Her words were cut short when the first man stabbed her in the stomach with a dagger. Kakashi rushed at them angrily; they were shocked, and surprised to see him. 

The man pulled the dagger out of her and charged towards Kakashi instead. Kakashi jumped down the stairs, and just as the man was about to swing the dagger, Ako called out to Kakashi. The man got distracted, and Kakashi used the opportunity to dodge the attack, caught the man's hand dragged the dagger away from him and threw it out of sight before using his left leg to kick the man's knee. The man fell to his knees, and Kakashi kicked his face, sending him flying across the room. 

The other guy caught Kakashi from behind and forced him to the floor, using his weight to pin Kakashi down. Ako tried to fight them to save her son, but the first man stabbed her in the neck and swung it sideways, cutting off her head. 

Kakashi watched his mother's head roll on the floor. He began to tremble, his body was shaking furiously, with his eyes wide open in disbelief as the blood splashed on his body. The whole place was filled with blood.

If the man just killed her that easily, that meant he was next; he was going to die; he didn't want to die; he still had to protect Tokah; he made a promise.

Kakashi was terrified and trembling, filled with so much hatred that he couldn't even think straight.

"Boss, you shouldn't have done that," the third man said. "Now, what are we going to tell him about what happened?"

"Didn't you hear what he said?" The first man shouted. "If any of them struggle, we kill them; wasn't that the order we were given?"

"I know, but..." the third man tried to say something, but he was stopped.

"I'M... I'M GOING TO KILL YOU; YOU HEAR ME, I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!" Kakashi yelled out of anger, his voice was filled with hatred.

"Take the child; at least he is still worth more than his bitch of a mother," the third man said.

Kakashi turned to him.

"You, mark my face; I am coming for you. And you will pay for this, for all of it."

"Shut up, brat," he said before kicking Kakashi's face, causing him to lose consciousness.




Kakashi woke up probably hours after what happened, the place was dark and he couldn't breathe properly.

[They used a black cloth to cover my face, those bastards] He huffed then coughed a little.

He could hear the voice of the man who killed his mother, the man was talking to someone. Kakashi tried to move but couldn't, he whole body was tied with something so he decided to rest his head against the wall which happens to be made of metal. Kakashi was now sure that he was in some kind of container and he could hear them more clearly.

"What about the girl? Didn't she have two children?" The other man said, "Why didn't you bring her too?"

[Thank goodness. That means Tokah was able to get away]

"She escaped before we could get her," the killer replied.

"Then find her!!"

"She used a teleportation circle to escape; she could be anywhere."

"I spent a lot of money on this. If the mother were here, we could have used her. But no, you just happened to kill her!" The other man shouted. "Look here, Moroboshi; I want you to find her. I don't care how you do it; I want her before the ritual. Do you understand that?!!"

"Yes sir"

"I can't believe you are still able to mess things up. How are we supposed to continue if she isn't here?"

"I'm sorry, sir."

"Sorry won't bring his sister here and it won't bring back the first mother either. Just get out of my sight," the man angrily ordered.

"Yes, sir," the man who killed his mother said before walking away.

[He killed my mom for money! Is that the worth of life to him? I already know his face and his name] Kakashi gritted his teeth. [Moroboshi, I'm coming for you]

Several minutes later, the cloth was removed from his face.

He was in the back of a truck with some other kids; all of them were also tied up with ropes. A man came and cut the ropes, while this was going on, two boys tried to fight back and were killed at that spot. The other children screamed, and some even cried.

They were all led to a large hall, some other children were already there; from their looks, it was clear that they came from different places. 

That was what Ako was warning them about, that was why she never wanted them to leave the barrier; that was why she never wanted them to use their powers. Not only normal people are used, but even the supernatural are studied and used to make others more powerful. 

Kakashi didn't know how long he was there, nor did he remember most of what happened, but during that time, he was sure that one day, he was going to get out of there and find Tokah. But, he never knew that day was near.

"This is the day you'll all be set free!" An ugly-looking man who should be in his late fifties shouted. His voice was the same as the man who was talking to Moroboshi.

"He is the same person who has gone on and on about us saving the world, that we are chosen; he was just trying to motivate children whose spirits are already broken. If he wanted to be a hero, why didn't he do it to himself instead of dragging along a bunch of kids who don't care?"

Some kids were whispering to each other.

The man was standing on a platform that was about forty meters high, with Moroboshi beside him the whole time.

"Today, you'll be set free to make the world better with your new supernatural powers. The supernaturals placed themselves above us and ruled over us because they thought we were weak. This proves that we are strong; you are the proof. But since they are trying to stop us from doing what is right, we have no choice but to fight. But we have one problem because they made our way of fighting back illegal, so we have limited resources, which can only work out for twenty people"

Kenji raised his hand, indicating that he wanted to ask a question. Kenji was one of the close friends that Kakashi had made, they were always fighting but Kakashi learned a lot from him.

Kenji stood up and asked, "What do you mean by limited resources for only twenty people? What about the rest of us?"

The old fool smiled boldly, "I'm saying you should reduce your number; the last twenty people get to go to the world and live like citizens, and I'll take care of them as long as they obey my every order."

All of us paused; we were still processing what we just heard.

"Reduce our number?" Someone said.

"What does he mean by that?" Another person was added.

Suddenly, a boy rushed to a girl and punched her. She fell to the ground, and she sat on her, punching her and scattering her face. There were blood stains all over him.

Another boy held him, trying to stop him.

"What the hell are you doing? Stop!!!"

"Don't you get it?" The boy who wanted to kill the girl said, "He wants us to kill each other. Why aren't they saying anything? Because that's exactly what they want us to do.."

Kenji turned to the man. There was hatred in his eyes, even more than the hatred Kakashi felt.

"Wait, you are..... you're.... not....saying....we sho..."

"Yes!!, yes!!!!, I want you to commit suicide, die until there are only twenty of you left, and then maybe you'll be set free!!!" He was laughing his heart out.

Everyone was taken aback, especially Kakashi, who had not anticipated this outcome.

"And if you don't want to fight, we just have to kill you right here," he said, smiling widely.

Slowly, some of the children started attacking each other. Kakashi stood there, watching them motionlessly as blood splashed on him. The white shirt and the blue shorts he was wearing were stained with blood.

A boy ran to Kakashi, his body was stained with blood, and he was holding a bone that he must have ripped out of some kids. He was glaring at Kakashi as if he was the one holding them hostage.

"You, it's all your fault," he said angrily, burning up like he was going to blow up anytime soon. "It's all because of you. DIE!!!!!"