Percy Vs Hera

Third person POV:

High above the New York skyline, resting atop of the empire state building, lays the mythical home of the Greek gods, Mount Olympus. The city laden with gold and marble can put el dorado to shame, where even the poorest person can be considered a billionaire in the mortal world. As stated earlier, the gods are from the Greek pantheon, so Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, etc., are all alive and kicking, so have their demigod children, in their own camps called Camp Half- Blood and Camp Jupiter. 

However, this is not about them at all, because, following the lavish halls of the throne room, we could find a lonely goddess sitting in her throne, HER HUSBAND, was currently fucking another mortal woman in the mortal world while she remains in a fictional chastity, her husband who had not slept with her since their last godly offspring, left her unsatisfied because she wouldn't go around spreading her legs for mortals, for she was the goddess of marriage, Hera, the queen of gods, and the goddess of marriage, ironic. 

Recently, they had faced their giant counterparts, the off springs of Gaia and Tartarus, in Greece, which not only helped usher in a new era of peace for both gods and demigods alike but also gave time to Hera for her to think about her relationship with her husband, the biggest man-whore on Olympus, it had finally hit the boiling point with Hera, it did not bother Hera that her husband laid in bed with every single mortal but her, no, she came to terms with that centuries ago, what bothered her was the fact that she was left without sexual relief, can you believe that she hadn't orgasmed because of a dick for centuries? Her only solution has been her fingers, but you can imagine that would bore you after some point, but you may think, why not use sex toys? Well Hera, was a bit of a prude in that sense, she believed that anything out of her husband or herself would be considered as cheating. 

But it had reached its peak, Hera knew she can't do anything to satiate her husband's hunger for more woman to bed, so taking a page out of mortal relationships, she, after long deliberation, had decided to make her marriage polyamorous, but it wouldn't be like, hey world come let's fuck type of thing, no, she would only allow one person to lay with both her husband and her. But the question remains who? 

Immediately, her mind crossed off all the gods and goddesses, that would just not sit right with her, she still has the position of a queen to uphold and most of them are the bastard offsprings of her husband and she is not filming a stepmom porn here.

Next, she crossed of regular mortals, for her they were still dirt beneath her boot, why her husband insisted on fucking them was beyond her, but she will not let a regular mortal into their bed chambers, nope, she will not let herself fall to the same level as the rest of the gods. 

That left one category, the demigods, they were not only below her in the hierarchy where her authority would not be diminished but they were also better than regular mortals given their strength along with the perk of being clear sighted and obedient. But the question remained who to choose? Hera simply won't settle for a simple and unpopular demigod, nope, they need to be worthy to sleep in her bed.

So that left the heroes of Olympus, Hazel? No, she is too sweet plus her boyfriend is going to propose soon so she doesn't want to interrupt. Piper? No, she is her champion's girlfriend so that crosses her off. Reyna? Nope, she is a huntress now. Thalia, would make things awkward. That leaves one couple. The one she hates the most, why? Not only did they disrespect her, but their relationship is better than hers, still confused as to who she is referring to? Its Percy and Annabeth of course. Now Annabeth was a good candidate, but she hates her wayyy to much to consider having sex with, that left Percy, the hero of Olympus. 

But the problem was, her husband was not gay, he was a 100% straight male, and he does not like sharing, his wife especially so, and with the demigod he hates the most? That's a big fat no. Unless…it's a girl, because what straight male does not like a threesome with two girls? So, from Hera's lewd part of the mind she was able to come up with the debauched idea of turning him into a girl, that way Zeus would be able to fuck a mortal boy-turned-girl who he hates, and be able to control her for all eternity, while she gets a sex toy to help her relieve her of the sexual tension whenever her husband was away. 

With a smirk, Hera flashed from the throne room to one of the many bedrooms in her palace, to get things prepared for her new resident, after all she is the queen of Olympus, she had a reputation to uphold. 

**********5 hours later**********

Hera had chosen the quietest hour of the night, slipping into Percy's modest home in New Rome, New Rome, post war had undergone massive changes, for one, the housing system was upgraded, it was now capable enough to house all demigods of the camp and then some. Sensing the massive sea aura he had, she materialized beside his bed with a mere thought, and without a second thought caste a powerful, dreamlike spell that bound him in a deep, undisturbed sleep. that left Percy lay before her, vulnerable and unaware.

Hera stood silently by the side of Percy's bed, watching him sleep. His face, usually marred by some hint of defiance or stubbornness, was at peace. She allowed herself a moment of satisfaction; soon. She took a deep breath, before placing her hand on his forehead and teleporting him along with her. The room seemed to blur, the shadows deepening as her divine energy wrapped around them both, shifting reality around them until they both stood within one of her private chambers on Olympus. The room was opulent, filled with soft, golden light that glimmered off the silken cushions and tapestries depicting Zeus's victories. The room was all gold and ivory, lush plants decorated the balcony, while velvet curtains were left untied to hide her chambers from prying eyes. It was a place of undeniable beauty and splendour, the sort of place suited for the new life Hera was about to bestow upon her new toy. She, while Percy slept away went to collect the necessary things to transform Percy.

Percy stirred, blinking as he took in his surroundings, confusion quickly giving way to fear as he met Hera's gaze, who currently sat on one of the lush couches in the room, painting her nails. He tried to push himself up, only to realize he couldn't move, bound by an invisible force that kept him anchored to the plush chaise. Panic flashed in his eyes, flashbacks from 1 year ago came back, when he was kidnapped by Hera. "Hera? What's going on?" His voice was rough, the usual defiance cutting through his confusion. "Why am I here? Don't tell me there is another war."

Hera remained silent, merely studying him. She could see the flicker of resistance, of rebellion, in his eyes. Soon, that would fade—soften—as he will be forced to adapt to his new reality. She silently raised her hands, a faint golden glow emanating from her fingertips, soon a vial of purple-ish pink liquid with a golden hue, materialized in her hand, she walked up to him while uncorking the vial, staring in glee, where he was struggling and thrashing in his invisible bonds. She roughly grabbed his chin and slipped the pink liquid in his mouth, which quickly spread to Percy, mixing into his blood and going straight to his heart. He struggled, thrashing against the restraints, but the light held him firmly, its warmth seeping into him, wrapping him in divine power.

"Let me go!" His voice was muffled as the light grew brighter, forming a cocoon around him. He could only watch with mounting horror as the magic glowed through his skin, his skin taking a warm pink hue as his veins glowed golden and became visible through his skin. He could feel a soft warmth, a pulsing energy, permeating his entire body, a burning sensation that made him feel like his whole body was melting. He felt as if his whole body was boiling up, in reality, it was burning away all hair body below the neck, leaving a completely smooth and hairless body in its wake. The burning feeling didn't stop there, it helped fade his tan enough to make him look less bronze and more on the olive side, but sun-kissed no less. It targeted his shoulders next, with the broadness beginning to narrow down, the broadness melting away, the muscles having been boiled down to nothing and having a smooth contour to it, replaced by an elegant and graceful collarbone and neckline.

"Hera, stop this," he demanded, his voice trembling but still stubborn.

Ignoring his plea, she just watched in sick satisfaction, only one word repeating in her mind, soon, if it was a cartoon show there would've been a montage of evil laughter following it. Anyways, like venom crawling on his arms, instead of giving him the signature big beefy arms, quite the opposite happened, his once toned and strong, began to follow the same route as his body, the muscles softened significantly, reshaping into slender, graceful limbs that ended in smaller, more delicate hands. Arms that looked like they were barely able to lift more than 15kgs in each hand yet having a certain toned look to them. Each finger had become slightly longer, more tapered, his callouses fading away into a soft smoothness, until his hands no longer looked like they had held a sword in them forget knowing how to swing one.

"Why…?" he could barely choke out, his voice now tinged with vulnerability, a pitch higher than before. He looked down at his arms, at the unfamiliar softness replacing his limbs, horror etched across his face.

"No reason really, I wanted to have someone to please me when Zeus was absent, and the best candidate available was you, I just had to change a few things to my liking." Hera said, her voice smug, a hint of satisfaction in her tone. "don't be disheartened brat, you are going to be granted an honor no mortal has ever had the the privilege to achieve."

Percy shook his head, desperation creeping into his gaze, but the transformation continued, unstoppable. His chest began to change next, the hard lines and flat planes of his chest, rose like a sourdough, softening from the hard pecs from it used to be into gentle, curved boobs, which for a matter of fact didn't stop growing, like all the muscles had been transferred into forming his new chest, now, hanging naturally on his chest were two heavy bags of milk, round from the bottom, with two pink pebble sized nipples. Next, his waist cinched inward, like an invisible corset was tied tightly around his waist, creating a narrow and prominent curve that gave him an almost ethereal appearance. His body coming closer and closer to resemble and actual hourglass, with the next being his hips widened dramatically, filling out to complete the new feminine silhouette.

He glanced down, eyes wide with disbelief. "This isn't happening. This can't be happening-" despite his reluctance, Percy knew it was happening and worst of all? He couldn't stop it and only watch with sickness as all his life's hard work was melted away.

Hera watched intently, her eyes glowing as she loved every moment of his transformation, Hera always a clear image of what a women should be like, she should be soft, submissive, eager to please, no overly masculine traits, and best of all, horny. So, as his once-muscular legs transformed, the athletic bulk giving way to soft, graceful curves. 

His thighs gained a fullness, not the gross muscled fullness but a type of fat fullness, similar to his new boobs. His thighs were like thiccc, yes, full of fat yet maintaining a soft firmness to them, proper thick thighs. The transformation was in full swing as his calves slimmed down, creating a lithe, slender shape. His feet, too, shrank slightly, completing the transformation into a more delicate form, one unsuited for the battlefield, undeniably beautiful.

The most striking change, however, occurred in his butt. Where they had once been flat and utilitarian, they now became rounded and plump, forming a perfectly proportioned curve that filled out his lower figure, with the same fat look from his thighs. It wasn't just the size that changed—it was the shape, two perfectly round cheeks and the result was a natural hourglass effect accentuated by the widening of his hips and the narrowing of his waist. However, it did come at a price, he paid with his dick, his 7 inch dick, shriveled up like a dehydrated plant, his balls deflating, as his dick collapsed in itself, contracting back into his skin, leaving a meaty pink slit with a hyper sensitive clit. 

Percy's hands gripped the fabric of the sheets, feeling the foreign softness of his own body, struggling to reconcile the disconnect between his sense of self and the body he now inhabited. Hera could see his inner turmoil, the fear and confusion warring in his eyes, yet he was powerless to stop it.

Then finally the heat, reached his face, it was as if an artist were carefully re-sculpting him, feature by feature, into something strikingly beautiful. His sharp jawline softened into a more delicate curve, giving his face a graceful oval shape. The angular edges that once spoke of his rugged masculinity melted away, replaced by softer, gentler contours.

His cheekbones rose higher, giving his face an elegant, defined structure that subtly caught the light. A faint flush spread across his cheeks, adding a natural warmth to his complexion. His nose, once slightly crooked from a childhood accident, became daintier and perfectly symmetrical, its tip gently rounded.

Percy's lips began to change as well, the thin line growing fuller and more pronounced. They shaped themselves into a natural pout, their colour deepening to a soft, rosy hue that contrasted beautifully with his olive-toned skin. His lashes lengthened, darkened, and curled slightly upward, framing his eyes with an almost hypnotic allure.

The most mesmerizing change came to his eyes. Their piercing sea-green colour remained but seemed to intensify, becoming brighter and deeper, like sunlight sparkling on a calm ocean. Their shape became rounder, with a subtle almond tilt that added an exotic charm. The brows above arched delicately, their thickness tamed into a perfect curve that enhanced the emotions expressed in his gaze.

Finally, his hairline subtly adjusted, framing his face as his hair cascaded in thick, voluminous waves. The new strands, silky and dark, tumbled effortlessly down past his shoulders, reaching his lower back with relative ease, resembling a sea of darkness and completing the transformation of his visage into one of a stunning women. But still one thing was left, Hera thought, and no sooner was that changed according to her as well. 

The fleeting wave of warmth passed through his mind. It started as a soft haze, like the feeling you get just before falling asleep, where everything feels distant and muffled. His memories began to slip, one by one, fading like words written in sand washed away by the tide.

It was subtle at first—the names, the faces, blending together, becoming harder to grasp. His mother's voice, his friends at camp, even the battles he had fought—it all seemed like a dream, slipping further and further away the harder he tried to hold on.

Hera's voice broke the silence. "You won't need those memories when you're going to be with me, dear," she said softly, as if comforting him.

Memories of his time at Camp Half-Blood and Jupiter began to blur, his friends' faces becoming less distinct, their names fading from his mind. The colours of New Rome, the sounds of laughter, the pride he felt in battle—all of it felt like it belonged to someone else, like a story he had once heard but never lived himself. His memories of Annabeth were the hardest to let go of; he clung to them, desperately trying to remember her face, her laugh. But even those faded, her features slipping away until all that was left was a feeling of warmth and love, though he no longer knew why.

Bit by bit, he felt himself become a blank slate. The battles, the hardships, the victories, the friendships—they all dissolved, leaving behind only a faint echo, a hollow sense of loss that he couldn't place. Hera watched him, her expression unreadable, as the last traces of his past self-disappeared.

"You won't need these anymore," Hera whispered, her voice both soothing and unyielding. Her fingers glowed faintly as she traced symbols into the air above his head, locking each memory away with an invisible key. "You're mine now. You have a new role to play."

Percy tried to resist at first, his instincts screaming that something was being taken from him. But Hera's magic was thorough, weaving through every part of him. The more she worked, the less he fought. The pain of forgetting was replaced by a strange emptiness, a blank canvas that Hera seemed eager to fill.

When the last of his memories was sealed away, Hera stepped back and looked at her creation. The boy who had once stood before her was gone, replaced by someone entirely new. Percy—no, she now—stood there, her olive-toned skin glowing softly in the divine light of Hera's chamber. Her soft, wavy hair framed a face that looked serene, almost as if she'd always been this way.

Hera smiled and walked over to her new play toy, "You will thank me in time, Callista," Hera said, addressing him by his new name for the first time. "Or perhaps Callie, if you prefer. You are to be mine and will bind Zeus and me in a new way."

"Callie?" Percy—no, Callie—repeated, dazed, looking at her reflection in a nearby polished bronze mirror. The first thought that crossed her mind was not who she used to be, Percy, but I am this sexy woman. The woman staring back was beautiful, with a soft, ethereal charm, her body delicate and graceful, lacking any trace of the raw strength that had once defined her. She was a vision of femininity, elegant and refined, an image more suited for sex than any mortal battlefield. 

"What… Where am I? What am I doing here?" Callie asked, voice trembling, her delicate hands gripping her own arms as if to ground herself from her now unknown surroundings. The softness of her own body, the familiar yet unfamiliar curves, the gentle contours—it all felt like a foreign feeling mostly due to her forgetting the person she had been.

Hera's face softened, though her eyes gleamed with calculated intent. "You're on Olympus, dear," she said, her voice warm and soothing. "This is your new home silly. Did you forget that you were getting married today?" 

"Huh? Married…?" Callie whispered, her brow furrowing as she tried to recall… anything. Her memories were like a broken mirror—fragmented and incomplete. There was a sense of something missing, but she couldn't place it. "I… I don't remember."

Hera stepped closer, placing a reassuring hand on Callie's shoulder. "That's because you're such a klutz, you tripped and banged your head against the pillar." she said gently, her tone laced with feigned concern. "Your memories are hazy because you hit your head pretty hard, Callie, and so, I just brought you here, in your room."

Callie frowned, her lips parting as though to question further, but Hera quickly continued, her words flowing like a gentle stream, washing away doubt. "Jeez love, you are Callie, a handmaiden of mine, remember? You've always been under my care, my sweet girl. I've watched over you, kept you safe. And now, you're about to be wed.?

The confusion in Callie's eyes began to waver, her uncertainty giving way to hesitant trust. "I… I don't know. It just… feels strange," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. She placed a hand over her chest, as if trying to find something familiar within herself. "Like I'm missing something."

Hera cupped Callie's face, her touch light and maternal. "You're not missing anything, my dear," she said firmly but kindly. "You are whole, as you've always been. That unease you feel is simply the remnants of your nervousness about being married. It will pass. Trust me."

Callie's shoulders relaxed slightly, though the confusion hadn't completely left her. "If you say so…" she murmured, her gaze drifting to the grand, marble columns that surrounded them. "But why don't I remember growing up here? It's all… blank."

Hera offered her a soft smile, brushing a strand of hair behind Callie's ear. "Memories can be fragile things, my dear. A single hit to the head can cloud them. But what matters is that you are safe now. You've always been here, Callie. You've always been my cherished one."

Callie bit her lip, her uncertainty starting to ebb under Hera's soothing words. There was something comforting about the goddess's presence, even if it felt strange. "So… what am I supposed to do now?"

Hera straightened, her regal demeanor reasserting itself. "For now, I'll help you get ready and I'll help you ease into your new role. You'll adjust to your place in time, Callie. All you need to do is trust me." Callie nodded slowly, her mind still struggling to piece things together but finding solace in Hera's reassurances. Hera guided her to sit on the silk sheets, draping a soft blanket over her shoulders. The goddess leaned in, her tone turning light and almost playful. "You've always been a curious, adventurous one. I'm sure you'll find new ways to make your life here exciting."

Callie managed a small, hesitant smile, the edges of her doubt blurring under Hera's gentle manipulation. Hera stood back, watching her closely, her own smile curving into something more satisfied. The seeds of trust had been sown, and Callie's past, her true self, was buried beneath the layers of Hera's carefully crafted lies.

Hera was beyond happy with the results, a single thought crossed her mind, 'cashing in those favours from Mnemosyne and Aphrodite was worth it.' the potion was a simple product of Aphrodite's love magic, with a few special benefits, one, it allowed the person using it alter the consumer's body to its his/her whims, not just physical but mental as well. Mnemosyne simply just used her power to bless the potion with the power to control the memories of the person consuming it. and with those powers Hera transformed Percy into Callista, her perfect doll. 

For a few more minutes, Hera watched Callie, barely covering her smirk, the boy she loathed was now going to become her perfect bimbo, another benefit was now her champion was the strongest hero of Olympus, but that was secondary, for now, she wants to play with her little slut first then dress her up later. 

Hera POV

I made the first move, sitting beside the confused Callie, and carefully removing the covers of her shoulders, letting her thick and curvy angelic body be revealed to the world, she was staring at me with an embarrassed gaze, "Um, Hera? What are you doing…?" said a shy Callie, covering her sizable bust from my lustful gaze. 

"shhh sweetie, you are just a bit disoriented since you hit your head…" I said, leaning down to kiss my new lover, a gentle kiss filled with need, the kiss was slow and sensual, with me leading it. I wriggled my tongue past her soft and moist lips, and dominated Callie's mouth with my tongue, wrapping it around hers and gently sucking on it or manoeuvring my tongue into every nook and cranny of Callie's mouth. Her mouth tasted like fresh strawberries, I guess she had some before sleeping, but anyways, I took the liberty of guiding the kiss, my first kiss out of wedlock, that too with a girl.

All the while this was happening I took the charge to gently pry away her hands, replacing them with mine on her massive boobs, now I perfectly knew how to mould them, tweaking her hard pebble sized pink nipples, with both hands, making the demigoddess gasp and moan under me, I just smirked, if everything went according to her plan, then there will definitely be more of those she will hear. 

Soon, I realized, I may have been immortal but Callie wasn't, so I broke off the kiss and immediately got to working on her neck, latching onto a particularly sweet spot, I know, on Callie's neck, I bit down hard, making her moan and leaving a reddish-purple bruise on her smooth and prominent collarbone. In the process, we had fallen on the bed, with Callie under me, I continued to leave several love bites across Callie's neck but never neglected her boobs, always pinching, twisting, tweaking, heck even slapping them, constantly giving her stimulation. With my mouth not smothering her own, Callie was much more vocal with her moans, gasping whenever I slapped her tits. I bet he would've been much more shy and timid with his moans had he still have memories of his time as a guy. 

Continuing, I still continued my onslaught on Callie's body, after a few more moments of having my fun with groping her boobs, I decided to finally take them in my mouth, swirling one nipple around my tongue and sucking on it hard, it may not be leaking milk right now, but I will make sure it will in the near future. Anyways, while I was gently suckling on her tits, I was able to hear groan softly, and a gentle hand running through my hair, enough to make me blush. 

I moved on to the next tit, gently sucking on it, lathering it in my spit, just like the other one, like a routine I switched between the coating both the pink nipples in a shiny layer of saliva. Moving down from her nice tits, I moved on to her soft tummy, no hard abs like before, but a soft and smooth stomach that is flat but not to the extent her abs will show. A quick love bite later I moved on to the main event, his- I mean her new pussy, a freshly shaved, meaty cunt, with a vibrant pink colour.

I smirked at her flustered and red face, she was biting her soft lips and massaging her lovely boobs. It would be very funny once he gets to know what he did as a girl, but not right now, I'll get him addicted to this pleasure first, then I can have him walk right into my hands. Without wasting a second I dove into her pussy, which was shining from arousal. The moment I got the first lick, I knew I was addicted, her pussy tasted like salted caramel, I know, absurd right? but that's just how it was.

(I like to believe that pussy juice taste like different flavours for each character, hence, salted caramel. Anyways carrying on)

I got hooked, enough for me to vigorously start eating out her pussy, each lick felt like I was drinking caramel sauce, of course, what pleasure I derived from tasting her, was nothing but a pebble to the mountain of pleasure she is facing, Callie, who was currently laying flat was moaning away, her tongue out, and her hands playing with her breasts. 

I settled at fast and short licks, constantly keeping her in the throes of pleasure, but not enough to tip her over the edge, I brought one of my hands, that was massaging her thighs, to her clit and started to furiously rub it, which seemed enough for Callie to forget all her past inhibitions and to start grinding her hips into my mouth and pinch her nipples, while she kept chanting, 'fuck'. I smirked against her pussy, her vagina was now visibly leaking juices and was spasming, nope, you aren't orgasming today bitch.

I stopped what I was doing and removed her hands from her breasts, this just earned me a confused and angry look, before she could say something, I moved first, "here taste yourself love." I said and kissed her, swapping saliva with her, as I did, I made sure to pin her arms, no way is she doing anything to get pleasure.

Once we had made out enough, I let her mouth go, she was panting like a bitch in heat, and I just smirked. "Why'd you stop! I was soooo close." She whined, I'll have to discipline her later, this attitude won't work. 

"Come on Callie, not everything has to be about your pleasure, what about mine? I'll let you cum a lot once you give me enough pleasure." I said, she instead of protesting, nodded, she stood up straight on the bed, before I could ask her what she was doing, she removed the straps of my dress, letting my boobs free, I noticed that mine were barely bigger than hers, and I was a 32G! she bent over, and started her pleasurable assault on my boobs, doing what I did, she fondled one boob while she sucked on the other nipple. The feeling of my nipples being sucked was such a forgotten pleasure, but I cherished it nonetheless, the way she was sucking on my nipple almost resembled that of a new born baby, it turned me on so much. 

I gently wrapped one of my hands around her head, pressing her closer to my boobs, gods If she kept up with this then I'll really start leaking milk.

And leak milk I did, like a fountain, my pearly white breast milk leaked into her mouth while the other one covered her in it. one thing many people don't know about my milk is, I can customize the effects, meaning, my milk do more than just give super strength. Heracles, got the super strength, because I allowed him to, unknowingly, how was I supposed to know that the innocent baby athena brought me was a bastard son of Zues?!? Thanks to that he became a legend. But right now, I want her to have no control on her powers and to make her dumber, even if she loses her muscle mass, she is still the daughter of my brother, she can wreak havoc on my palace and making her dumber would hammer the nail in the coffin, she would basically lose the ability to fully remember who she ever was and become my slut full-time. So unknowingly she was drinking her own demise, a faint pink glow surrounded her, and soon loud moans could be heard from, I guess she is enjoying my "gift". 

Once I felt her mouth leave my nipple, I saw her red-faced and panting, kneading her own tits, I guess from the pleasure of drinking my milk. I again slapped her arms, she will not cum before me. she nodded before, her hands squeezed and knead my sensitive tits, driving wave after wave of milk to surge forth. The sight and sensation of my creamy milk squirting all over her, running down her chest, her own massive breasts jiggling with each joyous squeal, only adds to the overwhelming pleasure engulfing my senses.

"More... more milk... give it to me!" she demands.

And who was I to deny?

The pressure continues to mount, my body a quivering mass of need as my milk flows faster, coating her with thick, creamy rivulets.

Unngghh... oh, FUCK!! 

Milk sprays in wild, uncontrolled gushes, covering Callie's flushed face and breasts. She squeals in delight, her mouth hungrily gulping down every creamy jet that hits her lips.

"Ohhhh yes... more, more!!!"

Finally, as my trembling subsides, I look down at Callie, her face gleaming with my milk. "That was... incredible," she breathes, licking her lips. 

She travelled further down, licking each drop of milk of my stomach, I just stared, and ran my fingers through her thick and smooth hair. Finally she reached my pussy, which was heavily aroused and wet. She smiled and finally ate me out. I could've instantly come right there and then, I missed having my pussy eaten out, I felt her tongue wriggle inside me, as her hands squeezed my thighs, her tongue darting in and out, as she used her other hands to stimulate my clit.

Thank the gods that the potion from Aphrodite gave her advanced sexual prowess, it felt like a pro was eating me out, she would take turns between sucking my clit and fingering it or stimulating my clit and tonguing it. her slender and long fingers were reaching the depths that her tongue would never reach, but her vacuum of a mouth was stimulating my clit better than her hands would. 

It wasn't long before the millennia long pleasure I had yearned for came back as I came explosively, dousing her face in my juices, I kept squirting, my pussy spasming as she kept up with the good work, fuck she was really good at giving cunnilingus. Once I was done, she was thoroughly doused in my juices, her hair were a bit clumpy on the top, her face had a sheen of my juices all over her. 

"Mmmm, Hera you taste like dark chocolate! Here have a taste!" she said excitedly, she leaned down and kissed me, I would've been surprised had I previously not known this information. We swapped spit, creating a debauched version of a caramel and dark chocolate. Once we separate, a line of spit connects our tongues before it gets broken off and lands on her tits. 

I nod and smile, "come on I'm still not satisfied, keep eating me out!" I said with authority. But first I changed my position, from the middle of the bed, I went to the bed post, laying my butt down on some cushions, I spread my legs, inviting her to come eat my pussy again. She moaned and crawled over to me, her hypnotic ass jiggling and swaying, her tits moving like a hypnotic pendulum as she submissively crawled all the way to my pussy. 

I opened Hephaestus tv, scrolling through the different channels as she ate my pussy, I obviously gave her moans and audible encouragement, but I was more focused on finding my husband so he can quickly come here and we can fuck this slut together. 

By the time I felt his presence in the palace, I had orgasmed two more times, covering both of us in a fine layer of liquids, me in sweat and her in my juices. Soon I heard his voice in the corridor, I smirked, the next part of my plan is going to begin soon…

"HERA! HERA! HERA!" I heard his shouts outside, with a loud bang of the door closing behind as he opened the doors to each room in our palace. Finally I heard the rattling of our door and so did Callie, but before she could move away, I pressed a hand on the back of her head and pushed her in further to my snatch. 

"Hera!-" I heard Zeus's voice, as he barged in. I couldn't imagine what his perspective would be like. Imagine seeing your wife and another hottie on the bed, naked with the latter eating out the former. 

I smirked, "what is it husband?"

"Whats going on here?!?" He thundered, I heard Callie whimper and I growled. 

"SHUT UP! You cheating bastard, for the first time in millennials I decided to find another to help me, and you dare get angry? Tell me when was the last time you fucked me, you manwhore? You sleep with everyone but your wife, you slut! Be grateful I didn't leave you earlier. Now to save face for the both of us, I have a proposition, one which I feel you'll be very interested in. so come here and strip naked as you do." I said my tone going from angry to smug.

He whimpered, for the first time, since Poseidon and hades got angry and threatened him. like a kicked puppy, he stripped, his massive bulge becoming more prominent as he stripped. Finally his 10 inch cock sprang out of his boxers. Bigger than the slut between my legs ever was. 

"Good boy, now you see this bitch here?" I said tugging at her hair, she whimpered but continued eating me out.

He nodded, his dick was standing erect like a thunder pole, and I just barely stopped the drool from leaking, this was primarily one of the reasons why I stayed with him.

"I want to introduce her as our third, that means, she will become our wife, so when you are busy fucking mortals, I can fuck her and we can both be happy, this way, we both will be satisfied, and I can save my face from being defamed. 

His dick throbbed. I guess he was ready. I looked down, the heroine between my legs, could obviously hear me, I smirked. Now its time to break it to him. 

"So? are you down husband? If you are then, you are more than welcome to fuck this slut along with me, and if you aren't, well there's nothing you can do, I will keep fucking her." 

He nodded a little too eagerly, "of course, my beautiful wife, I'm down to fuck her. But one thing, who is she? Is she a random mortal? A demigod? An immortal?" he inquired excitedly.

I smirked, thank god he asked me, now the next part of my plan can commence. I removed my hand from the back of Callie's head, she immediately separated, taking deep breaths for air. I snapped my fingers, letting her memories rush back to her. 

"-why Is this happening-" came the feminine voice of my bitch, Percy Jackson, of course, he was confused, I closed his mouth before sealing his memories. 

"WHY AM I LIKE A GIRL!?!? HERA LIKE W-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??" came his voice, I smirked, good, that, dumb effect had already taken place, she is already sounding dumber. 

Zeus just looked confused, he stared at me, "Babe who is she?"

"That right there is our hero of Olympus, and your sworn pain in the ass. So how about it, why don't you become a pain in her fat fucking ass now?" they both looked at me with different gazes, Zeus, with adoration and giddiness, Percy or better, Callie looked at me with horror. 

I beckoned Zeus to stand up, which he did eagerly, his dick stood straight. Now its time to convince Callie to this. 

"come on Callie, don't you want it? look at that cock, so much better than you pathetic dick, look at it, look at its thickness, its thicker than your forearm, its length would reach your womb every time it hilted inside you, just imagine how hard you can cum on it." I whispered in her ear. Simultaneously stimulation her by playing with her nipples.

"B-B-but it's like w-wrong! I-I'm a g-guy…I like have a-annabe-th." Her dumb voice came out, looks like more convincing will be needed. 

"Shut up, have you seen yourself? Tell me which guy, has hair longer than his dick, has these fat udders, this jiggly butt and this meaty cunt, huh? Which guy tell me? and you still care about that blonde slut? Don't you know she has been sucking cock left and right since you left? She wouldn't even like you like this, she would more likely tell you to get on your knees and suck cocks with her." I said cruelly, slapping each part of his body as I pointed them out. Finally, pinching her nipples and slapping her fat ass.

Before she could answer, "have you seen your face? You look more girly than those girls from Aphrodite's cabin, no one will recognize you as the hero of Olympus anymore. Especially your mother, do you know, she has been cheating on her new husband ever since they got married?" 

He looked at me in horror, his cheeks blushing, "No! you are like definitely lying! My mom and Annabeth are not sluts!" she said. Good, to finally break her in, I had made sure to conjure up fake iris messages. 

I pulled up fake the iris messages, showing fake visions of her loved ones cheating on her, "I'm the goddess of marriages, Callie, I never lie about such things. Why don't you become our wife? I'll get you the pleasure you felt earlier every day, and as a bonus, we'll make you a goddess too! so how about it?" I said, slipping in a finger in her pussy, stimulating her and interrupting her already weakened thinking process. 

She moaned, tears of humiliation leaking from her eyes, she gave a meek nod. I smirked, I picked her up by her arm and lead her to where Zeus was standing, smirking and wide-eyed. "Go on, you know what to do, you already have pleased me, now its time to please him." 

She nodded and got on her knees, Zeus's dick hovered above her face as she stared agape, her mouth open and her tongue out. i stood next to Zeus, stroking his massive member, "go on Callie, suck your new husband's cock, you know you want to…" I said, Zeus smiled and kissed me, his tongue slipping into my mouth. I heard him groan, and from the corner of my eyes I could see her gingerly take his cock in her mouth, giving tentative licks to the tip. She gave out a moan, when she finally tasted his pre-cum, i bet she got hooked, after all I would know. 

I finally break the kiss, opting to help Callie suck her first dick. I knelt beside her, I whispered in her ear, "Ok Callie, look at that hard cock, in front of you? Have you ever seen a phallus so magnificent? No right, so a cock like this needs, special care, so massage him, with your throat, then your pussy, then your asshole. Give him extra care. But right now, you need to lube his cock up properly. So cover him in saliva first, and be audible. Please him! bitch!" 

Her whole face turned red, before she followed my instructions, she licked his cock, her tongue running along the veiny, dick, her thick saliva giving his cock a shine. Her moans were more than audible, which made me smirk. Once she had done enough to completely cover his dick in her spit, I gave her the next instructions. 

"Good, see that cock shine? That's from your spit, so now you need to give it proper care, slowly take him in your mouth give his dick proper care before you get facefucked you slut." I bundled up her long hair into a ponytail, so it doesn't get in her way. 

"And what are you staring at? Give her some encouragement, she is sucking cock for the first time." I said to my bastard of a husband.

He nodded, before giving groans, "fuck, keep sucking my cock, just like that you slut…" it could be better, but that could be improved, I stared in satisfaction as Callie, sucked on his tip, wrapping her full and moist lips around his cock. 

"Good, now apply some suction on it, and use your tongue, lap at his leaking cock like the bitch you are!" I spoke. 

I heard Zeus groan immediately which meant, she was doing what I told her to do. But this won't do, she was regulating between sucking his tip and sucking on the sides of his cock like a corn cob. 

Once I felt she had enough of experience, I whispered in her ear again. "Now, slowly take his dick in your mouth till it fills up your mouth, then hollow out your cheeks and swirl your tongue around his whole dick and make sure to breathe through your nose, forget your mouth was meant for breathing. Do this then I'll tell you what to do next." 

"Gods yes, suck my dick, you wanted this didn't you?" I heard Zeus groan. Good, he is also getting better. 

I applied pressure on the back of her head as I saw Zeus's log fill her mouth. She was a quarter a way done, when she stopped and shook her head, I guess this was her limit right now. "Do what I told you to do Callie! Otherwise, I'm not letting you go! You'll either die because of choking on a dick or you adapt and do what I tell you to do!" I whispered harshly in her ears.

Tears streamed out of her eyes as she did what I told her to do, first she started breathing through her nose, next her cheeks hollowed out and lastly I'm guessing she started swirling her tongue around his cock. 

"Gods she is such a good little cocksucker! Keep sucking on the superior dick, slut!" Zeus moaned. I smirked, Callie was now adapting well to the 3-4 inches of dick in her mouth, but this won't do. I need her to take all of it. 

"Keep it up slut, you are pleasing him so nicely, I bet you're loving his pre-cum right? you're loving how it tastes am I right? just imagine how big and tasty his load is going to be, all of it going straight down your throat and into your stomach, making a mess of your insides. But for that you need more dick down your throat. So now its time to take some more dick, make sure to relax your throat, and keep doing what I have told you to do. And lastly, forget that you have a gag reflex…" I whispered, the last part especially low.

Her eyes went wide, when I started applying pressure again, trying to push his dick further down, her breathing deepened, and she closed her eyes. to my sick satisfaction, I saw more and more of his dick disappear until she was almost taking him to the hilt, maybe 2-3 inches were left out. her throat had a prominent bulge, her eyes watering as she stared up at Zeus, with her sea-green eyes. 

"Fuckkk, look at you, you look like the perfect cock sheath! Next meeting I'll keep you under my robes and then you can act as my cock warmer! Poseidon won't even have a clue that his daughter is sucking off his brother right next to him!" Zeus moaned.

I smiled, yes, humiliate him more. Break him with your words and dick, while I break him mentally with my taunts and manipulation. 

While I was busy staring at my husband, the slut next to me was making choking noises, "GHLURK-K GLUR-HHK-K"

I smirked, let her choke some more, I kept up with my pressure on the back of her head, her mouth refusing to let the last 2 inches. With my other hand, I applied some pressure on the bulge in her throat, watching her eyes widen, fresh tears streaming from her eyes as she kept making those lewd choking noises. 

"are you doing as I said slut? Yes, of course you are, you realize you were meant for this don't you? This was your purpose! So now, ready to take the last few inches of his dick? Say something slut!" I said. 

She tried to open her mouth to try and give some response, but that was my cue, I speared her mouth on his dick till her nose was buried in his pubes, taking in his musky scent directly. She was shuddering as her throat was stretched. Her mouth unable to do anything because of the mouthful of dick in her mouth. 

Finally when her face was starting go a little red, I decided to let her go, I removed my hand from the back of her head and her throat. Like a spring, the cock lodged deep within her mouth was pulled out, thick strands of saliva and cum attached to the dick, as if it was begging the cock to come back in, but the strands broke off, landing on her chin and heaving breasts. 

She gasped and sputtered as she was finally allowed to breathe. But that won't do. I slapped her tits, hard, "what the fuck are you doing? What did I tell you? Forget your mouth was meant for breathing, its just a cock sheath, you are only allowed to breath with your nose! Now come here, now that you have taken his dick fully into your throat, its time we move on to the last part of a good blowjob. Its time you let him facefuck you, while you deep throat him." 

Her eyes went wide, before she could say anything, I pulled on her ponytail, and beckoned Zeus's saliva covered cock to Callie's mouth. He just simply poked her mouth, before he was given entrance and let in to the hot and wet mouth of our new slut. 

I got up. I know it will be hard for her to deepthroat on her known so I'll help. "Alright, Callie, take our husband to the hilt again, and do what I told you." 

"Zeus keep your hands back. You can facefuck her later." I said. He did as I said, gasping as Callie took his enormous member to the hilt again, getting of her knees to do so now. 

"Good, now raise your arms back slut" I said, she did as I said, and raised her arms back, I grabbed her wrists and then put my foot on the back of her head and smirked. 

"Now hold onto you bearings whore, I'll fuck your face on his dick. And you better not choke." I said. I tugged on her arms pulling him off his dick before quickly applying pressure on the head, thrusting her face back onto his pubes. 

For the most part she kept with her bearings, I repeated this motion, fucking her face onto Zeus's dick, hearing him moan and pant as her warm mouth brought him closer to cumming. 

"Hold the position Callie, he isn't done! hold it!" I said crudely, my feet spearing her head onto Zeus's cock. 

"I should've done this ages ago, if I had known you were such a slut, fuck! You little cocksucker, you want my cum down your throat, don't you? You are going to control a different type of liquid from now on bitch!" Zeus groaned loudly, I kept smirking cruelly, soon she will be completely at our mercy. 

"you heard him slut! Don't you want your reward! Keep sucking him, coax his seed from his full balls that are slapping against your chin!" I said, keeping up with the motion. Callie kept leaking tears, her lewd choking noises filling up the room, her tits which were swinging from the motion made a symphony of unholy sounds mixing with her chocked moans.

Zeus looked at me with the gleam in his eyes that said he is gonna cum, I nodded, letting him cum, I pressed her face completely till his stomach, her nose in his pubes, his pulsating balls against her chin. Her eyes rolled back, her tongue licked the balls as her mouth got filled up. 

"Ok, slut, control your gag reflex and let Zeus's superior seed flow down your throat. Feel his thick baby batter flow down your slutty throat, become the cock sheath you were meant to be. And don't you dare spill any!" I said laughing.

Once I knew Zeus was done, I let go, like before thick strands of saliva and cum latched onto Zeus's dick and her mouth, with each landing on her tits or on her chin. The last few spurts of Zeus's cock landed on her cheeks with one almost going in her eye.

"look at you, the proud hero of Olympus reduced to a cock whore, ready to please! I bet you want to suck me some more don't you? Don't you, you little slut?" Zeus said, grinning. 

Callie didn't say anything, just taking it all in. 

"Alright Callie, its time for the next part of your fucking, come here!" I said, beckoning to the bed. I laid down, and spread my legs, I also beckoned Zeus. 

"Now get on your hands and knees and eat me out, while twerking your fat ass!" I said, kicking her ass as she got in the doggy style position to eat me out.

"but like I don't know how to twerk-" Callie said after a long time. Or at least tried to, before I slapped her with my foot.

"Shut up, what type of a slut are you? You don't even know how to twerk? You have the equipment but not the brains, I guess. Fine, I'll tell you how to." I said annoyed, just when everything was going well, but this dumb bitch had to open her mouth. 

I sat up, watching her shy and meek look, I simply smirked, her earlier sarcastic smile was replaced with a shy smile, perfect for a bitch like her. "Step 1, get in the doggy style position, and make sure to spread your legs wide." She did as I said, putting her hands on the bed first following it up with her knees, she spread them wide, her pussy was wet, waiting to be pierced. 

"next step, arch your back slut, jut out your fat ass, show how proud you are to have such a fine ass." Following my instructions she arched her back, with Aphrodite's potion enhancing her flexibility to match a cats, her ass was high and proud in the air.

"last step, shake it like you mean it, I want to hear that booty clap." I said, with that in slow motions, she started moving her ass, it was slow but it was there, her was jiggling. 

"Faster!" a kick to her ass. Which resulted in a quick increase of her pace, slowly the clap sounds I wanted to hear were forming. 

"Faster!" another kick resulted in a much more fast-paced twerk, her deliciously round of globes of flesh clapping every time they met, her thighs weren't left alone either, they too were jiggling. 

I laid down on my back, spreading my legs further, I placed my hand on the back of her head, bringing it to my pussy, I saw Zeus jerking off, which made me smirk, soon. 

"Now eat my pussy like a good girl, and keep clapping that ass for me." I said closing my eyes as I felt the familiar tongue dart in my wet canals, her arms wrapped around my thighs as she did so. 

When I opened my eyes I saw Zeus was back to full mast, I curled a finger and beckoned him closer, the twerking bitch in front of us creating an inviting aura. 

"Now Callie, its time we seal the deal. You are a woman, forget that you were ever a guy, our husband will make sure you remember that." I said, grabbing a bunch of her hair, I pulled her off my pussy, her eyes showing her desperation to eat me out. 

"Zeus, will take your virginity now, how do you feel about that Callie?" I asked, lets see what the slut has to say. 

"Please take me…" she said quietly.

"what? What did you say?" I said feigning ignorance.

"PLEASE TAKE ME! PLEASE TAKE MY VIRGINITY! I'M JUST A DESPERATE SLUT!!" She screamed as Zeus, pressed her tip to her entrance not entering her, but pressing his tip inside, stretching her tight cunt. 

"Zeus, what do you say? Should you take her virginity?" I asked.

"No, I feel like she needs to beg more. Go on slut, tell us what do you want?" Zeus said, I smirked. 

"Please take my virginity! I'm your slut! I'm your fuckdoll! I'm your cumdump, please!!" she said, as Zeus kept teasing her by moving his dick. 

"Hmm? I don't feel convinced, I'll let Zeus fuck you but you need to tell us who you are from now on, deal?" I said, lets see if she knows her position. 

"I'm Callisto! I'm the fucktoy of the king and queen of Olympus! Please just fuck me! Please! PLEA-" She couldn't finish, because I had given Zeus the heads up to thrust his cock, and thrust he did, just when she was making her last plea, he hilted himself inside, all 12 inches of his monstrous fuck meat, leaving her mouth agape, her eyes rolling back from the pain and pleasure. 

I motioned Zeus to let her adjust to his size, after all she was a virgin until then. "well? talk to me slut, how do you like your first dick? Was it fun losing your virginity." I asked to the agape Callie in my hands. 

"Babe she just came, I guess she is taking it well!" Zeus said with glee, his hands resting on the fat globes of her ass.

"I feel so full! His cock is inside my fucking womb!! I want to lose my virginity again!! Fuck please fuck me!" she screamed, her eyes coming back and her tongue lolling out her mouth. I guess she was fucked silly. I smirked, she was broken, I nodded to Zeus, who in return pulled out before slamming his hips against hers once again making her spasm and drool. I just grabbed her face with both my hands, watching in sick pleasure as her mind turned to mush from cumming on Zeus's dick. 

Zeus grabbed Callie's hair, forming a rough ponytail, he was able to get more leverage and make her back arch more. He continued with slow and long thrusts, each time hilting inside her pussy, spearing her womb in each thrust. Callie was gone, her pussy was in a continuous cycle of spasms, her legs quivered as she tried to find the lost strength to be straight on her knees. I was just enjoying the spectacle, but I need pleasure too, her moans were enjoyable, but they won't finish me off.

So I brought her face back to my pussy, "go on, slut, eat your meal, and what did I say about twerking? Zeus spank her for me." I said, both did as I said, Callie resumed her licking and twerking, while Zeus delivered a thunderclap of a slap on Callie's ass. I heard a muffled moan and resounding "THWACK" sound. 

"Oh so the slut liked it? Zeus keep spanking her till her ass is redder than a strawberry. And Callie if you don't make me cum atleast thrice, I won't let finish inside, nor will I let you cum, so get to eating if you want anyone to cum." I said, I didn't get a response from either, but they both did as they were told, Callie got more eager in her eating, which made my eyes roll to the back of my head and Zeus kept delivering thunderous slaps on her ass, I watched in glee as Zeus made her ass jiggle. 

This tempo went on for a long while, by the time Callie was done finishing me off three times, Zeus was panting and groaning trying to stop himself from cumming inside, Callie was panting and moaning, into my pussy, furiously eating it out to get me to cum quickly, well kudos to both but both of them failed miserably, it took Callie 25 minutes before she even touched the two orgasm benchmark, and Zeus was barely done with one cheek. Once I came three times, Callie looked at me desperately, I guess she had been holding in her orgasm for a long time, which was a feat in itself, since the dick banging her was notorious for making you at least 6-7 times in one session. But who said it was over. 

"Alright you two, you can cum!" I said, I removed Callie from my pussy to see her cum on Zeus's dick. 

First went Callie, the moment her mouth left my cunt, she screamed, her loud moans reverberating in the room, her body shook as she orgasmed, it triggered a switch in Zeus, who groaned before hilting himself inside her, filling her up with his warm and gooey baby batter. 

But we weren't done yet. Callie had a goofy smile on her face as she was filled up, I watched in satisfaction, we had broken the hero of Olympus with just a dick and a potion. Zeus pulled out, his cum leaking in thick volumes from her abused pussy. 

"Now you dirty little slut, watch how its done. sit there, with your legs spread, and finger yourself. And just for safe measure…" I got up from my position and found my discarded thong. I hooked open her mouth before stuffing it inside her mouth, her eyes looked at me with faux innocence as I stuffed my thong in her mouth, watching her moan at the taste, I positioned her in such way, that the cum inside would stay inside but I would get to watch how she finger fucks herself.

I beckoned Zeus on the bed, watching as he came on the bed and got on his knees, getting in the same position Callie was I got on the bed with my legs spread apart, my back arched waiting for my husband to fuck me. 

I soon felt the familiar tip fill me up, my eyes rolling back as I moaned, fuck, I missed this feeling so fucking much. I saw Callie in front of me rubbing her clit, watching me take the same cock that was inside her moments ago. 

She obediently fingered herself while I watched, getting the same pounding from behind by my husband, and by gods did it feel nice, I made eye contact with Callie as I came on his dick, my pussy tightening up on his rod, making him grunt. 

Callie kept masturbating, her two fingers rapidly moving in and out of her abused pussy. I kept moaning as I felt Zeus puncture my womb with his fuckstick. I fell down to my forearms, and started eating out Callie to muffle my loud moans, I can't be heard screaming more than our slut, can I? 

The moment my tongue came in contact with our husband's cum, I moaned, his vanilla tasting cum was still the same. I eagerly lapped at it, eating more and more of the same cum that's going to fill me up. I felt my eyes roll again as I came once more, which was followed by Zeus's groan. As I looked up, I saw Callie playing with her tits as I fingered, her basically humping my face as she rolled her legs into my mouth. Soon I felt her salted caramel like cum fill my mouth, her salted caramel and Zeus's vanilla mixing in to make a sweet symphony of flavours in my mouth. 

Finally when Zeus let out another torrent of cum inside my pussy, filling me up just like Callie, I moaned and came once more, fuckkk, his warm cum had easily filled up my baby maker. I removed my thong from Callie's mouth, her moans the first thing that escaped her mouth. 

"Fuck! That was so hot!" she said, playing with her tits. 

"glad, now Zeus lay down please." I said, Zeus, nodded, and laid down, his cock laying limp against his abs.

I brought Callie closer to the dick, guiding one of her hands, I let it latch onto his cock, "jerk him off you dirty whore." I whispered. And she did, she glided her soft hands across veiny and large manhood. I smirked and kissed her, waiting for his dick to be completely erect. She jerked him off till his hard fuckstick, was standing again. Erect like a perpendicular line, pointing straight into the air.

"hop on it dirty whore, ride it like you mean it." I whispered. She nodded, and stood up, slowly positioning herself right above his dick in cowgirl fashion. With one hand I held the dick, while she planted her feet outside, slowly lowering herself onto his dick, her eyes rolled back as head lolled to the side when his cock filled her up. 

"UNNGHH-GH FUCK! OH FUCK!" she said, screaming as she fully sat down on his cock. I started rubbing her clit, "come on slut, start hopping" I whispered. Following my demand, she started lowering and raising herself onto his dick, her hands resting on his hairy thighs, while her big tits jiggled freely, her mouth releasing a series of moans and curses as she did. 

I continued my assault on her clit, "Do you like his dick, you little slut? You want to keep fucking it, don't you?" I taunted, watching as she came explosively on his dick, squirting all over Zeus, who moaned at the taste, I guess both of us like her caramel flavour, huh?

"OH GODS, YES, I LOVE THIS COCK! OH FUCKKK, I'LL KEEP FUCKING THIS COCK TILL THE END OF TIMES! NNGHHG! FUCKKKK-" she let out as she kept coming on his dick, I guess that earlier orgasm control was just for nothing. 

I delivered a few slaps to her jiggly tits, before mounting my husbands mouth, who immediately started eating me out, which lead to me moaning out, Callie and I were face to face on our soon to be husband's body. She kept riding his dick while I humped his face. Both of us in the clutches of pleasure. I pulled her in for a deep kiss, choking her as I did so, we both moaned into each other's mouths as we came on his dick again. 

"Hop of the dick slut we are going for a new position." I whispered. She followed my order, slowly pulling the dick out of her pussy as I got off Zeus's face. I laid down in the missionary position, my legs spread wide, "Come, Callie, lay on top of me." she sat on me in doggy style position, her knees where my thighs are, our boobs were mashed together, with our nipples rubbing against each other. With our pussy's lined up, I motioned Zeus to enter me.

As soon as his dick went inside, my eyes rolled back as I moaned in pleasure. Callie took the initiative to kiss me, I let her explore my mouth with her tongue while Zeus fucked me. I mentally conveyed to Zeus about what to do next. 

I rolled my eyes as I could practically hear him grinning eye to eye, like a kid on Christmas night. With a firm grip on Callie's ass, he spread apart her fat globes, to reveal her pink and tight rosebud. With all the time he has spent inside two wet pussies, his dick was sufficiently lubricated for anal penetration. With much struggle, he got the tip inside the virgin asshole, well what used to be a virgin asshole. 

Callie's eyes on the other hand, had indefinitely rolled to the back of her skull, her ass stretching to accommodate the massive girth of Zeus's cock. She gave a silent scream as she came, dousing my pussy in her juices. I grinned and kissed her, she immediately reciprocated, wanting to get her mind of how much pain her ass was in trying to stretch around Zeus's bitch breaker. 

I wrapped an arm around her waist to reach her pussy, stimulating it as Zeus tried to hilt himself inside Callie's tight ass, "Fuck her Zeus, become a pain in her assss!" I said laughing as I did. Callie moaned loudly when Zeus had finally reached the end, his dick fully inside her asshole reaching her intestines. "Oh fuck! I FEEL SO FULL! SHIT YOU ARE SO DEEP!! FUCK ME, YES! UNGNHG, bYESSS!" Callie moaned as she came again, twice in 5 minutes, I noted. 

"Of course my buttslut! Your ass will become the perfect cumdump!" Zeus said, pulling out till only his tip was inside before grabbing a rough ponytail of her hair and tugging it hard making her back arch, she held him by the waist, as Zeus thrusted inside her again, this time Zeus got a upfront view of Callie's slutty face, her eyes lost in pleasure, her tongue lolling out like a bitch in heat, while her body was coated in sex and sweat. 

Zeus held her in that position, wrapping one hand around her throat and the other tugging at her ponytail, all the while he kept thrusting inside her ass, opting for short but fast thrusts. Bored, I decided to suck on the pair of jiggling titties in front of me. while my hands held her ass and kept slapping it. 

"Fuck her Zeus! Fuck that slut up!" I moaned, incredibly turned on by Zeus pounding her asshole. Yes! Yes! Ngghh! Unnhhhh yesss! Fuck me!!" Callie moaned with a silly grin, her brained turned to mush with how much she had come. 

When Callie finally passed out from her fourth anal orgasm, I asked Zeus to pull out, her asshole held tight, wanting his cock in her bowels forever, unfortunately, it had to let go, gaping as the massive length that had been previously filling her up left her warm depths. 

To end the show, I told Zeus to do what he does best, breed women. He folded Callie in the mating press position, her knees touching her shoulders, as her ass got lifted in the air and her massive boobs jutted out, using her hands, he locked her in that position and entered her abused pussy again, she gave a tired moan, waking up from sex induced coma. 

Once Zeus was back inside her, she woke up again, her tired voice producing her final moans before she lost her conscious again. Finally, it was only a few thrusts when Zeus grunted and came inside her, filling her up with his biggest load yet, Callie came again, this time fully blacking out from the pleasure. Zeus let her go once he was done, her tired body collapsing on the spot. But I need to make sure Callie was thoroughly bred, I summoned a dildo, nothing too big, but enough to seal the cum inside. I shoved the dildo inside, right as I saw the white cum about to leak from her abused pussy. After that, I summoned a thong and nightie over her, letting my new wife rest. I hopped into Zeus's arms, and we went back to our chambers to continue, after all its been a while since I was last pregnant with a child. 

*****Next Day*****

I came to wake up Callie, practically skipping in joy, yesterday's memories fresh on my mind. with my abilities over families, I can already tell that I'm pregnant, but I have to check whether Callie is pregnant or not, after all the last part of my plan depends on it. 

When I reached her door, I quietly snuck in, gently prying open the door, to see the Callie sprawled on the bed, the clothes I dressed her in were clinging to her practically naked body, which made me horny, but I reigned myself before I fucked her again. The sunlight streaming in from her windows shown her beautiful skin, giving her that sun-kissed look, and further proving my point that she looks better than most goddesses of Olympus.

I walked up to where she was soundlessly sleeping with a dildo in her vagina, I gently got on the bed and started playing with her tits through her sheer camisole, her pebble-like nipples hardening instantly as she moaned in her sleep. I smirked and snapped my fingers, instantly stripping off her clothes and leaving her naked with a dildo in her vagina. I pressed a hand against her stomach and sent a pulse of my power, when I felt a foetus in her stomach I smiled, good. 

Sending another pulse, but this one much more powerful than the previous one, with an added effect. Nothing to complicated, with my ability, I just changed the DNA of her baby from Zeus's to mine, making it Callie and my baby. You may be thinking, why didn't I just simply do it with a freshly pregnant mother instead, well its simple, my contribution is necessary in the procreation of the baby, the mother has to be a demigod, and the father also has to be a god. 

I smiled when I felt the connection to Callie's baby, the change was successful. I gently removed the dildo, making Callie moan and stir in the process, it came out with a wet 'POP' sound, making squelching noises in the process. She stirred, sitting up in and rubbing her eyes. 

"Ugh, my head hurts…hey Annabeth I felt like I had a weird dream last night, like I was turned into a girl by Hera and then like we had se-" she paused from her rant, staring at me blankly, then all of a sudden, she looked at me in horror, her hands flying to clutch her hair, not realizing she was squishing her breasts together, making them pop out. "OH MY GAWDSS, WAIT YESTERDAY WAS LIKE REAL?!?!?" she exclaimed, I just laughed and nodded. 

She groaned, I guess yesterday's memories were rushing her clear mind, I placed a hand on her head, and sent another pulse, this was a pulse to calm her down, her dumbed down brain made things easier, soon enough she calmed down. Not worrying about what happened yesterday, but we had many things to prepare for, so I beckoned her to get up and follow me, which she did, although a bit sluggishly, which was fair, considering she had a 12 inch monster destroy her insides just hours ago. 

I guided her to her new lavish bathroom, telling her where everything she needs would be, meanwhile I took out her outfit for the day. Meanwhile she took a relaxing bath, I walked up to her new large walk-in-closet, the size of a 1 room apartment, I opened her new closets, searching for her inaugural dress, lingerie and jewellery. Once I was done, I left the room to go get the things ready for her ascension and marriage.

Third Person POV: 

The warm cascade of water slowed to a trickle as Callie reached out, twisting the knob to silence the shower. Steam curled around her, clinging to her skin as though reluctant to let her go. She stepped out carefully, her bare feet pressing into the plush rug below. The air was still heavy with the scent of lavender and honey from the luxurious soap she had used, its aroma lingering like a soft embrace.

She reached for a towel and drew it around herself, the soft fabric soaking up the droplets on her skin. Her movements were unhurried, deliberate, as though she were savoring the moment of calm before stepping back into whatever lay beyond the door. Her fingers brushed through her damp hair, untangling it with practiced ease, the strands falling in smooth waves over her shoulders.

She came into the walk-in cabinet and reached for the towel, wrapping it loosely around herself, the steam making her feel like she was in some dreamy spa commercial. "Ugh, so warm and cozy," she mumbled, running her fingers through her damp hair and fluffing it up a little. "This is like... the best part of the day, honestly."

She wandered over to the mirror, wiping a streak across the fogged-up glass with her hand. Her reflection came into view, and she tilted her head, her lips forming a little pout. Her reflection greeted her features soft and delicate, framed by damp strands of dark hair cascading down her shoulders. "Oh my gosh, who is that hottie?" she giggled, twirling a strand of her hair. "Wait, it's me! Duh." Her newfound confidence in her girly persona was just the cherry on top. The way the water glistened on her collarbones and shoulders only added to the surreal elegance of her transformation. It was her—Callie—but also not her. The name felt more natural now, rolling through her mind as though it had always been hers.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a flicker of movement from the bed behind her. She turned, her brows furrowing slightly at the sight laid before her.

A shimmering black ensemble adorned with golden chains. The fabric was sleek and minimal, accentuating every curve while leaving just enough to the imagination. A matching set of jewelry—delicate golden chains designed to wrap around her waist and thighs—rested beside it, gleaming under the light. 

Her attention was snagged by the outfit the moment her eyes landed on it, her eyes lighting up. "Ooooh, shiny!" She skipped over, her towel swishing behind her, her bouncy ass and boobs jiggling as she did so, and gasped dramatically at the outfit laid out before her. "What is this? Like... this is so extra, I love it!"

She poked at the golden chains, her face scrunching up in confusion. "Wait, how does this even go on? Is this the front or the back? Or, like... both? Oh no, what if I mess it up and look totally weird? Okay, focus, Callie, you got this." 

With zero hesitation, she dropped the towel, her body in all its naked glory exposed to the world. Without a moment's hesitation she started trying to put on the outfit. The black fabric slid over her skin like silk, wrapping around her body as though it had been tailored just for her. The crisscross halter top hugged her torso snugly, framing her curves with an almost maddening precision. She fastened the golden chains, the tiny clasps clicking into place with an audible finality. They draped across her abdomen, accentuating her waistline before cascading to her thighs in delicate arcs. she started smoothing it out with a proud grin. "Okay, cute! Like, sooo cute. This is giving major goddess vibes. I mean, duh, I am going to become a goddess, but still."

The chains were a little trickier. She held one up, squinting at it like it might explain itself. "Hmm, are you a belt? A bracelet? A fancy headband? Whatever, I'm just gonna wing it." She looped it around her waist, spinning in a little circle to check it out. "Okay, nailed it! I think? Whatever, I look amazing."

The final piece was a golden armlet, which she slid into place above her left bicep. It fit perfectly, almost unnervingly so, its weight solid but not overbearing.

The chains shimmered as they caught the light, weaving an intricate frame around her body that enhanced her every movement. The outfit didn't just fit her; it defined her. Every curve, every line, every detail seemed to scream confidence and power, and yet it wasn't overwhelming. It was alluring, commanding, yet still unmistakably her. Her fingers brushed lightly over the chain draped across her abdomen. 

She grabbed another chain, this one with little loops at either end. After a moment of fiddling, she realized it was for her thighs. "Oh my gosh, are these, like, leg jewellery? That's a thing?! That's so cute!" She slipped them on, the chains draping delicately over her legs as she twirled. "Yes, yes, yes! Obsessed."

Finally, she picked up the armlet, the golden snake armbands coiled elegantly around both her arms, their polished sheen gleaming in the soft light of the room. The serpents' heads rested just below her shoulders, their tiny, bejewelled eyes seeming to glint with life. The bands hugged her toned arms snugly, their smooth, fluid design giving the impression that they might slither away at any moment, sliding it up her arm until it sat snugly just above her elbow. "Okay, moment of truth," she said, turning to the mirror. She struck a dramatic pose, her chains jingling softly.

"Callie, you are a queen," she declared, her voice dripping with excitement. "Wait, no, a goddess. Like, a literal goddess. This is, like, peak me. I love this for me."

She admired herself and struck a pose in front of the mirror, twirling a lock of her glossy dark hair between her fingers, popping her best assets as her eyes widened, and she gasped. "Oh. My. Gosh. Who even is this girl? She's, like, a total bombshell. Ugh, obsessed!" She twirled, the chains and jingling softly as she moved. 

Her legs were adorned with matching golden sandals that spiralled upward, wrapping around her calves like twin snakes poised to strike. Each curve of the metal was flawless, accentuating the graceful lines of her figure. The sandals ended just below her knees, the intricate detailing making them seem almost alive as she shifted her weight from one leg to the other.

Her makeup added to the overall enchantment. A soft blush warmed her cheeks, her glossy pink lips shone invitingly, and her long, curled lashes framed her sparkling eyes. It was a look both radiant and playful, perfectly complementing her charm. Her sleek, perfectly styled hair framed her face, her long hair flowing behind her, covering her behind and emphasizing the natural beauty beneath the glamour.

"Oh my gods," Callie gushed, running her fingers over the golden snakes wrapped around her arms. "Aren't these just, like, so amazing? I feel like so hot right now!" She giggled, stepping back to admire herself from every angle, the light catching on the golden accessories and making her shimmer like treasure freshly unearthed.

She spun in place, the armbands catching the motion and seeming to coil tighter as if responding to her energy. The golden sandals shimmered, their intricate craftsmanship making her movements seem more graceful, almost regal. She reached up, adjusting one of the armbands with a delicate touch. "Do you think the snakes are too much?" she asked with a playful pout, before laughing at herself. "Wait, who am I kidding? Too much? That's not in my vocabulary!"

Her vibrant personality filled the room as she struck a series of exaggerated poses, the golden snakes glinting with every movement. She tilted her head, giving herself a wide, dreamy-eyed smile in the mirror. "This is, like, totally the best. I feel so sparkly and, like, fabulous, it's unreal. I'm basically walking gold. Who wouldn't wanna hang out with this?"

Her train of thought was interrupted by a voice in her head, smooth and slightly amused. "Beautiful, isn't it? Fit for someone of your stature."

Callie gasped, her eyes going wide. "Hera! Oh my gosh, you're, like, so sweet. Thank you! This outfit is, like, everything. I feel soooo fancy right now. Like, do I need a crown? Or, like, a staff? What do goddesses even carry? Oh my gosh, do I need accessories?!"

Hera's voice echoed softly in her mind, smooth and approving. "You look like you are enjoying it, Callie."

"Enjoying it? I'm living for it!" Callie gushed, spinning again. "This is, like, next-level chic." Callie beamed at her reflection, placing her hands on her hips. "Okay, world, get ready, cause Callie is coming out and she's fabulous!"

With a bounce in her step and a little hum under her breath, she pranced out of the room, her chains jingling like music following her every move.