[Mana Percentage Collection: 2%]
"Hm.... It already add up to 2%.... I guess killing more stronger andore massive beast is more effective than killing a creature that cannot fight....."
Mana Percentage Collection
It is a way for me to be able to collect or to increase my Mana by killing a stronger creature than me.
I realize that the more the creature is superior or stronger than me, the higher the percentage is gonna increase.
It doesn't matter whether I use a sword or not to kill the living being I was gonna kill, the only purpose of Mana Percentage Collection is to increase my Mana by double, triple or even more.
'I don't know what is the maximum of percentage in order for me to increase my mana but I should take advantage of this.'
In order to increase both my Mana and My body, I was currently using a sword that I created using the knife i found in that cabin. For some reason, there is a steel about 3 feet underneath the cabin.
I tried to clean it asuch as possible and go to the city which I don't even know if there is a nearby but, it is what it is.
[Name: Yuri Sworde
Age: 21
Hidden Talent/Trait: Sword Demon
Mana: 100 (+2)
Stamina: 8.4
Strength: 10.4
Intelligence: 10
Luck: 7]
"Sigh..... Should I just go to the city? I need more knowledge in order to live in this world more comfortably."
But it is gonna be strange if I ask some random people in here a question on 'How to Live in this world?' right? They might think I'm insane or something.
[Mana Percentage Collection: 10%]
[Name: Yuri Sworde
Age: 21
Hidden Talent/Trait: Sword Demon
Mana: 100 (+10)
Stamina: 9
Strength: 10.9
Intelligence: 10
Luck: 7]
It is kind of tiring not because it is hard to kill a creature that was more bigger than me, but because of waiting in a cramped hiding spot and a tiring position.
I killed a lion that has a stripes on its body, I dont even know if it's a lion or a tiger because it has a stripes and a bushy hair on its head. Plus, the stripes color is black or white but blue. The color of the lion also looks strange because it is kind of gray.
"I wonder if a tiger looks fucked up too." I said as I dragged the body of the dead lions inside the cabin.
I killed two, man and women. They were in the middle of they're mating process when I see them, so I attacked them both thinking that they were very open and can't attack back that easily but i was wrong.
It took me almost all day because what I guess is that it's already 5 in the afternoon. I just kept on running and resting whenever I have a chance, these kinds of Lions were stronger than the Lions on earth.
I didn't even expect them to fall at the trap I prepared for them, causing for me to win and kill both of them easily. Not that easy but.... Nevermind.
I open they're belly and take out all of they're organs. Almost all of they're organs are put in the same place like the lions on earth but they have two hearts, one on the top and one down.
"I don't know that how that helped them but I managed to stabbed the first heart, I wonder why they have two hear--"
I heard the male lion that I first open the belly, some of it's organ fall off the ground as he tried to stand again.
The cut is big so he is struggling to stand, but the female is I think dead because based on the position of the wound on it's chest, I managed to stabbed it on both heart.
"I wonder if the other human in this world also has two hearts...."
I sneaked behind the limping lion, trying to wake up his wife but I stabbed behind it's neck again and again and again until it's head fall of the ground.
I immediately stabbed it's second heart until I got once again, covered in think dark blue blood of this creature. I also beheaded the female lion just in case it is still alive and is just unconscious, after that I open it's belly and found out that I truly stabbed both of it.
"Now, where should I drain the blood?"
"Nope, draining it inside my cabin is a bad idea. I can't sleep because of the smell of blood."
I said as I eat the meat of the lion. It is pretty hard yet delicious to eat, I eat it to early because I am hungry and only eat two apples two day ago after being sent In this world.
I found out last night when I woke up that my main weapon here is not magic nor sword skills. It's my agility and intelligence.
[Name: Yuri Sworde
Age: 21
Hidden Talent/Trait: Sword Demon
Mana: 100 (+10)
Stamina: 9
Strength: 10.9
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 12.7]
[Based on your way of fighting those beast, you mostly rely on you're quick planning and you're speed/agility. The 'Luck' Stats cannot be increased so the system will remove it and change it to 'Agility'. Be strong in order to live you're best life!]
'this is the notification that appeared last night when I was sleeping.....'
"Can I asked one question?"
I said, waiting for it to respond but it did not.
I was about to stand when suddenly....
[What is the question that you want o be answer?]
It responds to me. The second this appears, a lot of questions inside my head flooded. For example is 'who are you?', 'why did you bring me here', 'how to be stronger' etc.
But I don't care about those anymore for now, what I want is to live. In order to live, I need to be stronger in a world I don't even know about.
"How to increase my mana. Not Mana Percentage Collection, but my OWN mana."
[By training your body, drinking some potions or having an item that increases you're mana. You can go to the city, about 10 km away from here to buy those. There is some golds that was buried 2 more feet deep from where you found the steels.]
It took about a few seconds for it to respond but it's answer even gave me an information not related to my question.
"Can I asked two more questions? Forgive me for being greedy but shouldn't I atleast have that amount of questions?"
I questioned the system, who didnt manager to answer and the only thing i can see is a three dots.
[Two more questions and that's it. There is some questions I can't yet answer for you.]
It finally managed to answer me after a few seconds, is it hesitant?
"Where can I gather more information about magic?"
I asked, also waiting for the exact amount of time the system takes in order to answer me in order pissed it off. But it seems like it don't mind.
[At the Academy, about 15 Km from here. It is inside the the Joliville city. You can see the academy because on the entrance to it, you can see the name "Logos Academy" which is the name of the academy. You need to be atleast 13 years old in order to enroll at the a academy but you can also enroll at the age of 17. They will not accept a person above 20 years old so, we will decrease you're age. Pick a number between 17 - 19.]
This system can decrease my age? Only my age or it's also gonna change my appearance to look more younger and aligned my age?
"Hm..... Put that aside for now, my next question is: what is the maximum capacity of Mana Percentage Collection?"
[It doesn't have a maximum capacity because it can evolve to a new version of it, it can evolve the more you get stronger. It is one of the ability that you get because of your hidden talent.]
That is the main questions I want an answer for now, maybe the reason of this system bringing me here is more deeper than I thought so I didn't waste my questions for a question that can't even be answered.
I don't something to be wasted so I didnt bother asking that question.
"Well then, I choose 18."
I finally said after thinking for a few minutes, I get younger for only 3 years but who cares? As long as it benefits me for something plus I'm gonna look more younger. Although I'm only gonna see my face because I'm gonna cover it.
'should I cover it or not...?'
[Very well.]
As soon as the system says that, my body started to glow. A light came out from my body is so bright, it can blind someone if they directly look at it.
After a few seconds, the light is finally gone.
[Live your life to the fullest, Yuri Sworde!]
The last message that comes from the system after it finally disappeared. I even tried to call it a few times yet it didn't answer me.
"Hm.... Anyway, should i prepare and go to the city?"