The Polar Tang creaked as another shockwave hit it from behind, pushing it forward and making everyone inside the submarine fall down from the impact.
"Ahh! It's no use, captain! There's too many leaks!"
The crew of the submarine, the Heart Pirates, did their best in order to steer the submarine and try to dodge the shockwaves sent their way, pressing their hands into the holes on the stern of the submarine.
"Captain, another hit like that and the pressure will crush us!"
"There's too much water!"
"Let's surface!"
"But we won't be able to escape!"
"There's land north east of here!"
"Calm yourselves! Prepare for battle and be quick about it!"
Trafalgar Law, the captain of the Heart Pirates ordered his crew, forcing his authority and level headedness into his men. They were man of the sea, a bit of water inside the Polar Tang meant nothing to them, and they had to prepare for the counter attack following their captain's lead.
Or that's what should've happened. INstead, because of some bizarre devil fruit power from the Blackbeard Pirates, Law found herself transformed into a voluptuous and sexy woman.
"Wow, captain! You are so cute now!"
"Do you have a death wish?! Get yourselves under control!"
"Crap! We're sorry!"
Law was no stranger to disrupting the enemy's body in order to get the edge over them, having used that strategy multiple times using his own devil fruit powers.
"Ahh! It got me too!"
Penguin screamed as her voice got higher pitched, breasts expanding inside her jumpsuit. The whole crew was quickly suffering some sort of forced gender flipping, and were flailing around like headless chickens. Normally Law would be able to get their shit together and force the competent crew that was underneath all that panic, but after she had changed into a woman as well, she had lost the firm voice that kept the Heart Pirates organized.
Instead, the genders of her crew kept flipping, as if the effect were spreading around them like some sort of disease.
Law was drenched from head to her feet, the tank top that she had put on without a second thought was now stuck to her breasts, rubbing unpleasantly against her sensitive nipples. Did her chest have to grow that big? Or was this another effect of that strange gender flipping disease power?
The surgeon wanted to rip her tank top off her right away, but knew that her idiot of a crew would get even more difficult to control if she flashed them her boobs. Just thinking that annoyed the hell out of her, realizing this was most likely part of the plan of Blackbeard, to confuse and make Law doubt herself as well.
"Get yourselves under control! They are trying to disorient us! It'll be tough, but one thing I learned from our clashes against the emperors was that with strong enough haki, devil fruit powers can be-"
Not used with the difference in center of gravity and her seemingly weakened body, Law slipped on the wet floor of the Polar Tang. She hit her head hard against one of the metallic tables of the submarine, and the corners of her vision suddenly started getting darker.
"Hey, captain! You hear me?"
Law felt her vision darken as every noise became duller around her, blurring together until they became incomprehensible until she finally lost consciousness.
Law woke up to an intense pain on the side of her head. She blinked herself awake, feeling the familiar sticky wetness of blood against her skin and hair. Her wrists burned with the distinctive coldness of seastone. Memories of Doflamingo cuffing her and leaving her helpless in Dressrosa immediately came to her mind, and made her shiver.
She looked around, finding herself tied up against a large mast, tied up in such a way that her breasts popped off right above the rope. She snarled, looking up to find the Blackbeard Pirates laughing and drinking. They were celebrating. They were celebrating their victory.
"Oh? Look who decided to finally wake up, wiihahaha!" A large bulk of a man with a metal mask covering half his face laughed, beer dripping down his disgustingly dirty beard.
"Hmmm..she did get sick from my powers, heee" A sickly old man grinned, wheezing while a famished looking horse panted behind him.
"I expected more of a pirate with a 3 billion berry bounty, but I guess that 'Captain' Kid and Straw Hat did most of it in the battle against the former Emperors" The other man grinned, looking down on Law with a scope on his right eye, throwing Law a disgustingly smug grin.
"Don't make me sick! As if Eustass-ya could have done anything on his own!"
"Oh, you have a little more battle in ya', do you? Zehahahaha!"
The Emperor himself, the only man to wield two devil fruits at the same time, Marshall D. Teach made himself known, walking with wide steps closer to Law. The captured captain scrunched her nose, pulling her head back, making a face.
The stench coming from his body was unbearable, and it was clear that the concept of a shower was foreign to him. The beard that he should have been proud of because of his title was greasy and was dripping beer and pieces of food.
He grabbed Law by his face, digging his fingers into her face and forcing her to look up at him. His breath was also nauseating, smelling of at least five different types of booze. His teeth were yellow and there were multiple of them missing.
"Say, your new look favors you ,Trafalgar, zehahaha!"
Law tried pulling her face away from his hand, surprising herself when she had to actually fight back tears. She'd never cry from something like this? Why was she now suddenly having to fight to restrain herself like that?
"Where's my crew?" She managed to say in the end, swallowing the lump in her throat along with her fear.
"Ahhhiin? You crew? They are down the deck, either in one of our cells or being used to relieve our tired crewmates, zehahaha!"
Law paled, looking at him horrified.
"Oh come onnn~ don't look at me like that~ Yer a irate too, right? You understand how it goes~ The winning side takes everything they want from tha losers! Zehahaha!" He moved to the side, to let Law see the man with the scope on his eye wave around the poneglyph rubbings of her crew.
"Wiihahaha! Don't sweat it, Trafalgar! Most of them didn't make it anyway! A bunch of them drowned and are currently sinking to the bottom of the sea! Wiihahaha!"
She couldn't help herself. It was too much, all of a sudden. The pain in her head didn't compare to the one on her chest, and she glared up to the four men, Blackbeard and his Titanic Captains, with tears in her eyes.
"I'm going to kill all of you"
"Uaahh! Scary~ zehahaha!"
"I'd like to see you try, girl "
"Wiihahahaha! That's heartless, Augur!"
Law managed to pull her face out of Blackbeard's grip, and used all the movement being tied up to the mast to let her give a death glare to the lean man.
"You make fun of me for transforming me into a woman, but this power is contagious! You said your men were…having fun with mine? Well they are going to become women too! And so are you!"
"Tsk, tsk, tsk~ Oh, Trafalgar, for a doctor you don't know half shit about this amazing disease! Zehahaha! Hey, Doc! Tell her how it works!"
"Sure, hic!"
The famished and sick looking guy got on the equally sick looking horse and got closer to Law. She could see him clasp his hands together, and after he separated them, there was some short of miasma twitching in between his hands.
"This is the feminization disease you have flowing through your veins, hic! Its main symptom is forced hormonal shifting by triggering the body to metabolize much faster, hic! It's highly contagious, unless you have an antibody~"
He smirked, clasping his hands together to extinguish the miasma of the disease. Law snarled, trying to build up his haki. If this was truly the effect of a devil fruit, then she should be able to overpower its effects with haki. Yet nothing happened. The seastone cuffs were sapping more of her strength than she thought.
She panted, glaring at the men, not being able to do anything else, feeling completely helpless.
"Zehaha! Hey, lassy ~ Don't look at us that way~ we are still keeping you alive after all. You have a very powerful ability, taking it for ourselves wouldn't be hard at all~"
She glared at Blackbeard, cursing the tears she felt on the corner of her eyes. What were they doing to her crew down there? She couldn't help but worry about them even if she were at the mercy of the most dangerous men of the ship.
"But? You must have a reason then. It's not unlike you lot to hold off on murdering someone for their fruit"
"Wiihahaha! You saw right through it!"
"It wasn't that difficult to figure out. Not like a meathead like you would think of it"
"HA? Care to repeat that, Augur?!"
"Zehahaha! Settle down you two!" He turned to Law, giving her a fake innocent look that didn't fit a man as large as him. "Oh, come on Trafalgar~ Didn't we both benefit from the Rocky Port incident? I could not just kill you away like that~"
He got closer to her again, this time grabbing her neck and squeezing it. Law felt a shiver go down her spine as he tightened his grip. His hand was big enough it effortlessly wrapped around her entire neck, not giving her any room to escape.
Not content with just depriving her of air, Blackbeard groped Law's breast with his other, equally huge hand. The startled yelp died on her throat as he squeezed harder, while also making sure to feel the soft flesh behind her wet tank top.
Law blushed, closing her eyes to not look at Blackbeard, feeling her breast heat up from the stimulation. Her nipple rubbed roughly against her top and the rough hand on the other side, making Law shiver, trying to contain what little of her voice would leak out of Blackbeard's grip.
"Zehahaha! No need to contain your voice~ Yer a woman now~ No shame on acting like a bitch~" He got even closer, his point nose poking her on the cheek. "All the pirates you took their hearts off at Rocky Port are still at Hachinosu. They would love to have a piece of you~ I couldn't just kill you, sweetie~"
Law couldn't even cry as Blackbeard dragged his tongue across her face, taking the blood leaking from her head alongside some tears with it, then prompt laughing again, releasing Law's neck and boob.
She coughed, taking mouthfuls of air, shivering. The supernova looked up, but the defiance from before was gone, now switched to unclear fear.
"Zehahaha! That's such a nicer look on ya!"
"What… what else do you want from me?"
"You… you aren't the man to hold someone hostage to have someone else kill them"
"Zehahaha! Busted~"
"I can see how you got so far into the New World. A smart one, aren't you?"
"Was that another dig at me, Augur!?"
"If you are so smart Burgess why don't you guess it"
"Anyway!" Blackbeard clapped his hands to bring the attention back to himself. "I'm not just gonna kill you, Trafalgar~ I need you to do something for me first~"
Law paled, widening her eyes. It couldn't be. He couldn't know about that, right?
"Ya see, aging sounds like a pain in the ass, so how about I release ya, and you perform the Perennial Youth Operation on me~?"
Law barely breathed a response, her voice weak, throat still sore from when Blackbeard had choked her. She wouldn't give that kind of victory to anyone, ever.
"No? Oi, oi, do you know what kind of situation you are in?"
"I know that you need me to perform the operation. Only a world class surgeon can do it. And asking someone else to have my fruit to kill themselves for you doesn't sound like it'll give you any results" She allowed herself to smirk, ignoring her fear for this small victory.
"Wiiihahaha! You got us! Wiihahaha!"
"But you know what that means, right?" Augur said, smirking, getting closer to her and untying her from the mast.
Once the ropes were loose and her body slumped forward, not longer restrained against the mast, Blackbeard slammed his hand into her head, slamming her face into the wooden floor.
"Zehahaha! It means that we'll have to convince ya! Come on men! Let's have some fun~"
Law paled, seeing from the corner of her eye Blackbeard loomed over her. He was laughing like a mad man, spit and drool staining his beard as Doc Q, Burgess and Augur got closer.
All four of them towered over her, much larger than any regular man. She had accepted what was going to happen ever since they mentioned they were going to "have fun", but seeing it right about to happen terrified Law to her core.
Burgess was the first to go down, grabbing Law by her shirt and tearing it apart from her body, freeing her boobs to them. Blackbeard and Augur immediately went to grope them, making Law flinch in pain as they squeezed her boobs.
"Hmmm, pretty soft. You wouldn't say that they were part of a man"
"Right? Zehahaha, the tattoo's make them look even better! Were you always such a whore even as a man, Trafalgar?"
"Sh-shut up! I didn't get tattoos for you to thirst over them!"
"Ah, right, my bad, zehaha!"
"Wiihahaha! You still have that much attitude, slut?! Let me fix it for ya!"
Burgess grabbed her jeans, and tore them apart. He threw the teared pieces away and grabbed Law by her ass, bringing her up for Blackbeard and Augur to keep fondling her breasts.
"Nice dump, slut"
"You pig!" She kicked him, wanting to wipe his stupid grin from his face, but he was so big she only reached his chest. She was still on seastone cuffs, so the kick barely did anything, if he even felt anything with that stupid muscular build of his. Watching her struggle, Blackbeard, grabbed her forearms and pulled them over her head, making sure he didn't touch the seastone cuffs.
"Zehaha! Still feisty! Such a pity, a woman should be soft and unchallenging. If you had begged me, I had taken you as my woman, Trafalgar!"
"Keep dreaming you sick fu-!"
She was silenced by another hand covering her entire mouth and lower half of her face effortlessly. Her eyes traveled to the other side, to watch Augur smirk down on her smugly. He tightened his grip on her boob and face.
"Watch your language, whore. You can't just insult the Commodore like that~"
She glared at him, and was about to bit his hand, but he felt something snap. She screamed into his hand, squirming and twisting her body as much as she could, being held by them. Augur and Blackbeard purposefully kept her upper body in the air just by her boobs, and Law could feel the deep pain in between her legs get shared into her chest.
Augur smirked, and released her mouth, only to grip her hair and pull her upwards, the injury on her head hurting more as he did so. He forced Law to look down, and paled.
"Wiihahaha! What a nice expression!"
Burgess had two of his fingers shoved deep inside Law's vagina. His hand was covered in blood, that Law wanted to think was from her hymen, and not from any penetration injury that he may have caused with those logs for fingers. But the most disturbing thing was the very noticeable bulge of his fingers pressing against her skin from within her belly.
The titanic captain moved his fingers around,. making Law scream in pain as they stretched her vagina, clearly not meant to be forced to open so much. Augur forced her to watch, as she saw the bulges of Burgess' fingers move around.
She was forced to watch from in between her breasts, making the show even more disturbing. Law suffered a sudden attack of body dysphoria, feeling sick just from being used as a plaything. The heart tattoo on her chest twisted in an unnatural way stretched over her breasts, and the lack of a penis made the pain of having her vagina forced even more intense.
"Sorry about that, hic! The disease doesn't help gender dysphoria. It's kinda a feature"
Law was painfully made aware that the sick looking doctor was still here as well, watching his crewmates play with Law's body like a toy, and doing nothing but drool like a creepy old man. The fact that he seemed to notice her discomfort by a simple glance told her all she needed to know about how this bastard of a doctor treated his patients.
"Zehahaha! Have you thought it over, Trafalgar~? Do you rather me and my men have our way with you, or will you die to make me immortal?"
"Ahh, die in a ditch"
"Our way with your body it is! Zehaha!"
Blackbeard released her boob, making her torso stand in an awkawrd angle in the air from Augur's grip. Not long after, he also let go of her unceremoniously, and Law's head hit the floor hard.
She was seeing stars, but the sudden lack of a feeling on her vagina told her that something was going on. Burgess pulled his blood soaked fingers and licked them in front of her, before pushing her ass and feet forward, until Law was put in a strange position, head on the floor, back arched, butt in the air, feet dangling close to her head.
"What?" Law's cheeks burned, feeling gravity push her boobs towards her face.
Augur and Doc Q held her legs, stepping on her arms so she couldn't move at all, while Burgess got on his knees right by Law's back. She felt his thick hands grasp her butt again, and spread her asscheeks.
"Wiihaha!" She felt his breath tickle her exposed vagina, and wasn't even allowed to shiver when she felt his beard rub against her.
"No! Stop!"
"Who do you think you are to ask for demands~?"
Black beard teased her, towering over her. Law paled as he lowered his pants, revealing a massive cock as thick as her arm was as a man. Before she could even begin to process that, Law felt something foreign invade her ass.
With a yelp, she forced herself to look up, and her heart felt as if it fell right into her throat, choking her. Burgess had his face sunk right on her ass. His tongue pushed right into her ass, unbothered, and stretched it like his fingers had stretched her pussy.
His nose rubbed against her pussy, and his beard brushed uncomfortably against her asscheeks. She felt herself twitch, her asshole trying to contract, but even his tongue was a mass of pure muscle unwilling to bend to her.
"Zehaha! Nice expression, but don't forget about me, missy ~"
Law looked up, terrified, just as Balckbeard went down, grabbing her face and pressing against her cheeks to open her mouth.
Law rolled her eyes all the way to the back of her head, crying as Blackbeard forced his entire cock inside her mouth. Her lips hurt from being stretched so much and she felt like gagging multiple times as Blackbeard forced the outline of his cock on Law's neck.
The pain on her arms as Augur and Doc Q held her in place became even more apparent, as she desperately wanted to pull Blackbeard away from her. She couldn't even find the strength to let out a muffled scream, as her face started getting purple from the lack of air.
The world around him started to blur, as she was barely kept conscious. Burgess was still abusing her asshole with her tongue, and the other two titanic captains had removed her shoes, leaving Law completely naked.
She didn't know if she could still gag in the perpetual choke she was in, but she found a way to do so when she felt the disgustingly slimy tongue of Doc Q drag on her foot.
"Oh nice! You tightened up, you enjoyed this, didn't you? What a slut, zehaha!"
Blackbeard grabbed her neck again, and Law could feel his cock throb deep inside her. The corners of her sight started to darken the more time her mouth was clogged with Blackbeard's cock, his balls rubbing against her face and nose and numbing her even more.
"Hic! She's going to pass out, Commodore"
"Tsk, such high maintenance"
He pulled out, leaving a trail of saliva and precum connecting Law's face with his cock. She coughed, taking mouthfuls of air. Now that she could breathe again, the stench of having Blackbeard rub his nuts on her face hit her all at one, making her gag again, crying. Sometime in all of that, Burgess had finally pulled his mouth away from her, not after slapping her butt and making it jiggle.
"Wiihahaha! She's loosened up!"
Augur and Doc Q finally stepped away, releasing Law's arms and legs. She fell to the floor, her back finally straight after being forced into a strained position for so long. Her arms itched after being held down by the weight of two men, and had dark spots where they had stepped on her.
"Zehaha! Then let's get started!"
Law was abruptly brought back to reality as the other three men dropped their pants, revealing equally hard and throbbing cocks. Burgess was even bigger than Blackbeard, cock throbbing with thick veins popping and precum dripping right on Law's thigh.
She cringed and crawled away, only to go right to Augur's feet. His cock casted a shadow over her face, and couldn't fight back when he grabbed her hair and dragged his cock over her face, unbothered by the blood still sticking to her.
Law closed her eyes, gagging over the smell, and closed her mouth. Augur tried forcing his dick inside her mouth, but Law wouldn't let another man force their dick down her throat as easily.
Doc Q, went down, and cupped one of Law's breasts with his hand, bringing himself closer and wrapping his lips around it.
Law moaned when she felt him actually suck on her tit, with Augur taking full advantage of that, forcing his cock inside her mouth. He wasn't as thick as Blackbeard, but that just meant he could actually thrust his dick inside instead of being stuck.
The sniper grabbed Law's head in the same position that Blackbeard had used when shoving his cock on her throat, and started thrusting his hips. Law let a muffled moan, gagging on his cock with tears running down her eyes as she felt his dick rub against her throat with each thrust.
From outside, the outline of Augur's dick was clearly visible on her neck, with Law gagging and making strained moans every time, with Augur slamming his balls on her face.
"Wiiihahaha! Let's go us as well, Commodore!"
"Zehahaha! You got it!"
Burgess got under Law, lifting her up and making Doc Q complain when he had to readjust how he was sucking on her breast. Burgess then without any sort of warning, slid his huge throbbing cock inside Law's asshole.
Law screamed into Augur's cock, tears going upwards into her hair as she felt her ass being reshaped by the huge cock inside her. Her medical mind told her that a dick that big was meant to fracture her rectum, but the intense pain on her ass numbed everything else.
Doc Q didn't stop sucking on her tip for even a moment, teasing Law's nipple and making her shiver. He was masturbating as he dug his teeth on Law's boob, making her scream again in Augur, who appreciated the vibrations of her voice on his cock.
The doctor's tongue dragged along her breast, tasting the soft flesh and passing through the dark lines of Law's heart tattoo going over it. Stronger, the horse got closer, and mimicked his master, going to Law's other boob and biting on it, rolling his rough and thick tongue on it, making Law's mind overflow with all the intense sensations of her body.
Law rolled her eyes to the back of her head again, arms hanging uselessly beside her, as Augur kept fucking her skull, stretching and poking at her throat, her tits being used as a chew toy for the sickly doctor and horse.
Almost deliriously, she wondered why Burgess hadn't started moving yet, until she felt Blackbeard come in between her legs, spreading them with those unmistakable rough hands. Her thighs were forced to spread even more, so his fat body could come in between.
Suddenly, Law's mind felt a sharp jolt force it to awake, as a foreign massive object made its way inside her vagina.
"Zehahaha! She's squirming! What a slut!"
Law couldn't breath. Not like Augur was making it easy to begin with, but her lungs refused to work as she felt something abnormally large part the lips of pussy away. It pushed away every barrier inside her vagina, and Law could feel it reach the end of it, hitting against her cervix.
It then pushed past it and she finally screamed, feeling her guts get pushed by the enormous cock invading her womb. Blackbeard laughed and admired the outline of his dick on Law's body, reaching the bottom of her heart tattoo, poking her stomach from the insides.
"Zehaha! So flexible! Can't remember the last time a lass could take all of my cock! Yer a natural, Trafalgar! Zehaha!"
"Wiiihaha! She's clenching even tighter!"
They started moving at that moment, both large men, pistoning their unnaturally big cocks, not meant to go into a woman much smaller than them. Law wanted to pass out, to at least lose consciousness so she wouldn't have to feel this, but she was forced to be awake, as the three men constantly thrusted deep inside her, engraving the shape of their cocks into her body, forcing it to remember, while her breasts were abused by two equally uncaring beasts.
Law cried, arms and legs hanging uselessly, hands and feet twitching with every thrust. Her neck hurt, her chest was on fire, and her throat, vagina and ass were gaping into the cocks. A sick feeling of wrongness permanently permeated her body, forced to listen to the taunts of the victors. Forced to hear them praise her body as a mere toy for their enjoyment.
Law didn't expect she'd end up like this. Turned into a woman, forced to experience things she should have never have experienced. Were the rest of her crew also getting violated by the rest of Blackbeard's crew? If only she hadn't the seastone cuffs on, she would have overpowered this feminization disease and killed every single one of them.
Instead,she was nothing more than a toy for them. Her stomach twisted when she felt them moan and slam deeper into her, hot, warm and slimy substances going inside her. She was filled with a deep sense of fullness in her crotch, as Blackbeard unloaded his seed inside her vagina.
Burgess and Augur's own loads in the two ends of her digestive system didn't compare with the dread of Blackbeards seed going inside her. They pulled away, making Law cough up cum, her eyes glossy after all of that. Her cum and ass leaked cum as well, but Law's mind was somewhere else.
He had cum inside of her. Law didn't know if she was fertile after being transformed. Burgess had broken her hymen, so it was a natural assumption that if that had been replicated, a functioning reproductive system would have as well.
As the men tossed her around like a toy, forcing her into all fours, she didn't even feel glad that Doc Q and Stronger were no longer abusing her breasts. Breasts, vagina, womb. All female body parts.
Law threw up the cum that Augur had pumped inside her stomach, feeling even sicker. Burgess and Blackbeard laughed while Augur looked mildly amused at that. She felt hot, deep in her crotch, where Blackbeard had left his seed.
Not even Doc Q cumming on her back was enough to break her out of the horrible realization of what had happened. Her vision looked at nothing in particular, but was still distant, boobs hanging down at the mercy of gravity, red bite marks over her tattoo.
"Wiiihaha! Broken so soon? Don't think we are gonna stop just because you aren't feeling for the part!"
Law didn't fight back when Augur got behind her, and thrusted his cock deep into her ass. She felt like a stranger in her body, rejecting the feeling of her boobs bouncing, her smoother hair and skin, and worst of all, the feeling of wrongness deep inside her.
Burgess grabbed her hair, revealing the mess of her face. Tears ran down her face, mixing with the blood and giving her a look as if she had ruined a non existing makeup. Had Law looked at her face in a mirror, she'd feel even more disgusted by such a broken, yet feminine look.
Burgess gripped Law's jaw, forcing it to open and slamming his dick all the way to the base. Law made an involuntary sound, as she gagged, nose pressed against Burgess dirty pubes, while his balls rubbed against her chin.
"Don't stay like that looking miserable, Trafalgar! Use those delicate hands for something useful! Zehahaha!"
Law cried more, as Burgess fucked her face much more rougher than Augur did, with him constantly stabbing her insides at the same time, slamming his hips against her ass. Blackbeard and Doc Q grabbed her hands, and forced her to touch their disgusting cocks, forced to keep jerking them off while she was squeezed in between Burgess and Augur.
Their dicks felt sticky from having cummed earlier, but Law was forced to keep her hands on them. Her arms hurt from when they had been stepped on, but they didn't let her any moment to rest.
Burgess moaned and grabbed a fistful of hair, pressing Law's face against his waist, and came deep into her throat. Law gagged, crying more, coughing with the cock still sheathed all the way inside her throat, trails of cum coming out of her nose.
Burgess pulled away, still holding Law by her hair. Her face was even more of a mess, covered in more cum and tears. She barely made more tries to breathe, feeling even weaker.
"Zehaha! What a slut! Take this!"
Blackbeard and Doc Q took their cocks away from her hands, and jerked themselves off close to her head as Burgess held her down. They came on her face, ruining her even more. Law closed one of her eyes, feeling the hot, disgusting seed stain her face.
Once they were done leaving a mark on Law's face and breasts, Burgess released her hair, letting her fall face first into the floor, to weak to bring to stop the fall with her hands.
"Zehaha! Fell so easy!"
"Wiihahaha! Grade A whore you made Doc!"
"Hic! She's quite enjoyable, heh"
Augur groaned, as he unloaded his load on Law's ass. She barely felt it, as he pulled out and shot a few more ropes of cum on her back, even reaching her hair.
"Ahh, did you have to get the hair too? Now grabbing it is disgusting!"
"Shut up, Burgess. I had to use the holes you were in earlier and you didn't see me complain"
"Knock it off you too! It was still lots of fun! Zehaha!" Blackbeard nudged Law with his boot, forcing her to look up.
Her sight was lost and unfocused, mouth hung over, trails of saliva, blood and cum making a complete mess out of her. Her breasts slipped through the sides of her chest, sticky and stained in cum, covered in bite marks
There was still cum leaking out of her pussy and ass.
"Wiiihahaha! hard to think this was a pirate with a bounty worth 3 billion berry!"
Blackbeard stepped on Law's gut, making her gasp and spit out cum mixed with saliva. She seemed to regain some consciousness, gasping and looking at Blackbeard with deep hatred and fear.
"What a nice expression! Zehahaha! Not the one I like on my women, but perfect for a whore! Unless you wanna trade your life to give me eternal youth~"
He put a hand behind his ear, expecting an answer.
"Ke-keep dreaming, pig"
Law managed to pull a desperate smirk, coughing some blood, giving her a nasty and dirty look.
"Hoo~? Still wanting more~?" Blackbeard grabbed from the throat, squeezing hard and raising her body in the air.
Law gasped uselessly for air, looking down at Blackbeard, her previous defiance having disappeared completely.
"Call someone without abilities. And have her crew brought up here"
Law paled, realizing he was planning to expose her in her current state to her crew. Augur pulled his pants up, and warped out of sight. Was that his ability? Did that imply that all the higher officers of his crew were ability users?
Law didn't have much time to think about it, as Blackbeard slammed her into the mast again. She tried grabbing Blackbeard's hand, rubbing the seastone coughs on him to try weakening his grip and let her grip, but it wasn't enough to show any kind of discomfort on his face.
Augur appeared out of thin air a moment later, with another man, much shorter than them, but still of normal height for normal humans.
"Chain her up"
"Y-Yes, Commodore!"
The man locked chains on Law's cuffs, and wrapped them over the mast. Blackbeard let her go, Law felt her weight being held by the chains around the mast, being held there just by the seastone cuffs digging into her wrists.
She gasped, taking any chance she could to breathe fresh air. Her wrists were sore, and Law could feel the warm sensation of blood leaking from her wrists against the cold stillness of the seastone.
But Blackbeard's subordinate wasn't done, and clasped additional cuffs on Law's ankles, passing another chain over the mast, tying her from her wrists and ankles over the mast, being held only by how tight the grip on her was.
"Zehahaha! You look good, Trafalgar!"
Law glared at him, fighting back against the tears blurring her vision. She saw Burgess lead the rest of Blackbeard's crew up to the same floor. With them were her crewmates, feminized and showing signs that they had received similar treatment as Law.
Their eyes widened after seeing Law, all hope seemingly lost and broken at that very moment. Law couldn't help but look helplessly at their broken looks, feeling miserable herself.
Things shouldn't have gone this way. She should have done more for them. No, he should have done more. She hated the fact that she was starting to think of herself as woman more and more.
"Zehahaha! What a sorry show! Don't worry Trafalgar, you can end it all by just giving me your life~"
She looked away, not finding strength to even tell him no again. He punched Law in the stomach, right where he had stepped on her earlier.
The Heart Pirates shifted, trying to get to Law, but were forced into the floor by Blackbeard's pirates. Blackbeard himself grabbed Law by her face again, pulling the blood on her lips away with his thumb. Law wanted to bit it off the moment it touched her lips, but he pulled it away just in time.
"Still defiant I see~ No matter, zehaha! There's the sorry excuse of pirates you made after stealing their hearts dying to have a bite of you, Trafalgar! Let's see you change your opinion after that! Zehahaha!"
Blackbeard and his crew laughed, leaving Law into despair, being made the crew's whore, destined to become their slut and the toy of Hachinosu.
"Hey Comodore, shouldn't we bring Big Mom's brat here as well to see what will come of her if she doesn't obey? Wiiihaha"
"That's a wonderful idea! She has a cute face~ wonder if she'd make a fine woman~"
They laughed, living law chained up in the mast, in a shameful display, stained with cum, tears and blood, with bite marks, and Blackbeard's seed still inside her.
She wished death, but that would still give Blackbeard her fruit.
She truly had no way to win.
This was hell.