"Bread! For only 5 bronze!"
"Vegetables! Fresh vegetables!"
The voice of the people inside this city, shouting the foods and products they sell.
This part of the city feels like a city of commoners, the house is simple. Not looking too fancy, not looking like the cabin of the old man just outside this city.
Just simple yet beautiful houses.
"Hello, can I ask something. Is there any nearby shops that sells potions or magic items?"
I go to the nearby shop the sell's fruits.
I've been walking for the past 2 hours, trying to find a shop that sells potions. Yet, I can't still find one.
I think that I already roamed the half of this place. Should I just continue to walk straight to the academy?
'I'm too tired for this shit.....'
"There is no shop that sells potions and magic items here young man, only weapons."
"I advise you to go to the part of the city where nobles live, there is a lot of shops there that sells fancy clothes and other things including potions and magic items." The man said.
So I was right.
This part of the city really is the home of the commoners, no wander this place looks normal and cheap.
'i should be thankful, I don't think I should call this place cheap. I'm broke as hell.'
"Alright then, is there a nearby shop that sells weapon here!"
Looking around, the only one's I can see her is the one selling fruits and vegetables.
"Yeah! Just look behind you. That shop is from a friend of mine. Just say to the owner that a guy named Marco recommend you this shop and he will give you a discount!" The man says with a big smile on his face.
I said, grabbing an apple and throwing a silver coin on the man. He looks startled when I throw it to him and try to catch it.
He looks like he was about to fall anyway second after catching it but I just kept on walking.
He shouts to me that 1 silver is enough to buy a small basket of apples but I just waved my hand and enter the shop.
Inside the shop, the place looks like any anime where you can see the insides of the blacksmith shops.
It is field with weapons, offensive or defensive. Or maybe you can just use every weapon in offense or defense.
I go to the counter where there is a man with a beard, he looks like a 50+ years old and is experienced in creating various of weapons.
He just stared at me and then go back to reading the newspaper he was holding, it seems like he was not really into conversations...
'but I guess I should give it a try.'
I go to the counter to ask for a good weapons, I am really not good at picking because it's not like I hold a real sword in my past life.
I barely even hold a kitchen knife because I just eat outside or bought a already cooked meal in a grocery store.
"Hello, can I ask for a good weapons here? To be specific a good sword. A guy bamed Marco recommend me this shop--"
"Marco?! Kid, did you just say Marco?!" He suddenly shouts at me, causing for me to hold my sword.
"Uh yeah...." I said.
Just a few seconds ago, he seems like a guy who will not answer you if you asked a question but instead will give you a smack in the face.
But right now, he looks like the happiest man you can see in this world. The way he smiles seems like a guy who met a son of a relative he knew.
"Sure young man, what did you want? A sword?! How about I show you the sword I just create?"
He says again, with a huge smile on his face how can I decline right?
I just agreed and he enter through a room behind the counter. I just stand there, wait for a few seconds and the man is already back.
He looks very excited when he came back and then dropped a wooden box.
It is shape like rectangle and is about 40 inches long and 12 inches tall.
He opens it and it has a katana inside it. I didn't know that katana also existed in this world.
"I'll buy it. How much?" I said without any hesitation.
He looks confused and paused for a moment, he seemed like he was not expecting me to buy this at all.
"Are you sure? Actually, many people declined to buy this when I show this to them."
"If you want to buy this, I'll give this to you for free..."
He said, his smile already faded away from his face. He seems like a guy who don't trust his own creation.
We are kind of similar. Back when I was still working at the company I barely even managed to get in, I am kind of scared on sharing my opinion to others.
That is why I really don't have many friends. Unlike my mom who is kind of sociable, I didn't even bother to make friends when they started to laugh at me.
"Thank you then, have yourself a nice snack."
I said once again, throwing another gold coin to the man. He catches it very easily unlike the man outside of this blacksmith shop.
"Thank-- wait I said I'll give it to you for free!"
I just waved my hand and then get out of the store, I heard him shouting once again as the door was about to close.
"Please come back anytime you want! I'll give you 80% discount!"
When I was finally outside, I walked again and decided to go to the city of the nobles. I'm gonna try and find a good place to sleep and a good clothes.
"Enjoy your stay handsome...."
A voice of a women in her thirties says to Yuri who doesn't even bother to look at her.
His eyes has an amethyst like color and his dark hair suits him very well. The moment she looks at him, she felt the urge to seduce him but failed.
For a guy who doesn't even know the way of flirting, he has no interest in women's body even if it's the most beautiful one.
His face doesn't even have any emotion like all the time even when the princess looks at him, he didn't felt any pressure or any nervousness.
He already once died and he don't care if he's going to die again as long as it's painless. He don't want to get hurt but he is going to fight back if he needs to.
"Sigh..... Let's continue my way to the academy tomorrow, I already have good clothes so I atleast looked like a decent human being...."
Falling asleep, he slowly closed his eye and felt the feeling of relaxation.
Inside the Palace of the royal family, the Silverhand.
The lineage of this royal family has been known for they're unwavering talent in using magics, Swords, and many others.
700 years ago, when the war between the 4 kingdom started because of their disagreement and the unfair treatment to each others, a man named Raven Silverhand lead the humanity to victory using his strength, knowledge and Incredible leadership.
He was the one who ended the war by creating a Pact to the three other kingdom, this pact contains the equality between the races and a good relationship between the four kingdoms.
This pact has lasted up until now so there really is no War or any conflict between them.
In the dining room of the palace where the princess is eating, she can't stop smiling because of the man she met earlier this morning.
The face of that man.... It feels like a sin for forgetting it.
The whole room is pure of maids who wanted to ask the princess on why does she kept on smiling because she barely even smile despite having a good personality.
"Bella, the food is incredibly delicious. Please prepare the--"
She stopped, paused for a moment and then sighs.
"Thank you again."
She was about to exit the dining room and go to her room but unfortunately for her, the guy she don't want to meet right now suddenly appeared right Infront of her.
The guy has a red colored hair and a red eyes. He caught the attention of the maids inside the dining room.
There is no questions ask there, he is a incredibly good looking young man, who's family is close to the royal family. Every young women from a common family, including the noble's would like to lend they're hand in marriage.
"Good evening, princess Thalia."
He said, which made all the maids here including the one's on the side of this young man giggle.
She doesn't like to be bothered by this guy for this night and she just wants to rest after a walk inside the forest, she doesn't like to be ruined the good mood she got from the mother nature.
She just continue to walked passed him and then didn't even looked at the guy.
"Just tell me if you want to have a short night walk, we can consider that having a date."
"I don't want to, please leave."
Going upstairs, she immediately go to her room after telling the other maids to go get that man a room if he is staying here in which the maids quickly go to his direction and asked.
"Thanks, I'm gonna stay here for the night if the princess is offering. That is rude after all."
"Plus, tomorrow is the enrollment to the academy. I want to go with the princess to get to know each other."
He adds and then smiles as he slowly open his eye and looked at the princess's room and then once again smile.