A bag full of fruits that I found inside this forest, a bag full of money that the system told me where it is, a tent, my sword and my cloak.
"I currently have 300 gold coins... I wonder If it's enough to rent a room when I go to the city. I am just gonna walk so I guess I'm gonna sleep inside the forest 1 - 2 times before I arrived at the forest."
I finally left, 10 km might sound long because it is but you can actually walk it for two or three hours. I'm just making sure that I brought a tent with me because im lazy and im pretty sure that im just gonna fall asleep like all the times before I get out of the forest.
Might as well be ready if you know yourself right? It is a great if you have a knowledge a out yourself other than other people.
You need to know the things where you are good at and where you are bad, your weakness and your strength.
If you didn't even know that and your enemy knows it, they might use it against you and bring you to your downfall.
"Alright, let's start walking."
I walked and walked, sometimes rest and that rest was over an hour or two. I set up the tent and just sleep, wait for the morning to come because I didn't have enough sleep due to the mosquitos.
[Mana Percentage Collection: 16%]
The Mana Percentage Collection required more stronger opponents because i already kill the same Lions I found yesterday yet it only give me this much. I am still weak but I managed to kill them by setting traps and leading them to it.
'i guess I grow more faster than I thought.'
After half an hour of walking, I finally arrived at the city. The entrance to the city has a big two doors, I don't know what did they call that but I don't really care.
I need to enter the city so I can learn more about this world and if possible, live here so that my life can be more easy.
If I enter the academy, living inside this city is more effective than living outside.
I am gonna need to run from the forest, all the way here for about an hour or so. I don't have that much stamina yet, I can't run for a while hour non stop.
"May I see your Identification card please."
There was two guards that was guarding the entrance to the city, one to the left and one to the right.
Both of them are wearing an armour, along with a spear and a sword in they're waist. Seems cool to be honest.
"Sorry?" Confused, I asked.
The guard that asked me and identification card looked at me with suspicion, he just stand there and looked at me for a few seconds before talking again.
"If you don't have an identification card or a badge of a noble, you can't enter the city." He says.
If I don't managed to enter the city, it is not gonna affect my life for a few days or weeks but it's not like I can just live inside the forest on my own!
I need to get stronger and buy sime potions and relics in order for me to defend myself.
It's not like I'm just gonna encounter the same enemy over and over again, I'm living inside a forest and I can encounter every dangerous beast there.
'Plus, my almost two days of walking here is gonna be a complete waste of I didn't even managed to enter the city and just go back empty handed...'
"Sir, is there any way I can have an identification card? I came from a far away village from this kingdom, it is not that known so I'm afraid I can't give you any information that you can use in order to locate our village." I bluffed.
There is about 4 kingdoms in this world, this is the only kingdom I know for now because I kind of researched about it and didn't have enough time to look for others.
I'm gonna be fucked if this guard finds out that I'm lying, no choice but to kill him and hide.
"Of course, go to that cabin over there. You're gonna see a old man inside and just asked him to give you an identification card, you are gonna pay for it though so you better have enough money." The guard explains.
I go to the direction where the guard pointed at, the cabin looks old. It is kind of bigger than the one I have in the forest but it looks much more older.
'this cabin feels like one of those stories that begins with "I was curious" and then it ends with "My butthole hasn't been the same since."'
"If it weren't for the ID I'm not gonna enter here to be honest."
I knocked on the door but no one answer so I opened it myself.
When I entered, the inside looks so fancy and majestic that you are gonna think that you enter inside an another dimension.
There is a book shelfs, all the books are clean and aligned perfectly.
The wooden floor is clean and the smell inside this cabin is a combination of the environment after a calming rain, along with the smell of the nature and the books.
'i can't really describe it but ut smells good here....'
Deep inside this cabin, about at the very edge of it, there is a desk and a sleeping man. He looks very elegant because if his as if fancy suit, it shines because if the sunlight from outside the window.
"Hello, Mister." I said.
I waited for about a minute but this guy still didn't woke up, I tapped his shoulder but still didn't so....
"Alright then, if that's what you want."
I shake the bag that was full of my money, causing for it to release a loud sounds of the golds inside.
The sounds of the good coins hitting each other inside this bag filled the room.
"Gaahhhhh!!!! Who is causing that sound?!"
The old man finally woke up, looking like a zombie because of his eyebags. His eyes looks so deep I think he hasn't slept imfir over 10 days.
"Hello sir, can you please create an ID for me? I am from far away village and this is my first time going to the city."
I explained to the man who wiped both of his eyes, he then put his glasses and take a good look at me.
"Handsome young man, you shouldn't cause a noise Infront of someone sleeping peacefully. You could have just tap on my shoulder and I will wake up, you don't need to do all of that." He groaned.
"Sorry, I did try that but you didn't woke up. I've been waiting for over an hour for you to woke up."
That was a lie of course, I just wanted to joke around this old man because he seems like the kind of guy who will scold you for answering back to him.
He shouts, literally right at my ear. I almost stabbed him with my sword.
He looks like he was really sorry about it because of how fast he moved.
"Okay, here's the Identification Paper. please just tell me your name."
'Name? Only name?'
I was wondering why does it only need my name. didn't they need more like a birth date or something?
"Yuri Sworde."
I was planning on changing my name but the face of my Mom enters my mind when I was about to say another name.
My mom is the one who chooses my name because my father is a fucked up human being who didn't even go to the hospital and instead go to a strip club using my mom's money.
"Yuri... Sworde....."
A energy that looks like a blow torch appears at the tip of his middle finger as he started to write my name.
The letters they are using are very different compared to the letters i am used to but for some reason, I don't have any problem understanding it.
"Alright, please just touch the paper with your thumb."
As instructed, I touched the part of the paper where it is clear.
Nothing happened actually so I looked at the old guy and he just chuckled and explained.
"It's normal, that paper is made out of Mana. The moment a mana touched this paper, after writing your name and putting your thumb in it, a exact copy of your finger print is gonna be pasted on that paper. You can't see it but if another person or another mana has interacted with that paper, your finger print is gonna be shown and the thumb you used is gonna glow. Now, please get going and show it to the guards! Have a nice stay in the city!"
The paper is just small, about as big as a credit card.
I walked towards the entrance of the city where I found the guards, letting the carriage enter the city.
It looks fancy because some parts of the carriage is made out of gold and the design is a rare gems.
I saw a glimpse of who is the one inside it and saw a girl with yellow hair and a ruby like eyes. Our eyes met so I looked away because she might think I'm a creepy guy.
Suddenly, I heard both the guards shouts....
Princess? It seems like she is from a royal family. I might seem rude but I don't care, I wanna enter the city so bad.
'ahh.... I'm hungry.....'
The carriage slowly enter the city, as if trying to flex they're fame and glory to other people. I can hear they're praise and the name of the girl I just saw inside the carriage, I don't even care about it so I just waited.
After about 5 minutes, they are finally away from the entrance so I finally enter and said to myself:
"Alright, welcome self. To the city of Joliville inside the kingdom of Auraville. Time to find the Logos Academy."