Kuroinu 2

A month has passed since the number of slaves drastically increased from their assault on Alicia's Fortress.

All of them were sorted into various rooms across the Black Citadel and tended by Dark Nymphs and Dryads in multiple ways...


To their small bodies, the Dark Nymphs and Dryads acted as their surrogate mothers by growing breasts filled with nutritious breast milk for them to suckle. Not only do they make these babies grow strong and healthy, but they also make their eyes turn green as a sign of their enslavement to them.

But when it comes to their small minds, the Dark Nymphs and Dryads were capable of educating them by telepathically supplanting memories about Dark Nymphs and Dryads being their masters and their purpose upon maturity is to become their slaves. Even infant boys weren't an exception as they'll be biologically altered into females with cocks as they all grew fond of such a sight.

They also possess some form of maternal instinct towards the infants, but will never grow attached to them. Especially those of Early and Mid-Childhood Age, Dark Nymphs, and Dryads will only keep them safe and healthy while providing simple sexual awareness and education without physical interactions.

On the day they've reached late childhood will they embrace their lives as sex slaves…

(Contains Lolicon and Mentions of Shotacon)


Those who've reached or are at the age of Late Childhood, ten years old or above, become sexual partners to Dark Nymphs but certain steps must be taken before taking it into their pussies. The first was foreplay as various Dark Nymphs tease the Children via their arms, legs, nipples, pussy and occasionally the asshole. Dark Nymphs find their reactions acceptable, especially when few of these slaves are boys and simple stimulation of their prostate by fingering their assholes.

The next step was blow jobs but these are done in various ways...

The First Dark Nymph would sit and have one girl sucking the tip of its cock, it also taught her to stroke the base of cock as well. Then it placed its hand behind her back and pulled her in. Though she would only suck half of its cock, her progress was smoothly done and it soon led to the Dark Nymph pulling its cock out and spraying its seed all over her face and open mouth. She'd hang her tongue out to accept its seed and swallow it down. 

The Second Dark Nymph lies on the floor and a young girl sucks its cock while facing in the opposite direction. The former would take advantage of the latter's behind and extend its tongue to lick her small pussy. Since Dark Nymphs are plant-like monsters, they can stretch every part of their body easily and commit various positions that are considered inhumanely impossible. After several minutes have passed, the girl gets her first load of seed into her mouth but she pulls back while her pussy starts squirting all over the Dark Nymph's extended tongue.

The Third Dark Nymph would stand upstraight while a young girl is held upside down and has half a cock inside her mouth. It only had to bob its hips while using its stretched tongue to lick her pussy and asshole. This wouldn't last long since it could tell that her face was turning blue from being upside down, so when it reached the end, it carefully turned her around, set her down, and riddled her face and an open mouth with seed. The girl would accept it all, and swallow after.

After the blowjob session, they moved on to the most important lesson in groups: Sexual Intercourse.

The First Group consists of Dark Nymphs having their respective partners lying on their backs or stomachs and having their pussies bulged by their cocks. What follows is the pounding they've received, the occasional kisses and whirl of tongues, and their eventual release while their partners moan their loudest. Some of Dark Nymphs' seed leaks out, and it arouses them before falling flat on the floor.

The Second Group consists of Dark Nymphs on their knees or sitting. The partners of kneeling Dark Nymphs are either on all fours, on their knees, or wrapped arms and legs around them as they face towards them and are lifted off the floor. The partners of the sitting Dark Nymphs were either sitting on their cocks while facing toward or away from them. What follows is every Dark Nymph respectively thrusting their cocks into their pussies, occasional teases and kisses, and the eventual release of seed into their pussy.

The Third Group consists of Dark Dryads standing up straight and filling the pussies of their respective partners with their cocks while they cling onto them or held by vines from their bodies. What followed was the Dark Nymphs pounding their respective partners' pussies, occasional teases and kisses, and the eventual release of green seeds. After they've pulled, the Dark Nymphs carefully put their respective partners on the floor to rest and let the seed flow down their pussies.

The young males undergo the same routine but in reverse. Dark Nymphs would mount their small cocks and have their seeds flow within their pussies.

Dark Dryads refrain from sexually interacting with children due to their small bodies, but they wait patiently for the time these children quickly become Adolescents...

Adolescent sex slaves would undergo sexual training daily, gain experience and endurance, and bring a possible increase in the Dark Nymphs and Dryads population. Due to their young age and inexperience, this would undoubtedly be their first and only path in life.

Dark Nymphs would tend to each slave in groups while Dark Dryads tend to them individually due to their small bodies.

Adolescents (Dark Nymphs)

Some Adolescents were lying face down or on their backs with their pussies filled, mouths stuffed, and one cock in each hand while other Dark Nymphs stroke their cocks until they pumped their mouths, pussies and riddled their bodies with green seed. A few tend to a total of five Dark Nymphs simultaneously, cocks filling all their holes and one on each hand before being pumped and riddled with it as well.

Some Adolescents put their hands or backs against the wall as Dark Nymphs tend to them individually. The rest either wait their turn or stroke their cocks to pass the time. When they are pumped with green seed, the row of Dark Nymphs pulls out for the second row to take their place. As for the Adolescents, they would moan with every partner they've spent with and their bellies become bloated with green seed.

Some Adolescents were lifted off the floor and got their mouths, pussies, and hands tended to a total of four Dark Nymphs while a few surrounded them and stroke their cocks. After several minutes have passed, the Adolescents would have their mouths and pussies filled with green seed, and the Dark Nymphs take turns even as the Adolescents' wombs and stomachs are constantly filled with green seed.

Adolescents (Dark Dryads)

Some Adolescents were lying on their stomachs or backs as their respective Dark Dryad bulges their pussies with their large cocks, and are often grasped by the head as they pound deep into their gaping pussies. Before long, these Adolescents would be filled with much a larger amount of green seed and their bellies grew to the point that seemed like they were pregnant already. But after their cocks are pulled, the Adolescents' gaping pussies would burst like a fountain and create thick puddles of seed all over the floor.

The same can be said for the other Adolescents against the walls, on all fours, on their knees, and lifted off of the ground. They were having their bellies bulged by their cocks, then inflated as the Dark Dryad plunged deep into their wombs and an excessive load of green seed in unleashed, Most would pour through the gaps and mix with the juices, then the Dark Dryads pulled and what bursts were fountains of green seed, making large puddles in the process.

The citizens of Alicia's Fortress were the average sex slaves of Dark Nymphs and Dryads. Their purpose was simple, to satisfy Dark Nymphs and Dryad and procreate most of their numbers. They're all submissive slaves due to the influence of green seeds and willingly accept whatever offspring they bring upon this world.

Both Dark Nymphs and Dryads tend to them in groups due to their large bodies...

Fortress I Citizens (Dark Nymphs)

In just one cell, The Dark Nymphs engaged themselves in a large orgy with the citizens of Alicia's Fortress. Various positions were done in short amounts of time and much of their bodies and insides were already full or riddled with green seeds. One example is a woman being tended by an absurd total of nine Dark Nymphs in a single session: One underneath her back and inside her asshole, two stretching her pussy wide with their cocks, three Dark Nymphs in between or underneath her breasts, one Dark Nymph cock on each hand, and one stuffed into her mouth.

Another woman had six Dark Nymphs, but her pussy is being stretched open by three cocks as she sucked and stroked the other three in front of her. Her response was muffled moans, especially when her pussy is being stretched further by the Dark Nymph thrusting in between the top and bottom cock.

Another woman was on her knees and tended by four Dark Nymphs, one on her knees and thrusting her pussy from behind, two suckling onto her breasts while cocks are stroked by her hand, and another stuffing her mouth with cock.

All of the Dark Nymphs were moving in a synchronized manner, teasing and caressing every soft and sensitive spot of their partners, then pumped and sprayed their partners with green seed which they happily accepted.

Fortress I Citizens (Dark Dryads)

Either two or three Dark Dryads tend to one partner and often fill their mouths, pussy, and asshole with their hard cocks. One woman was on top of Dark Dryad lying on the ground with its cock stuffed in her pussy, another stuffing her asshole, and another stuffing her mouth and throat. All three were moving at a synchronized pace, which soon led to her holes being pumped with green seed. The woman audibly gulps it down and her belly grows as if she were pregnant.

Another woman was lifted and found both her mouth and pussy with their cocks, it bulges on both sides and the woman lets out muffled groans in every thrust yet she wraps her arms and legs around them. It soon led to her pussy pumped with green seed, cheeks puffed, and swallowed with said seed. When the first pair pulls out, another pair takes their place.

Lastly, another woman only has her pussy and asshole filled by two Dark Dryads and three others were stroking their cocks from the sides and front. She audibly moans and begs for more of their cocks until they plunge their cocks deep into her and pump her holes with seed. 

All women were treated as average sex slaves, and when they were pregnant, they were properly fed with seeds from Dark Dryad cocks...

Due to the influence of Dark Nymphs and Dryads' seeds, the nuns were converted into devoted followers of the Dark Dryad Prime. Thus, they'd willingly offer their bodies to the Dark Nymphs and Dryads. In return, they'd be blessed with children and offer them to their divine god, Dark Dryad Prime...

Or so they believed as the Dark Nymphs and Dryads engaged in an all-out sexual session with them…

Fortress I Nuns (Dark Nymphs)

The Nuns and Abbess lie on the ground and form a single row to accept the Dark Nymphs thrusting their cocks into their mouths and pussies, they'd wrapped their arms and legs around their respective partners and soon accept their gifts as they pumped their seed. They audibly gulp their seed as it tastes like honey and their wombs are filled with it. After the first lines of Dark Nymphs were finished, the second took their place and filled their bellies and mouths with seed again.

This process was repeated and various other positions were done such as being against the wall, lifted by two Dark Nymphs as they fill their pussies and assholes, even in the middle of five Dark Nymphs as their holes are filled and a cock on each hand. They would endure for the sake of their god's, Dark Dryad Prime, descendants.

Once all of them had reached their limits, they were left on the ground exhausted but utterly satisfied. The Dark Nymphs leave them to rest or wait for the day they bring more of their kind to the world.

Fortress I Nuns (Dark Dryads)

Much like the Dark Nymphs, the Nuns and Abbess form a single line, and Dark Dryads tend to them individually rather than in groups. Whether the Nuns and Abbess were on the ground, against the wall, or off the floor. They would have their bellies bulged by the sheer size of Dark Dryad cocks and then inflated by the excessive amount of seed released with them. In return, the Nuns and Abbess gave their gratitude as well as their affection by kissing Dark Dryads on their lips.

When they leave puddles of green seed, the Nuns and Abbess shamelessly resort to cleaning this seed with their hands and tongues because wasting said seed is considered a sin, despite Dark Dryads having little to no knowledge regarding their newborn religion. However, they did find the sight rather amusing to watch and repeat said scene by purposely littering their bodies with their seed.

The Nuns and Abbess willingly accept their gifts and lick this seed as if it's the purified essence of their god.

Any slaves found within Alicia's Fortress were treated for their injuries and fed properly. Though they were aware of the fate that awaited them, they were grateful for their treatment and willingly submitted to their insatiable lust.

However, Dark Nymphs and Dryads seemingly emphasized their state of mind and gently tended to them...

Fortress I Slaves (Dark Nymphs)

Dark Nymphs tend to their respective partner individually or in pairs. Even so, they were treated rather gently such as simple teases across their bare bodies, passionate kisses, and slow rubbing of their thighs and pussies with their cocks. What soon followed was their pussies and assholes being filled by their cocks and assumed various positions.

Their movement was slow and gentle and the Slaves soon found themselves in a better mood than they were under the clutches of their former masters. Over time, they slowly adapted and accepted their respective partners before having their pussies and assholes filled with their green seeds.

Strangely enough, Slaves were far more attentive and devoted to Dark Nymphs that most often wandered outside of their cells. As long as they're all pregnant or tending to the nearest Dark Nymph in the Black Citadel...

Fortress I Slaves (Dark Dryads)

Dark Dryads often tend to be adult slaves rather than young and adolescent slaves and much like Dark Nymphs, they were gentle with thrusting and avoided all means of bulging their bellies. Only when slaves willingly accept the situation do they have their bellies bulged by their cocks.

After several minutes had passed, the Dark Dryads opted to release half of their seed into the slave's wombs, and the rest was sprayed all over the slaves' bodies. Few would gather said seed and relish the sweet taste of their seed.

What comes after is the slaves wandering around the Black Citadel as they please, more often with a Dark Dryad by their side. As they're attached to them and often have their seeds in either their mouth or pussy...

(Contains Explicit Sexual Violence and Possible Gore)

Due to the harsh treatment they've received, Alicia's Knights have become total masochists and revel in every pain injury inflicted before or during sex. Additionally, their bodies thrive with so much of their seed that it physically alters their bodies and provides a regenerative factor. As long as their brain and heart remain intact, they'll heal any injuries that are considered fatal to humans…

Both Dark Nymphs and Dryads took advantage of their masochism and relished in whatever pain they could inflict on them.

Fortress I Knights (Dark Nymphs)

While the usual positions are applied, two of the knights had one of their eyes pierced by a Dark Nymph's cock while the rest of the Dark Nymphs continues as usual. These knights would shriek in pure ecstasy and than respond in utter pain and shock. As soon they reached their limits, the Dark Nymphs proceeded to fill their holes with green seed while the cock in their respective eye was pulled and their face was riddled by it.

Two other knights were being pounded in all three holes, but their bodies were riddled with various scratch and bite marks. These wouldn't heal unless the orgy was finished and the knights seemingly enjoyed the pain and pleasure they were experiencing. Dark Nymphs inflicting pain and pleasure were aroused by the noise they were making and pumped their insides with green seed.

As for Knight Commander and her fellow friend, they were subjected to various Dark Nymphs stretching their mouths, nipples, pussies, and assholes with their cocks and fists. Both knights were moaning while Dark Nymphs dug their fingernails and teeth into their breasts, nipples, and neck. Then they're both pumped with green seed and 

After the orgy ends, Alicia's Knights were healing from the influence of the Dark Nymphs' seed. Even the two knights that lost an eye were replaced with the same green eye, this signified their lost humanity as they've become akin to Dark Nymphs and they couldn't care less as long as their always satisfied and pumped with green seed...

Fortress I Knights (Dark Dryads)

Dark Dryads take on a more drastic and cruel way of violating Alicia's Knights...

Two knights were having their pussies pounded and fingers around their neck. Though Dark Dryads pound them individually, they control their immense strength to only inflict pain and relish in their gleeful expressions. After they were pumped with seed, the next Dark Dryads took their turns upon them and these knights enjoyed every second they're life was on the line...

Two knights were ecstatically moaning from the thorny and spike-tipped cocks of Dark Dryads. These thorns would scrape against the walls of their pussies and continue to bleed all over their cocks and floor. But their expression showed glee even though they should be feeling excruciating pain. After the first round of seed is pumped into their pussies, others would take their place...

The Knight Commander and her fellow friend would have their holes overly stretched open Dark Dryad cocks. The first was their pussies with three cocks inside, and the rest of seed still inflates their bellies even as excessive amounts of seed oozes down their pussies and drench their cocks. The second was their assholes, which is met with the same result but most would make its way up and out of their mouths. The last was said mouth, but only one cock pushed deep and the Dark Dryad deliberately keep their head still before sending their seeds down their throats.

There was no end to the Dark Dryad's cruelty and lust, but Alicia's Knights had been reduced to nothing more but their playthings that never break for years to come...

Though Noblewomen found in Alicia's were made into slaves, their memories were altered to the point where they feared the Dark Nymphs and Dryads. Most nobles were always sheltered in the confines of high society and fled at the first sign of trouble. Thus, constantly heal their hymen through dark magic and alter their fragile minds.

The way they frantically react and struggle arouses the Dark Nymphs and Dryads and relish their capability to be cruel to their partners...

Fortress I Noblewomen (Dark Nymphs)

What happens first is Noble Mothers watching their daughters being violated by Dark Nymphs in a fashion where it feels cruel and forced. As soon as their healed hymens were broken, the daughters screamed as blood seeped through the gaps, and their noble mothers could only cry in anguish as the Dark Nymphs were cruel to them. However, they would suffer as the Dark Nymphs holding them were stuffing the mothers' pussies with their cocks.

As time passes, the Dark Nymphs quicken their pacing and it soon leads to the Noble Mothers and Daughters being pumped with seed against their will and utterly expresses how vile Dark Nymphs' actions were. And without warning, they would plunge their cocks deep into pussies and fill their wombs with so much seed that it guarantees pregnancy.

This process continued even as the Noble Mothers and Daughters pleaded for their mercy. But they showed none as they filled their pussies with seed and relished the suffering they brought upon the sheltered nobles. As soon as they're mentally broken, memories are altered by the Dark Nymphs' will, and hymens are repaired for a further show of misery to these slaves. 

Fortress I Noblewomen (Dark Dryads)

When it came to Dark Dryads, both Noble Mothers and Daughters were simultaneously raped and the way they bulged into their throats and bellies was arousing. They even stroke their bellies as if they were stroking their cocks. This causes them to fall into despair and become frantic in their cries.

As they almost reached their limits, Dark Dryads plunged their cocks deep, unleashing an abundance of seed into their pussies and slowly inflating their bellies. This gives the noble Mothers and Daughters the misconception that they were pregnant almost instantly and they feared the thought of bearing kin of monsters in their lives. But the other Dark Dryads would take their turns in violating their women and continue to fill their pussies to their heart's content.

Afterward, the Dark Dryads pulled their cocks out, and what gushed out of their pussies was fountains of green seed and both Mothers and Daughters were petrified from the aftermath. Still, The Dark Dryads continue to alter their memories and make them suffer again. Not out of spite, but out of sheer pleasure towards their despair...

(Contains Bestiaitity)

Though Animals aren't deemed or treated as threats to Dark Nymphs and Dryads, the ones they bring back are domestic pets or farm animals or strays they'd find along the way to Alicia's Fortress. Their purpose for the Dark Nymphs and Dryads is to serve as an alternative partner to their insatiable lust but never for daily necessities.

And most males are spared, unlike most humans…

Fortress I Animals (Dark Nymphs)

Dark Nymphs focus on smaller animals such as dogs, goats, and foals. Much like their human owners, they resisted but were subdued afterward. What followed would be their respective cries of pain as the Dark Nymphs took advantage of them in every way possible...

A Female Dog had its tail lifted and pussy pounded by Dark Nymph while the rest watched and hear its shrieks and whimpers. As soon as the Dark Nymph plunges its cock and filled its pussy, it would pull out and another would take its place.

A Female Goat was lifted from the ground and two Dark Nymphs filled its pussy and asshole with their cocks. The others watched and heard its ceaseless cries before being filled by green seed. After they pulled their cocks out two more will take their place and pound the goat's filled holes.

A Female Foal was relatively calm as a Dark Nymph pounds its large pussy with its cock and its fist into its large asshole. The other Dark Nymphs either wait their turn or gently caress the head and body of the foal. After the Dark Nymph finished filling the foal's pussy, it pulls its cock and fist away and another takes its place.

A few Dark Nymphs would reverse their roles and have male animals take a turn on them after arousing said males with a powerful aphrodisiac-like aroma.

A Male Dog mounts a Dark Nymph and pounds its pussy with its cock, the same goes for the other Dark Nymphs as well. What comes after is the Male Dog pushing its cock further into the Dark Nymph's pussy and forming a knot as it released its seed into it while the Dark Nymph's cock was spurting all over the ground. They, and others, would remain together until the knot undone itself.

A Male Foal would mount onto a thick pole and have its cock thrust into a Dark Nymph's pussy. The latter let out a dignified shriek while its belly bulged by the foal's cock, the other Dark Nymphs pleasure themselves by stroking the Foal's cock at the other end, licking its large balls, and stuffed one arm into their large assholes. Before long, the Male Foal unleashes an excessive amount of seed, and it gushes through the gaps.

Dark Nymphs would continue to care and often sexually interact with these animals, male and female, and become alternative sources to veil out their endless lust.

Fortress I Animals (Dark Dryads)

Dark Dryads relatively ignore small animals and focus on large animals such as mares, cows, and sows.

A mare had its pussy filled by Dark Dryad and constantly thrust its cocks inside, and the same goes for the cows. They repeatedly pound the mare and cow's pussy until they reached their limits and have their insides pumped with seed. As for the sow, it was lifted by its back legs and squeals as its pussy is being pounded by a Dark Dryad. In time, all three would have their pussies pumped with so much seed that some gush out the gaps,

Some Dark Dryads prefer the reverse scenario where stallions, bulls, and boars mount their respective partner.

A Stallion's cock would bulge within a Dark Dryad's pussy, a Bull's cock would pierce the very ends of a Dark Dryad's pussy, and a boar would whirl and slip its way inside a Dark Dryad's pussy. There was little movement between the animals and Dark Dryads. Before long, the male animals let out a noise that signifies their limits and opted to release their seeds into the Dark Dryads' pussies.

Much like smaller animals, these animals would be cared for and serve as an alternate source for their endless lust. But compared to Dark Nymphs, they were much more active and insatiable than their most matured offspring...

Throne Room

While Dark Nymphs and Dryads enjoy spending time with various slaves of the first fortress, Dark Dryad Prime passes the time by tending to its slaves in the same chamber where it was born. And it's lust is insatiable as ever…


The very room where Dark Dryad Prime first spawned upon the world, was converted into its chambers where Dark Dryad Prime confines its personal slaves. Though visitable for all its kind, Dark Dryad Prime still favors them over other women and there was no limit to its imagination...

The Dark Queen, Olga Discordia, was made a submissive slave and willingly accepts Dark Dryad Prime's cock in whatever hole it wants...

Olga (Dark Dryad Prime)

Olga undergoes a deepthroating session when Dark Dryad Prime plunges it down her throat. It doesn't hold her by the hair, instead, it holds her by the ears and continues onward with its thrusting. Before long, Dark Dryad Prime plunges its cock into her mouth and unleashes its first load of seed. Her cheeks were pumped to the point where some would gush through the gaps of her mouth, yet Olga persisted as she swallowed its seed down and licked around the shaft for more.

After it released her, Olga slowly pulled back and pants before swallowing whatever seed remained in her mouth. Only then, does Dark Dryad Prime initiate the next phase of their intimacy. Olga would lie on her back, spread her legs apart, and have her pussy filled by the cock of Dark Dryad Prime. What followed was Dark Dryad Prime thrusting at its own pace while Olga excessively moaned and the two made out with each other.

Over time, Dark Dryad Prime quickens its pacing and soon leads to Olga's pussy being filled with its green seed. However, an excessive amount of it causes her belly to bloat, and bits of it gushes through the gaps. Eventually, Dark Dryad Prime finished and slowly pulled its cock out, leading to leakage of thick green seed, and her belly shrunk to normal. Olga pants with glee, then asks for more...

Olga (Dark Nymph Children)

Olga's children are often fond of her, just as she is fond of them. But given how Dark Nymphs were unable to restrain their desires, they'd have their first with the one who brought them into this world.

Dark Nymphs surround her with erect cocks and started with one stuffing her pussy, another in between her breasts, another in her mouth, and one in each hand. All five of them wanted nothing more but to satisfy their insatiable desires for women, and Olga happily obliges them by vigorously moving her body to her children's movements accordingly. It hastens the mood between them, and it soon leads to her children releasing their seed for the very first time.

She would swallow it all down, her pussy gushes out, and her breasts and body littered with so much of their sweet seed. After they finished, Olga insisted that they continue and her children continued for hours until they were either exhausted or she did...

The Dark Elf Queen's Right, Chloe, was a masochist due to her history as a former slave and Dark Dryad Prime's influence on her. 

Chloe (Dark Dryad Prime)

Chloe was on all fours and pulled by the ponytail as Dark Dryad Prime pounds her pussy and asshole with two cocks instead of one. This was made possible by Dark Dryad Prime's biological anatomy and its affiliation with Dark Magic. Chloe intensely expressed her glee at such pain and kept begging for more, it would comply by making its cock thicker within, grabbing her by the wrists, and lifting her off the floor as Dark Dryad Prime pounded hard and deep into her holes.

In a matter of minutes, Chloe was way over her head and soon found herself being filled with so much seed that her belly grew to an abnormal size and some even burst out of her mouth and nostrils. Her eyes rolled upward as it continued for several minutes, and went limp after she exhausted herself in the end. Dark Dryad Prime releases its grip and lets herself slide down from its cock on her hope.

As laid down on the floor, her gaping pussy and asshole were gushing thick layers of seed and caused a puddle beneath Dark Dryad Prime's feet. The latter found it quite arousing and continued to pound her pussy and asshole until it was satisfied. Chloe would often drift in and out of consciousness, yet she still enjoyed the moment even as more of its seed surged through her open mouth and nostrils.

Chloe (Dark Nymph Children)

When it came to her children, she demanded that they do it rough much like Dark Dryad Prime. She would have her pussy stretched open by three of her children's cocks, one cock on each hand, a cock deep into her throat. There was little movement done by the Dark Nymphs, but Chloe opted to stimulate her children by squeezing her insides, stroking their cocks, and licking the cock in her mouth.

After all six Dark Nymphs have reached their limits, Chloe audibly swallowed her child's seed, lets them riddle her hair and body with more seed, and an excessive amount fills and gushes out of her stretched pussy. Chloe's masochism only heighten her pleasure and would continue her sessions with her children in various positions where she would be spanked, choked, and roughly pounded by their cocks until she passed out...

Vault's Former Right Hand, Kin, was submissive and her remarkable trait to Dark Dryad Prime was her masculine-like appearance. Additionally, Dark Dryad Prime lets Kin retain his cock and pussy together and often endanger a rather unique set of positions...

Kin (Dark Dryad Prime)

Kin was lifted off the ground by Dark Dryad Prime, its cock rubbed against her pussy, and finally plunged while Kin let out a moan as he held onto Dark Dryad Prime's shoulders. What followed was the latter plunging within her pussy and filling it with seed while Kin sprayed his seed all over his chest, belly, and face. After that, Dark Dryad Prime pulls out and lays Kin down on the floor.

What comes next is Dark Dryad Prime forming its pussy, aligning itself onto Kin's cock, and pushing it down while the latter groans in response to the former's tight pussy. What followed is Dark Dryad Prime bobbing its body onto Kin's cock and the latter held the former by the waist it goes on for several minutes. Additionally, Dark Dryad Prime's cock was bouncing in the same manner as its body and deliberately sprayed its seed all over his chest and body.

In time, Kin releases his limit and released her seed within Dark Dryad Prime's pussy and the latter sprayed its last load of seed all over her face and body. It went on a few minutes and Dark Dryad Prime slowly pulled itself out of her cock and its pussy drips seed onto it. It then went to Kin's face and have her lick its leaking cock until it is clean and she was satisfied. 

Kin (Dark Nymph Children)

Having retained his cock, Kin uniquely tends to her children while pleasuring herself at the same time. She would grab one of her children by the wrists and plunge his cock into its pussy while another went behind her and plunged its cock into her pussy, one Dark Nymph on her breast each, and one underneath her and the Dark Nympm he's pounding as it licked her dripping pussy. The Dark Nymph being pounded wasn't even bothered with incestuous actions as it sucked its sibling's cock as its pussy is being pounded.

Naturally, all of them would reach their limits and Kin would be at the center of it all as her pussy is being filled, her cock filling a Dark Nymph, and her breasts squirting milk relentlessly into her children's mouths. When everything settled down, Kin continued her sessions through various positions whether or not she was in the center. For her children have grown fond of pounding or being pounded by Kin. They'll even do each other if it pleases them as well...

The First Shield Princess, Alicia Arcturus, was made a slave. However, Dark Dryad Prime often heals her body, alters her memories, and maintains her fragile mind as it breaks her as many times as it wants...

Alicia (Dark Dryad Prime)

Alicia helplessly lies on the ground while Dark Dryad Prime relentlessly pounds her pussy, its cock drenched with virgin blood and her screams echo across the room. Even as she flailed her arms and legs around, she couldn't escape Dark Dryad Prime's grasp and soon, her pussy was filled with seed and gushed through the gaps with blood mixed into it. Alicia soon falls flat on the floor while Dark Dryad Prime pulls its cock out. More of its seed pours out of her gaping pussy and urination was mixed into it.

After it stopped, Dark Dryad Prime grabbed her by the waist, pulled her close, and prods her asshole with its thick cock. There was some resistance, but it didn't take long for Dark Dryad Prime to plunge its cock into her and Alicia croaked from the pain surging across her body. What followed is Dark Dryad Prime putting her arms behind her back, holding them firmly, and pounding her unprepared asshole.

Alicia could only groan and cry as the pain was unbearable, especially when Dark Dryad Prime's cock was drenched with green seed and fresh blood from her torn insides. Eventually, Dark Dryad Prime pulled her up and savagely pounded her asshole until it plunged its cock deep and released an excessive amount of seed. This caused her belly to grow excessively and somehow made its way up to her stomach, throat, and mouth. Alicia tried to keep her mouth shut, but she couldn't bear to hold it in any longer as her mouth and nostrils burst with the green seed of Dark Dryad Prime.

Dark Dryad Prime just released her from its grip, and her body slid down on the floor on its own. Alicia's mouth, nostrils, and gaping holes were gushing with an immense amount of green seed. This aroused Dark Dryad Prime and repeated it a few more times before leaving her to her children...

Alicia (Dark Nymph Children)

As the days passed, Alicia brought several Dark Nymphs into the world. But when it comes to satisfying their desires, they became her tormentors rather than her children...

Alicia lies on her stomach completely helpless and unresponsive while a Dark Nymph plunges its cock into her pussy. The other children were around her and stroked their own cock until her first child releases its seed into her pussy and the second takes over. It goes on for several hours and Alicia is devoid of all hope and sanity. Even the very thought of Prim wouldn't be able to comfort her sorrows as the last Dark Nymph filled her pussy with its seed again…

After her children had their fill, they'd leave while Dark Dryad Prime rewrites her memories and heals her body with the same spell that it stole from Olga...

With Dark Dryad Prime having tended to its slaves, it soon set its sights on their next targets: Alicia's Cousin, Prim Fiorire, The Shrine Maiden, Kaguya, The Vagabond Mercenary, Maia, and the Halfling General, Luu-Luu...