone greeted him, very politely, but the tone was cold and the tone was flat. Shanghan didn't look back, but waved his hand as a response. Before the person came close, he had already smelled the smell of the medicine, and couldn't help turning his head to look. Chen Li walked in from outside, his face was a little pale, but his eyes were still bright, his shoulders were straight, and he looked energetic.

Yonggan followed him closely with a cigarette in his mouth. The two of them were always inseparable. Shanghan had long been accustomed to it. He was too lazy to think about more. Being asked to work overtime every day by the boss was tiring enough.

"I have screened all the information. You can take a look first. Ask me if you have any questions." Shanghan called up all the information.

Chen Li said "hmm" and swiped in the air. The display screen captured the action and turned on quickly. He leaned against the operating table and began to read the information.

"I went down to this place two months ago," Chen Li frowned slightly, "but I didn't see anything this large. What material is the result of the space collision?"

"Mixed metal, stone, wood, and bone.""Is there any radio wave feedback?""No, but there are radio wave-like interference substances that affect the instrument detection."Chen Li nodded, "Just the fact that there is mixed metal is worth going down to take a look.""Are there any other questions? If not, I'm going to go back and rest, and there are some other things to do," Shanghan added dryly, "Take care of yourself."Chen Li seemed to be amused by his blunt words, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "It's okay.""How is it, can you hold on?" The smoke gun asked with some concern."It's okay, go down as soon as possible. I'm tight, and the knife was confiscated by the boss. If you go down with me, bring electric shock and anesthesia, and you don't need anything else.""Only electric shock?""The underground city cannot see the smell of fresh blood, it will attract insects." Chen Li said. "Then you...""It's okay, I'll ask Heiye to glue it on later, just don't bleed."Yongqiang nodded and said nothing.They are beasts who lick blood on the edge of a knife. The taste of blood is too familiar, and they don't even feel fishy anymore. Let alone Shanghan, a technician who was lured by the boss to join the group at a later stage, none of them has never experienced war and sent off their comrades in the war.Eight years ago, the frequency of border wars was higher than the frequency of the rich adding meals. In other words, they were fighting and the rich were adding meals.


Two o'clock in the morning, underground city."Science and technology have developed to this day, but they have not invented invisibility cloaks. Scientists are a bunch of trash." Yanqiang's voice became even hoarse in the miniature earphones."In a world monitored by thermal rays, what's the use of invisibility cloaks." Chen Li said."Solve it all together, so those scientists are just eating dry food.""Who doesn't want to eat dry food?" Chen Li said, suddenly stopped at the corner, and gestured to Yanqiang's attention.

Sure enough, listening carefully to the sound of someone breathing amidst the sound of empty water flowing in the sewer pipes. Smoker followed Chen Li's gesture and saw two figures, one thin and one fat, sleeping on top of each other.

The thin one was a woman, so thin that she had almost no fat and muscle, only skin sticking to bones, and even the shape of her internal organs could be seen. The fat one was indistinguishable from a man or a woman, with lumps and pustules all over her body, and it was hard to tell whether she was really obese or was just like a fat man because of the lesions all over her body.

"Look, they all have a good life." Smoker whispered in the headset.

"Hush." ​​Chen Li made another gesture to bypass the two people.

When bypassing, Chen Li took out his mobile phone to take photos of the alien couple with a huge difference in size - mainly to study the problem of lesions, he himself did not have such a bad taste.

The air in the underground city was filled with the smell of extreme decay and deterioration. This smell could no longer be called stinky, but only weird, a smell that most humans had never smelled in their entire lives.

"There are a lot of chemical residues here, which have caused the soil and walls to deteriorate, and there are also organisms. These were supposed to be samples collected by G's researchers, but they didn't dare to. It was all done by me and my uncle... The final payment from last year hasn't been settled yet."

"After all, the money was used to develop sleeping pills. Those officials have done a lot of bad things and most of them can't sleep at night.""How far is the location of typhoid fever?""Go straight for sixty, turn left for thirty."Chen Li carefully observed the surrounding environment through night vision glasses. There was no change, just the same as before.In this "square" - this is the area unit he and his uncle decided, which is about ten meters of cubic space. Except that the frequency of insects is slightly lower than when he came down before, everything else is normal.Insects refer to the size of insects in normal human cognition, and there are many terrifying and huge insect creatures in the underground city. In the official classification, they are called "giant insect beasts." However, this "giant insect beast" can only adapt to the acidic waste air of the underground city. Even if it digs through the iron plate more than ten meters thick and lands on the ground, it will only die.But if ordinary people attract this kind of giant insect beast in the underground city, it will also be a dead end.Chen Li was attacked by the giant insect beast twice. It felt like a giant crab was riding on him. Last time, he was "stepped" firmly.Their bodies always spray pus and turbid gas out. Chen Li collected some of them in his spare time. Later, those scientists told him that it was the physiological fluid of the giant insect beast.For example, saliva? Chen Li was too lazy to study it. Anyway, it was equally disgusting."The location is here." The smoke gun pointed to the front.The ceiling of the underground city is a special material that can maintain some brightness even in the dark. It is said that it is a waste thermal power generation material ten years ago. It cannot supply the current high-power electrical equipment, so it was transferred to the underground city as a basic energy supply device.

This kind of device requires the labor of the underground wanderers, plus the pressure of human rights activists, in exchange for the right to lease. However, with the frequent rebellion of the wanderers and the continuous change of the environment, G completely isolated the underground city from the urban citizens and no longer cared about this little bit of profit.

Chen Li turned on the flashlight and shone it forward."What is this?" Chen Li's usually calm face showed astonishment.It is a real object, but also not a real object.It is a line floating in the air, even drawn a little hastily. Judging from the shape, it is indeed very similar to the drawing drawn by Shanghan. The pattern on the ground is the most complicated, and some have been filled with colors, similar to a kind of glue.At the end is a throne, the smaller one on the right seems to be the back seat, and there is an even smaller one on the left, the prince's seat?