The shocking discovery

This could only mean one thing.

That Patrick, his best friend, was a villain?

That Patrick, his best friend since he joined Montre's high, was a bad guy?

That Patrick , his best friend, was Corusca!

It felt sickening for Axel to comprehend and then conclude on the fact that all these assumptions were true, as it seemed, apparently.

He had to flutter his mind to reality!

Axel went over to what seemed to be Patrick and knelt beside him. He was seriously hurt and his eyes were closed.

'But how can this be?' Axel thought.

Corusca was fighting him just a few minutes ago and now he is here, in pain? and looking like someone at the point of death.

It seemed Kinky, unbelievable if that was the right word.

Patrick glided his eyes open now and stared into Axel's face. He struggled to pull himself away.

"Leave me alone!" Patrick said, pulling away Axel who just continued to stare.

"With your face covered in flames and you beside me, I feel like I'll melt already."

"What happened," Axel said, faking his usual voice again and standing up. Looking through the window and trying to act stern and unperturbed.

"None of your business," Patrick said, trying to cover his face. "Damnit!, you've known my identity now. And I swore to myself I'll keep it hidden."

"I don't even know who you are," Axel lied. "And moreover I'm not from this world so…, yeah, I guess your identity is safe."

"Well, aren't you going to hand me over to the cops?"

Axel smiled. "No, I won't hand you over to the police. But that's under one condition."

Patrick struggled to sit, holding his shoulder with his hand.

"What condition?"

"That you'll tell me your reason for coming here and what happened, or else I'll hand you over to the police."

Patrick, with his blonde hair and a face filled with freckles, stared for long at Axel, looking at him intently in the eyes.

"How am I certain you won't betray me after I spill the bag?" He asked in his almost tiny voice.

Axel smiled and shrugged. "Well, you seem to be left with no choice. Don't tell me and I will hand you over to the police, tell me and you have a chance of getting out of here."

Patrick bent his face downwards and cogitated on what Axel had said. Axel looked at his face and saw that he was ready to talk.

But then he started to hear that faint hum of sirens. Axel was alerted and looked at Patrick, controlling the urge to land a slap on his face in order to quicken the words out of his mouth.

There was a noxious look on Patrick's face, one that made Axel surprised because since they had been friends, he hadn't seen him look so deleterious.

"I can hear the distant whining of police sirens, a student might have phoned them and they are here to arrest you. Speak quickly and go." Axel said.

The only reason he was going to let Patrick, aka Corusca, go free was because he was his best friend and he wouldn't want any harm to befall him.

"It started earlier today." Axel began. "Portals started to appear all over the city. Out of curiosity, I entered one and appeared in a dilapidated place. There was a blue orb floating in the air in front of me and then I touched it and awakened this light - electricity power I have. And then explored the world, it seemed like a realm and found nothing and so I tried to come out. Luck was on my side because soon I found a portal which I entered and got back to earth."

Axel squinted his eyes as he looked thoughtfully at Patrick, almost obliquely.

"You just explained how you got your powers. My question is, how did you get here? What is your reason for getting here and why did you come to the school?"

Patrick was about to speak when Axel cut in.

"And why are you in stupor and at the point of death."

Patrick sighed and shook his head sideways.

"I came to upgrade my power, but while I was here, I heard a voice. An electro sonic voice actually and before I could react, I felt a force beating me to stupor. It was merciless and if not because of you coming to intervene, I would have been dead by now."

Axel could hear the sound of the police sirens now, very loudly. He looked at Patrick now, and asked, his voice urgent.

"What is the force?"

"I don't think the force is here already," Patrick said. "I think it is caught in an inter dimensional state. Stuck in a loop in time, and trying to come to earth."

"Then why was it able to touch you, even to best you when it's stuck in an inter dimensional stuff?"

"I don't know for certain but it seems that it was its force, it's struggle that came on me. I don't know how I know this but I think it's because I have powers of electricity and light, that's why it could get to me."

"Come out now!" A police voice echoed from outside.

Axel and Patrick were alarmed now.

"They'll arrest me!" Patrick panicked.

Axel quickly thought of a solution. He told Patrick to take the villain costume and lay on the ground, so that policemen could come and rescue him, thinking he's a victim and injured by Corusca.

Patrick thought it brilliant and complied, taking off his clothes and laying on the floor, faking as a victim.

Axel could sense some policemen running into the school building, he could hear them climbing onto the stairs.

He decided to leave now but as he was the door and was about to shut it, he heard Patrick say:

"Thank you."

Axel shrugged.

"Sure, but just don't do bad again. You could use your powers to do good. Be a hero."

Patrick smiled and it immediately turned into a wide grin.

"I might."

Axel quickly shut the door and ran to his left, upwards. To his surprise he was quite fast compared to his normal speed at that moment, it felt good.

He had to not be seen, he had to avoid that. There was a window by a corner leading to a lobby that led to where trash cans were kept. He would have to jump on through it.

"Hey, hold it there!"

Axel ignored the voice of the policemen, they could only hear his footsteps but not see him, so to him, it felt like they were chasing blindly.

Just when he thought he would tumble and fall, he lunged himself forward and with a plunge, like he was diving to swim in a river, he dived through the closed windows and fell.

Just then,he heard the click of the gun and a


Of a bullet.