After the Black Dog Mercenaries successfully defeated the Dark Elf Queen Olga, Vault and his Mercenaries proceeded to lock her and her loyal aide, Chloe, in the dungeon and commemorate their victory with the Black Citadel.
As they continue to celebrate, Chloe questioned her queen on what dark fate may lie in store for them, and Olga told her that she doesn't know.
But as time passes by, Olga soon felt a sudden surge of power, causing her to jolt up and frantically turns to the cell, "No, it can't be!"
"What's wrong, Olga-sama?!" Chloe questioned with concern,
"The creation I've spent all my time and power is about awaken. If it is born now, not even I will be able to stop it," Olga grimly stated
"What creation?" Chloe questioned,
"The Strongest Monster in the World," Olga revealed, "The Dark Dryad,"
Chloe grew wary of this as her queen explained, "Much like Dryads of mythical forests, The Dark Dryad's body is filled with dark magic energies and made by various materials belonging to a variety of monsters. After it's creation, I planned to have its mind altered and become a loyal servant to our cause. But then the mercenaries came and we are here now,"
"What happens after it is born? To us?!" Chloe questioned with concerned
Olga's bangs overshadowed her eyes, then a desponded look on her face appeared before her loyal aide, "It's too late to think about that now…"
Chloe dreads on the thought and looks outside of their cell.
Citadel Depths…
Confined in a large room lies a large chrysalis pulsating with life and dark silhouette was spotted within. The thoughts of this life form consists of memories from the beginning of it's creation and hears a constant voice in its thought, 'Grow, Kill, Rape, Conquer.'
These four words would naturally repeat itself into its mind and becomes its primary directives. In the final days of its incubation, The silhouette within had started to flinch and what follows is a crack as the life form opened its eyes for the very first time.
As it's body started to flinch, The chrysalis continues to crack and finally bursts with an abundance of fluids splattering the entire walls of the room. What soon slips out of the chrysalis was the Dark Dryad, appearing to be a humanoid plant resembling that of a child, and bolstered its strength to stand up.
It then wobbly walked the room, and stands before a steel door. It'd place its hand onto the door and ushered its first word, "Conquer…"
With a clenched fish, The Dark Dryad breaks the door open and leaves the room. It soon recalled the voice of its creator and muttered its second word, "Olga…"
With the Dark Dryad born and without loyalty to Olga, the whole world is doomed to fall by its hand…
Olga grows anxious in every passing second and Chloe is overly concerned about her queen's behavior. Moments later, they hear the cell door opening and the two look up to see four of Vault's men.
"Boss wants one of you at the throne room," The First Mercenary announced, "Something special is about to happen,"
They soon returned to Olga, noticed how she was trembling her body, and embraced herself like a frightened girl, "Uh, what's wrong? Are you scared we're going to hurt you? Don't you worry, because the boss will take really good care of you,"
The four mercenaries soon laughed upon seeing the Dark Elf Queen tremble before their very presence. Then Olga gasped when she sensed the Dark Dryad within the cell and a Mercenary was struck from behind.
His choke caught the rest of the mercenaries off guard and looking down, they saw a bloodied arm through his perforated stomach and fell to his knees. The culprit is soon revealed to all and grabbed the fourth mercenary by the head.
With just one squeeze, the fourth mercenary's head was cracked open and a chunk of his brain was in its hand. As he felt dead, the other mercenaries were startled while Olga muttered in despair, "We're all doomed…"
The Dark Dryad's skin seemed to absorb the blood and brain matter for nourishment, then it proceeded to bend down and start devouring the head first before everyone's eyes. However, the mercenaries weren't just going to stand there and watch as the third mercenary drew his sword strikes it down.
But this was futile as the Dark Dryad's body is too thick and the sword finds itself lodged in his shoulder. He'd try to yank it out, but his attempts would lead to the Dark Dryad's attention and plunge its hand through his stomach. When pulled, the third mercenary's guts were spilled, blood spewed out of his mouth and wound.
But the Dark Dryad didn't stop there as it struck its hand through his chest and effortlessly ripped the heart out before eating it before his dying eyes. Once he fell, the remaining mercenaries backed away and one of them turned to Olga, threatening her at sword point, "Hey! That thing's with you right?! Tell it to stop!"
"I can't," Olga admitted, "It holds no loyalty to me, and you fools prevented me from implementing such loyalty,"
"Shut up! Tell it to before I-" Before that mercenary could finish his sentence, the Dark Dryad had removed the sword lounged from his shoulder and threw it hard at him,
It would go through the side of his body and impale him through the stone wall. Blood spews out of his mouth and goes limp while the last mercenary tries to run past it, but he is caught as the Dark Dryad digs its fingers into his back and easily crushes his spine.
Upon release, the mercenary fell to the floor and howled in agonizing pain. He then tried to crawl out of the cell but the Dark Dryad put an end to him by stomping its foot through his back and crushed his heart in the process.
Olga and Chloe watched in horror as the Dark Dryad, Olga's ultimate creation, slaughtered the mercenaries like rats. What's gruesome is that the Dark Dryad devoured the corpses through its skin and teeth, the last mercenary to be eaten was the one stuck to a wall.
Only then, the problem turn to the Dark Elves in the room...
"Olga..." The Dark Dryad muttered,
'It recognizes her, what if...' Chloe muttered, then stated, "That's right, that woman there is Olga Discordia and she was the one who created you. Once you've freed me, we get back at those scum,"
It appeared to have worked as the Dark Dryad approached Olga, but as the Dark Dryad stood before her. Its crotch suddenly opened and before Olga's eyes was a cock of an average adult and inches away from her face.
"Hey! What are you doing!" Chloe exclaimed, "Get that thing away from her!"
Olga just stared at it, then it quickly escalated with the Dark Dryad as it grabbed her by the hair and shoved its cock down her throat. Just as Olga's eyes widen, Chloe screams, "Olga-sama!"
What followed was a violent motion of the Dark Dryad's thrusting and Olga was powerless to stop him. Chloe proceeded to struggle from her chains and come to her queen's aid, but it was futile as Olga choked from the cock deep inside her throat and soon felt it erupted when the Dark Dryad came for the very first time.
She was forced to gulp it all down, and when the Dark Dryad pulled away, she took a deep breath and coughed several times. When she caught a glimpse of the Dark Dryad's seed, it was green instead of white, she noticed that the taste was rather sweet despite how thick it was in her mouth.
But the Dark Dryad was far from over as its cock is still hard and twitching, and what followed was the stripping of Olga's attire. She is then pushed onto the ground and her legs are spread apart. There wasn't any foreplay or stimulation done on her creation's part, instead, it goes for a raw experience when the Dark Dryad prods Olga's pussy with its cock, and what comes next is its cock being plunged deep into her pussy.
Olga screamed as the pain surged across her body while her loyal aide screamed in utter dismay, and tears flowed from her eyes. As for the Dark Dryad, it showed no mercy or restraint in thrusting Olga's torn pussy with its blood-drenched cock and causing hints of her virgin blood to spread on their thighs.
Chloe could only turn away with her eyes closed and bite her lip with regret as her queen was being violated by her own the creation. She regretted telling it about Olga and wished she had taken her place rather than bear to hear her groans from the Dark Dryad's thrusting.
However, her groans soon turned to shrieks of delight, and Chloe whipped her head with eyes open to see that Olga had somehow changed from a stoic elf queen to a euphoric woman. The effect that this Dark Dryad unleashed upon her has drastically changed her behavior and has surrendered herself to the carnal desires of her creation.
In the end, Olga lets out an ecstatic scream as the Dark Dryad plunges its cock deep inside of her and unleashes a much larger load than he did previously. Olga shivers up, then falls limp on the floor while the Dark Dryad pulls itself away. The resulting action led to her pussy bursting out thick layers of green seed and Olga out of breath for all the shrieking she has done.
Then, the Dark Dryad spoke with a sinister yet luscious voice, "You are mine, Olga... Your love for me will now and always be the one you'll seek... And your womb shall and always will bear the seed of my kind,"
Olga's breath was still ragged, then she smiled and responded, "Yes, Master... And I shall have no one but your kind..."
The Dark Dryad chuckled upon hearing Olga's words of fealty. As for Chloe, she protested her majesty's words, "That's absurd! Olga-sama, you are the Dark Elf Queen of the Black Citadel! The one who will conquerorYou mustn't fall to the temptations of this thing! What of your promise to me!"
Olga and the Dark Dryad would turn to her, and the former soon responds after she turned to her creation, "It doesn't matter,"
Chloe despaired upon hearing Olga's dismissal, especially when she continued, "As long as I bear my master's kin, nothing else matters..."
"No..." Chloe muttered in disbelief,
Then, the Dark Dryad's attention was diverted to Olga's loyal aide and his cock remains hard despite the load he unleashed earlier...
Despite Chloe's protests, The Dark Dryad pushed her against the wall and ripped her attire to unveil her naked body. She sneered at the Dark Dryad as it gazed at her naked body, then she kicked it on the stomach hard and dazed The Dark Dryad to step back.
It did not register the pain, but it did register her defiance and smirked, "Such strong will..."
When it looked up, Chloe saw an intrigued look on its face and felt shaken as it continued, "But I will break you,"
Before she said a word, The Dark Dryad punched Chloe in the stomach hard and caused her to cough out and fall to her knees. Due to the stocks locking her wrists and neck, she was unable to clutch onto her throbbing stomach and the Dark Dryad just looked down on her before placing its foot on top of her head. He would not apply any further weight as the death of a woman contradicts its directive to rape women.
Therefore, the Dark Dryad decided to learn how to punish defiant women...
After Chloe stopped coughing, The Dark Dryad pulled his foot back, grabbed her by the ponytail, and had her whole mouth stuffed with its cock. Instead of pounding her mouth, The Dark Dryad started bobbing her head and let her choke on its cock and wooden stocks around her neck.
The Dark Dryad just chuckled as it heard her gagging, eyes rising, and face turning blue in every passing minute. When she was close to passing out, The Dark Dryad finally pulled its cock out and Chloe took a deep breath before coughing several times.
What would follow is the Dark Dryad positioning itself behind Chloe, and ripping the fabric that covers her pussy and asshole. It'd spread Chloe's pussy open and examined it, then it smirked before shoving its whole hand into her pussy. Chloe screams in pain, but the Dark Dryad doesn't stop until its fist bulges within her belly.
What comes next is the Dark Dryad thrusting and whirling its fist within and agonized Chloe into screaming her heart out and tears kept flowing. This was the Dark Dryad's way of punishing her for defiance and it soon led to her squirting juices all over. Once finished, the Dark Dryad doesn't pull its drenched fist, instead it lets her slide on the floor and his fist came out on her gaping pussy.
Chloe's breath was ragged, and strength was weak. She then looked up and saw her queen masturbating before her and squirt her juices mixed with the Dark Dryad's seed, "Olga… sama…"
The last part of his punishment was lie down on top of her and rub his cock in between her ass cheeks and then prod the tip against her unprepared asshole. There was resistance, but the Dark Dryad pushes it in and Chloe's response was a choking sound.
After it has gone deep, the Dark Dryad starts pounding, wrapped its one around her neck, and tugged her hair with the other hand. He deliberately had Chloe suffer physically and mentally by pounding her tight asshole and forced her gaze upon the Queen she loyally served under.
At this point, she no longer cared about the pain or humiliation. Instead, she remained silent until the Dark Dryad stopped and asked her one important question, "Do you yield, Dark Elf?"
There was pause between them, then Chloe gives a luscious smile and replied, "Yes, Master… Take me as you will,"
The Dark Dryad smiles, pulled his arms away, and break the wooden stocks that binds her wrists and neck together, "Good, now let's finish what we've started,"
The Dark Dryad would grab her by the breasts, pulled her up to her knees and starts pounding her asshole while fondling her all over. Chloe responds with moans of sheer joy and enjoy the way it roughly treats her. Olga would suddenly approach her and Chloe lusciously called for him, "Olga-sama,"
Olga would press her lips against Chloe's as well as press her large breasts against her's and the Dark Dryad's hands. In return, Chloe fondled her queen's ass cheeks and stretch her asshole with her thumbs.
Several minutes later, The Dark Dryad picks up pace and what comes after is it plunging its cock into Chloe's asshole and the latter moaning in Olga's lips. After that, Olga pulls away for Chloe to breath and the Dark Dryad slowly pulls its cock out of her asshole. It would leak out thick layers of green seed and causes Chloe to squirt her juices one last time.
An hour later, the Dark Dryad stands tall while Olga and Chloe were on their knees cleaning their Master's cock. The sweet aroma and taste was highly arousing for them and every drop was worth drinking and sharing when these two whirled their tongues together.
But moments later, two of the Black Dog Mercenaries arrived and shouted, "Hey, what the hell are you guys even doing. Vault's getting impatient and hoped that you ain't fucking those whores without… What the hell…"
Olga and Chloe paid no attention to their presences as they continued to make out. The Dark Dryad, on the other hand, grew irritable of their presences as he frowned at them.
"You speak of my women with such vile words? Such impudence deserves punishment," The Dark Dryad elaborated, and the nails of its hand grew sharp, "And death is what I bestow upon you,"
Without another word spoken, The two mercenaries tried to run for it. Only one managed to escape as the Dark Dryad caught and tore his head off right from the base of his spine. He would not kill the other just yet, having heard of a man named Vault.
It presumed him to be the leader of these five men and the one who intends to use its women as an example for their lecherous ambitions. Such a brazen plan deserves retribution and the Dark Dryad would do just that and walk to Olga's Throne room…
Within Olga's throne room, there was Vault with his mercenaries and the monsters that turned against the Dark Elf Queen for his self-eccentric ideals of a sexual empire. But after four of Vault's men refused to return with the Dark Queen, he grew impatient and sent two men to check on them.
Moments later, one man frantically returns to him, "Boss!"
"What's wrong? Did those boys play with those two without us?" Vault questioned,
"No! Something else," The Mercenary specified, "It just killed some of our guys, and raped the prisoners!"
Vault grew cautious and turned to Kin, his second in command, to scout the area with magic familiars. Kin nodded, opened his magic book for a summoning spell, and what was formed was a small flock of bird familiars. He'd send them forth to the hall that leads to the dungeon while their sights are connected to his own.
As soon as they were closing in, the flock had caught the sight of a monster and then they disappeared after Kin confirmed the monster, "There's certainly something coming this way, and it appears to be a monster."
"Oh, and where did it come from?" Vault questioned,
"It may not have been found anywhere, I'm afraid. It seems… different than the monsters we have at our disposal," Kin explained,
"Oh? Well, that sounds interesting," Vault remarked as he stood from the throne, carried his long sword onto his back, and ordered, "Prepare yourselves!"
The Mercenaries would grab their weapons while the Monsters were eagerly ready for a fight. After several minutes had passed, the monster Kin spoke of appeared before them and was tossed their way by the head of a Vault's mercenary.
Some were initially startled, but they would shrug it off as the threat appeared before them. Though it may appear as a child, its plant-like skin tells them otherwise…
"That's the one!" The Mercenary yelled, while pointing a finger, "That's the thing that killed our guys!"
"That little thing, it doesn't look so tough," Hicks, Vault's right hand, remarked,
As for Vault, he examined the Dark Dryad from top to bottom and somehow knew better, "So, I heard you killed my boys? Quite impressive of you,"
The Dark Dryad remained silent and what followed was a grin on Vault's face, "Tell you to want, why don't you join me? It'll save you the trouble as we conquer Eostia and make it ours,"
The Dark Dryad was silent, then a smirk appeared and its response was clear, "I refuse… For I will conquer more than just Eostia…"
"And what would that be?" Vault questioned,
The Dark Dryad raised his open hand and clenched it before their eyes, "The world…"
The Black Dogs gasped upon the Dark Dryad's desire while Vault himself sighed as he never considered this monster to be more ambitious than himself. As for the odds, the numbers were against it but a certain vibe told him that the Dark Dryad outmatched them. After one command, the orcs were the first to attack before Vault's men followed.
The first orc goes for a punch, but the Dark Dryad catches its fist with seed, and vines emerge from its back, wrapped around the orc's arm. What followed is the Dark Dryad ripping the arm off and the orc roars in agony, holds onto its dismembered shoulder, and takes several steps back. The Dark Dryad then goes to kill a few mercenaries by swinging the orc's dismembered arm like a mace.
The other orcs would surround the Dark Dryad after the dismembered arm was broken. But it avoids them and goes on top of one, vines are lodged into arms, then legs, and what follows is the Dark Dryad controlling the orc, like a puppet, and starts rampaging across the throne room. A majority of Vault's men were killed as they were punched hard or stomped like bugs while the other orcs were beating their kind until the Dark Dryad purposely ripped the head off its neck and transferred it to another orc.
Without any other choice, Kin then used an offensive spell that set the orcs ablaze while the remnants of Vault's mercenaries rallied to their leader. The latter deemed the orcs a lost cause as they burned before their eyes, however, they soon witnessed the Dark Dryad emerging from the flames scorched but unfazed.
Naturally, the wounds healed and an eye that it lost grew, while the remnants of the Black Dog Mercenaries were in disbelief. Vault smirks despite the awareness of his impending defeat, 'So much for my plans. But knowing how ambitious it was, I would have liked to live and see where it all goes...'
There was little regret as the Dark Dryad massacred the remaining mercenaries and Vault had his heart crushed by the Dark Dryad's hand. The only survivor of the mercenaries was Kin, but he had vines wrapped around his neck and the Dark Dryad examining him from head to toe.
Despite his masculinity, it grew intrigued as it decided to keep Kin as its trophy and use its dark magic to alter Kin's physical appearance. He groans throughout the process as he feels a hole opening from his crotch, his chest suddenly grows breasts, and his voice becomes somewhat feminine. After the process was complete, the Dark Dryad tore through his clothes and unveil to him the change it has done.
But not long enough as the Dark Dryad wrapped more vines around his arms, spread them and his legs apart, started licking his newly made pussy and cock. Kin shivers upon the sensation while his thoughts were on concerned on one particular matter, 'H-how? How could I feel it's tongue against that part of my crotch? How could it possess such power!'
As it goes by, Kin's cock gained an erection and the Dark Dryad proceeded to show its cock, teased his balls and pussy with the tip, then it plunges it in while Kin screams in pain and reels his head back.
'T-this is impossible! How could this hurt so painfully!' Kin exclaimed, but soon finds himself groaning as the Dark Dryad started pounding his blood drenched cock into him,
Every thrust it made, It's crotch bumps into Kin's balls. The Dark Dryad would grasp onto his cock and quickly stroked it in the manner as it's thrusting.
Several minutes later, The Dark Dryad pulled away, turned Kin over, and pushes it's cock back in while fondling his newly formed breasts with its hand and a vine stroking his cock.
After some time, Kin lets out a girl like moan, and shuts his mouth after it dawned on him 'Why… why did I just moan like that? These breasts, that pussy, and my cock… It managed to do all three, and they all feel so…'
Unable to resist, Kin surrenders to the pleasure as a luscious look appeared on his face and his groans turned to moans, "So good!!"
The Dark Dryad appreciated his submission to its pleasure as it quickened its pacing and finally plunges its cock into his pussy.
Kin lets out a scream of pure pleasure and have his cock spurt out white seed on the floor. After that, the Dark Dryad doesn't pull its cock out, instead it walked towards the empty throne with him, sat down, and pulled Kin close while the Dark Dryad telepathically called for Olga and Chloe, "Come to me, my slaves… And shower your affection to him as well,"
Olga and Chloe would soon arrive with their pussies still leaking green seed and fall on all fours to lick their master's balls as well as Kin's balls and cock. The latter on the other hand, turned his head towards the Dark Dryad, offered his open mouth.
The Dark Dryad accepts his offer by pushing its lips against his and makes out with him before the Dark Elves. But those two envied Kin as they offered their mouths to their master as well. As they all exchanged kisses with the Dark Dryad, it gives a telepathic message to all three, "That's right, you three. Your all mine, you will only grow to love my kind and no one shall take you,"
"Yes… Master," the three simultaneously replied,
Because of this, The Dark Dryad grasped Kin's cock, stroked in front of the two Dark Elves and what spurts out was green seed instead of white seed. The two Dark Elves would have their mouths open and accept its favor and the Dark Dryad filled Kin's pussy with its seed again.
Thus, The Black Citadel was claimed by the Dark Dryad, and the Black Dog Mercenaries are no more. It's only response was a sinister laughter that echoed across the throne room…
After Vault's death and his Black Dog mercenaries dissolved, the Throne Room became a breeding ground for the Dark Dryad after its body grew in two weeks. As for its slaves, their stomachs have grown large, their eyes turned green with dark pupils, and still desired the Dark Dryad's seed and cock while offering their naked bodies to it.
And The Dark Dryad indulged them with its cock still hard and leaking with sweet green seed...
The first person to be tended with the Dark Dryad's cock is Olga while Chloe and Kin patiently waited for their turn. It started with spreading Olga's legs and plunging its cock deep into her pussy. Compared to their first time, the cock was adamantly larger and would bulge its way up to her stomach if she hadn't been impregnated recently...
The Dark Dryad also squeezed and fondled her large breasts as they were oozing with breastmilk for their offspring. The mere sight of it causes the Dark Dryad to lick its lips and suckle down on one nipple. Olga loudly shrieked with delight, then she wrapped her arms around the Dark Dryad, "More! More! Fill my pussy with your sweet-tasting seed!"
Just as she demanded, the Dark Dryad plunges its cock deep and Olga lets out a screech and arched her body back as her insides were being filled with the Dark Dryad's seed again. The latter doesn't stop there as it positioned its cock in between Olga's large breasts and the tip near her mouth. There was some thrusting until the tip filled Olga's mouth and its seed flowed its way down to her throat.
She'd gulp and swallow every drop she could and its next partner was Chloe after it pulled away and stood before Dark Queen's Loyal aide...
Chloe was on all fours, ponytail tugged by the Dark Dryad, and its cock plunged deep into her pussy. Being treated roughly arouses the Dark Elf into frequently shrieking louder and squirting her juices all over the floor. To further arouse her body, The Dark Dryad had vines wrapped around her breasts and squeezed them despite the breastmilk being spilled all over the floor. Its pleasurable actions overwhelmed Chloe's mind as she wasn't thinking straight and it soon led to her screaming as the Dark Dryad plunges its cock deep into her pussy.
Once again, The Dark Dryad would hold onto the remainder, go in front of Chloe, and have her swallow the rest of its seed. Additionally, it had her swallow its entire cock and her throat bulged from the sheer size. But this arouses her one last time and squirts her juices one last time.
After it pulled away, it soon turned to Kin, who was impatient for her turn with the Dark Dryad.
Unlike Olga and Chloe, Kin prefers to take the lead as the Dark Dryad willingly lies down on its back and lets her ride its cock to her heart's content. Additionally, the latter decided to make Kin a woman by removing her cock and supporting her movements by clutching onto her waist. Over time, The Dark Dryad sat up, pressed its lips against hers, and grasps her ass cheeks.
As time passes, The Dark Dryad quickens its pacing and it soon plunges her down as Kin screams while grasping its back rather tightly. After that, it raises her off its cock, and then she positioned herself in front of its cock to suck down every drop of seed she can drink.
Having exhausted these slaves, the Dark Dryad would sit upon its claimed throne and let these three lick its cock for his seed. Then it lets them rest for the night…
The Next Day…
Olga, Chloe, and Kin were writhing and screaming in pain as the birth of their offspring had come. The Dark Dryad offered no support as they squealed and pushed their offspring out of their wombs.
Several minutes later, all three successfully delivered a total of eight plant pods: Two from Chloe and Kin and Four from Olga.
All of three slaves were thrilled by what they'd achieved while The Dark Dryad was impressed by the number of Olga's plant pods. Thus, it awarded her by using its dark magic on Chloe and Kin and grew cocks for Olga. The latter smiles upon the sight of them and enjoys every second of it.
The first position was Olga sucking half of the Dark Dryad's cock while stroking Chloe and Kin's cocks. There wasn't a moment where Olga would pull from the Dark Dryad's cock and suck either Chloe's or Kin's cock to savor the moment. When it was time, Olga would return to tending with the Dark Dryad's cock and receive its load while it and the other two showered her with green seed.
She'd pulled away and let some of the Dark Dryad's seed shower her face and open her mouth. After she swallowed, they proceeded to the next phase of their intercourse…
Chloe and Kin would suck each other with the former on the floor and the latter on top and facing the other direction. As for Olga, the Dark Dryad made her grow a large cock and stroked by the Dark Dryad's hand while her pussy is being pounded by its larger cock.
Olga's mind was way in over her head as her cock and pussy are being tended by the Dark Dryad. Her shrieks echoed across the throne room and were reaching her limits fast as she squirted juices and leaked seed. Eventually, the Dark Dryad plunges its cock deep and Olga screams from the top of her lungs as her pussy is being filled and her cock was spurting green seed all over.
Chloe and Kin would be done and swallow the seed of their respective partners. Once finished, they pulled away from each other and all three slaves were satisfied as they pant on the floor and bodies littered with green seed. As for the Dark Dryad, he chuckles at how his slaves performed today and relieves them of their cocks for today…
One Week Later
A full month hasn't passed and all pods have bloomed due to how fast they matured. What merged from those pods were Dark Nymphs with branch brown hair resembling their respective mothers and eyes resembling their fathers. The response these slaves give is warm embraces as they are seemingly welcomed into the world and breastfeeds them to become strong and healthy.
Two out of four Olga's offsprings are currently being fed by their respective mother while the other two were being breastfed by the Dark Dryad Prime after it grew large breasts for them to suckle on and breastmilk to provide nourishment for their strong and healthy bodies.
But after a few hours have passed, their crotches started to open and what appeared were cocks much like the size of the Dark Dryad Prime when it was born. The latter smiled and so did its slaves as they learned how healthy they were.
For Dark Nymphs, the very first thoughts that surged in their minds were their respective mothers and the two that are close to the Dark Dryad Prime were told to return to Olga. What would follow in their thoughts was love and their first partners…
Dark Nymphs are nymphomaniacs by birth and the first partner they'll desire would be the mother that birth them into this world. That and combined with the dark magic they've inherited from their father, they've become the embodiment of lust itself...
Two of Chloe's Dark Nymphs were pounding her respective holes with their cocks while one sucked onto her nipple and the other held onto her thighs. Chloe moans with an open mouth and praises her 'children', "Yes! That's how you satisfy your mother! More! More! Give your mother your cocks, feed on my breasts, fill me with seed!"
Just as she said, her two Dark Nyphms quickened their pace and inevitably plunged their cocks into her and filled it up with seed while Chloe held the Dark Nymph in front close and shrieked as loud as she could. After that, the two Dark Nymphs start moving as they never finish on the first round and Chloe continues to moan profusely from the pleasure.
For Olga, she had one Dark Nypmh stuffing her mouth with its cock, stroking a Dark Nypmh's cock on each side while her breasts were being suckled, and one Dark Nymph plunging its cock into her pussy. She was moaning with her eyes rolled up while her thoughts mainly consisted of her children's actions, 'Ah... They're so young, yet so strong and healthy. More, More! Let me have your seeds inside me,'
As if her children heard her thoughts, they soon quickened their pacing and spurt their seeds inside and all over her body. Olga audibly gulped down her child's seed and made a luscious look on her face, 'Just like their father's, So sweet and thick...'
Just like Chloe's Dark Nymphs, Olga can feel their cocks still hard and twitching and she indulged them in their desires by somehow turning over her body and being on all fours. Her Dark Nymph seemingly understood her wants and switched positions as well: One would still be in Olga's mouth and pussy while the other positioned themselves on each side, wrapped her long hair around their cocks, and stroked them.
Olga approved their technique and loudly moaned with a cock in her mouth. The other Dark Nymphs kept stroking and pounding before the Dark Nypmh in front decided to go under after it told its siblings to stop. Once in position, Olga lowered down until the Dark Nymph's head was in between her large breasts, and its cock guided into her pussy.
With two cocks inside of her, Olga yelped and moaned profusely while the other Dark Nymph with hair wrapped around their cocks were still stroking, "Yes, stretch my pussy open. Fill it up with your heart's content and shower me with your seed!"
Much like Chloe's case, the four Dark Nymphs reach their limits and start filling and spraying their seeds all over Olga's body as she shrieks. After that, the Dark Nymphs remained hard, Olga assumed a different position, and started thrusting their cocks inside of her mouth, in between her breasts, and inside her pussy and asshole. Olga, on the other hand, continues to moan and enjoy what she has birthed in this world.
For Kin, her Dark Nymphs have a different idea in mind. One Dark Nymph was lying on its back, Kin stuffed its mouth with her cock while sucking it off in return, and the other Dark Nymph pushes its cock into her pussy. The way they moved is different than the Dark Elves as Kin and the Dark Nymph she's sucking see-sawed while the other Dark Nymph followed their movements by pushing its cock in when Kin's hips moved up, then out when she moved down.
The cycle repeats itself several times, and then all three start spurting their seeds into each other. Kin swallowed the green seed flowing through his mouth and feel aroused by the seed flowing through her pussy. After all three pulled their cocks out of their respective partners, and Kin breathes for a moment. Then she praises her children, "Thank you, my children. What you've given me was wonderful,"
Kin soon felt a cock twitching inside her pussy and noticed the other cock twitching, "But it looks like we're far from over,"
After one lick of lips, the Dark Nymph below and behind her changed positions where they fill both her holes with their cocks and move in a rhythmical order. Kin moans especially when the Dark Nymph behind her squeezes her breasts, this causes her breast milk to be sprayed onto the face of the Dark Nymph below her. To its response, it absorbed and enjoyed her breast milk…
Several minutes later, the two Dark Nymphs proceeded to pump Kin's holes with their seed and the latter shrieked in response to the sensation. And yet, they were far from over as the Dark Nymph behind her pulled from her asshole and went to the front while Kin raised her body and pushed his cock into the pussy of the Dark Nymph below her.
There weren't any restrictions or boundaries between parents and children as Kin started pounding the Dark Nymph below and shared the sucking of cock from the Dark Nymph in front. What comes after is the faces of Kin and the Dark Nymph below her being sprayed with green seed while she filled the pussy of the Dark Nymph below her.
Even after all that, they'd still continue while alternating in various positions where Kin is either being filled or filling one of her Dark Nymphs.
As for the Dark Dryad Prime, it just sat on the throne and enjoyed the spectacular moments done by the slaves and children. It also stroked its large cock but holds no intention of joining their fun…
Several Days Later…
Just as the Dark Dryad Prime impregnated its slaves, the same was done by the Dark Nymphs as their wombs grew. But despite their inflated wombs, the Dark Nymphs continued to act upon their carnal desires.
Chloe was bobbing her hips on a cock inside her pussy while facing away from the Dark Nymph. She sucked the other Dark Nymph's cock at her leisure, Olga spread her legs, already allowing a Dark Nymph's cock inside of her filled pussy while stroking one cock on each hand, and Kin was on her knees thrusting her cock into a Dark Nymph's pussy with it on all fours and cock dangling around. In contrast, the other Dark Nymph pounds her filled pussy.
The three are constantly filled, fed, and sprayed with so much green seed that it becomes their only source of nourishment. As for the Dark Dryad Prime, it decided to entertain itself by having one of Olga's Dark Nymphs and stuffed its pussy with its cock. As it bulged its belly and moaned extravagantly, The Dark Dryad Prime solely focused itself on stroking the Dark Nymph's cock and pressing it against its bulging belly.
The movement wasn't required as the Dark Dryad Prime was solely aroused by both actions. But as it eyed the slaves, it realized that the number was not enough…
After everyone has their fill or shower of green seed, the Dark Dryad Prime would remove the Dark Nymph off of its lap and stand from its throne while the latter was leaking seed from its pussy. It then ordered the Olga's Dark Nymphs to step aside and ask, "Where can we find the next batch?"
Olga indulges it with what she knows, and the Dark Dryad Prime has its sights set on their first target...
After two months had passed, bandit and monster attacks suddenly decreased in a village farthest from the fortress and everyone felt a rush of relief that this war between the Alliance and Dark Elf Queen would be over. As such, people started going back to their usual routines in life.
A young herbalist girl even went to a certain part of the forest to collect medical herbs. But she was soon met with a group of Two Dark Nymphs and one Dark Dryad, all showing smiles on their faces while she looked up in horror...
Without a minute wasted, these three pounced on the girl, they tore through her clothes, and ignored her cries and struggles, "No! Let go of me! Somebody! Help me!"
After her legs were spread open and her pussy revealed, a Dark Nypmh pressed its cock against her pussy, the other Dark Nymph held her wrists down, and the Dark Dryad watched from the sideline. The Herbalist girl would stare at the cock against her pussy, "P-Please, don't hurt me..."
Her plea falls on deaf ears and the Dark Nypmh plunges its cock deep into her pussy and blood spurts after her hymen had been broken without any form of stimulation. The Herbalist screams in pain, but her scream provides the other Dark Nymph the opportunity to stuff her mouth with its cock. Before long, the two Dark Nypmhs started thrusting their respective holes and the Dark Dryad still watched it all unfold with its cock twitching in anticipation.
For the Herbalist, her thoughts were focused on her current situation, 'It hurts... It hurts! My mouth and vagina are scraped by these things. I don't like this! Someone, help me-'
Before she could process any more of her thoughts, she soon felt their cocks picking up pace and continues to groan until the two Dark Nymphs plunges their cocks into her and unleashed their seed. The Herbalist would find herself gulping their seed down, 'Huh? What did they just release? It tastes so sweet yet feels so thick… Just what are these things,'
As the Dark Nymphs pulled away, a Dark Dryad turns her over and aligned it's large cock into her pussy. After some prodding, the Dark Dryad finally plunges its cock deep into her pussy and bulges her belly.
For the Herbalist's reaction, she doesn't squeal nor scream. Instead she just widens her eyed and registers the cock inside her, 'It doesn't hurt…'
The Dark Dryad soon started thrusting while the Two Dark Nymphs stroked their cocks in front of her face. All the while, her thoughts changed to something different, 'I can feel it moving, but it doesn't hurt… But the more it moves within me, I'm starting to feel… Good…'
As if hearts formed from her eyes, the Herbalist quickly grew to love her situation and started moaning. The reason for her sudden change was due to the underlying effect of Dark Dryad seed. Similar to aphrodisiacs, constant consumption of this seed can spiral their victims into lust-craved individuals and they'll only ever want in life is the seed and cock of Dark Nymphs and Dryads.
However, a clear sign of her falling to such temptations would be her eyes turning green like plants…
After some time has passed, the Dark Dryad picks up pace and the Herbalist constantly moans until her belly grows due to the enormous amount of seed released inside of her and the Dark Nymphs spraying her face and mouth with their seed upon release. The herbalist was overwhelmed by her sexual drive of Dark Nymph and Dryad's cock, and soon fell onto the ground while her pussy slips off of the Dark Dryad's cock.
Her pussy then proceeded to gush out seed, and Dark Dryad would hoist her onto its shoulders and take her back to the Black Citadel for further breeding. As for the two Dark Nymphs, they would march towards the village, along with a small army of Dark Nymphs and Dryads.
What comes next is the utter chaos of the villagers…
After this small army arrived at the village, the villagers were caught totally unaware, and many men were killed and downright eaten by both Dark Nymphs and Dryads. The same applies to the elderly regardless of their gender.
As for Infants, they'd be taken away by either a Dark Nymph and Dryad from their human mothers, grow breasts to feed said infant, and be them back to the Black Citadel, regardless of whether the infant is a boy or girl. Most monsters often kill or eat newborns as they are deemed unnecessary or wasteful. For Dark Nymphs and Dryads, they somehow deem infants the future for sexual purposes and nurse them until they've reached the age where they can sexually have direct intercourse with Dark Nymphs.
They would've acted like every other monster hadn't been for the work of Olga's configuration to Dark Dryad Prime…
And finally, the mothers and siblings of infants or any other women they spot. They would find themselves becoming victims of the Dark Nymphs and Dryads' depraved desires…
One mother, after her baby was taken away by Dark Nymph, was brought to her knees, arms stretched back by vines of a Dark Dryad, and her pussy filled and pounded by its cock while her hips were held. As it went on, two Dark Nymphs approached her from the front and suckled onto her breasts for her milk while she exclaimed, "No! That milk is meant for my baby! Stop drinking it! give my baby back! Stop raping me, no!!"
Her pussy would soon be filled and her belly inflated by the Dark Dryad's seed while the two suckling Dark Nymphs sprayed their seeds onto her belly and thighs. After that was done, the Dark Dryad pulls out and the mother's upper body falls on the floor. Her pussy then gushes out seed, but one of the suckling Dark Nymphs went and plugged its cock into the mother's pussy and the other raised her head by the hair and pushed its cock into her mouth.
After several minutes have passed, the two Dark Nymphs pumped her mouth and pussy with green seed and inevitably fall under the influence. Not caring about how much she's being filled, how her baby is taken, and how her husband is lying on the floor dead. The mother desires nothing but their attention and seed before being taken back to the Black Citadel.
Another victim of the Dark Nymphs and Dryads' attack is a young villager girl, a total of four Dark Nymphs surround her and one is stretching her arms back, pounding her torn hymen, and bugling her stomach while she cries out, "Stop it! Stop moving in me! It's hurts, it's scary, Mama, Papa! Help-"
Her plea was soon silenced by a Dark Nymph stuffing her mouth with a cock and the other two stroked their cocks until all four Dark Nymphs spurt their cocks into her insides and all over her naked body. When the Dark Nymph that stuffed her mouth pulled back, she started coughing out the seed while the other Dark Nymph pulls out of her pussy.
But just as she regained some level of her composure, she soon noticed something that horrified her...
Not too far from them was her older brother, with his cock inside a Dark Dryad's pussy after it relinquished its cock, happily groaning with the way he was bobbing her and two Dark Nymphs licking his sensitive nipples. The young village girl could only widen her eyes in horror, as this was not the brother she fully known all her life, "Onii-chan..."
Before she could register any more thoughts of her brother, another Dark Nymph pushed its cock into her small pussy and the tip bulges her belly. But compared to how it started, she was completely numb by what she had witnessed, and the effects of the Dark Nymphs' seeds overwhelmed her faster than normal. Before long, the way they violated her became her way of coping with the pain.
Her groans of pain turned into shrieks of delight and eyes fully turned green. The same goes for her brother despite not taking any seed inside him.
In reality, he had been taking several kisses from Dark Nymphs and Dryads before he willingly accept their approaches. For Dark Nymphs and Dryad saliva is also a type of aphrodisiac, and takes over the mind of their victims upon consumption.
After both victims have their fill and spray of green seed, they'd be taken away to the Black Citadel and serve as breeding stock.
The majority of villagers were violated, filled and converted into obedient sex slaves and the rest were killed and eaten.
The one that leads is this small army was the Dark Dryad Prime with a chief's pregnant wife. It had lifted her off the ground, vines spreading her legs apart, and cock filling half of her pussy. It's intentions were not to harm the child within her womb and has done tremendously well in doing so.
Once she had some of it's seed into get pussy, it'd convert her into a sex slave while the baby remains unaffected due to its young age.
What would arguably come next is the target further ahead of this village: The Fortress of Alicia Arcturus.
After a month had passed, Alicia's fortress found itself under assault by an Army of Dark Nymphs and Dryads. Soldiers under Alicia's command fought valiantly but were decimated as the Dark Nymphs and Dryads were overwhelmingly powerful and unkillable.
It did not take long for these monsters to kill and eat soldiers dead or alive. As for the women, they were caught, stripped of their clothes, and became victims of the endless tide of lust.
One woman was pressed against the wall and a Dark Dryad plunges its cock into her pussy. She screams as her hymen is torn, and every thrust causes tears to fall and blood spurting all over it's cock, "It hurts! It hurts! Stop hurting me! I'm going to die!"
Despite her heartfelt cry, the Dark Dryad keeps pounding her against the wall and vines firmly wrap her breasts. What made her situation worse was when two Dark Dryads waited for their turn with twitching cocks. After several minutes have passed, the Dark Dryad plunges its cock into her pussy while the woman curls up a scream as she is being filled to the point where her stomach grows large on her.
But after the first Dark Dryad pulls out, another takes its place and starts thrusting inside of her. She kept pleading and crying for this supposed nightmare to be over, but the Dark Dryads continued to satisfy their endless sea of lust and fill every woman they got their hands on. As such, numerous girls and women were being pushed against something or pinned on the street, had their hymens broken by their cocks, and bellies filled with green seeds. The same also applies to their mouths and bodies as they relish that sight too.
As for infants they find, they're always taken away by Dark Nymphs to be raised as obedient slaves after they've grown appropriately. As for their mothers, they become victims of Dark Dryads pounding their pussies and Dark Nymphs suckling onto their breastmilk. Either way, the effects of their seed changes them and they become addicted to the seed unleashed into them.
Dark Nymphs and Dryads also target people indiscriminately one Dark Dryad caught a homeless adolescent girl in an alleyway and it forced her to have its cock into her mouth after it heard her grumbling stomach. She choked as the cock bulges in her throat, but it soon ended with the Dark Dryad somehow moderately releasing it into her mouth.
It'd remain still as it heard her gulping it down, then it pulled out as she started coughing. After she gathered her bearings, she looked up, "What are you-"
Only to get herself kissed by the Dark Dryad that fed her its seed. She yelped in response, but soon found herself falling for it before being lifted off her feet and carried away from the alleyway. As romantic as this scene may appear, Dark Nymphs and Dryads hold a sense of delicacy towards their slaves unlike humans and other monsters.
In the event a slave is sick, frail, or injured. Their natural response to such things changes and leads to Dark Nymphs and Dryads treating them with proper care rather than constant sexual assault. Another one of Olga's modifications while maintaining their original directives was to capture and breed women.
After the slaves recover, they undergo the same treatment as every other slave…
Beardsley's House
As soon as Dark Nymphs and Dryads barged their way to the door, they killed every man in the house and the first to become victims were the maids. The first maid was on her knees and double-teamed by two Dark Dryads, one in her throat and one in her pussy. The second maid was lying on the ground sideways, one leg lifted upright, and her pussy was pounded by a Dark Dryad while three Dark Nymphs surrounded her.
The third maid was against the wall, breasts grasped and caressed, and pussy filled by a Dark Dryad while two others waited their turn for her. The last maid was treated by a total of five Dark Nymphs, one in her pussy and licking her nipples, one in her asshole, one in her mouth, and one cock on each of her hands. All of them were being pounded and then pumped with green seed, and in just a matter of minutes, they all became addicted to the seed.
Their groans turn to moans and shrieks of pleasure, and all they could think about is having their pussies filled and their carving for green seed sated.
Once they were exhausted, the Dark Dryads would haul the maids out while the Dark Nymphs sensed another soul within this manor...
Upon entering the house's study room, they find Beardsley, Alicia Arcturus's adviser, shakingly holding his sword at them, "G-Get back! Get back, you heinous fiends!"
The Dark Nymphs weren't intimidated in the slightest, instead, they approached him and Beardsley proceeded to strike his sword down on one of them. The resulting blow caused the sword to go through a Dark Nymph's shoulder and just that. What comes next is the Dark Nymph effortlessly breaking and both it and its fellow Dark Nymphs approach Beardsley with ill intent.
As soon as Beardsley tumbled on his behind, the Dark Nymphs lunged at him and what followed was his screams echoing across the room.
Despite how small Dark Nymphs teeth may appear, they are indeed strong as one bite can tear through the flesh of Beardsley's limbs and belly easily. But it wasn't the only thing they'd done as one Dark Nymph ripped Beardsley's pants off and licked his limp dick into an erection and nibbled the tip.
This causes Beardsley to panic as he felt its teeth against the tip of his cock, "That isn't something you should bite on! Stop this instance!"
Sadly, it falls on deaf ears as the Dark Nymph manages to bite off a small piece of his cock, and the excruciating pain surges through Beardsley's body. He lets out a high-pitched scream, but it doesn't stop there as the Dark Nymphs continue to eat him piece by piece.
While Beardsley slowly loses consciousness, the last thoughts in his head are regret, 'All I ever wanted... Was to break Princess Alicia's virginity and fill her with my seed... Why? Why?! Why does this happen to me!?'
After a Dark Nymph bites Beardsley's neck hard, one pull causes him to choke in his blood and finally die after half of his body was devoured...
Then nothing but bits of bone and viscera and a bloodied carpet, before the Dark Nymphs left, they sensed someone hiding behind a large bookshelf. They'd easily tilt the shelf away and found a small locked door. Upon removal, they were met with a young, bruised, malnourished slave girl.
She seemed dead in the eyes, but the Dark Nymphs wouldn't force themselves onto her as one of them carried her into its arms and carried her back to the Citadel...
Under religious belief, the nuns gathered and sheltered people in their church and hoped that they'd be safe from the monsters. Sadly, they were wrong as the doors burst and everyone was assaulted by the Dark Nymphs and Dryads. Men were killed while women were assaulted within their holy ground.
The ones who were first were the fellow nuns of the church...
The Abbess of the Church had her clothes torn, her lower body lifted, and her pussy filled with a Dark Dryad. Her screams echo across the church and what follows is the pounding it gave with its cock drenched with virgin blood. All she could do was groan in pain and keep her eyes shut before ushering her prayer into her mind, 'O Goddess, give us strength. Bestow upon us the courage to endure this evil. Keep us and our people safe from-'
She soon loses herself from her thoughts as the Dark Dryad pounds faster and her groans turn into shrieks as she feels her limit reaching.
Before long, she screams as the Dark Dryad plunges its cock deep into her pussy and filled it with its seed. While it gushes out, the Abbess's thoughts continue as tears flow down her eyes, 'It's filling me, The body I offered to you has been defiled... O Goddess, I ask your forgiveness. Forgive me for letting myself be defiled by-'
Once again, her thoughts were interrupted when a Dark Dryad pulled its cock out and another takes its place. Additionally, they positioned her to lie down sideways for a Dark Dryad to stuff her mouth with it's cock. She choked on the sheer thickness of its cock and continued to do so when the two started thrusting into her.
She wasn't the only one as the other nuns had their clothes torn and forced into various positions by both Dark Nymphs and Dryads...
The First Nun finds herself lifted from the ground by two Dark Dryads and both her holes were filled by their cocks. The sheer sensation of her insides being rubbed against each other was excruciatingly painful, especially when her virginity had been stripped away and blood drenches one of the Dark Dryad's cocks. Both Dark Dryads were moving in a synchronized fashion before both her holes were pumped with seed again.
The Second Nun was lifted horizontally, and two Dark Dryads stuffed her mouth and pussy with their cocks to the point of bulging her throat and belly. They were simultaneously moving their cocks with her while two Nymphs went under and suckled onto her bobbing breasts. Eventually, her mouth and pussy were pumped by Dark Dryad seed that puffed her cheeks and slowly inflated her belly. Most would gush out, but they would pull away and let her fall on the floor after the Dark Nymphs moved away. What would follow is the same Dark Nymphs stuffing their cocks into the same holes as the Dark Dryads.
The Third Nun finds herself lying against the church pew with legs spread apart, and her pussy filled by a Dark Dryad's cock. While it was drenched with virgin blood, Two Dark Nymphs took advantage of her from the left; One would go for her mouth, and the other would go for the middle of her breasts. All three were moving at their own pace, and eventually filled and showered her with their seed. After they pulled themselves away, others would take their place and fill and shower her body non-stop.
The Fourth Nun had her stomach onto a church pew, and her pussy pounded by a Dark Dryad's blood-drenched cock. She also had three Dark Dryads in front and tending to her upper body: One stuffed her mouth, and the two rubbed their cocks on the top and bottom of her breasts respectively. They were moving at their own pace and the muffled nun could only groan at every thrust they'd made on her. Eventually, the four Dark Dryads either filled or showered her with their seed and what came after was the others taking their turn on her.
The Fifth Nun had her back against the wall, one leg lifted up, and cock stuffed by a Dark Dryad. Not only that, but it pushed its lips against hers and its saliva made its way down to her throat. A Few Dark Nymphs and Dryads await their turn. Before long, the Dark Dryad tending to her quickens its pace and plunges its cock deep as it releases its seed and the nun screams from the top of her lungs. Once it pulls out, it's either a Dark Nymph or Dryad that takes over and her belly would grow with every seed released inside.
The Sixth Nun was lying on the church altar sideways, and Dark Dryad plunges its cock into her asshole while Dark Nymph mounted the altar and pushed its cock into her pussy. Two Dark Nymphs would mount the altar as well and go for her breasts and mouth. All four moved at their own pace and the nun gagged upon the cock inside her mouth. Several minutes later, all for quicken their pacing and filled her holes while the Dark Nymph rubbing in between her breasts sprayed its seed onto her neck and then breasts after it pulled. After that, they either continue or give their turn to other Dark Nymphs and Dryads
And the Seventh, The Youngest Adolescent, Nun was tended by several Dark Nymphs simultaneously: One was under her with its cock inside her torn pussy, one stuffed her asshole while pinching her nipples, forcing her to grasp a cock on each hand, and one stuffing her mouth with its cock. All of the Dark Nymphs were moving at their own pace and made every intention to stimulate her body, before long she started squirting while her body was showered and her holes filled with green seed. After that, the Dark Nymphs alternate in taking their turns and changing the position of the nun
Several Minutes Later...
After Dark Nymphs and Dryads repeatedly filled the Abbess and her Nuns with their seed. They had forgotten their faith in their god and religion and sought nothing but the seeds of the Dark Nymphs and Dryads. But the combination of their devotion and newfound lust led to them believing that the Dark Nymphs and Dryads were deities descended from the heavens and their leader, Dark Dryad Prime, was their new god and savior.
Because of this change, they've become devoted followers and asked to be filled and showered repeatedly in the name of their new God. However, the Dark Nymphs and Dryads cared little about their devotion and primarily focused on venting their endless lust upon them. But after the nuns were physically exhausted, they were hauled out of the church and back to the Black Citadel as slaves to their kind.
The same applies to the other humans that were caught inside the church, only puddles of blood and bodies of men remained within...
As the battle wages on, Alicia's Knights and remnants of the Fortress rallied to their fortified location and held their ground against the Dark Nymphs and Dryads. Alicia Arcturus stands with them and hopes that her young cousin, Prim Fiorire, has escaped the Fortress with what little they can save from the siege.
After the castle doors fell, the Dark Nymphs and Dryads launched their attack while Alicia bravely led her troops against the monsters with a sword raised above her head, "For the Alliance!"
A clash between them and the monsters began, though they were brave enough to make a stand. They could not hold their ground for minutes, let alone seconds as the Dark Nymphs and Dryads overwhelmed Alicia and her knights. The men were pinned and devoured on the spot while the women were subdued along with Alicia Arcturus.
Even when they're restrained, some remain defiant and even struggle against their grip. The Dark Nymphs and Dryads weren't affected nor flinching in their feeble attempts, instead, they remained silent before receiving orders from their leader.
They'd lined everyone excluding Alicia as she was knocked out with a puff of scented flowers. Then the most defiant Knight was brought before the rest and received a blow to her stomach. She grunts, then proceeds to cough before wrapping her arms around the bruise after she is released.
After she fell on her knees, A Dark Dryad steps on her head without crushing it while another Dark Dryad positioned its cock in between her ass cheeks. The latter did rub its cock against her, then it prods her asshole then her pussy. The orders of Dark Dryad Prime, are to punish the knights for their defiance.
This would lead to the First Knight getting her asshole plunged by the Dark Dryad's cock and she lets out a bloodcurdling scream. The other knights become frantic as one of their comrades is being violated before their eyes and continue to struggle, but they are powerless under the Dark Dryads' grip.
What followed is the Dark Dryad roughly pounding the First Knight's asshole with its blood-drenched cock and slapping her ass cheeks until they turned red. Even when agonizing her, the Dark Dryad was holding back as it didn't want her dead. A custom that the Dark Nymphs and Dryads adapted into their psyche.
As time passed, the Dark Dryad quickened its pacing and the First Knight somehow knew what this meant, "No! Don't pound my hole like that! It hurts! Stop! Someone, help-"
Her pleas are soon cut short when the Dark Dryad plunges its cock deep into her asshole and unleashes an excessive amount of seed into her. The First Knight lets out another scream and what gushes out from her asshole is thick green seed. What comes after is the First Knight slowly passes out while the Dark Dryad pulls its cock out of her gaping asshole, still leaking seed. But this was only the beginning as the Dark Dryad that stepped on her went on to take a turn on her pussy, and plunged its cock deep while the tip bulged within her belly.
The Knight Commander and her comrades were all horrified by the depravity and cruelty of these monsters. Still, they too would become victims as the surrounding Dark Nymphs and Dryads began to assault them in various positions much to their pleas.
The Second Knight was lifted off the ground, and both her pussy and asshole were filled by Dark Dryad cocks. They ravaged her insides to the point where her eyes rolled upward, foam out of her mouth, and she blood-drenched their cocks. Eventually, the Dark Dryads quickened their pace while relishing the cries she'd made, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll try to be a good girl from now on! Please, make it stop!"
Sadly for her, the Dark Dryads plunged her holes with their cocks and filled them up with so much seed that it gushed right out of the gaps of her holes. It went out of her mouth as she spewed it into the Dark Dryad's face. But the latter paid no heed as it and the one behind her pulled their cocks out and let the Second Knight fall to the ground broken.
The Third Knight falls to her knees, gets deepthroated by a Dark Dryad, her pussy gets fisted by another Dark Dryad, and her asshole is stretched open by a Dark Dryad cock as well as give her breasts a tight squeeze. She choked on the cock in her throat and pisses herself in fear of dying by these monsters. But they were restraining themselves in their thrusting and relished from her pain and suffering.
Eventually, her mouth and asshole were pumped with green seed and the fist inside her reaches the very ends of pussy. After that, all three pull away and the Third Knight just lies on the ground with gaping holes and a mouthful of gushing green seed. She may look unresponsive, but she was alive due to the restraint these Dark Dryads had on her...
The Fourth Knight was harshly beaten by the Dark Nymphs and Dryads for being more defiant than the rest of the Knights. Though they restrained themselves from outright killing her, they weren't going easy on her as she received various slaps and punches to the face, breasts, stomach, and crotch. As soon as she fell onto the ground, the Dark Dryads began to stomp and kick her all over the body until she was bruised from neck to toe and one of them decided to flip her onto her back, spread her legs, and plunged its entire cock into her pussy while tightly wrapping its hand around her neck.
The amount of pressure instilled upon her won't kill her, but enough to show how brutal it was against her defiance before being pounded by the Dark Dryad's blood-drenched cock. The other surrounding Dark Nymphs and Dryads just watched or stroked their cocks as foam escaped from her mouth as well as ragged but comprehensive words, "S-Stop, I-I'll die! I'll die! Stop choking me!"
But despite her pleas, the Dark Dryad maintains said pressure while quickening its thrusting into her pussy. Before long, the Dark Dryad pushes deep into her pussy until its cock bulges onto her belly, and filled it with it's seed while slightly applying pressure around her neck. Any further, she would have died due to having her neck crushed but the Dark Dryad eases it's grip around her neck while the surrounding Dark Nymphs and Dryads riddled her bruised body with their seed.
After that, the cock inside her pussy was pulled and what gushes out was thick layers of seed and whatever fight she had left had disappated into nothing...
And the Fifth Knight was pinned onto the ground by Dark Nymphs and violated in every inhumanely possible; One plunged into her mouth, six tending to her large breasts, one of each hand, one prodding her belly button, one plunged into her pussy, one into her anus, and the rest surrounded her and stroked their cocks at her. All she could do in her situation was let out her muffled groans as she was violated in every inch of her body. It even reached the point where she gagged on Dark Nymph's cock and her vomit as it surges through her throat.
When she coughed, bits of it reached half of the Dark Nymph's cock but it absorbs it all by the base of its cock as it kept thrusting into her mouth. The same applies to every other Dark Nymph around her. And by the time they all reached their limit, the Fifth Knight was riddled and filled with green seed and her eyes slowly rolled upward as cock in her mouth was choking her with thick green seed.
As soon as they finished, the Dark Nymphs pulled themselves away and the Fifth Knights started coughing and spews green seeds all over her face. When they noticed that she wasn't breathing properly, a Dark Nymph kneeled down, pressed its lips against hers, and suck away the seed that was blocking her windpipe. As soon as she could breathe again, she had now lost the will to fight and motionlessly lay on the ground...
The Knight Commander somehow had it worse as two Dark Dryad Cocks were forced into her outstretched pussy, a fist was plunged into her asshole, and a cock plunged deep into her bulging throat. She felt like she was going to die, but the three Dark Dryads restrained themselves from outright killing her. However, she was unaware of their restraint, and her last thoughts were fixated on Alicia, 'Princess. Forgive me for my weakness... I have failed you and those who follow you. I am no commander, I'm not even a knight! I'm just-'
Her thoughts were soon disrupted when she felt the Dark Dryads picking up pace and becoming frantic as she felt something coming inside her. In the end, she lets out a blood-curdled scream, and her overly stretched pussy and mouth get filled with a thick green seed. The green seed in her pussy quickly escapes and creates a large puddle on the Dark Dryad that's below her. After all three Dark Dryads are pulled, the Knight Commander falls over and loses consciousness.
After all of Alicia's Knights had their spirits broken, the Dark Nymphs and Dryads hauled them all back to the Black Citadel where they'd lived the rest of their days as their slaves...
Black Citadel
Though Dark Dryad Prime remained, it saw the battle unfold through the eyes of its offspring. It relished the sights and scenes of women having their virginities torn away from them and its cock remained ever so large and hard. The ones tending to it were his slaves; Olga, Chloe, and Kin.
The Dark Elf Queen would suck half of his cock while Chloe and Kin respectively licked the lower sides of it's cock. Those three would also have Dark Nymphs thrusting into their respective pussies despite their enlarged bellies. Additionally, the Dark Nymphs were slapping their behinds until they turned red and all three responded with muffled moans as they tended to their master's cock.
After it released its seed, Olga pulled away and shared the load with Chloe and Kin while their respective Dark Nymphs were filling their pussies with their seed. Afterward, Dark Dryad Prime excused its slaves to their respective children and awaited Alicia's arrival while its cock twitched with so much anticipation...
Days after the first Fortress had fallen, Prim Fiorire gathered some of her troops and investigated the ruins for her sister or any other survivors they could find. When they arrived, they couldn't find a single soul in sight. The ground and walls splattered with dried blood…
Prim Fiorire would find herself at Alicia's desk with a desponded look and muttered, "Onii-chan…"
After the investigation, Alicia Arcturus and most of her people were deemed missing, and the entire fortress had fallen. This would be relayed to the other members of the Alliance while Prim remains ever so worried for Alicia's safety and condition.
Black Citadel
As the effect of the plant wears off, Alicia regains consciousness, retains some drowsiness as she sits up, and proceeds to scan her immediate surroundings. She is put into a cage filled with untamed plant life and spots the individual responsible for the siege. Compared to the other Dark Dryads, this one was a bit larger and more intimidating than them.
Thus, she's concluded that this is the leader behind the siege, "What are you?"
"The Leader... One who was behind the fall of your fortress," Dark Dryad Prime clarified,
Alicia glared daggers at it but felt an uneasy feeling with this monster. Compared to the monsters she knew, this one was far stronger than anything she's seen...
Soon, it enters the cage and leaves it open. However, Alicia was no fool to take it and maintained an uneasy feeling towards this monster. But this did not go unnoticed by Dark Dryad Prime, "Quite perceptive of you. Had you run out of that door, you would've met the others as they take pleasure in filling your people's wombs with their seed and I would have caught you regardless of how far you ran,"
The first part sets Alicia off as her pupils shrink and gnashes her teeth at it, "Just what the hell do you want from me already?!"
Dark Dryad Prime arrogantly smirked before reaching its hand to her head. Alicia's response was to swipe its hand away, "Don't touch me!"
Its response to her rejection wasn't aggravation, instead, it smirked with anticipation and ushered the following words, "Oh, I'm going to enjoy breaking you..."
Alicia had chills crawling down her spine, then she soon received a harsh slap right across her face from the Dark Dryad Prime. She felt with a yelp and bruise on her cheek, then Dark Dryad Prime sprouts its cock before her and grins upon her impending fate.
It then grabbed her by the top of her head and forced half of its cock into her mouth. Alicia gagged in response, but what followed was Dark Dryad Prime violently thrusting her mouth and both hands clutching onto her head. As this goes on, the following thought emerges from Alicia's mind, 'It hurts! This thing is going to break my jaw open!'
With what fight she had, she resorts to pounding her hands against the thighs of Dark Dryad Prime. This action causes it to slow down and keep her head in place, then it proceeds to punish her by slowly pulling its cock until the tip remained inside her mouth. This leads to the following thoughts in her head, 'I-It stopped, why?'
After she seemingly dropped her guard, Dark Dryad Prime forcibly plunges its cock into her throat and Alicia's pupils dilated and rolled upward, 'My throat! This thing is trying to choke me! Can't... breathe!'
What followed was several violent thrusts into her bulging throat and Alicia let out several muffled groans in the process. Eventually, the Dark Dryad Prime plunges its cock into her throat and what was released was thicker layers of green seed and a muffled scream escapes from her mouth. But instead of keeping her head in place, Dark Dryad Prime releases her, and Alicia immediately pulls her head away to cough out what she just had.
Her cough soon led to her regurgitation as the puddle of green seed came with some vomit as well. For Dark Dryad Prime's response, it smirked knowing how she detested it, and was soon met with a vicious glare in her eyes, "You bastard! Just what in all that's unholy is this!"
"My Seed, but that is merely one-tenth of what I've released into you," Dark Dryad Prime clarified while its cock still twitches before her eyes, "And I'm just getting started,"
Alicia resorts to a punch, but Dark Dryad Prime catches it and strikes her in the stomach. This caused Alicia to gag from the blow, then clutch around her bruised stomach as the pain throbbed all over. Then Dark Dryad Prime tore through her attire like paper and used its vines to restrain her as assumed their first position.
With a bench made from vines, Dark Dryad Prime sat with Alicia on its lap and her pussy pressed against its twitching cock. It chose not to rush, fiddled with one of her breasts, and teased her clit to heighten her sensitivity. Alicia yelped and resisted, but Dark Dryad Prime persisted in its teasing and she soon felt its tongue going up from her neck to the back of her ear which caused her to quiver.
Once it's prepared, it proceeds to lift her legs apart and whisper in her ear, "It's time..."
"T-Time? Just what are you talking about?" Alicia questioned,
"For the first step to slavery..." Dark Dryad Prime clarified as it lifted her, aligns its cock, and prods her pussy,
Alicia yelped when she felt the tip, then it dawned on her what this monster was about to do, "W-Wait! Don't!"
But Dark Dryad Prime persisted and slowly pushes her down until a quarter of its cock entered her pussy and tore her hymen open. Alicia screams across the cage as blood drenches it's cock, but it didn't stop there as she's still being pushed down and only stopped when half reached her insides.
Alicia's body stiffened for several moments, then she went limp as it overwhelmed her. But Dark Dryad Prime wasn't going to stop as it wrapped its arms around her and started bobbing her body. She would groan in every thrust it made, and while her thoughts were fixated on the matter at hand, 'My chastity... taken by this monster... It hurts... It hurts! How could this hurt more than anything I've endured?'
As time passes by and cock is drenched with virgin blood, Alicia's thoughts shift elsewhere and Dark Dryad Prime listens via telepathy through physical contact, 'Prim-san... I'm sorry... I had hoped to see you after this war ended... But it appears that I've failed you,'
"Prim Fiorire..." Dark Dryad Prime remarked, and caused a reaction that it anticipated from her, "One of the Seven Shield Princesses,"
When Alicia turned as it kept thrusting and saw an evil look in its eyes, "I can't wait to meet her, but first,"
Dark Dryad Prime quickened its pace further and Alicia's groans grew louder by the minute. Then she couldn't control herself any longer and frantically squirts all over the floor, further arousing Dark Dryad Prime in its thrusting then came the moment of truth when it plunges it's cock into her pussy and filled it with green seed.
Alicia screams were intensified, but after they died down she'd look down and witnessed it's green seed flowing out of her pussy, 'Huh? What is that?! It feels so thick and slimy, yet more of seeps out of me'
"It's my seed," Dark Dryad Prime clarified, and Alicia sharply turned to it, "It may not look like the seed of a man or monster, but it guarantees pregnancy of my species. For that, I'm certain you'll be a fine mother of my kind,"
Alicia's thoughts were soon filled with so much dread that the thought of mothering it's kind was horrifying. Before long, she starts to panic and Dark Dryad Prime enjoys this side of her as it released her.
After she pushes herself out of it's cock, she frantically crawled towards the open cell door just as screams. For Dark Dryad Prime, it relishes in her anguish by raping her on a whim. It's grabbed her by the heel, pulled her close, and rams it's cock into her pussy while Dark Dryad Prime expresses the following, "That's right! Cower before me, little girl. Be known of the despair in store for you!"
Again, Dark Dryad Prime releases it's green seed into her pussy. Alicia would pull herself and crawls on all fours next, but she'd be caught by the waist and pulled back with it's cock into her pussy again.
After another load was released, Alicia pulls away, stumbles a bit, then manages to stand upright as she walked towards the open cell. But she would be caught by the hair and her pussy filled by it's cock, "Escape is futile, little girl! All you could do here is bear the seeds of my kind!"
Another load is released yet Alicia manages to pull herself out and walk towards the open cell door. Just as she reached her hand out, Dark Dryad Prime ultimately shuts the door with it's vines and crushed whatever hope Alicia had as she grasped the bars of her prison.
"A-anyone, help-" Before she could complete her plea, Dark Dryad Prime came up from behind and plunges it's cock deep into her pussy. It then pressed it's body against her back and violently thrusted her already filled pussy with it's cock while whispering into her ear, "No one's coming to help you. Not even your precious Prim,"
Alicia wails as it thrusts it's cock into her, and starts to beg, "Stop messing up my insides! This is wrong! This is all so wrong!"
But Dark Dryad Prime cared little about how she felt as it quickens it's pacing to it's utmost limit and finally plunges it's cock in the deepest ends of pussy, compared to the other releases. This one was undoubtedly the largest it ever released and stiffens Alicia's body against the bars.
Eventually, she passes out having spent her energy entirely and Dark Dryad Prime pulls back to see her slide against the bars. Knowing how spent she is, Dark Dryad Prime decided to stop for today…
One Month Later
Just as Dark Dryad Prime told, Alicia's belly grew large and the only expression she has was horror…
To ensure she doesn't harm herself, Dark Dryad Prime is present as well as Olga, Chloe and Kin with their respective pregnant bellies. Alicia couldn't comprehend this situation and openly declared this moment a nightmare made real.
However, her water soon broke and the pod was making it's way out of her womb. Olga, Chloe and Kin would feel the same as their respective pods were making their way out of their wombs. Eventually, Dark Dryad Prime smirked upon the birth they've wrought together.
Olga spawned four Dark Nymph pods, Chloe and Kin spawned two Dark Nymph pods, and Alicia brought three. The latter would sat up to see these pods, then Dark Dryad Prime's shadow loomed over her, "This will be your life… And this will forever be your future…"
Though Alicia's eyes turned green like every slave, she still retained her personality as Dark Dryad Prime intended then her screams echo across the room, "NNNNOOO!!!"